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Soi Dogs Can Anything be done

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I am quite aware there are Soi Dogs all over the place in Thailand.  Usually, they claim a particular area and live there.  I am also used to walking or driving past them and kind of know the best way to avoid them freaking out.


I have been staying at the same condo now off and on for about 2 years.  I have two Soi Streets that enter the building.  When I first moved in there were only a handful of dogs but we all know they multiple like crazy.  The locals often feed them and have even seen foreigners usually digital nomads (there is a co working space close by) feed them as well.

Well over the last couple of years that handful of 5 or 6 has turned into dozens and it is starting to get crazy trying to get to my condo.  They often block the middle of the street so you either got to zip past them or slow down and move through them, usually i take the slow approach as they are less likely to freak out and chase me down.  I also enjoy walking and often have to face a pack two or three times a week.  Usually standing my ground and backing off slowly keeps them away as they are usually more scared of me, but you never know when one will decide to get more brave.


To make a long story short the other night I started at the beginning of my street to my condo and had to maneuver through a 32 dog gauntlet to get to my condo.  That is a lot of unpredictable dogs. Jumping out of the bushes, barking, growling, chasing etc, it has all happened.  The jumping out of the bushes while driving is the worse, you really cant go tearing down the street quickly as they can just come out of no where.


So what can be done? I have heard there is not a lot of regulations in place for dogs and many of the agencies that are helping these dogs are underfunded  I do not blame the dogs as I know they are just trying to survive but it gets to a point where I have to wonder is it time to move to a less Dog Gang Condo or can anything be done at all to help resolve the situation.

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When dogs (and cats) are not spayed or neutered their numbers get out of hand.  The only solution is to spay and neuter (no one wants to pay for that) or to kill them.  When Thais get tired of stray dogs they put out poisoned food.  I don't advocate that, but I'm not in a position to start a mass spay/neuter program.


So, in answer to your question, yes things can be done, but it's unlikely anything humane will be done.


Feeding them attracts as many as the food will support.

If you can spread the word not to feed & keeping food waste in secure waste bins with good reasons will discourage them.

I remember seeing bins made from old tyres at the side of the road in other parts of Thailand, they are heavy duty with heavy enough lids to keep the dogs out I'm sure, how they compare cost wise to vet bills I'm not sure.

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I guess I have been lucky. I have never been bothered except once in Doi Mae Salong and the dog was a pet on a leash. The little kid that owned it was barely strong enough to keep it from attacking me.

4 hours ago, sanemax said:

There are gangs in CM that go around and steal dogs and sell them for dog meat, maybe you could contact them ?

I assume they target the tame pets that trust people, and leave aggressive soi dogs alone.

19 hours ago, saakura said:

How is it that the locals who live in the same Soi are not affected ? Or thai dogs do not like farangs ?

Locals houses in the area are behind closed gates and they drive cars.  They come out of the gates to feed them and the dogs probably like them more.  For the most part the dogs dont cause much trouble just time to time with they are excited , agitated or whatever it can be a harder time trying to pass them.  When you are driving your motorbike past 30 dogs spread out over a 1 min drive there are lots of opportunities for one of them to freak out..



Arm yourself with a water pistol mate...., if dogs persist, load the pistol with wee !
Y'all may well laugh...., but it works. Just 1 short sharp burst on the nose works a treat. Some pistols can even reach the first floor balcony...., just don't get the dogs owner by mistake !......., or...,
get an electric bike(or trike).

9 hours ago, krey said:

They come out of the gates to feed them and the dogs probably like them more.

Maybe you need to start feeding the dogs. They won't hate you so much.

6 hours ago, Ruffian Dick said:

Maybe you need to start feeding the dogs. They won't hate you so much.

Obviously a wind up because even the dumbest of the dumb would be aware that unless kept in check by predators a population expands or contracts relative to the availability of food.

unless the food becomes "accidentally" tainted with rat poison or weedkiller, more food = more dogs :smile:

39 minutes ago, Ruffian Dick said:

So if you don't feed them they all disappear? No, you're just surrounded by hungry dogs.

Next you'll be saying hunger doesn't reduce breeding, force them to move elsewhere, or die of starvation

and they say Thais are thick


The dogs have more rights than you, so be careful before taking any direct actions.


If the problem (number of dogs) is increasing you best move somewhere else. The locals will feed the dogs no matter what you say or do, so better save yourself the effort.

4 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

The dogs have more rights than you, so be careful before taking any direct actions.


If the problem (number of dogs) is increasing you best move somewhere else. The locals will feed the dogs no matter what you say or do, so better save yourself the effort.

When you start putting dogs before humans, it's the end of civilisation as we know it.


Problem in Hua Him a couple of years ago. They hired a contractor to catch the stray dogs. He was paid by the city , then he took the dogs to Cambodia to sell. Locals including those complaining were outraged. Go to the city and see if they will do anything.


OP: If you can get at least two Thais who are prepared to back up your complaint, go to the local Amphur and ask then to remove the dogs. If you cannot get a few locals to back you up, I suggest nothing will be achieved by legal methods. 

On 1/17/2018 at 11:20 PM, heybruce said:

When dogs (and cats) are not spayed or neutered their numbers get out of hand.  The only solution is to spay and neuter (no one wants to pay for that) or to kill them.  When Thais get tired of stray dogs they put out poisoned food.  I don't advocate that, but I'm not in a position to start a mass spay/neuter program.


So, in answer to your question, yes things can be done, but it's unlikely anything humane will be done.

"So, in answer to your question, yes things can be done, but it's unlikely anything humane will be done."


Correct, but perhaps some lateral thinking might suggest rounding them up and selling them to a nearby country or two as livestock? After all, as I understand, Australians eat the two animals that appear on their national emblem, the Australian Coat of Arms. :coffee1:


Bring it on, lol.

1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

The dogs have more rights than you, so be careful before taking any direct actions.


If the problem (number of dogs) is increasing you best move somewhere else. The locals will feed the dogs no matter what you say or do, so better save yourself the effort.

Not if there are dead they wont

On 1/17/2018 at 10:40 PM, hyku1147 said:

Is there a local vet who will spay the females at a discounted rate?

What about 'neutering' the males? Maybe cheaper. 


I am reminded of visiting a farm, as a kid, and seeing the farmer neutering some bull calves. A sharp knife, an incision and removing testicles did the trick. I was stunned by what I saw, but never forgot it. :shock1:


Yes, something can be done, but I can't say on here. I'm sure you can guess. Just don't get caught, if you do something.

If they are actual soi dogs and not owned dogs left to roam, you could pay to have them neutered, but of course that doesn't solve the immediate problem.

Soi dogs are cowards, so I carried a length of water pipe to threaten them with, and none ever came close enough to actually hit.

Practically, if it's that bad, you might have to start using a car just to get to and from your residence, or move. Don't expect the authorities to do anything about it.

11 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

What about 'neutering' the males? Maybe cheaper. 


I am reminded of visiting a farm, as a kid, and seeing the farmer neutering some bull calves. A sharp knife, an incision and removing testicles did the trick. I was stunned by what I saw, but never forgot it. :shock1:

I believe castrated males become "calmer", so that's what I'd be doing, if I wasn't prepared to do something.

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