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Yingluck gets ready to make her move


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2 minutes ago, Becker said:

You mean if they rig the system so that they're no longer accountable to the voters like the junta has done? Of course not.

And just to be clear (and as I have stated ad nauseam); I do not support the Shins. On the contrary, I detest them. I just support the people's right to vote them into power.

The junta is not the solution.. but the Democrats / PTP ect try to rig it too. The moment they are in power they start shifting police chefs around, try to get their hand on other people of power and build a wall around them so they can't be touched anymore.

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54 minutes ago, Becker said:

It's been tried all over the world and doesn't work? Now you're just repeating RickBradford's inane "argument" against democracy. He even lists China as having tried and failed in turning democratic!

Tried all over the world it has and in the vast majority of cases a transition from junta rule to democracy has been a resounding success. Do I really have to list all the countries with past junta rulers who today are thriving (albeit in some cases struggling) democracies???

My interpretation of of 'democracy" is illusion of choice! f anyone can prove me wrong and show me a true democratic society - I'm all ears.

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10 minutes ago, robblok said:

I had the idea you were a socialist or something like that those are usually the people who preach revolution. 

I am not a socialist and I don't "preach revolution" - please don't put words in my mouth. I'm only saying that Thailand needs change.

Edited by Becker
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2 minutes ago, Becker said:

I am not a socialist and I don't "preach revolution" - please don't put words in my mouth. I'm only saying that Thailand needs change.

I agree 100% Thailand needs change, must have misread about you and how you wanted your change. 


I just don't feel that a violent uprising is needed, i also don't think it would accomplish anything. Just changing one elite for an other.. without a real viable alternative there won't be any chance.


But yes Thailand needs a change and I certainly don't support the elites who sell their products to expensive and pay far to less salary to those they employ. 

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I wonder how the Thais feel about China now. I mean they let the Chinese have that Swedish citizen (but originally chinese) without even going through extradition, apparently. And now the Chinese let Yinluck and Taksin walk around and be photographed in Beijing. It would only take one Chinese government official to put the ban on photographing them to stop it. So much for the Thailand turning towards China.

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3 minutes ago, Proboscis said:

I wonder how the Thais feel about China now. I mean they let the Chinese have that Swedish citizen (but originally chinese) without even going through extradition, apparently. And now the Chinese let Yinluck and Taksin walk around and be photographed in Beijing. It would only take one Chinese government official to put the ban on photographing them to stop it. So much for the Thailand turning towards China.

The Chinese would micturate on them from a great height of course..


When you have your  snout dug deeply into the trough, happily gorging away, you are not likely to feel anything..other than immense pleasure

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14 minutes ago, robblok said:

I agree 100% Thailand needs change, must have misread about you and how you wanted your change. 


I just don't feel that a violent uprising is needed, i also don't think it would accomplish anything. Just changing one elite for an other.. without a real viable alternative there won't be any chance.


But yes Thailand needs a change and I certainly don't support the elites who sell their products to expensive and pay far to less salary to those they employ. 

I never said violent uprising is needed. I have lived here for almost 25 years and I'm the last person to wish the country descend into chaos. What I'm saying is that unfortunately it might be unavoidable, especially in light of how the latest junta is clinging to power. Most previous juntas have been able to see the writing on the wall and have made a "tactical withdrawal" but the present bunch of dinos seem hell bent on maintaining their place at the trough.

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3 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

This SE Asia. Everywhere is corrupted. Even as far as South Korea (not SE Asia I know...). Some more, some less.

All the politicians were, are and will be, corrupt to some level.

But again you are wrong, ie your hatred for all things RED, started by Mr T. Sure he was corrupt, as stated, who isn't out here.

But, boy, did he sure bring change, for the better, which, to this day, is still being felt.

And yes, to the vast majority of people outside BKK, who suddenly had a voice, and someone in power who listened, he was, indeed, a savior.

That's why he is so despised by the elite, amongst other things...

Thaksin acted exactly like the junta is acting now.. arrogant corrupt and was getting more power all the time. He would have become a dictator. Anyway the same reasons I started to hate Thaksin are the reason I now hate the junta. Though hate is in both cases a bit extreme as it does not keep me up at night or worry me.


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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

You keep going on about the corrupt Shins.

 If the people want them and vote them in then they are the  corrupt the people want it is the peoples choice get over it.

 You cannot buy the loyalty the poor have for the Shins have.


Why not? The Shinawatras did.

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10 minutes ago, Becker said:

I never said violent uprising is needed. I have lived here for almost 25 years and I'm the last person to wish the country descend into chaos. What I'm saying is that unfortunately it might be unavoidable, especially in light of how the latest junta is clinging to power. Most previous juntas have been able to see the writing on the wall and have made a "tactical withdrawal" but the present bunch of dinos seem hell bent on maintaining their place at the trough.

Ok not a native speaker.. unavoidable and needed...  seems to me quite close related.


I just don't want to see chaos and violence here again. A civil war is not something people should be wanting. 

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3 hours ago, hansnl said:

You seem to like the idea this might eventually lead to a civil war?

You really want the Thai people to stand up to each other?

The Shins will do anything to get back in power.


they might even lie and cause trouble :whistling:.

Not a complete fan of the junta, but I am not against them ensuring the Shins are excluded from any future dealings in Thailand.

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10 minutes ago, Artisi said:

they might even lie and cause trouble :whistling:.

Not a complete fan of the junta, but I am not against them ensuring the Shins are excluded from any future dealings in Thailand.

Are you for ensuring the old elite (of which the leadership of the armed forces is very much a part) is excluded from any future dealings?

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Yingluck is totally incompetent to run anything.
As for Thailand, this country is still stuck for many decades to come in two centuries ago thanks to the feudal system in power. Lousy school system, lousy railroad system, lousy police corps, lousy drivers with zero clues how to behave on the roads, the country is a giant trash bin.
There is little hope really

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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2 minutes ago, tartempion said:

Yingluck is totally incompetent to run anything.
As for Thailand, this country is still stuck for many decades to come in two centuries ago thanks to the feudal system in power. Lousy school system, lousy railroad system, lousy police corps, lousy drivers with zero clues how to behave on the roads, the country is a giant trash bin.
There is little hope really

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Well...what can I say...so I refer you to "Robblok" and his very few Caucasian followers..

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2 hours ago, Becker said:

Now you're just repeating RickBradford's inane "argument" against democracy. He even lists China as having tried and failed in turning democratic!

I never alluded to 'democracy' anywhere in my post. Nor did I make any reference to China 'turning democratic'. You just made that up.


Debate all you like, but do stop making up stuff and attributing it to other posters in order to make a point. That's infantile.

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42 minutes ago, tartempion said:

Yingluck is totally incompetent to run anything.
As for Thailand, this country is still stuck for many decades to come in two centuries ago thanks to the feudal system in power. Lousy school system, lousy railroad system, lousy police corps, lousy drivers with zero clues how to behave on the roads, the country is a giant trash bin.
There is little hope really

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Yes, but the country has been deliberately held down and backward - so that the tiny percentage of heartless 'elites' at the top can ride roughshod over all the much, much poorer and disenfranchised 'minions' beneath them.


As for Yingluck: incompetent though she may have been, she did at least keep her election promises to the electorate (rare amongst politicians of all stripes) and did allow freedom of speech and mass demonstrations against her.


The present bunch are even too terrified to allow a single guy to sit in a shopping mall and read aloud George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. What brave and valiant warriors for peace, openness, discussion, freedom, truth and justice the junta are!



Edited by Eligius
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