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THAI & DRY Will Thailand be the next country to tire of boozy Brits? Locals overrun by drunk tourists behaving badly in country’s top holiday spots


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45 minutes ago, Thian said:

Well can you show us a video where the german girls behave like the britts? 


I've seen plenty of documentaties about Ibiza, Salou and the rest of the coast there and it's always the britts behaving the worst. The other ones also get drunk but still can behave better.


Well can you show us a video where the german girls behave like the britts? 

There is no need, just go to Google videos and type in 'Drunk German Girls' and there are plenty of them.

Or did you want Gazzpa to do that for you?



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13 hours ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

LOL theres equally as many heavy party heads from russia or germany or everywhere .


Indeed there are. But this article is from The Sun. A newspaper not even fit to wrap your fish'n'chips in! 


So they'll only report about the British. Won't occur to them that the Full Moon parties are frequented by young people of many nationalities, as is Pattaya, Cambodia and other destinations where young people head for a good time.


The Sun sees the world as British, Aussies and Johnny Foreigner - good old Murdoch! 



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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

THAILAND is often the first stop for Brits who fancy an exotic holiday – and also want to party hard.

this behavior spills over on us, the expat community, until we validate that we are not tourists, example, speaking thai well, the thais consider us as tourists also;

and we too , that live in well-known tourist areas,hate the tourist farang

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

Well can you show us a video where the german girls behave like the britts? 


I've seen plenty of documentaties about Ibiza, Salou and the rest of the coast there and it's always the britts behaving the worst. The other ones also get drunk but still can behave better.


And who made those documentaries? 


Plenty of French girls behaving badly when drunk, Germans, Swedes, Dutch, Aussies, Americans etc. The common denominators are youth, alcohol and occasionally drugs; but mainly too much alcohol. Just do some research.


Ever been to a Full Moon party?


None as blind as them who don't want to see; or them who filter everything through their bias. 


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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

Thailand doesn't need drunken tourists from any country.  They come here and think it's a free to do as you like .... 

then when the sh_t hits the fan they cry wolf.   :shock1:


Tourists, and we're talking off young tourists out for a good time or men out for booze and sex, go to other countries, to do enjoy themselves. Only their idea of enjoyment isn't always the same as how they'd behave at home.


Even those on family holidays, here for beach, tours, culture etc dress and behave differently.


Sometimes that behavior is inappropriate and needs to be dealt with. 

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14 hours ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

LOL theres equally as many heavy party heads from russia or germany or everywhere .

Read TV long enough and see. If TV is any fair representation--which is debatable--the Brits outnumber all comers in reported drunken tales. I know more Brits who cannot hold their alcohol than any other nationality I see here. However, there are a lot of Brits here--not sure if that is beneficial or not to this story.

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"The country’s relaxed attitude to alcohol"

Cant buy alcohol between the hours of blah blah blah.

No bars or shops allowed to sell alcohol on blah blah blah days. 

There is no relaxed attitude to alcohol here. Even less so if you live near a school. 

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15 hours ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

LOL theres equally as many heavy party heads from russia or germany or everywhere .

I figure it's selective enforcement, bigotry and Thai media bias against Brits, mate, judging from the preponderance of items about Brits misbehaving, yet not nearly so many about many other Europeans. Same as those banned Brit soccer fan bans in the past...all just hateful xenophobia against those respectful, innocent, well-meaning, but just noisy Brits....

....and I always thought it was the Ugly American.....

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

Rosie Gizauskas ............really


Hey big Jizauskas doa piece on the very spendy (not) contingent from the orient north and see who is paying the bills in this country 


is it the 15 million a year from China or the 10 million from the west



oh and absolute troll headline from TVF...........................immediately unsubscribed


and no I did not read the paper article after reading the authors name

TV will miss you:cheesy:

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The Sun newspaper loves to Brit bait especially in Thailand 

Its all for Thai bashing 

the Thais themselves could not care less what the British papers print 

as long as the boozy Tourist Brits keep coming and spending their money 

If you smoke even better could be some money to be made at the beach resorts 

tips welcome 

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2 hours ago, YetAnother said:

this behavior spills over on us, the expat community, until we validate that we are not tourists, example, speaking thai well, the thais consider us as tourists also;

and we too , that live in well-known tourist areas,hate the tourist farang

From your statement it sounds as if you have not been here a long time? There is a racist attitude that goes on, and the tourists just get a harder end of the stick. If there was no media like the Sun or social media internet exchanges, most all of these escapades would never be seen. In this case the Sun and publishing this and everything is the culprit glorifying it to where everyone in Thailand can see it. FYI. I am accepted as one would get over here so nothing will effect me from some young adults 18-30's getting a bit out of hand. My look and way I carry myself validates itself without uttering a word.


No one hates the tourist farang so much, but my guess is that maybe they hate the expats more moving in in the hundreds of thousands stinking up the Thai landscape as when ever they turn around there again is an expat staring them in the face. I would gather this more than the other. 

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