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‘Better if you do’: Phuket Immigration chief urges foreigners to re-register addresses, even if staying off-island just one night


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2 hours ago, Valentine said:

No. Anyone can do it.

If they can read Klingon.


The first drop down appears to be a registration of details with the accept  button in green at the bottom (not in English. Does this then generate a password to access the site? There's a lot of bits on there NOT in English.

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My best guess is Thailand is getting hostile towards foreigners and they want to completely control foreigners on what about there doing in their country.

It is all good but they will see their economy based on tourists going down gradually if they keep pushing the control gig.

Mind you some time I wish that the North American country would be more restrictives about immigration it is a huge problem these days.

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2 years ago, during my 90 day report after my Thai wife and I had returned from the US, the 2nd level boss at Ranong immigration lost his jai yen and yelled at us for not providing a TM30 when we returned. I had never even heard of it prior to that. He claimed he could fine us "10,000 baht". I do not always keep my big mouth shut and asked him how we are supposed to know about this rule. That may have been the right thing to say as he had her fill one out and we were on our way with no further reaming.

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"Kathathorn explained that in order to re-report an address, the foreigner must come to Phuket immigration offices, in Phuket Town or in Patong, in person and provide their passport, a filled-in TM30 form and a letter of authorisation – or literally a power of attorney empowering the foreigner to register details on the landlord’s behalf – if the landlord is not present."

Did in past and just did it few days ago and no letter of authorisation is required in Phuket... 

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“If it’s the same address as they were previously staying, the foreigner does not need to bring the rental contract proving their rental of the residence. We will have that information in the system,” Col Kathathorn noted."
Also this is not true, they want a copy of the contract regardless.

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Just to follow up , and add my experience today extending my Retirement Visa  at Phuket Town Immigration. ( PTI )


I posted previously about my concern about having to personally report my absence from Thailand to PTI ( particularly as a friend had had hassles at Patong Imm. , and had to bring his landlord back the next day and was fined 1600 baht - the landlord not happy )  and s o I  raised this question with  HKT airport Immigration , and was told I  ( or my landlord ) didnt have to do anything for 90 days , then I had  make the  90 day report .

I left a little unhappy .

But this proved  true ( at PTI  anyway )  , and nothing  was mentioned when I did my 90 day report  10 days ago. 

I was told then  that if I wished to extend my Retirement Visa ( RV ) I had to do so by the 9th of this month , which I knew.


So all good , and the rest here is just a little story  about the requirements , currently , of making an extension .

Well what they were emphasizing this time as opposed to last year .

Last year  it seemed all about where you lived , but  this year , it was all about the money.

For me there is no argument that having Visa Extensions downstairs and separate is a great leap forward ( yes , I know that has been the case for more than a year ).


So theres a skinny little Officer with round glasses thats been there for years .. this was my 9th Extension  ... who comes outside when he can  ,   because we applicants are banished to outside ( but undercover )   , and checks your papers in a rather ad hoc manner ( TiT ) and  sends you off for "More copee  before I am  give you   the  number !"

The only problem is that no new arrival KNOWS that .

So while he is inside , dealing with people who have "the number !" , he quickly gets annoyed with those who stick their head in the door and say , "Oh sorry ! Can I get a number please ?" 

Then he quickly goes from affable to curt ... I watched  him yell , "You! You go out!! You can wait out there , or you can wait in Bangkok , Im dont care !"


Im not sure if he's a tad crazy or not ...

But he was trying to sing , "Its all about the money .."  with a grin to the waiting folk  at 9.10 am when I arrived ,  quietly chiding myself for not allowing for  the ridiculous amount of traffic we are now experiencing in Phuket ,  and reminiscing about the days when the Big Tesco Lotus was surrounded by cow paddocks...

There was about 20 waiting , but half of them were clearly Thai ladies there to support their aged men , so the numbers werent too bad.

Ive learnt that if you are shy there you dont get far , so I asked everyone , "So how do we get a number this year ?" , and 3 or 4 people said stuff like , "HE'S gone to the toilet " and grinned.

A lot of people would get annoyed at this news , but I just thought , "Ok , forget your reminiscing , nowadays  there IS better , and  at least someone who will stop you from getting to the DESK after a 3 hour wait through mayhem , only to  be told , "No good. Not have this , not have that , come back tomollow !"


So I waited. Only about 3 minutes,  and he came out  briskly and took my papers , and took a nice old fellow from Canadas papers , and started spreading them all around  the bench  , and the papers  quickly looked like they would cross over , and for a moment I thought I  I may head home with a Canadian passport and an 80k a month pension !

The unusually windy conditions werent helping either ...

We were both lunging for our papers as he discarded them ( to anyone ).

