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Rabies on the rise in Thailand, vaccinations urged


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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Yes, it is carried by wild animals and pets that have not been inoculated.  Not all of these have rabies, but rabid animals are in this group.  If you keep your dogs completely isolated from all other animals they will be safe, but they will not be well socialized.

My dogs interact wonderfully with humans, especially people who don't bite...


They are perfectly socialised.

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1 hour ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Why do they feed the stray dogs anyway? To help their nutrition and procreation? Not surprised that rabies infections are on the rise!

Why do they buy dogs anyway? Within a year they dump them before they are adult.


Also they are far too lazy to walk their dogs, less 10% of the Thai dogowners i see walking sometimes (when it's not warm or raining or sunny).

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15 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I prefer websites such as this:   https://www.webmd.com/children/vaccines/polio-vaccine-ipv#1  


Early polio vaccinations may have given people a very mild case of polio, just as early smallpox vaccinations gave people a mild case of smallpox.  That is how the disease resistance was provided.  Vaccinations have been improved and made safer since then.  It's also worth noting that the only places where polio still exists are places where vaccination programs are prevented.


I read news sources that have spent decades building a reputation for objectively reporting facts.  The sources that tell us that drug companies spend more on marketing than on R&D, and report on outrageous price increases on life saving drugs.     https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/business/a-huge-overnight-increase-in-a-drugs-price-raises-protests.html


I don't search the internet for questionable websites that tell me what I want to believe.


4 minutes ago, CGW said:

As I said, believe what you want, far easier to believe what the MSM tells you is the truth!

As I posted, I get my news from news sources that have spent decades building reputations for objective, factual reporting.  Dismissing them as MSM, and therefore unreliable, and relying on fringe "news" sources with an agenda to promote is not a sign of intelligence.  It makes you the favored prey of con artists, politicians who "love the uneducated", and alt-news sources that profit from click-bait stories.


BTW, it is far easier to go with the flow of your local tribe (echo-chamber) than to make an effort to inform yourself using credible sources.

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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

I'm sure some places have it worse than others, but I think rabies is a concern all over Thailand.  It is carried by wild animals and pets that have not been inoculated. 


If you are bit by an animal and can not verify the animal has inoculated, see a qualified doctor ASAP.    As noted above, once symptoms have appeared it is too late, and it's a horrible way to die.

It's more prevalent in the north I believe

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59 minutes ago, heybruce said:


As I posted, I get my news from news sources that have spent decades building reputations for objective, factual reporting.  Dismissing them as MSM, and therefore unreliable, and relying on fringe "news" sources with an agenda to promote is not a sign of intelligence.  It makes you the favored prey of con artists, politicians who "love the uneducated", and alt-news sources that profit from click-bait stories.


BTW, it is far easier to go with the flow of your local tribe (echo-chamber) than to make an effort to inform yourself using credible sources.

Yes Bruce I understand your viewpoint, your a good citizen, I have a different POV is that no longer allowed? why do you feel the need to 'attack" when someone has a different POV?

I do think you are pushing facts just a little with " building reputations for objective, factual reporting " then quoting the NYT, unless your a liberal off coarse, also quoting a drug salesman website as being the same, struggling with that one also, just a little.

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Who's Paying for the needles? Government? Cause not.... Get rid off the Soi Dogs is a good start and Make every Dog owner vaccinate their dog  or get it Put Down.. Our and our next door dogs have had theirs and get a Booster avery 12 months. Common sense prevails ,,,, Oh shit this is Tailand ,,No common sense,,

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32 minutes ago, marko kok prong said:

Shoot all dogs without a collar and owners address,in fact just shoot them all.

How do we know if dogs with collars got vaccinated?


Just order ALL THAI to keep their dogs inside their gate or the police/army will shoot them while they are on the street.


That will help a lot i bet. Less rabiesvictims, less trafficaccidents, more people going on bicycles or for a walk...more kids playing outside and so on, everybody wins from that.

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6 hours ago, CGW said:

Lets not bother addressing the root cause! instead treat the symptoms!

Heybruce if you are happy to be vaccinated good for you, I prefer not to have chemicals injected in my body, inoculating animals is a whole different thing.

A lead inoculation at some velocity  will cure  all the dogs.

