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Actor Alec Baldwin defends film maker Woody Allen as Hollywood backs away

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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

That is a good thing. Personally, I avoid romantic relationships with all men, since I am straight. 


That post makes no sense at all. 


It is what is known in many parts of the world as sarcastic humor. I think a thread like this one needs some levity. It is such a horrific, and depressing topic. Many of us at this point in time, are so thankful we are living over here. It truly feels as if we are in Alaska, or some other rather neutral territory, during the course of the war, which is exactly what is happening in the US, at this point in time. The war on men rages on.

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


It is what is known in many parts of the world as sarcastic humor. I think a thread like this one needs some levity. It is such a horrific, and depressing topic. Many of us at this point in time, are so thankful we are living over here. It truly feels as if we are in Alaska, or some other rather neutral territory, during the course of the war, which is exactly what is happening in the US, at this point in time. The war on men rages on.

Humour tends to be funny. 


What you did was make a snide comment. 

On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 7:15 AM, simoh1490 said:

This is turning out, predictably, to be a McCarthy style witch hunt where anyone who could possibly be guilty is branded.

No need to have even a suggestion of guilt to be accused, because the "accusers" know they will rarely have to actually prove anything. Felt aggrieved years ago because of some minor or even imagined slight- no problem, just make up something to get revenge years later.

Pity so few men are standing up against the witch hunt and just keeping mum.


As for Woody, I'm sure there are plenty of TVF posters that will be happy to attack him just because he dumped the significant other in favour of a younger model that has been married to him since 1997- hardly a "fling", and 8 years longer than his relationship with Farrow, to whom he was not married and lived apart from.

On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 7:53 AM, JCauto said:

Because, you know, divorcing your wife and marrying her adopted daughter who's 35 years younger than you and who was a teenager when you met is totally not creepy.

If you are going to use divorce as part of your scenario to disparage one of the greatest film makers ever, it would behoove you to at the least be factually correct.

3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No need to have even a suggestion of guilt to be accused, because the "accusers" know they will rarely have to actually prove anything. Felt aggrieved years ago because of some minor or even imagined slight- no problem, just make up something to get revenge years later.

Pity so few men are standing up against the witch hunt and just keeping mum.


As for Woody, I'm sure there are plenty of TVF posters that will be happy to attack him just because he dumped the significant other in favour of a younger model that has been married to him since 1997- hardly a "fling", and 8 years longer than his relationship with Farrow, to whom he was not married and lived apart from.

The amazing thing is so many guys white knighting (while ignorant of her spouse) for a woman who appears to be a total nutjob whore.

She was banging her husband (Andre Previn), Woody Allan and Frank Sinatra (along with who knows how many more) all around the same time and her biological children have no idea who's the daddy. Yet it's Woody who still gets the blame despite numerous court cases which proved nothing.

8 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

The amazing thing is so many guys white knighting (while ignorant of her spouse) for a woman who appears to be a total nutjob whore.

She was banging her husband (Andre Previn), Woody Allan and Frank Sinatra (along with who knows how many more) all around the same time and her biological children have no idea who's the daddy. Yet it's Woody who still gets the blame despite numerous court cases which proved nothing.

Easily explained by the "all women good all men bad" propaganda that has infused western society since the advent of television advertising. After all, women are all saints, aren't they?

The sad thing, IMO, is that so many men are willing to sell out their own gender.


BTW, if anyone has been paying attention, they will have noticed the proliferation of the "badass" women on movies and tv series now, in which the "kickass" heroine kicks all the bad men's butts, with only some minor assistance from the guys. The propaganda continues.

Now that's what I call "creepy".

5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

BTW, if anyone has been paying attention, they will have noticed the proliferation of the "badass" women on movies and tv series now, in which the "kickass" heroine kicks all the bad men's butts, with only some minor assistance from the guys. The propaganda continues.

Now that's what I call "creepy".

Latest BBC scifi series 'Hard Sun' has a slim manly looking woman exchanging punches with a guy ........ and winning.

It seems biology is out of fashion, women tend to pass out with one punch from most men (which is why we avoid punching them). 

On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 8:13 AM, JCauto said:

True, but it makes one very nervous about the allegations that he was messing with an even younger one. I would completely understand backing away from a guy whose behaviour is already clearly borderline when there are other allegations out there, that's just managing risk. The people backing away from him are not outside his house with pitchforks, they're choosing not to associate with someone who may well be dodgy now that those who previously have operated with impunity have lost it. So nobody is persecuting him, he's enjoying the fruits of his actions. Don't act creepy, and people won't treat you like some creep.

someone who may well be dodgy

So, no need for any actual proof, then? Lets just get out the tar and feathers and have a "man hate party" because someone "may" have done something, which was never even tried in a court by the state for lack of any actual evidence.

Seems the only thing that protects us all- "innocent till proven guilty" is now just an inconvenient thing and can be disregarded with impunity.

On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 8:53 AM, Orton Rd said:

Not creepy or illegal and they have been married 20 years, plenty here married to far younger Thai women, is that 'creepy'?


To some posters, any farang that marries or has a Thai girlfriend that doesn't look like a granny is totally "creepy". IMO just jealous.

