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Hundreds of police in Thailand block anti-junta march


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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

no ... i support peace and stability within a government. I support economic development that creates jobs and helps the poor as this government is doing.  I support security, where as if they were not in control there would be an escalation in violence as has been in previous governments.  Democracy is only a smoke screen, other so called democratic countries are riddled with corruption, just look at the banking system in Australia, it's a joke as the PM was an ex-banker himself, it's corrupt, they charge what they like, they do what they like, Democracy is only a word, nothing more nothing less .... How has been a democracy benefited the average joe... not very much.

Thailand is ticking over with more projects running now then has been in years prior, and no one can honestly say things are down ... in fact it's all the opposite ... things are on the up.

"Thailand is ticking over with more projects running now"

Wonder why? could it be because the junta members gets a very nice personal bonus from all the projects and nobody can scrutinize all the deals they have done.   

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9 minutes ago, steven100 said:

no ... i support peace and stability within a government. I support economic development that creates jobs and helps the poor as this government is doing.  I support security, where as if they were not in control there would be an escalation in violence as has been in previous governments.  Democracy is only a smoke screen, other so called democratic countries are riddled with corruption, just look at the banking system in Australia, it's a joke as the PM was an ex-banker himself, it's corrupt, they charge what they like, they do what they like, Democracy is only a word, nothing more nothing less .... How has been a democracy benefited the average joe... not very much.

Thailand is ticking over with more projects running now then has been in years prior, and no one can honestly say things are down ... in fact it's all the opposite ... things are on the up.

No you don't you're just a troll with no grasp on reality

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17 minutes ago, steven100 said:

no ... i support peace and stability within a government. I support economic development that creates jobs and helps the poor as this government is doing.  I support security, where as if they were not in control there would be an escalation in violence as has been in previous governments.  Democracy is only a smoke screen, other so called democratic countries are riddled with corruption, just look at the banking system in Australia, it's a joke as the PM was an ex-banker himself, it's corrupt, they charge what they like, they do what they like, Democracy is only a word, nothing more nothing less .... How has been a democracy benefited the average joe... not very much.

Thailand is ticking over with more projects running now then has been in years prior, and no one can honestly say things are down ... in fact it's all the opposite ... things are on the up.

I support economic development that creates jobs :blink:and helps the poor as this government is doing. .":giggle:


Of course more projects giving more opportunity for graft and corruption:sad:

Edited by midas
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31 minutes ago, PattayaAngel said:


They want the right to march (in accordance with the UN charter) but you don't support the UN charter for Human Rights you support dictatorship.

He is waiting for the tailor's final stitches on his uniform to become the country's first honorary farrang general.

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7 minutes ago, PattayaAngel said:

No you don't you're just a troll with no grasp on reality

What the heck are you saying ?   I answered your question and you just come back with Bla..Bla.. Bla  ?

everything I said was true, but as usual, you don't agree and start throwing stones.

Your just another who can't see the forest for the trees.

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Just now, steven100 said:

What the heck are you saying ?   I answered your question and you just come back with Bla..Bla.. Bla  ?

everything I said was true, but as usual, you don't agree and start throwing stones.

Your just another who can't see the forest for the trees.

Just me?  or the normal large number of anti-your comments posts you get?  you are in a very small minority and have no respect for international law, human rights nor democracy. When Prayut goes most of us hope you will follow as a democratic country will be anathema to someone like you - might I suggest North Korea? 


It's TIME Prayut and his 'they are my friends watches' sidekick left this beautiful country and do what dinosaurs do when their time is UP.  

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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

What the heck are you saying ?   I answered your question and you just come back with Bla..Bla.. Bla  ?

everything I said was true, but as usual, you don't agree and start throwing stones.

Your just another who can't see the forest for the trees.

Sir, you claim to defend economic development over human rights.  For whatever reason you believe making the rich and the military richer is the way to solve a country's problems.   Obviously you would be happier in in a forest of military dictators.

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6 minutes ago, steven100 said:

no ... i support peace and stability within a government. I support economic development that creates jobs and helps the poor as this government is doing.  I support security, where as if they were not in control there would be an escalation in violence as has been in previous governments.  Democracy is only a smoke screen, other so called democratic countries are riddled with corruption, just look at the banking system in Australia, it's a joke as the PM was an ex-banker himself, it's corrupt, they charge what they like, they do what they like, Democracy is only a word, nothing more nothing less .... How has been a democracy benefited the average joe... not very much.

Thailand is ticking over with more projects running now then has been in years prior, and no one can honestly say things are down ... in fact it's all the opposite ... things are on the up.

