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Maintaining That 100,000 Baht Pm Lifestyle


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The Polo Club>? Yes mate, many times. That's why I mentioned it.

But what do I know?

Anyways, I'm off the Thai embassy to meet the ambassador. We are bringing 500 Thai drivers incountry so they can take an aim at the good life too. I bet they are all jerks. As for the ambassador in his pursute of wealth..... nothing short of being a 'proper jerk' that chap.

Why didn't you post this in the finance section? Seems all you're after really is to tell everyone how well off you are. :o

Edited by Robski
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I assume you've spent a considerable time in LOS already. Would you like to give a rough breakdown of how you would spend 100,000? I'm not going to dispute it. I'm just interested in what you would spend that on.

If you've only been here on holiday, you might find it's a lot cheaper to stay here long term.

ok heres m breakdown and i keep exact records

medical 8-10k a month

schooling - 15-20 k a month

food - 15k a month

eating out - 10k a month

maintenance our home - 5k a month

car petrol etc - 8k a month

house things new pillows etc - 5k a month

trips away - average 5k a month

air fares uk 1 trip a year - average 10k a month (2 adults, 1 child)

spend in UK for 2 weeks - 5k a month

temple charities etc - 5k a month

misc bits 10+k a month

total 100-130k a month

and thats with no rent

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The Polo Club>? Yes mate, many times. That's why I mentioned it.

But what do I know?

Anyways, I'm off the Thai embassy to meet the ambassador. We are bringing 500 Thai drivers incountry so they can take an aim at the good life too. I bet they are all jerks. As for the ambassador in his pursute of wealth..... nothing short of being a 'proper jerk' that chap.

Why didn't you post this in the finance section? Seems all you're after really is to tell everyone how well off you are. :o

Mate, I'm no way near that amount yet - its a goal. The purpose of the post is to see if anyone else has some good ideas regards investments and chilling in Thailand once the slog is over.

Perhaps it would be better placed in the finance section.

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The Polo Club>? Yes mate, many times. That's why I mentioned it.
Why, as I said it's dirt cheap there. The last meal we had there cost less than 300 baht for 4 of us. Why didn't you say somewhere that is expensive?

yep, but membership is about 1million for buy in and then 20K per year....

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Yeh,but you still have to pay the mortgage on the flats plus fees, plus maintainence, plus bills etc etc.

You're not getting it are you?

Why don't you ask Desertexile to have a word with the Thai Ambassador and see if you can borrow his calculator. :o

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Yeh,but you still have to pay the mortgage on the flats plus fees, plus maintainence, plus bills etc etc.

You're not getting it are you?

Why don't you ask Desertexile to have a word with the Thai Ambassador and see if you can borrow his calculator.


why not rob a bank - 10 years in jail if you're caught is better than working in the desert.

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Yeh,but you still have to pay the mortgage on the flats plus fees, plus maintainence, plus bills etc etc.

You're not getting it are you?

Why don't you ask Desertexile to have a word with the Thai Ambassador and see if you can borrow his calculator.


why not rob a bank - 10 years in jail if you're caught is better than working in the desert.

What's up Robski - does your pussy hurt?

Winking laddy - I can't get my head around why you think making a good living is so wank. Just cause the Romans survive on 20k, doesn't mean you have to do as they do.

Anways, I'll keep hoping that some good ideas will spring up even though one of yous has the arse because I utilise contacts and the other wants to live as a Thai with 20K

Lucifer, that's a pretty good gig actually. 600K invested in a flat, acheiveing 1,950 GBP. The original bond idea would bring in 2,500 GBP. However, I am told London property is set to rise, based on current trends, at upto 20%. Nice one.

Robski - are you getting it now? Lucifer is factoring in a 100 notes a week for agents fees and maintainance and as the money is there, there's no mortgage.

PS I don't work in the desert

Edited by Desertexile
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A £600,000 flat in central London will give you a rent of £550.00/month. Minimum.

£450.00 usable.

(£450 x 52)/12 = £1950/month

1950x 60baht = 117,000baht/ month.

