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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So Sarah Sanders stands at the podium every day and says that any reporter that publishes news that turns out to be not completely factual is peddling fake news and she would have us believe that when she is caught out not telling the truth and openly lying that she was giving "the best information available at the time"??? Do they think we have ALL had frontal lobotomy's?


Here she is, her worst performance yet (if lying is the standard to judge her by) . She is losing her will to lie, you can see it here. Every second she is screaming under her breath "Beam me up scotty". Time to get out Sarah, before even your kids start to hate you.






As was so humorously spelled out by comedian Michelle Wolf this week, the real job of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is to go to the press briefing podium each day and lie on Donald Trump’s behalf. But Huckabee Sanders can only lie effectively if she knows what the truth is to begin with, so she can avoid stepping in it. It turns out Trump threw her under the bus today with regard to the Michael Cohen payoff.


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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

So Sarah Sanders stands at the podium every day and says that any reporter that publishes news that turns out to be not completely factual is peddling fake news and she would have us believe that when she is caught out not telling the truth and openly lying that she was giving "the best information available at the time"???


Do you comprehend the difference between journalists and politicians right? 


Politicians lying does not give journalists permission to lie. 


And yeah I think Sarah Sanders most likely isnt privy to all Trumps personal details and history. This isnt really an unreasonable position. 

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30 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:

Do you comprehend the difference between journalists and politicians right? 


Politicians lying does not give journalists permission to lie. 


And yeah I think Sarah Sanders most likely isnt privy to all Trumps personal details and history. This isnt really an unreasonable position. 

Totally pathetic response.


By the way, the journalists ARE publishing the best information available at the time to them. The Trump brigade are making a CHOICE to lie.


As for this, I cannot believe you have used this as some kind of defence. It says so much about you.



Do you comprehend the difference between journalists and politicians right? 


Politicians lying does not give journalists permission to lie.

Thou shalt not bear false witness. Does it say in your's and Trump's bible 'Thou shalt not bear false witness unless you are a politician in which case it is OK-eth, but definitely not-eth if you are a journalist'?


Please, no need to reply, you have represented your personal values as best you can already and nobody wants to see and further lowering of the bar..

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45 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Do you comprehend the difference between journalists and politicians right? 


Politicians lying does not give journalists permission to lie. 


And yeah I think Sarah Sanders most likely isnt privy to all Trumps personal details and history. This isnt really an unreasonable position. 

In spite of the stereotype, most politicians avoid telling a lie that will be found out.  That's why they will qualify, equivocate, or dodge questions they don't want to answer. 


Trump is clearly not like most politicians.  He lies without hesitation.  He lies when it's unnecessary, and when it will clearly be found out.  He doesn't care.  He knows he has a base that doesn't want the truth, they want to be entertained. 


Those of us who take the job of the President serious and want a serious President who is in touch with reality are in despair.

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13 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


This statement right here is why the term "fake news" was coined. Its the liberal version of Alex Jones saying crazy stuff, and just unequivocally proves that the extreme left is no better than the extreme right. 


Nobody in this thread could show me how Pence has gone "to great lengths" to assure the racist element of the base that hes "one of them" and neither does the article you quote. 


Please take your time and enjoy every single word of this report

Not only did Pence praise Arpaio on Tuesday, the event at which it happened was hosted by pro-Trump organization America First Policies. A report published by CNN in January highlighted the bigoted past of one of the group’s top staffers, Carl Higbie, who has said that "the black race" has "a lax of morality," and that he believes "wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, that the black race as a whole, not totally, is lazier than the white race period."


Pence has appeared at at least 15 events hosted by America First Policies.


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11 minutes ago, Opl said:

Please take your time and enjoy every single word of this report


I read it. Some dude named Carl Higbie said some nasty stuff on the radio. 


Its a ridiculous fake news reach to take that and spin it into somehow Mike Pence is assuring racists that hes one of them. 


You should look up Randa Jarrar, the tenured professor at Fresno state & get back to me if she represents the entirety of the liberal platform. 

