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Also dont forget that it is possible to be seeking a dependant visa for your farang parent.

Consider farang with a non imm B and WP.. He can have a dependant wife.. He can have a dependant child.. He could also have a dependant parent..

I suggest that its possible the root of this ruling may have been based around a dependant parent (one that doesnt have the 800k retirement money) in the same way as a dependant child or dependant wife IF they were over 50.. Then it gets fed into the Thai language and translations rumor mill.. Then those chinese whispers are interpreted by each individual immigration officer depending on if he argued with his mia noi or his gwie tieow wasnt spicy enough.. and here we have this.

Incidentally, there is no mention of “support” or “supporting” in this rule. For applications under 7.17(5), no evidence is required that the Thai child is supporting his/her foreign parent. It is about the foreign parent living with his Thai child. Whether the parent supports the child, the child supports the parent, or neither supports the other does not enter into the equation.

Why would a Thai child supporting his/her foreign parent(s) need a visa?

Nothing and nobody says so.

I was talking about a foreign parent coming to Thailand to live with his/her Thai child, in which case the foreign parent needs a visa. Wasn’t that obvious?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



If you apply for the first time after Oct 1st 2006

The only extension of stay based on having a Thai child for one year is if you are over 50 years old.

You however can get an extension of stay for 60 days to visit your child, if you are under 50 years old.

In either case, no money is required in the bank or any income per month.


Thanks. Now can ANYONE confirm if they have applied for this and been granted this besides the people that Sunbet helped>


Sunbelt.. I am in phuket on a 1 year retirement extension. Can I send you all relevant info ( BC of my thai child, court papers showing I am the ony parent with custody and my passport) and can u apply for said extension for me in Bangkok? Your charge is 6,500 + 1,900 for visa..Correct?

Khop Khun Krap

Also dont forget that it is possible to be seeking a dependant visa for your farang parent.

Consider farang with a non imm B and WP.. He can have a dependant wife.. He can have a dependant child.. He could also have a dependant parent..

I suggest that its possible the root of this ruling may have been based around a dependant parent (one that doesnt have the 800k retirement money) in the same way as a dependant child or dependant wife ...

That's explicitly covered by 7.19.


Thanks. Now can ANYONE confirm if they have applied for this and been granted this besides the people that Sunbet helped>

Someone posted about a month ago, they did. They were a tad short on money so went this route on their own. After some discussions by different officers, they were approved. He posted about this and I remember getting a Thank you letter from him.

We average around a case a day that is approved on this basis ( being over 50 years old and having a child)


Sunbelt.. I am in phuket on a 1 year retirement extension. Can I send you all relevant info ( BC of my thai child, court papers showing I am the ony parent with custody and my passport) and can u apply for said extension for me in Bangkok? Your charge is 6,500 + 1,900 for visa..Correct?

Happy to help but you must come up to Bangkok as well with your passport and paperwork to apply. Immigration needs to match you with the photo. The fees are correct, next year on the renewal, its only 3,900 Baht +1,900 for the visa.

Be sure to go to the District office to get the paperwork that you are indeed the father. They just confirm the birth certificate.


If you had a Thai parent you would be Thai and not need a visa.

Not necessarily so. I do know a person born in the USA to a thai mother and an american father. He had to get a visa to come and stay with his mother in thailand. He is in his late 20's.

If you had a Thai parent you would be Thai and not need a visa.

Not necessarily so. I do know a person born in the USA to a thai mother and an american father. He had to get a visa to come and stay with his mother in thailand. He is in his late 20's.

I suspect only because he chose to use an American passport (probably to avoid military registration?). But if he is not aware of it he could obtain a Thai passport as you can read often in this forum. Samran answers questions often on this subject.

If you had a Thai parent you would be Thai and not need a visa.

Not necessarily so. I do know a person born in the USA to a thai mother and an american father. He had to get a visa to come and stay with his mother in thailand. He is in his late 20's.