The flat will go up in value.

1-any income/capital taxes by chance ? :o I just ask the question : because in France for instance, we have a lot. And we'll have more (problem of pension for retirees, problem of medical care etc.)

2-yeah, they said that in Japan in 1989... Since then : bubble burst, and slow, agonizing deflation...

For that matter, predict a capital gain at a 20 years horizon, seems to me a little bit too optimistic...

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2-yeah, they said that in Japan in 1989... Since then : bubble burst, and slow, agonizing deflation...

For that matter, predict a capital gain at a 20 years horizon, seems to me a little bit too optimistic...

If one wants to make money off rents of real estate, one should not just buy one apartment as the risk is far too high. One nasty tenent who does not pay, and all the calculations are off. One should buy a multi apartment complex.

Investing in a city like London, when not already very wealthy person, is foolish as it only buys one flat where one could buy a whole complex somewhere else. If one does his homework, and searches for undervalued markets, and buys anti-cyclic, best after a property boom has crashed and prices are below real value, one can make sweet deals. But from the little i know about the UK - that is not possible there at the moment.

But, do the home work.

Many years ago when i was young here, 100K a month sounded to me like paradise, while i lived happily on 15K a month (before devaluation).

With the available money, the desires rise as well, and then suddenly 100K is not that much money to live on at all. Add kids and schooling - and suddenly one will find out that with only 100K one does struggle a bit, and not much is left over at the end of the month.

Many things are dirt cheap here, but for a lot of things one has to pay a lot, which is free in the west, such as proper schooling for the kids.

I have known several people that had their early retirement perfectly budgeted out, and were within a few years broke and returned to a working life, mostly far below where they left. It is not difficult to spend lots of money here when one has it. Especially when one does not work.

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I assume you've spent a considerable time in LOS already. Would you like to give a rough breakdown of how you would spend 100,000? I'm not going to dispute it. I'm just interested in what you would spend that on.

all positions in USD (multiply by 35 to obtain THB)

cost of living................................1.200.-

foreign health insurance................ 520.-

electricity..................................... 357.-

2 cars (no depreciation)................ 250.-

visa extension, multiple reentry...... 50.- (including agent's fees

2 phone lines and internet............. 85.-

2 TV satellite subscriptions............ 80.-

homeowners asscociation.............. 75.-

commercial cleaning company......... 95.-

live-in housemaid.......................... 200.-

driver.......................................... 200.-

gardener...................................... 200.-

house maintenance....................... 285.-

company expenses....................... 215.-

pocket money wife...................... 1.000.-

pocket money self...................... 1.000.-

vacations.................................. 1.000.-

unforeseen............................... 1.000.-


total............................................$ 7.812.- = THB 273.420.-

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I assume you've spent a considerable time in LOS already. Would you like to give a rough breakdown of how you would spend 100,000? I'm not going to dispute it. I'm just interested in what you would spend that on.

all positions in USD (multiply by 35 to obtain THB)

cost of living................................1.200.-

foreign health insurance................ 520.-

electricity..................................... 357.-

2 cars (no depreciation)................ 250.-

visa extension, multiple reentry...... 50.- (including agent's fees

2 phone lines and internet............. 85.-

2 TV satellite subscriptions............ 80.-

homeowners asscociation.............. 75.-

commercial cleaning company......... 95.-

live-in housemaid.......................... 200.-

driver.......................................... 200.-

gardener...................................... 200.-

house maintenance....................... 285.-

company expenses....................... 215.-

pocket money wife...................... 1.000.-

pocket money self...................... 1.000.-

vacations.................................. 1.000.-

unforeseen............................... 1.000.-


total............................................$ 7.812.- = THB 273.420.-

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I assume you've spent a considerable time in LOS already. Would you like to give a rough breakdown of how you would spend 100,000? I'm not going to dispute it. I'm just interested in what you would spend that on.