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4 hours ago, Antonymous said:

It is NOT "...carried by wild animals and pets that have not been inoculated". It is carried by animals that have been infected, usually by being bitten by an infected animal.


There are many responsible dog owners who keep their pets within a confined area, like a walled garden, and never allow them to roam outside, or let other dogs inside. I am one such. My dogs have never interacted with other animals. Never inoculated any of my dogs for rabies.


So, if you are bitten by a dog, check whether or not it is rabid. Signs are very clear (look it up). Of course if in doubt (a stray that runs off) get the shots.


I'm very much against allowing dogs to roam freely in public areas.

The signs are clear... Really? 

The standard method is killing the dog and inspecting it's brain.  The dog doesn't have to be a salivating crazy mutt to have rabies.

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4 hours ago, heybruce said:

Yes, it is carried by wild animals and pets that have not been inoculated.  Not all of these have rabies, but rabid animals are in this group.  If you keep your dogs completely isolated from all other animals they will be safe, but they will not be well socialized.

How do you stop the bats?

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52 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

The signs are clear... Really? 

The standard method is killing the dog and inspecting it's brain.  The dog doesn't have to be a salivating crazy mutt to have rabies.

Good point.  Infected animals do not display all the classic symptoms all the time.  If you are bitten and can not capture the animal, don't optimistically assume you'll be fine because the animal looked normal.  See a doctor.

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4 hours ago, CGW said:

Yes Bruce I understand your viewpoint, your a good citizen, I have a different POV is that no longer allowed? why do you feel the need to 'attack" when someone has a different POV?

I do think you are pushing facts just a little with " building reputations for objective, factual reporting " then quoting the NYT, unless your a liberal off coarse, also quoting a drug salesman website as being the same, struggling with that one also, just a little.

Some conspiracy theorists are harmless, others are dangerous.  People wearing tinfoil hats harm no one.  People who don't get themselves or their children vaccinated are potential carriers of diseases that can infect and kill children too young for vaccinations.  You position on vaccines is not only wrong, but a threat to others.


BTW, instead of blanket rejection of sources such as the New York Times or WebMD, why not identify what is factually in error in the pages I provided.

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20 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

For the love of dogs, isn't anyone going to do something about this?

Thai people lub their dogs vely vely much, the rabies outbreak is in Nonthaburi since many months already but the government is on top of it, that's why it's now spreading all over the country.


Why not fix it for once and for all? Or are they waiting untill no tourist dares to visit the country anymore?


Just forbid ALL dogs to roam the streets unless they are leashed with a person walking them. ALL dogs which are not leashed will get shot....


I also love dogs but no soidogs...i think they are dirty filthy creatures and a danger for mankind.


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17 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

Like motorbike helmets then!

Oh yeah....Thailand.  Just be careful and get to a doctor if your luck runs out.


Edit:  I should specify a real doctor.  I wouldn't trust herbal remedies if I were bit by a potentially rabid dog.

Edited by heybruce
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11 hours ago, heybruce said:

Some conspiracy theorists are harmless, others are dangerous.  People wearing tinfoil hats harm no one.  People who don't get themselves or their children vaccinated are potential carriers of diseases that can infect and kill children too young for vaccinations.  You position on vaccines is not only wrong, but a threat to others.


BTW, instead of blanket rejection of sources such as the New York Times or WebMD, why not identify what is factually in error in the pages I provided.

You assume a lot Bruce, what is my position on vaccinations? I stated I did not want poisons injecting in MY body, read the words instead of making assumptions. How do you no I didn't read the articles you sent? I read a lot, part ofmy days are spent reading as I am well past retirement age & spend some of my time trying to learn the truth about the world we inhabit, not be told what to think & believe by the Nanny state! Yes I read articles that are not funded by advertisements and peer groups as the links you posted are - "click bait" articles were your words, laughable but you are actually serious! I also recall reading an article that stated people who refused vaccines were a danger to society, I read it as a PR exercise to sell more vaccines, you read it different, there not free you know? companies make them to sell, the more they sell the more money they make!

"Some conspiracy theorists are harmless" was that a personal quote or gleamed from the MSM to mock people that dare to question the truth? do you know where that saying came from & why? it might surprise you if you take the time to find out. makes it easy to make anybody that questions the official line look like an idiot doesn't it.