He didnt want either of our second photos , he didnt want my lease , or the accompanying land owners ID , or the copy of the land book , like he wanted to see last year.

He said  to the old Canadian , "Yesss.. you have the letter from the Embassy about you pension. But we want to see you sapend that money! Im want to see the card ! Im want copy the card !"

Well the old Canadian , who wore a hearing aid , was confused.

I wasnt , I'd had to do this one before.

I leant into his ear , "He wants to see plastic , do you have a debit card for here?"

He nodded.

"Get it out , show him , and  you'll probably have  photocopy it."

"But how does that show anything ?",  he mutters to me ..

I shrug. "If you've been here for 20 years then you know better than to ask that old mate "

He grins and nods , and holds up a card.

He gets a quick nod , "Now go an coppeee!" 

"Im want to see money sapend , not money lock!"


"Now you!" , he says to me.

"You have you bankbook an coppeee ?" 

I say , "Sir ,  in there is the Bank Letter , and they have included official copies of my bank transactions for the last 6 months.." ( Cost me 200 baht that ) 

He sorta stands straighter when I say  the "Sir" part , looks again , then says , "Bankbook ! You not hear what Im sing? We want to see money in Bank spend. If you have bankbook give me now! An you must have coppee!"

Well , I have a folder with a copy of pretty much everything I can think of , so I pull out the 3 pages of my last years transactions , and he goes , "Yesss, yess , yesss, good. An where is this one?"  He holds up the very first page  on my bank book stating my name and account number , and when I look defeated , he laughs , slaps my shoulder and says , "Sorry my fren , this one show all the other is real. Go an make coppee this one , I keep number for you. Is ok...."

Fortunately the copy place was empty ! I overtook the  old Canadian almost there , and assured him that all they wanted was the card copied , then stopped and said , "C'mon old timer , you were first and you'll need both sides copied on the one sheet." 

Hes like , "Huh , BOTH sides , with my signature and  showing the 3 numbers as well? They dont say that ..."

But I saw it was copied..

So with my last coppee I head back , and crazy man looks at me  and says , "Who are you ?"


I hold up the page and my folder closer to his face ( he is maybe more short sighted than he lets on ) and , then he starts to get annoyed that Im not going to put the page in the order he wants it , and theres no way Im going to suggest to a Thai official "Jai yen yen kup " , so I just hold out my hand for the number card and offer the standard , "No problem , I will put  where it goes .."  as at least I know that in the local  dialect ( my tg is from nearby )

Anyway , when all was said and done I was only number 13  , and  this was only 9.40 am , and by 9.45  I moved inside because they looked annoyed about coming out to call number 11.

And number 12 , the old Canuk,  had made it back , and  so I took him in with me.


Crazy man comes back in , sits down and checks his phone , then looks at me and says , "Yess, you nex "  .

I nod my head toward  Canada Pappa and say , "Kow me sib sawng - he has  number 12."

Pappa holds up his number 12 , and crazy man says  to me , "Oh , up to you huh ?"


I get called by the Thai only speaking International liason officer behind. ( 555)

He doesnt look up .

He grunts as he stamps every page.

He seems very trusting - but maybe hes just lazy , thinking crazy man has checked it all... which he has..

All stamped , he barely gets out , "Pbai noo !" ( go there ) and points at the 3 chairs near the photo equipment and near crazy man , who looks up , narrows his eyes  and goes , "You hab number ??"

Oh my Buddha ...


The young Thai girl with the computers and camera , who seems to be entering a lot of data ,  looks up with a lovely smile and says in Thai , "Pee . These men are done , maybe its time to give some more numbers?"

Crazy man gets up and  is heard outside saying , "Money ! Now we look the money !!"


Data is entered slowly , pic is taken quickly .

We are all told to come back tomorrow at 1pm.

Job done - maybe 30 minutes ( way better than 10 years back ! )


What They Wanted.

TM 7 Form completed ( now readily available just outside ) with a photo attached . ( the 2nd photo they used to request , they gave me back ) 

They also hand you another form ( short , half a page , in English , and the same thing at the top half you dont need to complete , in Thai  )

Your passport.

One copy of your   Cover page -  so your ID page -  And ALL  previous Extension stamps , plus your last entry stamp and your departure card all copied and signed.

Your bankbook !!

Copies of the bankbooks ID page  ( that I missed ) , and all transactions for the last year !

Bank Letter.

Lease. My copy of lease and the landlords land book were lightly perused and given back to me at 'checking stage' .


A little warning for those who have 'parked a million baht ' in an account in Thailand ... the crazy man was going on and on about , "Have to sapend the money !"

But then again he appeared  happy with a photocopy of both sides of a bank card 

Debit Card. 