all positions in USD (multiply by 35 to obtain THB)

cost of living................................1.200.-

foreign health insurance................ 520.-

electricity..................................... 357.-

2 cars (no depreciation)................ 250.-

visa extension, multiple reentry...... 50.- (including agent's fees

2 phone lines and internet............. 85.-

2 TV satellite subscriptions............ 80.-

homeowners asscociation.............. 75.-

commercial cleaning company......... 95.-

live-in housemaid.......................... 200.-

driver.......................................... 200.-

gardener...................................... 200.-

house maintenance....................... 285.-

company expenses....................... 215.-

pocket money wife...................... 1.000.-

pocket money self...................... 1.000.-

vacations.................................. 1.000.-

unforeseen............................... 1.000.-


total............................................$ 7.812.- = THB 273.420.-

addendum: if i was a bachelor living up country in a less fancy house i am sure i could manage a comfortable lifestyle by spending 50k Baht a month.

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Can you tell me more about the HSBC bond....out of their Jersey office?

Three years ago I invested 300GBP with HSBC in Jersey which they put into a 5 year Norwich Union "with Profits" fund.

That investment is now showing a value of 420GBP with two more years to go.

I do not want to touch it for 2 more years although I can access 10% at any time without penalties, even if I needed more the penalties are minimal.

If I needed it ..it would be cheaper to take out a bank loan than touch it to be honest.

I also use HSBC to manage the rest of my money.

Personally I do not worry to much about my kids interitence. I have property back in the UK which I rent out and when I pop off that will go to them along with any unspent money I may have invested.

My Wife will get the two properties we have here which are in her name plus the cars plus 1m baht which I have put aside in a Thai bank...so she will be OK, but I will not leave everything to her...the bulk of the money stays with my English Family..I am adamant on that point.

I have made this crystal clear in my Will.

My exepnditure is around 100k a month and I use the money I get from my rental in the UK for trips back home.

Although 100k sounds a lot...I somehow manage to spend it...they say that everyone lives to their means..its nice not to have to worry about money, although I dont just throw it about, I had to work too hard to get it in the first place.

I would have no hesitation in recommending HSBC Jersey, but if you are living in LOS it will be more than likely that all your contact will be with their branch in Hong Kong, which really makes no difference whatsover, but your first coontact would have to be throgh them.

Hope this helps


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Many years ago when i was young here, 100K a month sounded to me like paradise, while i lived happily on 15K a month (before devaluation).

With the available money, the desires rise as well, and then suddenly 100K is not that much money to live on at all. Add kids and schooling - and suddenly one will find out that with only 100K one does struggle a bit, and not much is left over at the end of the month.

I know how that is (well, except the part about struggling). It's all relative, that's why the actual initial figure that folks come up with here is likely not that important.


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I can't really break it down mate - its not an exact science. I have a house in Thailand so the 100K would go on living expenses, sanook, travel and all that. Really, 20K GBP is not much if you fancy getting a plane for an overseas holiday or a local jolly. I spend much more than that when I'm on a month long jolly to Thailand nowadays....

I guess you know what the average Thai person gets?

I know many people with families, car and house re-payments etc who have a happy life on 20,000 baht. You need five times that for living expenses - what a jerk.

I do not understand why you are calling him a jerk for wanting to live in 100K per month. Thats up to him and quite frankly it's quite easy to spend that sort of money. If you have it you would know.

I think that is you that is the jerk..........

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I can't really break it down mate - its not an exact science. I have a house in Thailand so the 100K would go on living expenses, sanook, travel and all that. Really, 20K GBP is not much if you fancy getting a plane for an overseas holiday or a local jolly. I spend much more than that when I'm on a month long jolly to Thailand nowadays....

I guess you know what the average Thai person gets?

I know many people with families, car and house re-payments etc who have a happy life on 20,000 baht. You need five times that for living expenses - what a jerk.

I do not understand why you are calling him a jerk for wanting to live in 100K per month. Thats up to him and quite frankly it's quite easy to spend that sort of money. If you have it you would know.

I think that is you that is the jerk..........

He's calling me a jerk because he's still making 35K THB, likely slogging it out now with a Saturday gig, convincing himself that he's living like a king, when the Mclass Thais manage on 20K.