Some "Sheep" are harmless" I would include you in that group, sadly they have never learnt objective thinking as they have been indoctrinated to do their bit for society, if you can look around and see a happy & content world, your blind, I see a world full of unhappiness, war, poverty, illness & corruption, to sheeple like you it is wrong to question what is going on, you have been conditioned not to think for yourselves, hopefully more people will wake up and become the "harmless conspiracy theorists" you tolerate.

Have a good day.


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8 hours ago, gunderhill said:

Like motorbike helmets then!

It doesn't hurt me if the thai won't wear a helmet on a motobike. The only problem is for the one who has to scratch their brains of the road after an accident but that's a small job anyway me thinks.


Driving against traffic is much more dangerous imo.

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3 hours ago, CGW said:

You assume a lot Bruce, what is my position on vaccinations? I stated I did not want poisons injecting in MY body, read the words instead of making assumptions. How do you no I didn't read the articles you sent? I read a lot, part ofmy days are spent reading as I am well past retirement age & spend some of my time trying to learn the truth about the world we inhabit, not be told what to think & believe by the Nanny state! Yes I read articles that are not funded by advertisements and peer groups as the links you posted are - "click bait" articles were your words, laughable but you are actually serious! I also recall reading an article that stated people who refused vaccines were a danger to society, I read it as a PR exercise to sell more vaccines, you read it different, there not free you know? companies make them to sell, the more they sell the more money they make!

"Some conspiracy theorists are harmless" was that a personal quote or gleamed from the MSM to mock people that dare to question the truth? do you know where that saying came from & why? it might surprise you if you take the time to find out. makes it easy to make anybody that questions the official line look like an idiot doesn't it.

Some "Sheep" are harmless" I would include you in that group, sadly they have never learnt objective thinking as they have been indoctrinated to do their bit for society, if you can look around and see a happy & content world, your blind, I see a world full of unhappiness, war, poverty, illness & corruption, to sheeple like you it is wrong to question what is going on, you have been conditioned not to think for yourselves, hopefully more people will wake up and become the "harmless conspiracy theorists" you tolerate.

Have a good day.


I'm still waiting for any evidence that vaccines are harmful, or for you to identify any part of the links I referenced that are wrong.  I don't expect such evidence, it is much easier for you to attack the messenger than to challenge a credible message.


Now you are evasive on whether you take vaccines, but in reference to vaccines, you stated you "did not want poisons injecting in MY body".  Why not come clean; do you use vaccines or not?

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16 hours ago, heybruce said:

Some people are quite keen on the idea of shooting in residential areas.  I'm not one of them.

I'm with you - as long as you exclude the innocent soi dogs, but target the un-empathetic, obnoxious 'farang'..


edit - who have somehow missed that we live in Thailand.... You can guarantee that they will also pontificate on Thailand accepting the Western practises (they like....)from their own countries....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Didn't they just clear a village of animals? A lot of people weren't too happy about it - although the officials said the villagers agreed (but did face imprisonment/fines if they didn't). I know I wouldn't be too happy if my vaccinated/fenced dogs were killed purely due to where they lived. The reason given for the slaughter was that quarantining the dogs for 6 months would be impossible due to a % of people not having fencing, so wiping out all 130 dogs/cats in the village was the only option.

I think the science has got to a point now where even if the animals are overdue for a rabies shot, an immediate booster shot and then 45 days of quarantine is sufficient (rather than the previous time of 6 months). 

We must remember that if the argument is to kill off the soi dogs then that really means killing off every dog in the country (including responsibly owned dogs). The government doesn't have the time or budget to spend days investigating which dog belongs to who, so the above (wiping out all dogs regardless) will occur. 

Maybe a better option in areas where rabies has been found would be to have the government administered a booster shot and then quarantine the animals for 45 days (instead of 6 months). If people cant commit to this due to no fencing, then destroy those particular dogs. A positive side effect will probably be less breeding also as at least there is a chance with fencing up during seasons. The non-owned dogs the officials in higher risk rabies areas should have vaccinated, so maybe more accountability on them, and bigger budgets (rather than spending on killing) to extend to all corners of the country rather than select areas based on risk. 

Our village is running their rabies program this April. I think 4 of our local staff have licensing to administer vaccines so will be interesting too see how much more effective the program is on previous years, which was just a vet volunteering his time for a couple afternoons. 

Edited by wildewillie89
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