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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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6 minutes ago, Hamuraii said:

Obama cost 95.000.000 USD to play golf in his 8 years, thats all he did.

Not sure about your numbers but lying hypocrite trump who said he wouldn't golf as president and wouldn't leave the white house, golfs much more than Obama and goes to Florida all the time. You must be steaming mad at trump! Join the golf club! 

Edited by Jingthing
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9 minutes ago, Hamuraii said:

Obama cost 95.000.000 USD to play golf in his 8 years, thats all he did.

Why don't you check your source for the cost of Trump's golf trips.  Every trip to Mar-a-Lago cost $3.6 million, so Trump probably came close to Obama's eight year cost in his first year.    http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/apr/18/center-american-progress-action-fund/how-much-do-donald-trumps-trips-mar-lago-cost/


Of course this is pocket change compared to the $25 billion Trump wants for a wall (see-through fence) on the Mexican border.  General Patton said "Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man."  If the wall is built, it will be a $25 billion monument to the stupidity of the United States.

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Just now, heybruce said:

Why don't you check your source for the cost of Trump's golf trips.  Every trip to Mar-a-Lago cost $3.6 million, so Trump probably came close to Obama's eight year cost in his first year.    http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/apr/18/center-american-progress-action-fund/how-much-do-donald-trumps-trips-mar-lago-cost/


Of course this is pocket change compared to the $25 billion Trump wants for a wall (see-through fence) on the Mexican border.  General Patton said "Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man."  If the wall is built, it will be a $25 billion monument to the stupidity of the United States.

Sorry but, he's gonna have to build a wall in the north too, them leafs have gone fubar 

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5 minutes ago, Hamuraii said:

Sorry but, he's gonna have to build a wall in the north too, them leafs have gone fubar 

No worries. Just confiscate their Canadian health insurance cards. They won't stay. 


Don't worry about the Norwegian wave either!

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26 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Just a little side note:  The value of the US dollar, which is a measure of global confidence in the US economy, went up 29% during Obama's eight years in office, and down 9% during Trump's first year.  https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DTWEXM/


He really is undoing everything Obama did, and making America weak again.

Guess it means more to me as I'm often working on naval vessels in the Gulf.

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34 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

That RomCom must have had good box office and this is the sequel.


28 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I believe! I believe!


37 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Bruce, when you're in a foxhole, don't shoot your buddy who's laying down cover fire for you. Really, take a deep breath. You're starting to sound like that guy in deepest Isaan awaiting the Trump dictatorship.

Desperate attempt at deflection, or just way too much free time?

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This makes a good point, but if trump and Pence goes, then it's Ryan.


So it's basically different flavors of poison.




If Trump Is Booted, Pence Is an Unacceptable Replacement


A post-Trump America does not need the failed president's doctrine of hatred to be stoked by his successor, who will continue to divide us to hold on to power. Any trace of Trump must be eradicated, and the abomination that the Republican Party has become must not be rewarded by putting Trump’s vice president in the White House.






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4 hours ago, Thakkar said:

And there you have it. The other shoe drops. No matter how bad Trump is in ACTUALLY being president, he can NEVER be as bad as a hypothetical president Hillary Clinton.  If Trump nukes the world, well at least he didn’t nuke the world AND another nearby planet like Hillary would’ve.


3 hours ago, heybruce said:

So you think it is better to have a clueless, inexperienced, erratic, seemingly unstable and unteachable narcissist with the ability to launch nuclear weapons, as opposed to an informed, experienced, stable politician.  I disagree.


Perhaps you are one of those in denial of the President's power to launch nuclear weapons.  It's been explained many times, if you are still in denial you are out of touch with reality.

For those who are wondering why Thakkar and lannarebirth are making so many nonsensical posts, they are trying to deflect attention from the above.


BTW, for the Southpark fans, Thakkar could easily be one of the Whites in the latest episode.  No matter how crazy the president became, Whites' response was "Hillary would have been worse."

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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

Just a little side note:  The value of the US dollar, which is a measure of global confidence in the US economy, went up 29% during Obama's eight years in office, and down 9% during Trump's first year.  https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DTWEXM/


He really is undoing everything Obama did, and making America weak again.

 Depending upon how long ,a weak dollar is good for making America exports strong.It helps create and keep jobs in the USA! He is trying to undo everything that was burdening  American people with unnecessary costs, even if that means eliminating Mr. Obama's policies.