I suspect only because he chose to use an American passport (probably to avoid military registration?). But if he is not aware of it he could obtain a Thai passport as you can read often in this forum. Samran answers questions often on this subject.

We have had a number of these case, where the " Thai/foreigner" with a Thai parent did not have a Thai ID, birth certificate( hospital no longer existed, etc etc ) But they did get a one year visa with no problem. This is covered in the Police order but under another category.

Getting a Thai IDd has lots of red tape for them when they apply.



Incidentally, there is no mention of “support” or “supporting” in this rule. For applications under 7.17(5), no evidence is required that the Thai child is supporting his/her foreign parent. It is about the foreign parent living with his Thai child. Whether the parent supports the child, the child supports the parent, or neither supports the other does not enter into the equation.

This is the truth, ASk Sunbelt, I went through all this BS. Sunbelt Lawyer made it for me based on the above. I can say it wasnt easy, they grilled my wife, and made her sign some sort of statement. But no Financial reqirement. First time I went without my wife, they laughed me out of the building. I went back 1 week later with my wife and son. They Hardly looked at him, but upset my wife with their questions. Almost like do u give up your rights to Your child, quote (dont come back and cry to us later). Like how tey have the right to talk like that,? 7.17 6 quite clear as far as im concerned. I am over 50, my son is younger than 20. Anyway they accepted my application, 1 month extention then go back to get a 1 year. I hope they read this post :o

Where in the regulations does it state this? Let's go with your translation of the regulations - I won't comment on your rather obvious mistake in 7/17 (4)

Conditions (1) and (2) and joined with 'and' which means that both conditions must be met. I will leave the 'and' between (2) and (3) for a moment. Conditions (3) to (5) are joined with 'or' which signifies that only one of the conditions must be met. So to qualify, you must meet conditions 1 & 2 plus one of the following 3.

I would agree with you if (4) ended with 'and' and (5) started with 'If you are the mother or father of the child then you shall not be younger than 50 years of age.

Sometimes, translations from Thai can be confusing and I was also confused when I first read 7.17(5)

In the left column, for “In case of the foreign national is...” read “If the applicant for extension is...”

In the middle column, for “In case of Father or Mother...” read “If the applicant is Father or Mother...”

So now you read the criteria of (1), (2) and (5) together: “The foreigner obtains a visa, and he/she must provide evidence of relationship of the Thai family member with whom he/she wishes to live, and if he/she is the father or mother of the Thai family member he/she (father/mother) must not be younger than 50 years”

Sadly for younger fathers, this is how it is.



Where in the regulations does it state this? Let's go with your translation of the regulations - I won't comment on your rather obvious mistake in 7/17 (4)

Conditions (1) and (2) and joined with 'and' which means that both conditions must be met. I will leave the 'and' between (2) and (3) for a moment. Conditions (3) to (5) are joined with 'or' which signifies that only one of the conditions must be met. So to qualify, you must meet conditions 1 & 2 plus one of the following 3.

I would agree with you if (4) ended with 'and' and (5) started with 'If you are the mother or father of the child then you shall not be younger than 50 years of age.

Sometimes, translations from Thai can be confusing and I was also confused when I first read 7.17(5)

In the left column, for “In case of the foreign national is...” read “If the applicant for extension is...”

In the middle column, for “In case of Father or Mother...” read “If the applicant is Father or Mother...”

So now you read the criteria of (1), (2) and (5) together: “The foreigner obtains a visa, and he/she must provide evidence of relationship of the Thai family member with whom he/she wishes to live, and if he/she is the father or mother of the Thai family member he/she (father/mother) must not be younger than 50 years”

Sadly for younger fathers, this is how it is.



So the 80 year old geezer with no income that has an 8 year old child that he can not support can get a visa based on his child but I as a working 45 year old can not ! Makes perfect sense :o

Sunbelt and Maestro, I believe that you are both wrong. 7/17 is about supporting a spouse, a child or a parent (of your Thai partner).

The Thai translation refers to 'the child of his/her spouse...What do you think 'child of his/her spouse' refers to?