Gruff coup leader General Prayut, who has now named himself Prime Minister as well as head of the junta council and chief of the armed forces, has taken to giving regular TV appearances in which he bemoans the state of Thai society and outlines his simplistic, homespun solutions.


   Prayut told farmers that they should only grow rice once a year to keep the grain’s price up. The poor need to alleviate their woes by “working harder” and the indebted must return to solvency by “stopping shopping.” 


You support security? Have you ever heard about the abducted people by his mob in uniforms by using article 44? Did you forget his reaction after two foreigners got killed and what he said? Bluffly said he proclaimed that girls/women in bikinis would basically create rapists and that the "ugly ones" were an exception. How can you call that security?


Where are all the new jobs for let's say the poor Isaan farmers, who should only have one harvest to keep the price of rice up? How does he help the poor? By telling them that all poor people are lazy and have to work harder? Keep your head in the sand. 





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10 minutes ago, steven100 said:

What the heck are you saying ?   I answered your question and you just come back with Bla..Bla.. Bla  ?

everything I said was true, but as usual, you don't agree and start throwing stones.

Your just another who can't see the forest for the trees.

I don't know about forests and trees but it's abundantly clear you have no ability to recognise parasitic behaviour:giggle:

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5 hours ago, toughlove said:

It was over before it even started.. A complete and totally embarrassing fizzer emoji16.png

From little things, big things grow.


The beginning of the end of the last Junta to ever hold Thailand hostage to greed, corruption and nepotism was yesterday.



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9 hours ago, tropo said:

The 200 are merely seeds that will grow. These courageous 200 realize the election will be a farce, so they don't want to waste another year waiting for the promise of an election.There may be only 200 there now, but millions are watching and thinking of joining them.

We will see sorry if I am not waiting for bloodshed in the streets. 

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3 minutes ago, pornprong said:

From little things, big things grow.


Then beginning of the end of the last Junta to ever hold Thailand hostage to greed, corruption and nepotism was yesterday.



Yea then the politicians can do the same again.. they can take the place of the army for the greed corruption and nepotism. That is all good and well by me just don't think its worth to have people dying over a change of who is corrupt junta or politicians. Better to wait for a vote. Now if there was a real non corrupt alternative then that might be worth human lives.. but as it stands its nothing more of who is corrupt. The only lives that should be sacrificed for that is that of the leaders who stand to benefit.

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19 hours ago, toughlove said:

Are you by any chance related to George Carlin? That was a humorous little rant there. Addressing Little P. as Khun Prayut? What has he done to earn your respect lately? And how on earth can you possibly say he has 99.9% support among the people?
Because decent, hard working people do not want to risk getting arrested by the junta?
Because they have been cowed into submission by the draconian laws imposed by a near dictator?
Because press censorship is in place, and it is hard to get real information on what is really going on?
Because nobody wants to subject themselves to "attitude adjustment"?
Is that how a benevolent government behaves? Seriously? What economic development are you referring to? 


Sorry but this is nonsense. You better check out recent history and some of the global protests. People will die for the cause and here you are calling the whole of thailand a bunch of cowards. You should be ashamed!


I would never refer to the whole of Thailand as cowards. But, it does take alot of willingness to sacrifice, to get out there and protest in an environment where you know you might be arrested. Most are not willing to go that far. 

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21 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yea then the politicians can do the same again.. they can take the place of the army for the greed corruption and nepotism. That is all good and well by me just don't think its worth to have people dying over a change of who is corrupt junta or politicians. Better to wait for a vote. Now if there was a real non corrupt alternative then that might be worth human lives.. but as it stands its nothing more of who is corrupt. The only lives that should be sacrificed for that is that of the leaders who stand to benefit.

Your fear that things will return to exactly as they were before are both wrong and an admission that 4 years of Junta rule have been a complete failure.


Wrong because the difference now is that the segment of society that was either apathetic to the overthrow of democracy or mild supporters of the coup have now all well and truly thrown their lot in with democracy - the Juntas support, always a minority, has shrunk to an all time low, there is no recovery - if the army executes one more of it's own citizens to suppress opposition there will be Generals hanging from the overpasses of Sukhumvit road.


1992 all over again - only difference is that this time there is nobody with the stature to bring about a similar resolution to the one achieved in 92


You so fervently supported the Junta as you naively and incorrectly averred that it would bring an end to the divisions in Thai society and reduce corruption - it hasn't (was never going to on either count).


The only success the Junta has had in ending societal divisions is in uniting so many against the Junta itself - it's own rabid supporter base, the cause of all the problems, has not reformed one bit.