I used to dread today.

But now I dont think its any sort of  problem.

Make an envelope of  1 or 2 copies of everything you may be asked to provide at next to nothing before you go.

2 or 3 baht a copy.

On arrival home I actually found a copy of what I was sent off for . I just didnt think I had it at the time ...






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20 hours ago, Psimbo said:

^^^^^^^ Maybe the above would be better in the Retirement Extension section- we don't really need a thread drift do we?


Couldnt find that thread...

Will copy and paste to there if someone has a link .

Edited by zaZa9
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Once a year  (Jan - March) when my sister and brother in law rent a house in Hua Hin (Btw, they rent from a fellow citizen who own the house through his Thai wife). I take the bus over and stay with them a week or sometimes 10 days. The bus is not my favourite way of travel so it happens that I take the return with the airport bus from Hua Hin to Suvarnabhumi and fly back to Phuket. My passport is with me but except when eventually checking in at Suvarnabhumi it stays safe in my bag. What and what for shall I actually report anything.....returning to my address in Phuket where I have lived for 20 years....:annoyed::wai:

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On 2/5/2018 at 3:45 PM, peperobi said:

I feel more like a criminal here in Thailand, for everything you do you need the permission of the authorities, the next request will be that in case you need to go to the WC you will need a special permission and you must declare how many times a day and where do you plan to do it....

Yep it's going that way.


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But it makes no sense except from a trying to track the location of a foreigner every night.  If I own or rent long term  a condo in Pattaya, then I decide to travel to Korat for a few days and stay at a hotel there, that's it.  I check in to the hotel, then a few days later return to Pattaya.  What law allows Phuket to mandate this extra reporting?  I won't live in a place that makes me register and report my activities with such scrutiny.  I stopped telling my Mom where I went over 50 years ago.

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1 minute ago, gk10002000 said:

But it makes no sense except from a trying to track the location of a foreigner every night.  If I own or rent long term  a condo in Pattaya, then I decide to travel to Korat for a few days and stay at a hotel there, that's it.  I check in to the hotel, then a few days later return to Pattaya.  What law allows Phuket to mandate this extra reporting?  I won't live in a place that makes me register and report my activities with such scrutiny.  I stopped telling my Mom where I went over 50 years ago.

Thai Immigration Act Section 37 / 3

An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the following:

Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty–four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of change in residence in which new residence is not located the same area with the former police stations, such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within twenty-four hours from the time of arrival.


Phuket Immigration is using this law not really right (because by law you would have to submit a TM28 to the police and not a TM30 to immigration), but that's the basis for their request


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17 minutes ago, jackdd said:

Thai Immigration Act Section 37 / 3

An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the following:

Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty–four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of change in residence in which new residence is not located the same area with the former police stations, such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within twenty-four hours from the time of arrival.


Phuket Immigration is using this law not really right (because by law you would have to submit a TM28 to the police and not a TM30 to immigration), but that's the basis for their request


The key word here is "new residence".  Staying in a hotel for a few nights while away from your permanent home and registered domicile is NOT a change in residence.  And just what is a temporary entry permit?  I don't think a one year retirement extension is what they meant to include as a temporary entry permit.

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2 hours ago, jackdd said:

Thai Immigration Act Section 37 / 3

An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the following:

Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty–four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of change in residence in which new residence is not located the same area with the former police stations, such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within twenty-four hours from the time of arrival.


Phuket Immigration is using this law not really right (because by law you would have to submit a TM28 to the police and not a TM30 to immigration), but that's the basis for their request


Immigration is a branch of the police.

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2 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

The key word here is "new residence".  Staying in a hotel for a few nights while away from your permanent home and registered domicile is NOT a change in residence.  And just what is a temporary entry permit?  I don't think a one year retirement extension is what they meant to include as a temporary entry permit.

It could theoretically mean this, but it could also mean "new" as in "just not the same as the one before". And in the original they use "ใหม่" which does usually mean "new", but can also mean "again" (i don't know if it could be used as again in this case, but whatever i think, you would want to discuss the subtleties of Thai grammar with the IO? And this law was written a while ago, maybe the meaning then was different from the meaning now)

And we can assume that whoever wrote this law wanted to be able to know where the foreigner is, so i'm quite sure they intended you to report every time. I stayed at probably multiple hundred locations in Thailand, so if i stay at any of them again i would not have to report? Would make it a "bit" difficult to locate me.


Temporary permit is obviously everything that is limited in time. You are allowed to stay for a year, so that's obviously temporary. If you had permanent residency you would be exempted from this law.


6 minutes ago, Valentine said:

Immigration is a branch of the police.

