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You Know You've Been In Thailand Too Long When...


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You know you've been in Thailand too long when:

  • You can go for weeks without toilet paper
  • The footprints on the toilet seat are your own
  • It's perfectly acceptable to drive on the wrong side of the street
  • You decline to weara motorbyke helmet because it will mess up your hair
  • You have a pinky fingernail an inch long
  • It is no longer surprising that the only decision made at meeting time is the venue of the next meeeting
  • You no longer wonder how a civil servant earning 400US$ a month can afford to drive a Mercedes
  • It's exciting to see if you can get into the elevator before anyone else can get out
  • "Sexpats", "Pirates", "Yellow Fever" and "Rice Queens" are part of your vocabulary
  • It's just part of the adventure when the waiter correctly repeats your order and the cook makes you something completely different
  • When shopping at the supermarket, a farang stares you downwhen he catches you looking into his basket while you wonder to yourself what farangs eat
  • You are not surprised when three men show up to chane a lightbulb.
  • You are careful to cover your mouth when picking your teeth, but openly pick your nose at the dinner table.

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1. You eat bugs and tell yourself they are nutritious and have alot of protein

2. You tell yourself Paying bribes to the police is allright

3. Your thai wife's family have lived with you 

for years and they don't seem to want to leave

4. you go back to your home country and miss thailand right away

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- When your dog lives somewhere down the street

- When you think the knee is the best part of the chicken

- When you think brown nosing is a commendable trait

- When you turn off the news and switch to the gossip channel because you think it's more relivant

- When you think a 30 year car loan is normal

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.....When the traffic doesn't bother you anymore everybody drives like that

.....When it's nothing out of the ordinary to see a family of five on a motorcycle and the dog riding pillion

......When you visit your home country and you experience culture shock

......When you start believing that "monogamy" is just a type of wood

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You don't think twice about the rat that just ran under your table while eating lunch.

You accept the fact that people let doors close straight behind them with no regard for you walking through.

You dont expect a smile or thankyou for holding a door open for someone.

People walking straight in the 7-11 and ordering a pack of cigarettes instead of waiting in the line of customers already there is an acceptable practice.

You dont expect your food order to be correct.

You accept that if your with your Thai partner when ordering even when you order in Thai the server will turn to your partner and repeat what you just said.

The bill will come to you but the change will come to your Thai partner.

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When you ask for a Thai massage and end up with a foot massage but don't want to say anything once they start. (really..when you ask for anything and you're happy no matter what you end up with)

When You only own one winter jumper. And you wear it every day in December.

When the 'lucky dip' effect of going to the hairdresser doesn't bother you anymore. Even when the cut is hideous.

When you start calling mandarines 'oranges'.

When you rely on the soi dogs to be your alarm clock.

When shopping with Thai and Farang friends, you point out a particularly strange peice of clothing to your farang friends, and you expect your Thai friends to say 'ohh.. naa rak!'

When you start nodding and saying 'nhhggg nhhggg nhhggg' sounds whenever you're listening to and agreeing with someone.

When you can no longer string a full sentence of English words together ... 'where go now?

And finally..

When socks seem like a strange idea. But if you are going to wear them, they go just fine with thongs.

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...curry is perfectly acceptable breakfast food as long as it has an egg on top

....half your wardrobe is the colour yellow

.....Hearing "Mai Mii" or "Mai Dai" for the 300th time in a day doesn't bother you

.....Au Bon Pain is a chique hangout serving food

......You'd rather SMS someone than meeting them in person

......You keep a roll of toilet paper on your dinner table

......You can shame a group of whores in Patpong with one angry stare

..........You regularly fumble for a ten baht coin despite twenty people waiting in line behind you

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