There is an easy way for you to get an authoritative clarification on this: go to your immigration office and ask them.

I did exactly this – went to the Suan Phlu office in Bangkok – and do you know what they first told me? “7.17(5) applies only to unmarried, widowed or divorced fathers”. They were wrong, of course, and you, too, may get a wrong explanation from Immigration, but please do go and ask them, then report your experience here.



Same Same.

I did this also, two weeks ago in Chiangmai, and I was told the same thing. Since I am legally [and happily] married this is not an option for me and I must apply for extension based on marriage to Thai wife. I suspect that this must be stipulated in another regulation buried somewhere, as I do not want to believe they would just pull this out of thin air, or worse, single me out for special treatment.


Same Same.

I did this also, two weeks ago in Chiangmai, and I was told the same thing. Since I am legally [and happily]married this is not an option for me and I must apply for extension based on marriage to Thai wife. I suspect that this must be stipulated in another regulation buried somewhere, as I do not want to believe they would just pull this out of thin air, or worse, single me out for special treatment.


As I said, Immigration Chaing Mai gave me the same treatment. I have always made my Extentions in Chiang Mai, they know me very well. Thats why, on the advise from Sunbelt I applied in Bangkok. Having said that, it wasnt easy. I did get the extension based on Rule 17.7 (5)

I would like to know why everyone has the opinion, this rule applies to Divorced or widowed applicants. Please point out where it states that, The fact is Chaing Mai dont understand this rule( Its New) Even Suan Plu mostly the officers dont know yet

7.17 In case of the foreign

national is the member of

the Thai national’s family

(Only for Father, Mother,

Husband or Wife, ordinary

child, adopted child or the

child of the marriage

(couple.) Each time of permission

shall be granted for the

period not exceeding 1


(1) Foreigner obtains VISA for the

temporary stay and

(2) There is any proof of the

relationship and,

(3) In case of the marriage couple,

the parties required to have both

practical and legal relationship


(4) In case of the ordinary child,

adopted child, child of the

marriage couple, these person

need to be single/never married

and has never lived as a part of

the family before, and shall not

be older than 20 years old, or

(5) In case of Father or Mother, the

said father or mother shall be

not younger than 50 years old.

1. Application Form

2. Copy of the passport of the applicant

3. Copy of the proof of relationship

such as marriage evidences, birth

certificate, certificate of child

adoption registration, copy of census

registration, certificate of adopted

child adoption registration, or other

papers issued by the related official

organization or government


4. The evidences of having Thai

nationality of the marriage couple, father, mother, ordinary child, or

adopted child such as ID Card,

census registration, or other papers

issued by the related official

organization or government

PLEASE Where does it state Divorced Widowed or even seperated


My post is in regards to Phuketrichard's post.

I disagree with your statement on extensions past the date of Oct 1rst, 2006..

I guess you did not read my post on 01/20/07 post # 22 .

Read provisional order #13...

WHAT DOES It STATE? Maestro read my post and then read the provisional # 13 order and then posted his

thoughts.. He was right on the mark..

Anybody that had a non imm visa and activated it before the black Oct 1rst day, was privy to being able to get

an extension. Altho it is a case by case senario, it is was it is. A BREATH OF LIFE.

It doesn't say anything about anyone that had an extension prior to that date.. It clearly states, permitted

on a temporary stay before the order came into effect. Which is an activiated "non immigrant visa"..

It has an allowance ( grace peiod) of up to one year to apply and receive your extension.. meaning that if you activated a 1 year non imm just before the date you have a year to apply for the extension.. before Oct 1, 2006 - before Oct 1, 2007. 1 year.

But be carefull....Yes the 1 year non imm can get you 15 months of time, but if you do the 15 months, you lose the right to claim for and receive the extension.. It is explicit..It does not have to be so to Speak as the terminlogy of this site, GRANDFATHERED. The non imm does tho..

How do I know.. Iam in my low 40's, not married, and just received my extension... Good for another 8 months..