Yes, i know. What i wanted to say:

The law says we have to report to the police, this can be any police station.

But Phuket Immigration says: You have to report at immigration


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22 minutes ago, jackdd said:

It could theoretically mean this, but it could also mean "new" as in "just not the same as the one before". And in the original they use "ใหม่" which does usually mean "new", but can also mean "again" (i don't know if it could be used as again in this case, but whatever i think, you would want to discuss the subtleties of Thai grammar with the IO? And this law was written a while ago, maybe the meaning then was different from the meaning now)

And we can assume that whoever wrote this law wanted to be able to know where the foreigner is, so i'm quite sure they intended you to report every time. I stayed at probably multiple hundred locations in Thailand, so if i stay at any of them again i would not have to report? Would make it a "bit" difficult to locate me.


Temporary permit is obviously everything that is limited in time. You are allowed to stay for a year, so that's obviously temporary. If you had permanent residency you would be exempted from this law.


Yes, i know. What i wanted to say:

The law says we have to report to the police, this can be any police station.

But Phuket Immigration says: You have to report at immigration


And if I don't stay in a hotel?  Suppose I travel at night on a bus?  I did once go from Korat to Phuket (I don't recommend it).  Or just flit about.  So here they are, presumably trying to ascertain the nightly location of every foreigner, most who dutifully supply their IDs to the Inns, hotels, etc., while the ones hiding or illegal, or homeless are out there, staying under the radar.  So inconsistent.  Heck just look at some of the posts of the officials going to houses looking for overstay foreigners, but checking any house that had a foreigner.  They seemed clueless as to whether the database or whatever even indicated an overstay.   And to me, temporary doesn't mean one year.  It would mean a tourist visa or visa exempt visa.  But I know, one won't win the argument with the local police/immigration.   Temporary would never fly a test in a real court, especially when few foreigners really have permanent residency.  And I don't see anything in the law as written that specifically exempts permanent residents that are foreigners.  If one such person leaves and enters the country or checks into a hotel, I bet the hotel would submit the stay card, just as they would any foreign visitor.  Just a guess on my part.  

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44 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

And if I don't stay in a hotel?  Suppose I travel at night on a bus?  I did once go from Korat to Phuket (I don't recommend it).  Or just flit about.  So here they are, presumably trying to ascertain the nightly location of every foreigner, most who dutifully supply their IDs to the Inns, hotels, etc., while the ones hiding or illegal, or homeless are out there, staying under the radar.  So inconsistent.  Heck just look at some of the posts of the officials going to houses looking for overstay foreigners, but checking any house that had a foreigner.  They seemed clueless as to whether the database or whatever even indicated an overstay.   And to me, temporary doesn't mean one year.  It would mean a tourist visa or visa exempt visa.  But I know, one won't win the argument with the local police/immigration.   Temporary would never fly a test in a real court, especially when few foreigners really have permanent residency.  And I don't see anything in the law as written that specifically exempts permanent residents that are foreigners.  If one such person leaves and enters the country or checks into a hotel, I bet the hotel would submit the stay card, just as they would any foreign visitor.  Just a guess on my part.  

The law just says "where the alien resides", so they don't make a difference if it's a hotel, apartment, condo, house, a 7/11 or under the bridge.

There is also Section 37 / 4: "If the alien travels to any province and will stay there longer than twenty-four hours, such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within forty-eight hours from the time of arrival."

So if your bus is very slow and needs more than 24 hours to cross the province you would have to report, on faster trips they allow you to skip the report that you are now in a bus. Aren't they nice? 555

The law says "alien having received a temporary entry permit" this is everybody who does not have a permanent residency, because a permanent residency is, as the name already suggests, "permanent" and not "temporary"

Of course this is crazy, i think everybody agrees, but i don't know what we could do against it, we are just the guests here.

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, zaZa9 said:

I have heard that Phuket Town Immigration is now requiring all those returning from O/S travel to report to them within 24 hours ... just as Patong and CM do.

Anyone have an update ?

Imho ignore it and relax.


Talked 2 weeks ago with one of the immi headhonchos in town. He was amused how many guys wetting their pants here because of this minor nonsense.

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i am new to this forum . I am 58 years old. Lived in phuket for almost 3 years. Retired with non immigration visa . Just returned from 10 day holiday in Australia on 23rd march . Just re registered same rented condo address at phuket immigration. Thought it was better to be safe than sorry ...


This is the info they require 

1) copy of owner I’d card ( landlord) 

2) copy of House / condo registration

3) copy rental contract 

4) copy passport and non - immigration visa 

5) plus copy of tm 6 card

6) plus completed tm30 form


Up to you as they say ......


Edited by Kevin neil
Immigration document
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