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Foreigner database to be ready in six months

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18 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

How long until the database is hacked or leaked online and everyones details are available to any identity theft gang? Which has happened many times before.



Its difficult enough for the expats living here,with all the hoops they put us through especially with many of the IO interpreting  the rules differently.Now the possibility of hacking into their database  

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21 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Now they will really have to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

You mean windows XP which I have seen at immagrtion.

23 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

This paranoid military "government" will cost Thailand a lot in tourist revenue if they keep on with this stupidity.

Why should it? There is nothing here that would discourage your average tourist.


There a plenty of countries around now that use electronic fingerprinting or iris scanning to enhance identification.


Travellers are quite used to it.


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I'm not saying it is a bad thing, it is a step in the right direction (let's hope they don't make the database accessible to all online with a 1234 password!) but when they say...

"The single platform database would help prevent crimes by foreigners, such as call-centre scams and those related to underworld activities"

Does that mean that any foreigner that is a 'bad guy" with underworld activities will now avoid Thailand because they know they have entered or left?..... i don't think so!



Malaysia has had this system for many years , finger prints etc  when it first started was a pain in the ass I missed a flight  but when I have been through there since no problem , the Thai government already have been doing this in different areas getting us retirees to report to local hospitals , were we had a free medical blood pressure test and weight height and a photo plus copy of passport  are put on a medical data base , and our  finger prints are taken and put on a government data base. If you aren't a criminal  no problem , I was happy to do it . Ever foreigner in the area is notified to attend this , don't do it and the  , government offices will want to know why , I did this last year , and I believe its connected with immigration , because the lovely lady I see in Sisakat immigration checked if I had .



23 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Now they will really have to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10.


Heh.  I'm happy if they upgrade from typewriters and Windows XP.

23 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Now they will really have to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

They had one look at Windows 7 and went straight back to Vista.

3 hours ago, captspectre said:

what's wrong with that? if it keeps out the trash I am for it!


What are the crimes being committed by tourists though?


Is there really that much of a problem?

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4 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

bank account numbers + account balances, social media acounts and passwords. 

Where are getting the idea that these things are going to be included in the database?

The announcement states that it will be a "database of foreigners entering and leaving the kingdom"


It also points out that the whole idea behind the system is so that "the arrivals, departures and accommodation of foreigners can be comprehensively monitored"


So nothing at all about the things you mention above. Even they were mentioned (and they're not) how did you think they were going to get people's passwords?

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IF Thailand gets this right, then there is nothing but benefit to be gained from it, the question is can they get it right.

There should be no reason why not, so long as it is outsourced to an experienced company who have done this before.


Singapore introduced thumb print scanning for foreigners last year and after a period of testing it has been implemented and works perfectly.

When you enter, you go to an immigration desk / officer as normal, have your thumbprints taken and enter, upon departure, you use the e-gate and thumbprint scanner, takes no time at all.

I believe the new T4 is completely automated unless there is an issue.

Regarding the guesthouse / hotel reporting, they are supposed to do this now, so in theory nothing changes from that side at all.


I don't really understand why folks think it is intruding on their privacy etc.??


welcome to another 30 page thread of speculation and whining about how they dont want us here.


<deleted>, must laugh about the guys who believe Isaan woman can put some spell on a farang.

well maybe is true, they moan and groan so much about eveything Thai does to the farang

but still never wanna leave!


but in fact they will do anything, probably even kill..to stay in the kingdom

go figure

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If such high tech toys speed up the process of honest travellers on arrival and departure, fine !!.....but to maintain them and have them working is another issue !!


Unfortunately, the hard core criminals will always find ways to enter through land borders and tea money...


Jeeez, some of these posters are so f'in paranoid. In this day and age, practically everyplace requires some form of identification. If you are not doing anything wrong or plan to, what the heck difference does it make. Frankly, I'll put up with some minor inconveniences to insure that Thailand doesn't become a haven for criminals and terrorists.

If you don't like it, I suggest moving out of the country - I hear that the (fill in the  blank) 'istan countries are pretty lax.  

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2 minutes ago, phkauf said:

Jeeez, some of these posters are so f'in paranoid. In this day and age, practically everyplace requires some form of identification. If you are not doing anything wrong or plan to, what the heck difference does it make. Frankly, I'll put up with some minor inconveniences to insure that Thailand doesn't become a haven for criminals and terrorists.

If you don't like it, I suggest moving out of the country - I hear that the (fill in the  blank) 'istan countries are pretty lax.  