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46 minutes ago, heybruce said:

In spite of the stereotype, most politicians avoid telling a lie that will be found out.  That's why they will qualify, equivocate, or dodge questions they don't want to answer. 


Trump is clearly not like most politicians.  He lies without hesitation.  He lies when it's unnecessary, and when it will clearly be found out.  He doesn't care.  He knows he has a base that doesn't want the truth, they want to be entertained. 


Those of us who take the job of the President serious and want a serious President who is in touch with reality are in despair.


Yeah, right, and Hillary Clinton was taking sniper fire, you can keep your doctor, I did not have sexual relations with that woman.... I could go on for days. 


You're in despair because of your own political parties complete failure, not because of Trump. 



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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

By the way, the journalists ARE publishing the best information available at the time to them.

Riiiiiiiiiiight. Thats just objectively false. 


This is CNN's April Ryan:


April Ryan: Sanders’ Response Implied A ‘Physical Fight’

CNN’s April Ryan claims that White House press secretary Sarah Sanders wanted a “physical fight” during Thursday’s press briefing.


Sanders and Ryan had a tense moment in the briefing room after Ryan insisted that Sanders was “blindsided” by Rudy Giuliani’s Fox News interview the previous evening. (RELATED: Giuliani: Trump Reimbursed Cohen For $130,000 Stormy Daniels Payment)


Sanders slammed Ryan for purporting to know how she feels, retorting, “with all due respect, you actually don’t know much about me in terms of what I feel and what I don’t.” (RELATED: Sarah Sanders Wipes The Floor With April Ryan) 


Ryan responded to the comments several times throughout the day on CNN, but she went beyond the pale on Don Lemon’s show when she suggested that Sanders’ words implied a physical altercation.


“If she’s upset about [my question] then that’s fine, I understand people in the White House are very upset,” Ryan said. “But what I will say to you is that…for her to say, ‘you don’t know me,’ in certain quarters in this nation that starts a physical fight.”


“I was very shocked, it was street. I will even go beyond that — it was gutter,” Ryan continued. “She can be mad at what I say right now: tough.”


Ryan also attacked Sanders’ relatively young age, stating, “You know, I feel like she’s feeling some type of way, she’s catching feelings from this weekend…she’s 35, I’m 50, I’ve been at the White House for 21 years to her what — one?”


UPDATE (11:35 PM):


Ryan also tweeted about Sanders apparently using fighting words, noting that in Baltimore someone saying “you don’t know me” will start “fist fights.”


“She needs to know what she is saying,” Ryan tweeted. “Take off that pretty ring to fornthe street fight.”


The mayor of Baltimore, apparently a friend of Ryan’s, added, “I already took my earrings off and Vaseline in my purse.”





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3 minutes ago, Slip said:

You make 5 barely coherent posts in a row, and it's Andaman Al that is 'triggered'?  You should stop before your credibility sinks further into the mud.

It must be stressful for "trump" fans to realize that the majority of Americans now have his number. 

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

But but but but but but but this thread is about Trump.


2 minutes ago, Slip said:

You make 5 barely coherent posts in a row, and it's Andaman Al that is 'triggered'?  You should stop before your credibility sinks further into the mud.


Im posting stuff about Trump, and people in Trumps orbit or that have been effected by trump. Are we not allowed to do this? 

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1 hour ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


You should step outside this liberal echo-chamber and see some of the actual, on the ground discussion going on. 100k likes and almost 50k comments about Trump and Kanye West. 



You DO know that Kanye hasn't been taking his medicines for a while?



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1 hour ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:



Im posting stuff about Trump, and people in Trumps orbit or that have been effected by trump. Are we not allowed to do this? 

That's not what I said Loong.  I was commenting on you calling someone else 'triggered' while you had your wee rant.  

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Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

The unemployment rate for black workers dropped to 6.6 percent, beating the previous record low of 6.8 percent set in December.