On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 9:04 AM, JCauto said:

Sure, Hollywood is an amoral place where ambitious and attractive young men and women play the game. Does that make sexual predation okay because that's "just the way it is"? I don't think so. And to address the point made that these things were done 40-50 years ago when morals, attitudes and society were different - yes, I agree. Although as that poster noted, there were still clear lines that were crossed back then too. But sure, we shouldn't judge actions of long ago from the lens of our current (hopefully more enlightened) times. 

I fail to see why my paragraph is irrelevant or anti-male hate mongering. It's a clearly sarcastic note that despite the so-called "war on men", men continue to completely dominate practically all affairs of humankind at all important levels. This false persecution complex also drives much of the support for Donald Trump. Claiming that we're in the midst of some witchhunt because people are now being cautious about powerful men who appear to have questionable morals in their dealings with people whom they are in a position of authority over is patently absurd.

If you don't understand that the witch hunt has gone far from the "powerful men who appear to have questionable morals in their dealings with people whom they are in a position of authority over" you need to wise up. When women openly say it's OK for innocent men to suffer if falsely accused it shows how OTT it has become.

On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 9:59 AM, Bluespunk said:

Viva Time’s Up. 


Let’s hope every scum bag who has sexually exploited and abused those less powerful than themselves is held to account. 


That includes gaoling those filth who sexually assaulted women and men in the past. 


No matter how distant that past. 


Can we extend it to all those women that used, and still use, sex to "get ahead"?

I'd also like to see all those women that exploit and abuse those less powerful than themselves to be held to account. Bullying is rife in nursing by females.

On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 10:53 AM, spidermike007 said:


I feel extremely fortunate to have escaped. And my heart goes out to many of those men that remain. 




Your excellent post shortened for brevity. Too many great things to respond to them individually, but the US is far from the only western country to be afflicted.


I have my own theories ( all extremely non PC ) as to the cause, but IMO there is no going back to some illusory "better world", if only because it never existed, and always depended on the subjugation of "other" people.

IMO, the present furore is just a symptom of the decline of western civilisation. All civilisations fall from within, and I believe we are in the end times of the American version.

Certainly, we are tearing ourselves apart, and it's not going to end well.


17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

someone who may well be dodgy

So, no need for any actual proof, then? Lets just get out the tar and feathers and have a "man hate party" because someone "may" have done something, which was never even tried in a court by the state for lack of any actual evidence.

Seems the only thing that protects us all- "innocent till proven guilty" is now just an inconvenient thing and can be disregarded with impunity.

Obviously the #metoo thing has released a lot of pent up incidents from the past and this has led to the identification of a number of clear sexual predators, and a lot of dubious behaviour by others. For all the gnashing of teeth by the "War on Men" crowd, can you name a single person who has been taken to the woodshed on relatively harmless grounds like you seem to believe is happening, has happened and will happen? Seems we have our first case, that of Aziz Ansari, and he seems to be both "winning" the battle of public opinion and so lines are being drawn that are reasonable. No, you shouldn't go public because you had a bad date. And that seems to be the consensus. So what exactly is the problem here? Should guys who used their positions of power to abuse others just be able to get away with it? Yes, society's mores are changing here, better learn to deal with it.

This has made Hollywood wary of working with people with questionable behaviour in the past, and ordinary people wary of admiring people who may be crossing that line. Naturally they're reducing their risk of being associated with it. I find Woody Allen's behaviour to be creepy, so I don't patronize his movies. That's not persecution. You don't see anything wrong with it so perhaps you continue to watch his movies. Also fine.

34 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you don't understand that the witch hunt has gone far from the "powerful men who appear to have questionable morals in their dealings with people whom they are in a position of authority over" you need to wise up. When women openly say it's OK for innocent men to suffer if falsely accused it shows how OTT it has become.

When have women openly been saying that? I've never seen or heard it. We've seen what? A dozen people brought up for their behaviour,? This is some epidemic war on men? What a joke. 

23 hours ago, JCauto said:

No. That remains true. I noted that we are moving into an era, not that we're in an era. Transitions take time. And I doubt that there will be anything near a 50/50 society any time soon. But there is no stopping the trend, nor any reason to seriously oppose it.

As one that actually worked for decades in a female dominated "profession" ( and previously in an almost entirely male "profession" ) that had a microscopic number of males as compared to females, and worked for almost all female managers, I can categorically state that any idea that a female dominated society would somehow be better is just barking. When it comes to horrid bosses, women can be just as nasty as any man. IMO the proportion of nasty, evil managers is equal when it comes to the genders.

Which is not to say that there weren't gems of managers among the dross.

1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As one that actually worked for decades in a female dominated "profession" ( and previously in an almost entirely male "profession" ) that had a microscopic number of males as compared to females, and worked for almost all female managers, I can categorically state that any idea that a female dominated society would somehow be better is just barking. When it comes to horrid bosses, women can be just as nasty as any man. IMO the proportion of nasty, evil managers is equal when it comes to the genders.

Which is not to say that there weren't gems of managers among the dross.