Any semi-literate fool knows that the corruption that has plagued Thai society originated from the ruling classes that have used the military to enable their theft of the nations resources and wealth and the only solution to the problem is to move towards democracy (not away from it).


The people want their country and their futures back - they could not care less about your pro-junta opining.



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1 minute ago, pornprong said:

Your fear that things will return to exactly as they were before are both wrong and an admission that 4 years of Junta rule have been a complete failure.


Wrong because the difference now is that the segment of society that was either apathetic to the overthrow of democracy or mild supporters of the coup have now all well and truly thrown their lot in with democracy - the Juntas support, always a minority, has shrunk to an all time low, there is no recovery - if the army executes one more of it's own citizens to suppress opposition there will be Generals hanging from the overpasses of Sukhumvit road.


1992 all over again - only difference is that this time there is nobody with the stature to bring about a similar resolution to the one achieved in 1992


You so fervently supported the Junta as you naively and incorrectly averred that it would bring and end to the divisions in Thai society and reduce corruption - it hasn't (was never going to).


The only success the Junta has had in ending societal divisions is in uniting so many against the Junta itself - it's own rabid supporter base, the cause of all the problems, has not reformed one bit.


Any semi-literate fool knows that the corruption that has plagued Thai society originated from the ruling classes that have used the military to enable their theft of the nations resources and wealth and the only solution to the problem is to move towards democracy (not away from it).


The people want their country and their futures back - they could not care less about your pro-junta opining.



If the people really wanted their country back.. it would not be just 200. Dream on the Thai people are smart enough not to lie down their lives to bring other corrupt crooks in power. 


With a real non corrupt alternative there would have been a far larger chance for resistance.. now its just bringing back other crooks. 


The Thai people are smart enough to wait for an election, then they don't have to risk their hide for a minimal change. 

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13 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


I would never refer to the whole of Thailand as cowards. But, it does take alot of willingness to sacrifice, to get out there and protest in an environment where you know you might be arrested. Most are not willing to go that far. 

Perhaps Thailand needs its own version of Mahatma Gandhi?

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9 minutes ago, robblok said:

If the people really wanted their country back.. it would not be just 200. Dream on the Thai people are smart enough not to lie down their lives to bring other corrupt crooks in power. 


With a real non corrupt alternative there would have been a far larger chance for resistance.. now its just bringing back other crooks. 


The Thai people are smart enough to wait for an election, then they don't have to risk their hide for a minimal change. 

Thai people are not 'smart' they are controlled

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20 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Unfortunately it seems that South-East Asia in general seems to be taking this route at present. And current events in many parts of the world would suggest that the generals here have nothing to fear along the lines of international condemnation or action.

Very well said.


And, I will give my country, Turkey, as another example. The dictatorial (or call it semi-dictatorial if you wish) regime of Erdogan has been crushing democracy and human rights in Turkey heavily, especially in the past 2-3 years. It has been committing war crimes in Syria through its fascist proxies. And, many other horrible things. And, what have the Western powers been doing about this ? Virtually nothing. Oh, sorry. They 'express concern' every now and then (I am sure that scares Erdogan a lot; righhhhht !!). Most Western governments keep making business and even military deals with the Erdogan regime. Sickening.


So, you can draw similarities between Turkey and Thailand. But, trust me....the situation in Thailand is way better than the one in Turkey. I sadly see virtually no hope for democracy in Turkey anymore (not for many more years at least). It is hard to say the same thing for Thailand. 

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2 minutes ago, PattayaAngel said:

Thai people are not 'smart' they are controlled

Maybe.. there always seem to be some politicians that control large masses through canvassers and so on. I have no idea how it exactly works but we have seen the junta trying to cozy up to some of those guys. How far would that control work..would the people vote army party if those politicians said they had too...    That is if they are really controlled. 

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18 minutes ago, robblok said:

Maybe.. there always seem to be some politicians that control large masses through canvassers and so on. I have no idea how it exactly works but we have seen the junta trying to cozy up to some of those guys. How far would that control work..would the people vote army party if those politicians said they had too...    That is if they are really controlled. 

If a party claimed they had 'important support' as the Army does... then yes, but maybe not so much as 'before'


and that is where the control is - if you go against this then you are against..?

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2 minutes ago, JemJem said:

Very well said.


And, I will give my country, Turkey, as another example. The dictatorial (or call it semi-dictatorial if you wish) regime of Erdogan has been crushing democracy and human rights in Turkey heavily, especially in the past 2-3 years. It has been committing war crimes in Syria through its fascist proxies. And, many other horrible things. And, what have the Western powers been doing about this ? Virtually nothing. Oh, sorry. They 'express concern' every now and then (I am sure that scares Erdogan a lot; righhhhht !!). Most Western governments keep making business and even military deals with the Erdogan regime. Sickening.