The jobless rate for Hispanics fell to 4.8 percent, tying the record reached last year and in 2006.


Don't listen to all the coup/Trump haters,America is live and well except of course if you  hate change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jobs Jobs Jobs

Edited by riclag
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4 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Yeah, right, and Hillary Clinton was taking sniper fire, you can keep your doctor, I did not have sexual relations with that woman.... I could go on for days. 


You're in despair because of your own political parties complete failure, not because of Trump. 



One against Hillary, one against Bill.  Hillary claims an exaggeration, Bill defined a BJ as not sexual relations.


How about Trump claiming that Obama tried for years to get two Americans released by North Korea who were not taken prisoner by North Korea until Trump became President?  How about not knowing about the Cohen pay-off to Stormy Daniels, then knowing about it, then (he may be backtracking) not knowing about it?  How about the largest inauguration crowds in history, Obama wire-tapped him, Obama wasn't born in the US, millions of illegals voted for Hillary, etc?  There are many more.    https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2018/05/01/president-trump-has-made-3001-false-or-misleading-claims-so-far/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.3927dcb40088


But you claim you can go on for days.  Please do.  Explain to us how any politician has come close to the number of lies Trump has put out.  Show us how any politician has put out as many lies in an entire career as Trump has put out in his first year.

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6 minutes ago, riclag said:

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

The unemployment rate for black workers dropped to 6.6 percent, beating the previous record low of 6.8 percent set in December.


Based on figures Trump said were fake until he became President.  Then all numbers that made him look good were real, those that made him look bad weren't his fault.  What can you expect from a habitual liar?

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America wants jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets see what pays the mortgage ? Potty mouth/tweets or who cares I got bucks in my checking account!!! Vote for PT 2020

U.S. job growth picks up; unemployment rate drops to 3.9 percent


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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

America wants jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets see what pays the mortgage ? Potty mouth/tweets or who cares I got bucks in my checking account!!! Vote for PT 2020

U.S. job growth picks up; unemployment rate drops to 3.9 percent


Yes, thank god for the Obama recovery.   https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/gdp-growth

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In America the GOP has to worry about the Independent voter ! To win again.The dems are trying to distract the GOP voters with lies and distortion with accusations ,like he's not fit and his pants are on fire,liar liar pants on fire. Would I like to see everyone together and love  a President like Obama ,Nope!!!

America likes PT.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove. .

The Dems have nothing to offer except for impeachment,Warren and Polosi 


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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Based on figures Trump said were fake until he became President.  Then all numbers that made him look good were real, those that made him look bad weren't his fault.  What can you expect from a habitual liar?


U3 is a fake number, but it is the same fake number now as it was during Obama's presidency.



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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Yes, thank god for the Obama recovery.   https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/gdp-growth

You really should read the St. Louis Fed study  by Dupor on that stimulus plan you are so enamored of. 0.4% GDP multiplier attributed to it but with a consequent lessening of future GDP growth due to the debt it created that will never go away. 


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IMO all the pro Trump posts IMO are 'so what'. Trump cannot manage a 'pissup in a brewery' with his own legal matters, how can he be expected to lead a nation. Trump is proven to either outright lie or deliberately present mis-information approx nine times a day. Farcical for Trump to lead a country with the inherent massive risks of his behaviour, especially in the international arena. Best description of Trump's Administration - idiocracy.

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3 hours ago, riclag said:

Citi: U.S. To Become World’s Top Oil Exporter

 Trump Is a genius! Not bad for someone who wasn't suppose to last 6 months.


Yeah, what has Trump done to make this happen?  Don't post about making it legal for coal companies to pollute water, tell us how Trump gets credit for the fracking boom that happened before he took office.

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

You really should read the St. Louis Fed study  by Dupor on that stimulus plan you are so enamored of. 0.4% GDP multiplier attributed to it but with a consequent lessening of future GDP growth due to the debt it created that will never go away. 


If you want to start comparing Trump's current and projected deficit spending to Obama's---OK.  We can do that.

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