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Australian man killed in brutal Pattaya bar fight identified, American attacker in custody


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5 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

With all due respect to the Aussie this American guy must be one strong guy to throw a full grown man across the room and beat him in 20 seconds.. Strong fast and hard. He would scare the jesus out of me.

He will lose his strength on a diet of rice and fish heads

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46 minutes ago, shackleton said:

It takes two to Tango and reading about the Australians actions which started it off and drink being involved 

led to  the out come 

still over the top if a guy is down and the other is stamping on his head 

Looking at the time it took proberaly  to late for people  getting involved to stop 


if people were taking pictures of the guy down pathetic hope they are proud of themselves

Well thats it,


The aussie probably did something or said something (maybe).

However to react the way to american did and for him and his friends to be laughing and taking photos is just <deleted>

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5 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I didn't see a photo so I don't know if the American is ugly or not.   American law allows for holding Americans overseas liable for crimes that are committed there and that break USA laws.  So, depending on the circumstances, lawyers, politicians, etc.  many things could happen to this man.

You have no idea what you are talking about. American laws and the breaking of American laws have zero to do what took place in Thailand and what the penalties are for such disgraceful behavior. Hopefully 20 years in a Thai prison should change the perpetrators attitude.

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Such a sad case of low life thugs i feel for his relatives. i just hope they get the others who thought it funny and took photos ..scum.   i hope the American embassy keeps out of trying to help .  They need to suffer in a real  Thai jail . Maybe he thought by handing himself in would only be a fine and slapped wrists  but now its Murder  . i hope this goes viral.  

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5 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Just one of the many reasons I stopped drinking 40 years ago. 

As a professional drinker for the last 30 years, I have never behaved in a crazy way harming others. Yes, i have done "stupid" things like showing my ass to cops, and french kissing with another bloke, and f*ngering a <deleted> in a restaurant, and crying after the love was gone... BUT actling like this guy is INSANE. this is ultra violence and it makes me sick. if he's capable doing this to that guy he's also capable killing his GF/wife when he freaks out. in other words: that guy is a maniac and 95% of people drinking boose are NOT!

ps. i have never had intercourse with kathoei though so don't ask me about that ;-)

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The Ruby club tries to play down the incident in their lame statement. 'An altercation that lasted 20 seconds'. 'Serious looking injuries'  'Passed away'.  It should have read: A customer was brutally attacked by by a violent thug in a merciless attack in our bar, his head and face were kicked in, and as he lay there dying, other customers laughed and took trophy pictures. The man died almost immediately. As a result of these shocking events we will be closed indefinitely. 

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6 hours ago, Denim said:

Learnt a new word from this .


Castarphoic   ...............presume it means something in Pattaya .


RIP the victim.

Yes , out of context . I think castarphoic means a fear of being castrated. I know one shouldn't make light of these things but it is Pattaya for gods sake.

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5 hours ago, hansnl said:

Whatever the US laws may say, this yank killed an Australian on Thai soil.  Hope he will rot in prison in Thailand and then burn in hell. Kicking a man's head when he is down is the most despicable act imaginable.  His bloody US friends should get a long time in prison also, for not stopping the idiot, for not helping the victim, leaving him and for making pictures.  Bastards of the lowest order, all of them.

You can't say it better then what i could say, those dom a..holes.. same sentences than what the get in Texas, but sooner. 

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5 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

With all due respect to the Aussie this American guy must be one strong guy to throw a full grown man across the room and beat him in 20 seconds.. Strong fast and hard. He would scare the jesus out of me.

i think we all must understand unless their is CCTV  you wont get the whole truth, eye witnesses as a rule relay report the true facts they report what they think they saw. i have been a victim of these eye witness reports before. 

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6 minutes ago, Jeremy50 said:

The Ruby club tries to play down the incident in their lame statement. 'An altercation that lasted 20 seconds'. 'Serious looking injuries'  'Passed away'.  It should have read: A customer was brutally attacked by by a violent thug in a merciless attack in our bar, his head and face were kicked in, and as he lay there dying, other customers laughed and took trophy pictures. The man died almost immediately. As a result of these shocking events we will be closed indefinitely. 

or at least change their name into the SICKO CLUB!!!!!

again, i'm disgusted by this news. makes me sick! the guy turned himself in and now his life is ruined too. for what? for 20 seconds of ego-trip. i suggest all people with anger issues read about Bishnoi sect in india.



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6 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Now if it had been a shaven headed heavily tattooed Brit there would have been pages of vitriol by now! :post-4641-1156693976:

Well there's 12 pages now. Most spouting the same tired old crap.


Must be some form of compensation for the most posts....

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16 minutes ago, Donotdisturb said:


fair enough.

one of the many reasons I never go to pattaya. where i live the worst i have seen in a bar was a drunk guy feeding a bit of hong to a babygirl.

he should be nutered for this, her own daddy i presume?

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6 hours ago, hansnl said:

Whatever the US laws may say, this yank killed an Australian on Thai soil.  Hope he will rot in prison in Thailand and then burn in hell. Kicking a man's head when he is down is the most despicable act imaginable.  His bloody US friends should get a long time in prison also, for not stopping the idiot, for not helping the victim, leaving him and for making pictures.  Bastards of the lowest order, all of them.

Why stop with his friends? Wouldn't everybody in the bar be just as capable as the friends of intervening or helping the victim? I don't think taking pictures is a crime... It could even be beneficial evidence for that matter.

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