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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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19 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

It is beyond disgusting how far America has fallen.

And that is due to the criminal activities of Bush, Clinton(male and female), and Obama.

I can give facts if you'd like about them starting wars in foreign countries that had nothing to do with them, well apart from helping their oil businesses and arms dealing.


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30 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

How about Trump does something about current injustices that are going on, such as children being taken away from their mothers and then 'lost' in a system that is incompetent.

Please state your source for this.

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7 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

And that is due to the criminal activities of Bush, Clinton(male and female), and Obama.

I can give facts if you'd like about them starting wars in foreign countries that had nothing to do with them, well apart from helping their oil businesses and arms dealing.


I do not disagree that George W Bush should be in jail. 


Yes please give facts about the criminal activities of Clinton and Obama.


What previous Presidents have done is nothing to do with the current low life that occupies the oval office.

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Just now, Andaman Al said:

I do not disagree that George W Bush should be in jail. 


Yes please give facts about the criminal activities of Clinton and Obama.


What previous Presidents have done is nothing to do with the current low life that occupies the oval office.

Are you unaware of who Obama and Clinton sold guns to in Africa, and even trained their soldiers how to use them? Are you unaware of where the Clinton foundation got 100's of millions of dollars.

A simple google search should suffice.


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11 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Are you unaware of who Obama and Clinton sold guns to in Africa, and even trained their soldiers how to use them? Are you unaware of where the Clinton foundation got 100's of millions of dollars.

A simple google search should suffice.




Give the FACTS that you promised us that Clinton and Obama were involved in Criminal activity.

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10 hours ago, Johnniey said:

And quite fairly too. Not only was it criminal what Clinton did, the FBI need to be investigated and brought to justice. 

He is showing great integrity and strength against all odds and endless unwarranted attacks on him, his family and his personal life.


Hillary Clinton has been accused of many crimes, all were investigated (often repeatedly), none resulted in criminal charges.  Shouldn't Trump and company be treated the same way when they are accused of crimes?  Unless the investigations reveal grounds for criminal charges, of course.


The FBI does not need to be investigated for throwing the election in favor of Trump, that was all James Comey's doing. 


Calling Commander Bone-Spur and the head of Trump University someone of "great integrity and strength" is laughable.


The investigation of Russian interference in the election, possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, and any other criminal activities exposed during this investigation, is legal and necessary to preserve democracy in the US. 

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26 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Are you unaware of who Obama and Clinton sold guns to in Africa, and even trained their soldiers how to use them? Are you unaware of where the Clinton foundation got 100's of millions of dollars.

A simple google search should suffice.


The US has been a leading exporter of military arms through-out the world under all administrations, including the current one, since the end of WW II, and some of those arms have ended up in the wrong hands.  How is that pertinent to this topic?


The Clinton foundation has been open about where its money came from and where it went.  Unlike the Trump Foundation.  Since the topic is about Trump, perhaps you should worry about Trump Foundation dealings.

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.... One is asked whether: -- post the "democrats'" Deep State's appointment of its sniffing-about jowly mutt, Mueller, to do a Lavrentiy Beria on united States of America's President, Donald John Trump; -- one believes President Trump will ultimately be impeached or will be forced to resign ...?


No he will not. But the "democratic," party, its Deep State being daily more exposed as rotten to its weaponized core, is already desperate to halt Mueller's messing about, is already scuttling for cover, is already beginning to collapse in upon itself and will, come November 6 2018, be rendered impotent and soon thereafter implode. And may never recover. 

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9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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More on how utterly horrible "trump" is. An endless well of content there. I honestly can't even begin to relate to any American that doesn't see this. Non-American "trump" admirers I can excuse their ignorance -- such as pushing a false narrative that "trump" is the same thing as Brexit or Putin Russians relating to his racism and lack of support for civilized international norms. Nope. "trump" represents a very specific American kind of national meltdown.




 NEW YORK TIMES The Weasel of Oz

Trump has an unmatched ability to retain power by deceiving the populace.



The racism has become almost routine. Now it is the continued revelations of the degree to which Trump takes the presidency as a giant game, in which he is all-powerful, in which supplicants must come pleading, in which he has an unmatched ability to retain power by manipulating and deceiving the populace.

Its like he’s playing the role of the Wizard of Oz, only this man is a weasel.








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"Vet group calls President Trump’s Memorial Day message “the most inappropriate”

"Trump praised his economy and the unemployment rate of people of color and women in a tweet about Memorial Day. It wasn't just the self-serving lip service that provoked outrage on Twitter. It was that Trump was speaking for fallen soldiers to promote his agenda."



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17 minutes ago, Opl said:

"Vet group calls President Trump’s Memorial Day message “the most inappropriate”

"Trump praised his economy and the unemployment rate of people of color and women in a tweet about Memorial Day. It wasn't just the self-serving lip service that provoked outrage on Twitter. It was that Trump was speaking for fallen soldiers to promote his agenda."




Pretty awful, alright.

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33 minutes ago, Opl said:

"Vet group calls President Trump’s Memorial Day message “the most inappropriate”

"Trump praised his economy and the unemployment rate of people of color and women in a tweet about Memorial Day. It wasn't just the self-serving lip service that provoked outrage on Twitter. It was that Trump was speaking for fallen soldiers to promote his agenda."





Then again when you have a SOB (Presidentially used term) like Louie Gohmert in congress who must have an IQ less than 60 what can you expect from the current Republicans. Listen to Gohmert trying to suggest that Mueller protected radical islamists. This guy is such a pos.



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2 hours ago, Opl said:

"Vet group calls President Trump’s Memorial Day message “the most inappropriate”

"Trump praised his economy and the unemployment rate of people of color and women in a tweet about Memorial Day. It wasn't just the self-serving lip service that provoked outrage on Twitter. It was that Trump was speaking for fallen soldiers to promote his agenda."



Who is this Vet Group!  Votevets.org ?Their progressive members won't be voting for PT any time soon.



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11 hours ago, Andaman Al said:



Then again when you have a SOB (Presidentially used term) like Louie Gohmert in congress who must have an IQ less than 60 what can you expect from the current Republicans. Listen to Gohmert trying to suggest that Mueller protected radical islamists. This guy is such a pos.



CNN, come on :cheesy:


Hardly a reliable, unbiased source when it come to Trump.

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

More on how the "trump" supporters that aren't super rich (most of them) have been totally SUCKERED --



I think you got the wrong thread. This is not about cheap shots at the president.

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2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

CNN, come on :cheesy:


Hardly a reliable, unbiased source when it come to Trump.

Since when did CNN put words into Gohmert's mouth? Did you take the time to actually listen to the moron? HE says the words, not CNN. So is it unreliable when it comes out of his own mouth? Did he not know the alternative facts he was supposed to speak?

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2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

I think you got the wrong thread. This is not about cheap shots at the president.

And there we have the difference in intellect in Trump's base. You consider a well reasoned, intellectual assessment by an academic a 'cheap shot'. Disagree with the comments in the video by all means but to class them as cheap shots, either you didn't watch it or you are trolling. Your gushing illogical trolling concerning Trump are the reason why many people are convinced that on many many forum boards there are members who are paid to contribute Troll.

Edited by Andaman Al
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