Certainly that's true, but nobody is seriously talking about a "female dominated society". We're just talking about eliminating barriers that have resulted in such a disproportionate number of men in positions of power, and holding people to account for using their power to harass people below them. Why would anyone think that men would suddenly no longer be able to compete for jobs or have any power if there were a reasonable number of women at the same level as they? Are men that insecure? Do you think that the reason there are so microscopically few women in these positions because men are inherently superior to women in these fields such that there's a 90-10 M/F gender gap at management/ownership level?

21 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


Nice summary. Thanks for that. Now, the Quakers, Puritans, and fundamentalists can stop harping on him. What he did was unconventional. Some might call it a betrayal of Mia. But, that is about it. Nothing illegal about marrying your step daughter. Strange I admit. But it does not rise to the level of rape, and these dim witted extremists, like Rosie McGowan and Minnie Driver are pushing the envelope way, way too far. Already, most American women are stripped of the ability to have a good, healthy relationship with a real man, due to their incessant need to emasculate him, on every level, except castration. Now, it is getting to the tipping point. Just watch. There will be a backlash. I cannot wait for that. 

There will be a backlash. I cannot wait for that. 

Every time I go outside, I hope to encounter some man hating western woman rabbiting on about it, so I can debate her about it. Up till now I have found them to be completely absent in LOS. So far, it appears to be a uniquely American , IMO hysteria.

10 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Certainly that's true, but nobody is seriously talking about a "female dominated society". We're just talking about eliminating barriers that have resulted in such a disproportionate number of men in positions of power, and holding people to account for using their power to harass people below them. Why would anyone think that men would suddenly no longer be able to compete for jobs or have any power if there were a reasonable number of women at the same level as they? 

Probably because most women are incapable of doing anything well, apart from birthing and rearing children. For a woman to achieve anything, a  more capable man must be discriminated against.


If women are the equal of men, why is there no call for totally mixed sports?

Is it because the women's national football teams can't even beat a college male team?


1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There will be a backlash. I cannot wait for that. 

Every time I go outside, I hope to encounter some man hating western woman rabbiting on about it, so I can debate her about it. Up till now I have found them to be completely absent in LOS. So far, it appears to be a uniquely American , IMO hysteria.

Probably because the cultural narrative regarding the male - female relationship in the US is rooted in the historical, puritan, christian belief that women are chattel. Eastern culture seems to have a better overall and historical grasp of the dynamic between men and women. 

9 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Certainly that's true, but nobody is seriously talking about a "female dominated society". We're just talking about eliminating barriers that have resulted in such a disproportionate number of men in positions of power, and holding people to account for using their power to harass people below them. Why would anyone think that men would suddenly no longer be able to compete for jobs or have any power if there were a reasonable number of women at the same level as they? Are men that insecure? Do you think that the reason there are so microscopically few women in these positions because men are inherently superior to women in these fields such that there's a 90-10 M/F gender gap at management/ownership level?

Sigh. The reasons women hold fewer managerial positions is because they "take time out to breed", while men turn up every day to do the job. If women really want to rise to higher levels stop having children and do the job 100%, and not as an aside to being a "mother".

The idea that any person can take years out of a career to become an unpaid baby sitter and still be an influential manager is, IMO, barking.

Career women in Singapore stopped having children, to the extent that the government is concerned about it. 

Frankly, and IMO, if women want to be taken seriously, stop wittering on about "having it all", stop indulging in such stupidities as those fashion statements like huge shoulder pads, stop using sex to get ahead and start being serious about the job.

9 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:



If women are the equal of men, why is there no call for totally mixed sports?


Also to the point, why do women in sport wear sexually charged clothing? You all know what I mean, very short skirts in tennis, short shorts and tight tops in athletics, etc etc etc.

I don't see men wearing cod pieces.

4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sigh. The reasons women hold fewer managerial positions is because they "take time out to breed", while men turn up every day to do the job. If women really want to rise to higher levels stop having children and do the job 100%, and not as an aside to being a "mother".

The idea that any person can take years out of a career to become an unpaid baby sitter and still be an influential manager is, IMO, barking.

Career women in Singapore stopped having children, to the extent that the government is concerned about it. 

Frankly, and IMO, if women want to be taken seriously, stop wittering on about "having it all", stop indulging in such stupidities as those fashion statements like huge shoulder pads, stop using sex to get ahead and start being serious about the job.

Yes bro!! And serious men should continue to give jobs to their drinking/sports/frat/business buddies 'cause we all know its not what ya know its who ya know in being serious about your vocation.

34 minutes ago, JCauto said:

When have women openly been saying that? I've never seen or heard it. We've seen what? A dozen people brought up for their behaviour,? This is some epidemic war on men? What a joke. 



Emily Lindin, a columnist for Teen Vogue, is one such person. She went so far as to state that she had no problem with the fact that some innocent men may have to become casualties in the fight to prevent sexual misconduct.

3 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Yes bro!! And serious men should continue to give jobs to their drinking/sports/frat/business buddies 'cause we all know its not what ya know its who ya know in being serious about your vocation.

Perhaps the answer then, is for women to become "bros", and make men like them by becoming "buddies" instead of seeking to climb over the bodies of the men they have destroyed to high management positions.

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