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Thaivisa exclusive: Norwegian man 'framed by Thai cops' says he has proof of innocence - he was in prison at the time of the crime


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1 hour ago, harrycallahan said:

Just $3000 a month pension. We should all marry Norwegians. 

Reminds me of the story about the American, the Englishman and the Norwegian sitting nursing their warm Changs outside the moobahn mom & pop store when Jesus drops by and joins the chit chat, listening intently to their tales of a declining quality of life in LOS.


Feeling typically generous, Jesus suggests performing a miracle for each these guys and asks the American, "How can  help you my son?"


The American says, "This dollar slide is killing me and my disability check is a pittance. I would love to get back in the workplace but my back is shot."


Jesus lays hands on the guys back and says "Heal this child."


At this, the American jumps up, stretches and bends over touches his toes and says, "It's a miracle! My back is fixed! I'm, off to get a job!"


Jesus asks the Englishman "How can  help you my son?"


The English guy says, "My work days are over long ago and the pension freeze is a bind but the biggest issue is my knees. I cannot play my beloved game of golf any more."


Jesus lays hands on the guys knees and says "Heal this child."


At this, the English guy stands up and easily does a dozen squat jumps. He shouts, "It's truly a miracle! Thank you! I am off to get nine holes in before dark."


Jesus turns to the solitary Norwegian and asks, "How can  help you my son?"


"Don't you f***ing touch me!" shouts the Noggie.

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I have no idea what's going on with the real story here. The details and circumstances are more than a bit murky, such as the unstated reason he was apparently in Thai jail previously (his alibi) on an unrelated offense.


But one thing seems pretty clear: a guy with a dodgy Thai wife who's running around a remote part of Thailand with a Mercedes Benz, a fancy Nissan sports car and tracts of land (that he can't legally own in his own name), as well as having a handgun in the family belonging to someone, seems to be asking for trouble...


And it certainly would appear, trouble found him. If the hunters see a fat goose out in the neighbors' yard, it's not surprising that someone's going to decide to take home dinner.



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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

Sadly he has no chance of ever seeing justice ,money is all the police care about.

They have no integrity whatsoever.

Ver similar to  my case with the ex-wife ,greedy money grabbing woman aided by corrupt police.

In the USA, I will have to substitute the word "police" with lawyer. 

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I drove out to my ex wife's village once to pick up some stuff.  Her brother was a cop and he tried to strong arm me and take my car away by grabbing the keys from the ignition.  Lucky for me I was teaching the local head of detectives how to improve his golf swing.  I stood in front of this guy and made a call and handed him the phone.  End of problem.  The Chinese have a word for it.  Gwanqi.  Means mutually beneficial relationship.  Works well in Thailand too.  The look on this guys face when he handed the phone back and bowed to me was priceless.

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No need to be bitter with Thailand.  He picked the wrong girl  to marry.. hell she already had one affair with a cop and then with a second cop..   there's no way he's going to win..  shame about his son though..  he better to just find a nice Philippines girl now and forget about the past..  or he just throw away more money for nothing....  

He should gave dumped the woman after her first affair...

Rotten  doesn't  change  !!!

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1 hour ago, hottrader77 said:

although some of his story may be true , I still think there is something he is hiding , such as how did he get 10 million baht ? he could have been a drug dealer in thailand and had a gun which could have been his own as a way of defending himself , also where was he when his wife was pregnant , if he was in jail for another offence ( undisclosed offence ) could have been for dealing drugs would you want him in your country if he was doing this ? also he tried to pay off police ( bribary ) he says he was innocent so why try pay police off , there is alot of smoke here without the fire , and he must have put alot of assets in his wifes name ( big mistake )) a person with his wealth should know better but maybe he did it because he wanted to hide things , he is now in bohol and supposed to be living on 3000 usd a month but yet he has money to go to the gym if i was desperate for funds i would do my fitness free of charge , jogging on fields or main roads , situps on beaches or in the back yard but no he pays to keep fi with no money ( something does not fit this story ) sorry keep him deported is my judgement on him , there are corrupt police here but its people like him that makes them corrupt as he admitted trying to corrupt them by offering money to them and his kid will be better off without a scruppulous person like him 

Lord lampin divine Jaysus I have this overwhelming feeling your great fun to be with. You've certainly got it all worked out. You've packed every annoying TV cliche and assumption known to man into this keyboard manifeststion. You should be awarded a yellow card for dissent. 

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2 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Not if it's true that the gun belonged to his beloved wife.-:post-4641-1156693976:


  The sad part is that he doesn't seem to be the only one in a similar situation. JUSTICE!! 