So, you can draw similarities between Turkey and Thailand. But, trust me....the situation in Thailand is way better than the one in Turkey. I sadly see virtually no hope for democracy in Turkey anymore (not for many more years at least). It is hard to say the same thing for Thailand. 


Turkey needs to expelled from Nato and if any western country tried to intervene in Turkey the whole Muslim world would react with violence.

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19 minutes ago, robblok said:

If the people really wanted their country back.. it would not be just 200. Dream on the Thai people are smart enough not to lie down their lives to bring other corrupt crooks in power. 


With a real non corrupt alternative there would have been a far larger chance for resistance.. now its just bringing back other crooks. 


The Thai people are smart enough to wait for an election, then they don't have to risk their hide for a minimal change. 

Your head is well and truly neck deep in the sand.


Prem has come out saying Prayuth has lost the support of the people, Prawit is being hounded about his "unusual and unexplained wealth", the current military leader has been forced to come out to deny there will be a counter- coup, the press has sprung back to life going so far as to put election countdown clocks in newspapers and now after 4 years of fear...  street movements have returned.


It's over.

It has been a failure.

It was always going to be a failure.

Too bad so many fools couldn't see the blindingly obvious from the beginning.


BTW - I find it hilarious that after years of you criticising the Thai people for not being smart enough to vote you are now claiming they are smart. It is quite obvious you base anything the Thai people do that is pro-junta is smart and anything they do that is pro-democracy indicates lack of intelligence.


Perhaps the lack of intelligence lays not with the Thai people, but closer to home than you think

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1 minute ago, pornprong said:

Your head is well and truly neck deep in the sand.


Prem has come out saying Prayuth has lost the support of the people, Prawit is being hounded about his "unusual and unexplained wealth", the current military leader has been forced to come out to deny there will be a counter- coup, the press has sprung back to life going so far as to put election countdown clocks in newspapers and now after 4 years of fear...  street movements have returned.


It's over.

It has been a failure.

It was always going to be a failure.

Too bad so many fools couldn't see the blindingly obvious from the beginning.


BTW - I find it hilarious that after years of you criticising the Thai people for not being smart enough to vote you are now claiming they are smart. It is quite obvious you base anything the Thai people do that is pro-junta is smart and anything they do that is pro-democracy indicates lack of intelligence.


Perhaps the lack of intelligence lays not with the Thai people, but closer to home than you think

My head is fine were it is yours is blinded by red propaganda.


I was not saying Prayut was popular, that is what you read in it.


What I am saying dear red sighted friend is that Prayut is not popular but neither are the alternatives.. those alternatives are not popular enough to lay down their life for. Especially after YL (who said she would fight to the end) jumped ship and left her followers alone. 

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2 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

she did fight to the end

she jumped because it was the end

No she could have let herself get jailed and become a focus point. It would have meant sacrifice on her side for the people and future. She decided that she preferred her own needs over those of her followers. 


Even red supporters were not happy with YL running.. not sure if you read about that. 

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31 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

Perhaps Thailand needs its own version of Mahatma Gandhi?

There is no doubt that Thailand needs a hero. A martyr perhaps. Someone who is ready, willing, and able to rally the people, out of the current morass. Someone with great courage, who is able to lead, and set a real example for the people, against the incompetent clowns who are currently running the show. Who will that person be? When will they emerge?


Unfortunately for Thailand, the system, the education, the culture and the faith, does not really seem to encourage a great deal of individualism, nor does it seem to encourage the development of self esteem. So, where is that person going to come from?

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

No she could have let herself get jailed and become a focus point. It would have meant sacrifice on her side for the people and future. She decided that she preferred her own needs over those of her followers. 


Even red supporters were not happy with YL running.. not sure if you read about that. 


I'm sorry but that's not true. I know of no Thai supporter who blames her in the least. She is a heroine of Thailand and is, and will be, remembered that way.  She was 'encouraged' to go or face a huge sentence. I am full of admiration for her as are most Thais I know.

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

No she could have let herself get jailed and become a focus point. It would have meant sacrifice on her side for the people and future. She decided that she preferred her own needs over those of her followers. 


Even red supporters were not happy with YL running.. not sure if you read about that. 

yes I read many articles regarding the subject

But if I knew that if I was to get 5 years and given an escape route the day before being incarcerated in a Thai prison I would take it

so would you

dead  martyrs have no second chance

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