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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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14 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Infowars's Alex Jones blasts Trump over airstrikes: 'He's crapping all over us'


Infowars founder Alex Jones ripped into President Trump on Friday night after the president authorized military airstrikes in Syria, saying the decision made him "sick."



So according to Alex Jones, he hasn't always been opposed to Trump (or is that "trump"?).   Trump has become a piece of crap, contrary to what many here suggest, i.e., he's always been a piece of crap, since long before he was elected. 


Jones said, “If he had been a piece of crap from the beginning, it wouldn’t be so bad,”  and that implies.....no, it says, that he thought Trump was OK until the strikes in Syria.


Be careful with what you quote, because it doesn't always work for you.


Then I read......


Alexander Emric Jones is an American radio show host and conspiracy theorist. 


Another conspiracy theorist??    He'll be right at home on TV!!!

Edited by F4UCorsair
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52 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Memory loss, Bruce?



Quote Bruce............


I stand corrected, Clinton did authorize a four day joint US-UK bombing campaign of Iraq in 1998 for failure to comply with agreements on WMD.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Iraq_(1998)



It was only 4 days Neeranam, so I guess that doesn't count??

Edited by F4UCorsair
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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

We're angry with Trump for having no Russia policy, or Syria policy, or any policy.  We're angry at Trump for being corrupt and incompetent.  We're puzzled and disturbed that so many people think it's a good idea to have a clueless reality TV blowhard in the White House.


At this stage in the thread how can you not know this?

quote "We're angry with Trump for having no Russia policy,"...


no policy, other than the policy of colluding with Russia to cost our Hillary her election you mean? That was the whole premise of this very long thread. For his corruption in office, I presume you have credible links to his having been found guilty in a court of law?


You are right about being puzzled.

Edited by FreddieRoyle
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6 hours ago, heybruce said:

No.  Fox News is a consistent critic of all things Clinton, and the source of claims that everything Bill Clinton did was an attempt to distract from the Lewinski affair.  Since you parroted the Fox News line I thought you might be a fan.


Which, funnily enough, is what extreme left wing conspiracy theorist Rachael Maddow is saying about Trump right now. She even had a stage 5 meltdown over it. Trump is bombing Syria to distract from the Muller investigation ZOMFG!!


Nothing like a slathering of liberal hypocrisy.



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6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Even if it's true that America has the best generals (and god knows how you came up with that factoid) that's only useful if their commander-in-chief follows their advice. Do you think they recommended pulling out of Syria quickly and abandoning the Kurds?

I wasn't aware we had pulled out of Syria.

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

I want Trump to stay in office - despite the harm he's doing to the US - because he's dragging down the Republican Party daily - and showing all reasonable people how decrepit Republicans are (coddling the rich, debilitating the US, trashing the environment, hating minorities, etc.).

As said countless times before, people vote with their pocketbooks. If the economy is thriving.....well you get the idea. Those of us who work hard don't like the re-distribution of wealth mantra the left chants. If I had my way there would be one tax rate for all Americans with no hidden loopholes. From dishwashers to billionaires....all should pay the same rate.

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3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Are you aware that Trump is saying that the US will be pulling its troops out soon? Are you aware that he put a hold on a 200 million dollar program to help the US allies in Syria? Are you aware that this withholding was done against the advice of the US generals in charge of the Syrian operation?

Actions speak louder than words. Could be he wants others to share the cost fairly. All to often others benefit from the US dollars without contributing.

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Just now, EVENKEEL said:

Actions speak louder than words. Could be he wants others to share the cost fairly. All to often others benefit from the US dollars without contributing.

They may speak louder than words but words do carry weight. How do you think the Kurds are weighing their options now that Trump has spoken. And Trump has taken action. He's withheld money that was slated to help the US allies in Syria. Against the advice of "the best generals in the world.". But, to be fair, Trump has been known to be described as "a very stable genius".

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3 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Actions speak louder than words. Could be he wants others to share the cost fairly. All to often others benefit from the US dollars without contributing.

And I should add that inaction can also speak louder than words. As in the case of not retaliating for Russia's threatening cyber intrusions.

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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

And I should add that inaction can also speak louder than words. As in the case of not retaliating for Russia's threatening cyber intrusions.

Because his every decision isn't broadcast to the public do we think nothing is done? I don't think so.

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Many "trump" supporters seem to suffer from a Big Daddy syndrome.. Big Daddy will take care of things. We don't need to think. The opposite of the democratic spirit.

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The Conspiracy Theory That Says Trump Is a Genius


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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Other possible impeachable offenses include obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations, violations of the employments clause, and money laundering, etc.


Correction --

employments clause should of course be EMOLUMENTS clause.

I never meant to write employments clause. That would be very stupid. It's was one of those keyboard automatic word finishing thingies. 

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5 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

quote "We're angry with Trump for having no Russia policy,"...


no policy, other than the policy of colluding with Russia to cost our Hillary her election you mean? That was the whole premise of this very long thread. For his corruption in office, I presume you have credible links to his having been found guilty in a court of law?


You are right about being puzzled.

Apparently you are unclear on what a government policy is.  Regarding corruption, that began after the election and before he was sworn in, as evidenced by his doubling the entry fees of "the Winter White House", Mar-a-Lago.  Guilty in a court of law has so far been avoided with out-of-court settlements, but that may change.

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4 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


I believe the correct democrat talking point is now "comprehensive strategy" - and that strategy is the Democrats hailed the success of the removal of chemical weapons from Syria, then Chemical Weapons where used killing women and children in an effort to root out enemies hiding in the city. They used chemical weapons so we bombed them. Chemical Weapons are a no-go and a violation of the Geneva Convention. 


Syria is a hellhole and I recommend you watch some of the ISIS recruiting videos and whats going on over there. Its beyond words. Babies being decapitated by rebels, public executions, heads on spikes, its horrific. You really need to watch some of the real deal videos and then get back to me because i believe if you did you would agree that not only does something need to be done over there, but that its also a direct threat to the USA, as well as every other western nation. There are some stone-cold psycho killers running around there like its nothing who are well financed and hunt people world wide. 


Personally I dont want to do anything. Leave it all over there and let Russia & Syria sort it all out, but at the same time - travel ban. That noise needs to stay there. But on the other hand, it also needs to be contained there. 


And weather you like it or not, Trump has the best generals on the planet advising him and the best intelligence worldwide, so you can probably settle down about his "incompetence" in these matters. Your boy Obama was no more competent in this regard either. 

You ramble about things Syria things in general, with a side-trip into ISIS territory, without in any way indicating a Syria policy.  Answer this; what does Trump want to accomplish regarding Syria?  If you, and Trump, have no answer, there is no Syria policy.


Regarding "the best generals on the planet advising him"; which one of those best generals advised him to warn Russia of an impending strike?  Having quality advisers is useless when the President doesn't bother to consult with them.  Even when he does make a half-hearted attempt to consult, he is notorious for his impatience with details, reading, and anything else that requires concentration.

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1 hour ago, alocacoc said:

Highest approval rating since he took office. The trend is clear.

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.




Trump job approval slips 4 points to 39 percent in NBC poll







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