Sorry to see, you didn´t read or understand my post. I did say I believe him, right?

Regarding the gun. The gun was found in his car. Probably not registered on anybody. It´s actually only natural to blame the owner of the car in first place. That would happen anywhere.

However, red card was not called for in this particular case. Not if you read and understand all of my comment.

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Massive age gap, in and out of prison, investing amounts of money into the country that he will later complain about, wife cheating on him, obviously not the smartest guy. The gun is even more moronic. Don't accept a real gun in the house unless you or the wife have the relevant papers for it. 

The constant moaning about corruption on this forum is incredibly boring (whether it be government/women related).  Yes, Thailand is a developing country. Yes, sometimes corruption will rise its head (like every developing country). But that is the side effect you get for the positives you receive when deciding to live in a developing country. Deal and plan for it it as you wont be able to change it. If you are stupid enough to be taken for a ride then really the blame is on you for not planning properly. In that instance learn from it and move on with life, rather than constantly living in the past and saying the exact same negative comments on every single thread. 

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Thai women are concern with money, we are a meal ticket only, no matter how long you been with them or married to them and have children with them we are: a grey hair, limp penis on Viagra and an ATM machine when the age difference is more than 10yrs. In our gated community, an older farang  dropped dead and his young Thai wife had a Thai boy living with her within s week: obviously she had him on a side and maybe even assisted in chaps demise......sad

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Why old men have children is beyond me. 

Then use them to garner sympathy is pathetic and disgusting. 

Personally I think this guy is an all round loser.  Note he didn't go back to Norway.... No he continues his sexpat dreams in the Philippine.  

I bet he comes undone there also. 

Edited by tryasimight
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5 minutes ago, smew said:

Thai women are concern with money, we are a meal ticket only, no matter how long you been with them or married to them and have children with them we are: a grey hair, limp penis on Viagra and an ATM machine when the age difference is more than 10yrs. In our gated community, an older farang  dropped dead and his young Thai wife had a Thai boy living with her within s week: obviously she had him on a side and maybe even assisted in chaps demise......sad

Speak for yourself... Grey hair and limp dicked.  I am neither. 

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2 hours ago, hottrader77 said:

although some of his story may be true , I still think there is something he is hiding , such as how did he get 10 million baht ? he could have been a drug dealer in thailand and had a gun which could have been his own as a way of defending himself , also where was he when his wife was pregnant , if he was in jail for another offence ( undisclosed offence ) could have been for dealing drugs would you want him in your country if he was doing this ? also he tried to pay off police ( bribary ) he says he was innocent so why try pay police off , there is alot of smoke here without the fire , and he must have put alot of assets in his wifes name ( big mistake )) a person with his wealth should know better but maybe he did it because he wanted to hide things , he is now in bohol and supposed to be living on 3000 usd a month but yet he has money to go to the gym if i was desperate for funds i would do my fitness free of charge , jogging on fields or main roads , situps on beaches or in the back yard but no he pays to keep fi with no money ( something does not fit this story ) sorry keep him deported is my judgement on him , there are corrupt police here but its people like him that makes them corrupt as he admitted trying to corrupt them by offering money to them and his kid will be better off without a scruppulous person like him 

I smell bitterness here....

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4 hours ago, yellowboat said:

You should not put all your eggs in a Thai egg basket.  The Thai egg basket has a false bottom.  Pay as a go and expose yourself as little as possible in Thailand.

Yeah, that´s right! One person can only eat one omelette. Why do you need a basket full of egg?

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6 minutes ago, smew said:

It is just a matter of time.... and your GF will still be young.....age difference does not go away

I don't have a gf, I have a wife.  I am 62 she is 52. What is the point of your post.?

I also have a full head of brown hair and can get it up on demand And often it has a mind of its own when I see a sexy woman.  Perfectly normal. 

Don't assume everyone is like you

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He is not the first and won't be the last you read stories all the time about guys getting ripped off here in Thailand mind you guys marrying girls half their age proberly does not help

There are plenty of guys here including myself  have very happy marriages

 Its all about give and take in some cases all take 

Luck  of the draw



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13 minutes ago, smew said:

we are: a grey hair, limp penis on Viagra and an ATM machine when the age difference is more than 10yrs.


Plenty of 35 year old guys with 25 year old girls here... I'd wager most of them don't use viagra or have grey hair.   ATM machine?  Maybe the numbers dwindle a bit.  But I think there's a difference between a normal relationship where the guy earns more so pays more for meals, rent etc, and a relationship where the guy actually pays his girlfriend to be there.


I went to dinner with a multi-millionaire once and everybody just assumed he would pay, nobody else offered.  Same same.

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