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Old news to you, itchy new news to me


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Hello! I've just arrived in Chiang Mai. I purchased three tennis racket mosquito zappers and a net yesterday evening. None of the rackets work, one is actually broken, and the net doesn't fit the bed. The midges and mozzies in my lodging are fierce and plentiful. The a/c's don't work and the screens don't meet up. So I need new rackets that actually work ASAP. In Vietnam I would find them in the local markets. Any suggestions please as to where I should go to find them here? The lighter the racket - which in many cases means the newer - the worse they work. I had two, winnowed from more than you would believe, that worked incredibly well and Vietnam security took them out of my checked baggage yesterday. I said to the fellow, "Merry Christmas." 

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Everywhere sells them; Big C, Home Pro, even 7-Eleven. Yes, they sell them in the Thai markets ("plastic shops") too. In my experience, they last about 8 months and then you toss them and get new ones. They are all made in China and are pretty much junk.


As far as nets....no idea. Never used one.

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We had this problem in a former residence (ground floor) where the window screens didn't fit properly.  We bought mozzie rackets at Central Dept store -- bought the most expensive and sturdy-looking ones.  Obviously, they have to be charged up.  Also, we put duct tape around the windows, not just the window screens, but where the windows met with the building.  And, we'd use mosquito coils in the living room, if we had the windows open and the fans on, for ventilation.  They're not really supposed to be used indoors, I think.


The real solution was to move to a high-rise condo and have good window screens installed, including a screen door for cross-ventilation on nice days. 

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5 minutes ago, samsensam said:


the solution is indeed a quality apartment with correctly fitted and maintained window and door screens. i live in such a place and cant remember the last time i saw a mozzie.

Me neither.  The last time I dealt with a mozzie was at a gov't hospital, which I thought was pretty rich, since the place was overflowing with dengue cases.  


Now those little red "sugar" ants are another story.  How the heck they get up into a high rise condo is beyond me.  I'm highly allergic to ant bites.  Much rather deal with mozzies.

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