3 month non o, then I submitted my application ( FOR A CHILD SUPPORT EXTENSION), 1 month consideration period from bkk imm, leaving me with my approved 8 more beautiful months for my extension.. total 1 year.

After receiving this, I was told to come back every 90 days for checking in, and then after the 8 months making a years total, to come and get my next extension on this extension..

Also when I was interviewing to get the extension. The Pol Capt said, it sure would be easier if you were 50 +,

but then I was approved anyway..

And yes they wanted to see proof of income too.. and then some...

I wanted to wait first and then post my experience of reality.. I am not talking just to talk and hear myself.. but am offering real information for people who have the same lifes concern of which I HAD..

Please don't speak unless you know it is concrete..

People don't need to be unjustly scared and worried from some ones ramblings..

All the facts are not in on the translations, and many have disagreeances on them.. For me I am not sure, but I do hope it is for support of a parent over 50 and not the other way around. But what it is right now, is that I didn't drag my feet, took the chance and got what I needed. Also there is a provision for after being refused to take it farther for consideration, and also at the same time,submit another application if needed (ie; perhaps the 60 dayvisit one that is mentioned). This is originally what Sunbelt had said I could only get. But if I had not read farther, and listened to them, I would be sitting with a 60 day visit extension instead of the highly covetted 1 year figuring out what the hel_l next I should do..




I now this has been posted somewhere before but can someone please post the url for the extension based on Rule 17.7 (5) in Thai and english so that I might take it in to Phuket immigration and ask them




Thanks for your post. As you stated it’s case by case, however we never have heard of one applicant being accepted if someone had just a 90 day non immigrant visa before Oct 1st (unless they had the extension of stay before). We even had a young foreign mother with a year old Thai child that was denied last week( We tried going under the provisional section). Every time the officer has stated “you are only exempt from the new laws if you had a extension of stay before Oct 1st 2006.”

Good to hear that someone was able to get it as they had the non immigration visa before Oct 1st and it was not just the extension of stay.

Provisional Section

13. Within 1 year from the enforcement date of this Order, for the case of the foreigner who has entered Thailand and has been granted to stay temporarily in the Kingdom of Thailand before this Order will be enforced and disqualifies to the criterions set forth on this Order, the Commander of the Immigration Bureau or the authorized officer shall be responsible to consider granting the permission, based on the necessity of the applicant, case by case.

What this means, “The new rules are meaningless if Immigration wants them to be and not everything is bank or white. “ Up to now, as far as we know, they were not making exceptions but in your case they did. Well done Sir.



And thank you too Sunbelt. We sometimes need all the advise we can get..

Maybe they did make an exception. But there is one thing that I know too, is that ( everyone) must make a good impression ( know how to act), and from the seeing of many foreigners at the imm office( pardon me to sound scalding), they miss the point on how to act in Thailand... When I see the mannerisms of some people

( the lack of manners in Thai etiquette), they inadvertantly make it hard on the rest, and for the good ones who deserve to be here... This is probalby why it is case to case now. they want to call the shots.

If I am not mistaken, number # 9 can be a deadly blow to even qualifying people, and once every imm office realises the power that they actually have in their palms ( which for the most part they know already), I believe that more and more people will fall. It is a privaledge for us to be here.. If you also notice there are more and more and more and more foreigners just coming here and deciding to stay out of the blue..I see it so much now days than before over 15 years ago. They see it too. Maybe prejudice.....

I just didn't fall off the tuna boat, I have been here for over 15 years and have a full knowledge and appreciation of this country, and in the end this is what helped me make the good impression and win them over... ( even tho the wait gave me an ulcer).

I believe that you are right too, that even tho there are new laws, it is ultimately going to be up to them. But from these new laws they can pick and choose anyway..# 9 is the whopper... and # 13 can be the savior if lucky, and Oct 1rst is a black day.. Up to their disscression only..

I don't mean to sound harsh, but this is the way I see it. Do I like it? No. But there is nothing I can do to change it.

