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Add another item to Trump's list of frustrations: his bald spot


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Add another item to Trump's list of frustrations: his bald spot


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U.S. President Donald Trump pretends to smooth his hair as he speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor, Maryland, U.S., February 23, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has a bald spot and it evidently annoys him.


The former reality television star, who is very aware of his appearance, smirked on Friday when he saw himself on a screen as he spoke to the Conservative Political Action Conference.


"What a nice picture that is. Look at that. I'd love to watch that guy speak," said Trump, drawing friendly laughter from a crowd of cheering supporters.


Then he seemed to notice a spot on the back of his head with thinning hair. He turned around and moved his hands around his elaborately dyed, comb-over coiffure, seemingly pantomiming the movements needed to assemble it each day.


"Oh, boy," he said, facing the crowd again. "I try like hell to hide that bald spot, folks. I work hard at it."


One more thing to be frustrated about.


Trump listed other, weightier issues, that frustrated him in a speech lasting more than an hour, which showed him in full-on campaign mode ahead of November's congressional elections, in which Republicans risk losing control of Congress.


He lamented U.S. immigration policies and repeated a story he had used as a presidential candidate comparing unwanted immigrants to a deadly snake. The crowd applauded.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-02-24
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You can't help yourself but to marvel at this man complex personalities, is he

 deeply shallow or his shallownees are deep,  and with his peculier and unorthodocs minds  the ways he speaks

and mostly does what he thinks with seemingly not a PC bone in his body and complete disregards to norm and social edictas,  for good or bad, A unique person in deed, history will one day tell us.... 

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Demeans the political argument to discuss someones physical characteristics, race, gender or anything like that. Yes he brought it up as a self-deprecating 'joke' but still 'it evidently annoys him' is not fair comment. Let's stick to the real issues and the nightmare and find a decent candidate to challenge but I do so admire his two fingers to the PC world.

Edited by BobBKK
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I'd rather have a bald spot than STD's.   Trump is known to not use condoms.  (His sexual conquests and their women friends say so).  He's bragged about bagging hundreds of women, many of them married ("I came on to her like a bitch").  He's not only endangering Melania, but himself and the who-knows-how-many women he's seduced and/or paid for.

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3 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 Has this disgusting anti-Trump trolling not reached some sort of end by now? The memes and hate posts were funny for a few days after he trounced Hillary, but it's has gone beyond boring and beyond pathetic, and here we scrape the bottom of the barrel mocking his personal appearance. This whole episode will go down in history as the biggest ever mass hysteria.


 Smelling salts? Lithium? Get out of the echo chamber? Seriously guys, this is not healthy any more.

Have to agree with you wholeheartedly, although I'm not a fan of him at all.

Look deeper into the Washington swamps, dry them finally and stop concentrating on Trump alone.

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Yeah, as if it wasn't a full time job fending off the fake news media, he's got to deal with that pesky bald spot! 

Anyone trying to decipher Trump has to understand one basic thing:  HE LOVES PUBLICITY. He loves to be on the Front page of every major news outlet every day.  His love for publicity over-rides his anger at bad press (when the press reports facts/truths).  In other words, he would rather have people say he's a screw-up, than to say nothing at all.  Of course he much prefers adulation, so whenever anyone or any media praise him, he showcases it like he's the 2nd coming of Christ.


Love is not the opposite of Hate.  Love is the opposite of indifference.  Trump hates being ignored or seen as unimportant, that's why he's constantly saying stupid things - in order to keep himself in the limelight.


If he had lost the election, he would still be publicizing himself, like he did prior, when he said Obama was a Kenyan Muslim.    He would be bleating non-stop about how horrible the Clintons are and insightful & wise he is.  He's doing some of that now, but he doesn't need to grandstand with ridiculous conspiracy theories as much now because he's prez.  He's already headline news every day - but for all the wrong reasons.


2 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Maxine Waters perhaps?

Maxine Waters is not a puerile name-caller.  She is a mature and wise woman.  Trump is not in the same zip zone as Senator Waters.   It's like comparing Bozo the Clown with Indira Ghandi.

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7 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 Has this disgusting anti-Trump trolling not reached some sort of end by now? The memes and hate posts were funny for a few days after he trounced Hillary, but it's has gone beyond boring and beyond pathetic, and here we scrape the bottom of the barrel mocking his personal appearance. This whole episode will go down in history as the biggest ever mass hysteria.


 Smelling salts? Lithium? Get out of the echo chamber? Seriously guys, this is not healthy any more.

He's a public figure and the slings and jabs come with the territory. They will follow him forever just like all the rest of the presidents before him. Get over it and you'll live longer :smile:

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On 24/02/2018 at 7:38 AM, boomerangutang said:

I'd rather have a bald spot than STD's.   Trump is known to not use condoms.  (His sexual conquests and their women friends say so).  He's bragged about bagging hundreds of women, many of them married ("I came on to her like a bitch").  He's not only endangering Melania, but himself and the who-knows-how-many women he's seduced and/or paid for.


I'd rather have a bald spot than... oooh - did you see that Villa beat Blues...


I mean, really - you could just add anything there and cry about Trump.


It is astounding how much of your headspace the man occupies.


He was having a laugh. It was a light hearted moment. Try to relax...

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when defines a spot ,I think he is past ''spot''...I understand looking younger,but why try and look 21,a huge part of the Trump joke is his hair...advice to don ..''no one cares '' stop looking like an idiot..free yourself of this ridiculous lie..

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On 24/02/2018 at 2:21 AM, rooster59 said:

he saw himself on a screen as he spoke to the Conservative Political Action Conference.


"What a nice picture that is. Look at that. I'd love to watch that guy speak," said Trump,

The narcissist in chief of the USA.



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