Edited by riclag
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25 minutes ago, riclag said:

 Depending upon how long ,a weak dollar is good for making America exports strong.It helps create and keep jobs in the USA! He is trying to undo everything that was burdening  American people with unnecessary costs, even if that means eliminating Mr. Obama's policies.


Regardless of the value of the $USD it is exports that boost the economy. A lower $USD encourages domestic investment and increased exports.  Not great for expats but good for the economy. As the trade balance levels out the $USD will climb again. Germany being a good example of an advanced economy with a strong manufacturing sector and strong trade balance and strong currency,




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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

This makes a good point, but if trump and Pence goes, then it's Ryan.


So it's basically different flavors of poison.







Yes, I don't see any possibility of this ending well.

Except maybe if something happens like in Ray Bradbury's Childhood's End.



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46 minutes ago, riclag said:

 Depending upon how long ,a weak dollar is good for making America exports strong.It helps create and keep jobs in the USA! He is trying to undo everything that was burdening  American people with unnecessary costs, even if that means eliminating Mr. Obama's policies.


15 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Regardless of the value of the $USD it is exports that boost the economy. A lower $USD encourages domestic investment and increased exports.  Not great for expats but good for the economy. As the trade balance levels out the $USD will climb again. Germany being a good example of an advanced economy with a strong manufacturing sector and strong trade balance and strong currency,




Yes, there are costs and benefits to a weak dollar.  However my point is that the value of a currency is the most direct measure of the global confidence in the economy that currency serves.  When the dollar increased by 29% under Obama it showed a significant increase in faith in the US economy.  A fall of 9% in one year shows a serious fall in confidence in our economy. 


In summary, the fall of the dollar is not a vote of confidence in Trump's management of the US economy.  A weak currency is a symptom of an economy with problems.

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2 hours ago, riclag said:

 Depending upon how long ,a weak dollar is good for making America exports strong.It helps create and keep jobs in the USA! He is trying to undo everything that was burdening  American people with unnecessary costs, even if that means eliminating Mr. Obama's policies.

Ooops, time for a sycophant U turn. Trump wants a strong dollar



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18 minutes ago, simple1 said:


EVERY country wants a strong currency no matter what they say. But only if that strong currency also comes with a strong economy with a more or less fair balance of trade. You can mark the decline in US standards of living from the time its Balance of Trade went from positive through neutral and then turned sharply negative. How do you encourage domestic consumption, domestic investment, foreign investment, stronger exports and fewer imports? Weaken the currency until the Balance of Trade is more favorable. Once it is more favorable the currency rises no matter the government's intent or stated wishes.

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3 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


EVERY country wants a strong currency no matter what they say. But only if that strong currency also comes with a strong economy with a more or less fair balance of trade. You can mark the decline in US standards of living from the time its Balance of Trade went from positive through neutral and then turned sharply negative. How do you encourage domestic consumption, domestic investment, foreign investment, stronger exports and fewer imports? Weaken the currency until the Balance of Trade is more favorable. Once it is more favorable the currency rises no matter the government's intent or stated wishes.

Whatever, guarantee Trump supporters will immediately update their prior position to Trump's without any thought. So far as I understand the current positive economic trends were firmly in-place as an outcome of the prior administration's policies. Possible there will be a an economic downtown should Trump continue with his self absorption and protectionist policies. IMO, Trump's daily self aggrandisement is damaging to the greater good.

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15 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Whatever, guarantee Trump supporters will immediately update their prior position to Trump's without any thought. So far as I understand the current positive economic trends were firmly in-place as an outcome of the prior administration's policies. Possible there will be a an economic downtown should Trump continue with his self absorption and protectionist policies. IMO, Trump's daily self aggrandisement is damaging to the greater good.


I think there are very very few "Trump supporters". I think Trump was a protest vote against a 2 party machine content to manage the decline of a nation.  Can Trump do anything about it? Absolutely not; but he provides a catalyst for change. Plus, when they take him out I figure he'll take out a sacred cow or two with him.


Everything is part of a process. The process that brought us to this point in our nation's history and the process that will take us out the other side. I try to look at these things over a longer time frame and not just react to the news of the day save to rib posters who deify horribly flawed politicians of whichever stripe.

Edited by lannarebirth
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