As for the poor mother that you just tried to help, sorry to hear that....

If I did not get my extension, then I would be going home to secure a new non o multiple,and then I would continue doing that every year or until the next road block was thrown in my way..The times have changed, and so should we to make it here..

Thanks again for the congrats..



...Suan Phlu office in Bangkok...first told me? “7.17(5) applies only to unmarried, widowed or divorced fathers”. They were wrong, of course...

Same Same.

I did this also, two weeks ago in Chiangmai, and I was told the same thing...I suspect that this must be stipulated in another regulation buried somewhere, as I do not want to believe they would just pull this out of thin air, or worse, single me out for special treatment.

I don’t think there is any other regulation and I have an inkling why they give this false information. I believe it is due to any or a combination of several of these factors: incomplete or wrong understanding of the rule; insufficient training from higher-ups; pure and unadulterated spite.

Regarding the first two, which I consider most likely to be the case, it seems to me that immigration officials believe that for 7.17(5) they have to ask for all documents listed under number 3 in the right column. This leads to absurd situations like asking the married father who has a biological child for a document from the amphur certifying the adoption registration of his child. Or, posted by Sunbelt here, to ask, in addition to the child’s birth certificate, for a letter from the amphur certifying that the man listed as the father on the birth certificate is indeed the father. Try it, as I did at Sunbelt’s behest, and you will be laughed right out of the amphur office. In the words of the amphur official: “It is a stupidity for Immigration to ask for such document. We cannot issue it.”

Which brings me to the third and last factor I mentioned. If you have lived in Thailand for some time you are probably familiar with the Thai way of not saying no: impose conditions that are impossible to meet, like, in the present example, request a certification of adoption registration for a child that is not adopted, or some other letter from a government office that the office cannot possibly provide.

But as I said, I believe it is more likely a simple lack of understanding of the rule on the part of the immigration officials. If learned minds on this forum have had difficulty interpreting 7.17(5), who are we to fault an immigration official for the same difficulty?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



maestro Loved your post its almost correct

Suan Phlu office in Bangkok...first told me? “7.17(5) applies only to unmarried, widowed or divorced fathers”. They were wrong, of course...

Same Same.

Yes You are 100% correct
I did this also, two weeks ago in Chiangmai, and I was told the same thing...I suspect that this must be stipulated in another regulation buried somewhere, as I do not want to believe they would just pull this out of thin air, or worse, single me out for special treatment.

No such regulalation for sure based on Divorce, Widow etc. However they do have based on supporting a child.

I don’t think there is any other regulation and I have an inkling why they give this false information. I believe it is due to any or a combination of several of these factors: incomplete or wrong understanding of the rule; insufficient training from higher-ups; pure and unadulterated spite.
Bang on again
Regarding the first two, which I consider most likely to be the case, it seems to me that immigration officials believe that for 7.17(5) they have to ask for all documents listed under number 3 in the right column. This leads to absurd situations like asking the married father who has a biological child for a document from the amphur certifying the adoption registration of his child. Or, posted by Sunbelt

Yes right again


to ask, in addition to the child’s birth certificate, for a letter from the amphur certifying that the man listed as the father on the birth certificate is indeed the father. Try it, as I did at Sunbelt’s behest, and you will be laughed right out of the amphur office. In the words of the amphur official: “It is a stupidity for Immigration to ask for such document. We cannot issue it.”
Sorry mate you are wrong, I got a letter from Ampher, if you PM me I will give you the name of letter cost 40 baht
Which brings me to the third and last factor I mentioned. If you have lived in Thailand for some time you are probably familiar with the Thai way of not saying no: impose conditions that are impossible to meet, like, in the present example, request a certification of adoption registration for a child that is not adopted, or some other letter from a government office that the office cannot possibly provide.

Thas Like you say they cant give a reasonable answer to your request

But as I said, I believe it is more likely a simple lack of understanding of the rule on the part of the immigration officials. If learned minds on this forum have had difficulty interpreting 7.17(5), who are we to fault an immigration official for the same difficulty?