Thank gawd you didn't say..."Go Home".....bravo.gif.1c59298ced120f79246714db2e774785.gif

  • Haha 2

Currently when you fill in the immigration form, you are asked for your address in Thailand(I know you can put anything as its not read)under the new proposals thumb print and passport scan, where will they get this information from.I can just imagine the situation.Lines snaking back to the aircraft whilst the immigration officer having scanned your thumb and passport in five seconds, takes  15 mins to type in your address given to him verbally by the farang trying to make sense of his Thai address and give it to the official (who speaks perfect English Chinese and at least five other languages and can type at 50 wpm) .


Sarcastic mode on :Or did they never need or do anything with the address information you put on the card!


Police State is a state where the police and military service can intervene against the citizens of the state with surveillance, arrests, ransacks and interrogations without particular legal authority (or in the interpretation of existing laws) and where the authorities can imprison people for an unlimited period of time without trial or judgment. The goal of a police state is to secure the position of the current state leadership and prevent opposition.

Political state is the opposite of the rule of law, and is common in dictatorships. A police state often falls from within when the police and the military are no longer loyal to the powers. In order to prevent a police state, democracy has introduced the power-sharing principle, where power is divided between the legislative power, the judicial power, and the executive power.

Most police states are perceived as very unrestricted societies where residents experience a more or less constant fear of government abuse over what has been said or done. A positive effect of the police state may be that the society is otherwise relatively safe - minor offenses and arbitrary crime are usually very low or non-existent. However, corruption and organized crime are not unusual.

One of the most famous police states was Germany under the Adolf Hitler regime, another known example was the Soviet Union.


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1 hour ago, tingtongtourist said:

welcome to another 30 page thread of speculation and whining about how they dont want us here.


<deleted>, must laugh about the guys who believe Isaan woman can put some spell on a farang.

well maybe is true, they moan and groan so much about eveything Thai does to the farang

but still never wanna leave!


but in fact they will do anything, probably even kill..to stay in the kingdom

go figure

And of course the 30 pages are also filled with people like yourself whining about the moaners.


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5 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

What is stupid about SECURITY.

All countries have some form of it.

Security is not stupid, but watching foreigners every step in Thailand is a bit over the top IMHO. 

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One of the most famous police states was Germany under the Adolf Hitler regime


I would say that the most famous police state of modern times was East Germany after 1961, where it has been estimated that one-quarter of the population was spying for the Stasi, the State Security Police. Spy vs Spy, in fact, but all working for the same boss.


Thailand is nothing like that; it is more like a cargo cult society.  It thinks that just because you put a law in place regarding a problem, that will automatically and instantly solve the problem.


And so, the thinking goes, if you buy a few new computers and scanners and install a bit of database software, it is magically going to enable identification of over-stayers, blacklisted returnees, wanted overseas criminals and the rest of it.


More likely, it will (if it ever surfaces) simply add a layer of complexity, misinformation and aggravation for officials and visitors alike.


Thailand's bureaucracy is not going to improve in the short term. As the saying goes, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

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As I have my own property in Bangkok, when I come back from UK how will I tell them where I am staying, the arrival form was the best for this and as I rarely stay anywhere else I didnt require hotels etc to report where I was staying, so who do I now have to notify/

10 hours ago, ttrd said:

NOT - just scanning Passport/fingerprints and as well stricten the hotel/guesthouse/landlord Reporting about Your arrival and departure. No need anymore for the worthless data which is not trustworty - hence the change...;) 


READ - As part of the new system, the Immigration Bureau will cancel the use of the Immigration 6 form and instead use e-passport data, Kongcheep said.


He said each immigration checkpoint would be equipped with identity-checking equipment, such as fingerprint readers and passport scanners, to enter information into the database.


At the same time, the Interior Ministry’s Provincial Administration Department must ensure that all hotels, apartments, guesthouses and other accommodation services keep and report records of foreigners using their services by informing the nearest immigration office or police station, which will in turn feed the data to the database.

However as I have my own accommodation the provincial admin dept wont have any sight of me unless I report myself as living in my own house

11 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Thais already have with the tabiaan baan. Thailand is like a communist country where everyone spies everyone.

... and they don't in the west?

3 hours ago, Bangkokazy said:

Police State is a state where the police and military service can intervene against the citizens of the state with surveillance, arrests, ransacks and interrogations without particular legal authority (or in the interpretation of existing laws) and where the authorities can imprison people for an unlimited period of time without trial or judgment. The goal of a police state is to secure the position of the current state leadership and prevent opposition.

The United States is heading this way fast.  They already are monitoring every keystroke made on the internet and listening to suspicious phone calls, particularly to foreign countries. 