The guy, in his attempt to become Thai - as he signature indicates, has forgootten that most Thais would strive to sit back on 100THB.

Enjoy your night on the แสงโสม and giving it some หมอรำ down the club toniht Bud. Maybe even a cultural night of ลิเก with the relatives.


ปล.ฉันไม่แปลกใจหรอกที่คุณสามารถพูดไทยได้ ในอังกฤษ คน pakistani ก็พูดได้และคุณ ไม่เคยเห็น คนอังกฤษ พูดว่า วาวววว พูดอังกฤษได้เหรอ.....ดังนั้น เพื่อนไทย ของคุณแค่ เป่าลม ใส่กระโปรงคุณ...

The real estate option certainly is more lucrative but as the posters above said, it can be dodgy. OK, so over the investments rise but the buy to let option can be ups and downs.

ANy further ideas on cash investments, spread over high - low - no risks?

Edited by Desertexile
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Many years ago when i was young here, 100K a month sounded to me like paradise, while i lived happily on 15K a month (before devaluation).

With the available money, the desires rise as well, and then suddenly 100K is not that much money to live on at all. Add kids and schooling - and suddenly one will find out that with only 100K one does struggle a bit, and not much is left over at the end of the month.

I know how that is (well, except the part about struggling). It's all relative, that's why the actual initial figure that folks come up with here is likely not that important.


Personally, i could easily spend a million baht a month, if i would have it. And if things would go bad, i could manage with 20K a month, if necessary.

It's all relative, yeps.

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I can't really break it down mate - its not an exact science. I have a house in Thailand so the 100K would go on living expenses, sanook, travel and all that. Really, 20K GBP is not much if you fancy getting a plane for an overseas holiday or a local jolly. I spend much more than that when I'm on a month long jolly to Thailand nowadays....

I guess you know what the average Thai person gets?

I know many people with families, car and house re-payments etc who have a happy life on 20,000 baht. You need five times that for living expenses - what a jerk.

Touch of jealousy here pehaps. :o

Neeranam rants on ad-nauseum about how little he can live on.

Truth is it's all he's got, and he can't stand to see others who do so much better.

Wonder what his wife thinks :D


Edited by naka
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Perhaps, we can draw a line under the unpleasantness. I think Neeranam was responding to the initial "<deleted>" comment.

Have you considered investing in unit trusts etc? You would not be eligible for the tax-exempt ISAs as you are non-resident for tax purposes. The FTSE has consistently outperformed savings a/c's. Spread your money over a number of funds in different areas to reduce risk and keep some in your HSBC savings a/c to further reduce risk and maintain accessibility.

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I can't really break it down mate - its not an exact science. I have a house in Thailand so the 100K would go on living expenses, sanook, travel and all that. Really, 20K GBP is not much if you fancy getting a plane for an overseas holiday or a local jolly. I spend much more than that when I'm on a month long jolly to Thailand nowadays....

I guess you know what the average Thai person gets?

I know many people with families, car and house re-payments etc who have a happy life on 20,000 baht. You need five times that for living expenses - what a jerk.

Touch of jealousy here pehaps. :o

Neeranam rants on ad-nauseum about how little he can live on.

Truth is it's all he's got, and he can't stand to see others who do so much better.

Wonder what his wife thinks :D


I'll admit I am jealous of anyone who has a budget of 100,000 BHT a month. When I first read this thread I feltl the OP was in fact just bragging as it's obvious he has enough and one could live comfortqaby on this amount. I still feel this entire thread is more about boasting then actual budgeting.

I will however agree one could easily spend in excess of 100,000 if they wanted to live high on the hog. Many things are cheap in LOS however many are not. I was very surprised and disapointed how much I spent on my most recent vacation to LOS. I realized I'll need at least 60k BHT a month to have the lifestyle I expect. 100,000 at today's rates would indeed be living like a king. I don't spend nearly that much in America where COL is higher and I live a decent active life.