Complete the story, lets just say. they dont really know. They dont really want too, takes away the power


About the letter from the Amphur stating that father is indeed the father and not just a doctored birth certificate.

I will second and third that this is what they require..

There are two ways to certify legitiamcy. 1. Go get a lawyer to do all the work for you

2. Go to the amphur.

The amphur will only laugh at you if your child is too young. Your kid has to be able to sign his or her name and

be able to answer questions in a short interview. Where is your Daddy? There is my Daddy. What is his name?

What is your name? Where does he ( DADDY ) come from? He comes from .... And this is all in spoken Thai with

you not present ( as in close ) to egg him or her on.

Really quite simple and 40 bt... With out this I could not get past the go stage.. My daughter who is 4 in 2

months did not qualify.. My son just barely skated by being able to sign his name and read.. Noramlly it is

Pratom 1 on up for qualifying. This is a minor formality anyway, and interesting to do. I am happy to have

that official piece of paper.. I thjink I will frame it..




My son was only 18 months and I could not get the letter from the Amphur. I had to go to the juvenile court in Chonburi which i had to use a lawyer for. Prior to this had to have an interview with a social worker, as did my girlfriend of ten years and another relative to prove that I looked after my son.

At first I thought it strange that I had to prove that my son was mine, even though I have a thai passport for him and birth certs etc.

After it was explained that the proof was not whether the son was mine it was to find out if he was living with me and I was supporting him.

All in all a long procedure, which I was quoted in Pattaya 20,000 baht but used a lawyer in Chonburi for 14,000. trust me you cannot do it by yourself. I had to stand in court in the dock in front of four judges and answer questions through an interpreter. Nearly shit myself when I walked through the door to the court. I thought I was going into another office for an interview.

After the letter from the court I then got the letter from the ampur.

As above children under five cannot sign their own name.

Anyway just received my second one year visa with the same paperwork from the first year.

Any body wanting the name of the lawyer in Chonburi, email me and I will send you his details. ( nice guy actually)

to ask, in addition to the child's birth certificate, for a letter from the amphur certifying that the man listed as the father on the birth certificate is indeed the father. Try it, as I did at Sunbelt's behest, and you will be laughed right out of the amphur office. In the words of the amphur official: "It is a stupidity for Immigration to ask for such document. We cannot issue it."
Sorry mate you are wrong, I got a letter from Ampher, if you PM me I will give you the name of letter cost 40 baht

Hi pschef! (I also sent a PM today)

It happens that I will need this letter to apply for a 60 day extension of stay.

(Among other things like a recent copy of bank passbook)

Now I am reading Fat Boy Slim's post and, like Maestro, I am concerned that this letter is an impossible requirement meant to say "No" in a Thai Klaeng Djai / non confrontational way.

(My daughter is 2.5 y old)

Anyway... I am happy to read that you know the name of the letter and it costs 40 baht!

1) Could you please let me know the name?? (PM if you prefer)

2) I could not confirm it for sure with my GF (the mother) after we left Immigration (yeah......): do we need to ask for the letter at the amphur where the child is LISTED (on Tambian Baan) - or at the amphur where the chid was BORN.

3) Any chance with a 2.5 y old daughter???

Thank you very much!!



Could you let us know one very important piece of information: WHEN did you LAST enter Thailand on a NON-O? When did you receive your latest 90 day permit to stay from a border/entry point? THANKS! (Sorry if it was already said somewhere)


To answer the question: "No need to be over 50 to apply as a parent?":

Lopburi3 is the reference here and is doing a good job clarifying all sorts of visa issues for newbies - including parents of Thai children!

My experience confirms that there is no annual extension of stay available anymore for umarried parents below 50 after 01/10/2006 (the new rules). Except for "grandfathered" cases (prior extension granted before 01/10/2006).

At least not as a "standard procedure". And I doubt there is anything annual for anybody who "entered" after 01/10/2006.