59 minutes ago, JenksB said:

However as I have my own accommodation the provincial admin dept wont have any sight of me unless I report myself as living in my own house

And you are required to. Actually if you have a landlord, both of you should report it and if not both of you may face charges - the fine for the landlord is 1,600thb and for the farang around 4000thb (doubble pricing system kicks in)...


I know because I just bought a motorbike and needed to get a address confirmation at the immigration prior to get it registered in my name. As I have owned my own house until recently this as well was New for me so they let me just pay the landlords fine this time and I needed to get a copy of her ID to show together With the rental agreement - I Guess different immigration Offices different process, but as I was told they will strickten this rule from now so yes to avoid fine you better inform the local immigration when you are leaving Your homecity for more than 24 hours and as well inform again within 24 hours when you have arrived back home....


I Guess many have not done that until now and many will never do without to have any issues, but the day they find out they will...


The same procedure is required for the hotels, guesthouses, resorts and other accomodations both when you show up and when you leave - the only difference they do not need to show up at immigration in person...





On 14/02/2018 at 9:40 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

can they find enough Windows 98 certified software engineers to help them get their platform off the ground?


Nice one. Same software as the Thai banks' ATMs, which when you press the button to cancel your request, it replies "...Please contact your bank".  But, yes I'd be very surprised if the project completes in six months.

1 hour ago, ttrd said:

And you are required to. Actually if you have a landlord, both of you should report it and if not both of you may face charges - the fine for the landlord is 1,600thb and for the farang around 4000thb (doubble pricing system kicks in)...


I know because I just bought a motorbike and needed to get a address confirmation at the immigration prior to get it registered in my name. As I have owned my own house until recently this as well was New for me so they let me just pay the landlords fine this time and I needed to get a copy of her ID to show together With the rental agreement - I Guess different immigration Offices different process, but as I was told they will strickten this rule from now so yes to avoid fine you better inform the local immigration when you are leaving Your homecity for more than 24 hours and as well inform again within 24 hours when you have arrived back home....


I Guess many have not done that until now and many will never do without to have any issues, but the day they find out they will...


The same procedure is required for the hotels, guesthouses, resorts and other accomodations both when you show up and when you leave - the only difference they do not need to show up at immigration in person...






Sorry for the above mess - since I couldnt edit the above post anymore I will explain it all from the beginning below:




JenksB wrote:


"However as I have my own accommodation the provincial admin dept wont have any sight of me unless I report myself as living in my own house" 




And you are required to. Actually if you have a landlord, both of you should report it and if not both of you may face fines - the fine for the landlord is not more than 2000thb and for the farang not more than 4000thb (doubble pricing system kicks in)...


I know because I just bought a motorbike and needed to get a address confirmation at the immigration prior to get it registered in my name. As I have owned my own house until recently this as well was New for me so they let me just pay the landlords fine this time and I needed to get a copy of her ID to show together With the rental agreement.


First time you move to a New address wheter it is Your own property or rented you and as well the owner of the property must within 24 hours after Your arriival notice the immigration were only you need to show up in person at the lokal immigration Office to show Passport/Rental contract/Blue book) - the Thai can fill out a form, take a copy of their ID and send it to the immigration. 

This is required to be done just once unless you are not leaving the country.

If you leave the country and when you come back the same process must be done and/or if you change Your permanent address inside Thailand.


If you travel around inside Thailand (short vacational trips) it is not Your responsibility to inform the immigration as this will be the owner of the different premises you stay in during travel (hotels, guesthouses, resorts and other accomodations both when you show up and when you leave - the only difference they do not need to show up at immigration in person).


I Guess many have not done that until now and many will never do without to have any issues, but the day they find out they will need to pay the fine...


Hope this explanation gave sence...:whistling:

14 hours ago, mike324 said:

I know foreigners all hate the arrival card, but I think its a good thing to have it for the purpose of tracking down suspects. If there are no arrival card, where are police suppose to find out where a suspect is going in Thailand? 


I doubt hotels and hostels can keep up with the daily reportings of guest in the system.



A suspect can write on the Arrival Card any hotel name which are all fake information. TM6 is nonsense if you want to keep tract of the criminals. People who cannot understand English and Thai have a nightmare when they fill in that form on the airplane.

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5 hours ago, JenksB said:

As I have my own property in Bangkok, when I come back from UK how will I tell them where I am staying, the arrival form was the best for this and as I rarely stay anywhere else I didnt require hotels etc to report where I was staying, so who do I now have to notify/

You should fill tm 30 form at immigration.  Receipt of that form with your address will be stapled to your passport.

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