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I can't really break it down mate - its not an exact science. I have a house in Thailand so the 100K would go on living expenses, sanook, travel and all that. Really, 20K GBP is not much if you fancy getting a plane for an overseas holiday or a local jolly. I spend much more than that when I'm on a month long jolly to Thailand nowadays....

I guess you know what the average Thai person gets?

I know many people with families, car and house re-payments etc who have a happy life on 20,000 baht. You need five times that for living expenses - what a jerk.

Touch of jealousy here pehaps. :o

Neeranam rants on ad-nauseum about how little he can live on.

Truth is it's all he's got, and he can't stand to see others who do so much better.

Wonder what his wife thinks :D


I'll admit I am jealous of anyone who has a budget of 100,000 BHT a month. When I first read this thread I feltl the OP was in fact just bragging as it's obvious he has enough and one could live comfortqaby on this amount. I still feel this entire thread is more about boasting then actual budgeting.

I will however agree one could easily spend in excess of 100,000 if they wanted to live high on the hog. Many things are cheap in LOS however many are not. I was very surprised and disapointed how much I spent on my most recent vacation to LOS. I realized I'll need at least 60k BHT a month to have the lifestyle I expect. 100,000 at today's rates would indeed be living like a king. I don't spend nearly that much in America where COL is higher and I live a decent active life.

Na, it's not about bragging. I am no way near that amount yet, but it is a goal I'd like to acheive though. It's a post to gage information from guys that are already retired and how they are maintaining their lifestyle, so the real value doesn't decrease. I am <deleted> with money and have no clue other than the current bonds investment.

As for the 60K lifetstyle, I agree that for the Thai based expenditure, that would work well it's all the add ons on top of that for travel etc.

Brigsy, Line drawn. There is nothing wrong with being a teacher, I've done my time. It wasn't a longterm comfortable lifestyle, for me atleast.

Excellent points re: FTSA and unit trusts. I am going to do a search now. Is there anywhere round the ISAs residence issue?

Wasabi, I reckon you are still working, right? Do you think that you would spend more in retirement with time on your hands? Peeople always seem to budget for less when they retire. I reckon that if you retire young, you'd need more than when you are working.

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71,000 baht a month is doable from 250,000 pounds in the bank (UK where interest rates are in excess of 5%). You could even squeeze 6% p.a / p/m if you find a decent bond deal. 250k sterling which is a lot less than 671k sterling.

However account in the figures that the pound does fluctuate from 66 - 73 baht in you total so you arrive at a sliding scale of income.

I agree though that 100,000 baht is an obsene amount of cash to have per month when struggling teachers get by for 25k a month.

:o obsene i hardly think so - its a lot more than most have here but i spend about 100,000 + baht a month and dont live much better than I did in UK - ok i have a wife and child here - no nanny no maid but in UK medical is free here we spend about 100k a year baht and were all pretty healthy - in UK schoold are frree - here we spend about 200k a year on a moderate school (including books etc) - then ccar air con etc etc - yes we live well but hardy obscene - then count things like odd trip back yo UK

:D obscene - i think not

It is an obscene amount if you are single guy with no dependents to feed and clothe!

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Hi Desertexile, mate I have been retired for 6 years now and I do it very well on much less than 670,000 GBP.

There is 2 very important things in investing, tax and inflation. You must always work out what you have left after these 2 have been taken out, then add a couple of % per year to your previous years living expenses. For example if you were living well last year on 60,000 baht per Month then this year you should try and factor in a lifestyle of 61,200 per Month.

I have investments that have beaten inflation and the effects of tax, I use a mixture of shares and cash investments similar to the HSBC you want to buy. Although I do buy shares and use their tax free dividends as income there are other ways of beating inflation, just like you suggest by putting back some of your income into your capital base. I have done it on a lot less than 670K GBP so I am sure you can do it too.

As for living expenses, I have known some old single farang men on pensions who can live on 25K a Month. I can't live on that, I live on about 60K a Month and I can't drink anymore, eat anymore or travel anymore than I already do on that but some people need a lot more, nothing wrong with that. You would have a very very good life in Thailand on 100K a Month, good luck.

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