I went to 2 Immigration offices recently and only 1 seems ready to give me a 60 DAY extension (ANOTHER PROVISION: 7.23 of 6006/2006). Everything was said in a very friendly way and everybody was pleased to see the daughter (and myself) speaking Thai and they were OK with the amount shown in the bank passbook...

BUT... It's quite clear. FORGET ABOUT 7.17 is you don't meet criteria (5) (50 years old)

There is some confusion going on becasue of the facts:

7.17 (4) concerns foreign CHILDREN.

The annual extension of stay if granted to FOREIGN children

Foreign child of foreigners (= dependant visa) must be BELOW 20.

7.17 (5) concerns foreign PARENTS.

As a parent, you must be OVER 50. PERIOD.

FYI: for the mere 60 day extension, they require "paperwork" not listed on 606/2006 (like bank passbook and a this letter from Amphur cf. above).

It seems however that it will be OK to renew this extension for EVERY entry stamp.

(So the "only one time" in the Police Order 606/2006 means: for every entry).

And it's OK (in theory) to apply anywhere. As a matter of fact the Imm. office where we reside REFUSED to consider the provision and an Imm. office completely unrelated to our case will apparently give the extension.


Regarding the letter from the amphur for children under five years. They didn't say no I could not have one to be unreasonable, but told me that was the law. They were very helpful in telling me where to go to the juvenile court and the lady even showed me the forms to fill in and a pile of other applications from other falangs in the same boat as myself.

When I went back to the amphur with the relevent court papers she gave me the letter I required for 40 baht and the whole process took about 15 minutes.

It's the under five bit thats the problem.

By the way the papers you have to get from the court, from start to finish including interviews and setting court dates etc takes about 3 months. I know because my non O single entry visa nearly ran out before I had all the paperwork to apply for the one year visa.

If anybody wants I can send you a scan of the papers I have got so you know what to get if you decide to go down this route.

If you're under fifty like me maybe you cannot do this now, but there again this is what this original post is all about.

I still say you can, but thats only my opinion

Hi pschef! (I also sent a PM today)

It happens that I will need this letter to apply for a 60 day extension of stay.

(Among other things like a recent copy of bank passbook)

Now I am reading Fat Boy Slim's post and, like Maestro, I am concerned that this letter is an impossible requirement meant to say "No" in a Thai Klaeng Djai / non confrontational way.

(My daughter is 2.5 y old)

Anyway... I am happy to read that you know the name of the letter and it costs 40 baht!

IN that case the girls mother must ask for the document from Ampher, only can be issued to a Thai. They wouldnt give it to me my wife had to sign.

1) Could you please let me know the name?? (PM if you prefer)

2) I could not confirm it for sure with my GF (the mother) after we left Immigration (yeah......): do we need to ask for the letter at the amphur where the child is LISTED (on Tambian Baan) - or at the amphur where the chid was BORN.

3) Any chance with a 2.5 y old daughter???

Thank you very much!!

The name, I write in English sorry my Thai not good enough. Nangsur Lap Long. They copy the birth certificate Tapien Ban, in my case marriage certificate. then they write this statement, I belive the wording is that, I am the father and my son lives with me at the address show on the Tapien Ban. I will download the Document to PM.

you can ask your Lady to translate it. But I sure as your child is unable to apply. mother must apply.


Why do you guys insist on living in a country that clearly doesn't want you there. I'm not on here looking for an argument but wake up people you aren't welcome in "The Land Of Smiles" unless you are a big spending holiday maker. O.K I understand some of you have got families living there but it must be very uncomfortable knowing you are not welcome. :o:D


quick question.

I am over 50 , my wife and i were married in the states so I had to have a lawyer and got to court to get a divorce. At the same time I was granted by the court sole custody of our daughter ( ge 12)

can I use that for my 1 year extension along with the BC or do I need to take the court papers to the Ampur and get this so called paper?

Do I need my daughter with me?

Thanks all for helping us ALL get t the bottom of this. If anyone has gotten a 1 year extension based on living with their thai child here in Phuket.

Please let us know...

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