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Video: Tourist has just two words (repeatedly) for cabby who won't turn on the meter


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8 hours ago, Matt96 said:

if I were this taxi driver and a cocky farang would say "<deleted> you" to me - i would beat the shit out of him regardless on any repercussion.


but he thought "thais are polite, they tend to forgive. so I can get away with this"


the moral obligation of any decent man is to prove him how wrong he is.


in my whole life i never ever let anyone who said "<deleted> you" to me run away without repercussions. and I never regretted for punishing them

if two wrongs do not make a RIGHT three wrongs will only lead to thuggery and criminalityy - worse situation than two wrongs.

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TJW  (Tourist Justice Warrior). Unfortunately it generally equates with LCA (Lack of Cultural Awareness) and SOT (Sense of Entitlement). People who actually live here know it's not worth the ill-will to argue. However, good luck to the occasional guy trying to change things. This cabbie might be a bit less likely to try this again, and if it happens to him often enough he might just come to think it's not worth the trouble.

Edited by CharlesSwann
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8 hours ago, Matt96 said:

if I were this taxi driver and a cocky farang would say "<deleted> you" to me - i would beat the shit out of him regardless on any repercussion.


but he thought "thais are polite, they tend to forgive. so I can get away with this"


the moral obligation of any decent man is to prove him how wrong he is.


in my whole life i never ever let anyone who said "<deleted> you" to me run away without repercussions. and I never regretted for punishing them

Rambo came back to Thailand !

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5 hours ago, OldSiamHand said:

I don't get into the car if they refuse to follow the law and agree to take me to my destination.  causing them a moment of frustration by having to stop to close the partially closed door is the small penalty they are being forced to pay for breaking the law.  they are lucky i don't take a picture of their license and report them to the authorities!!


Do you find the metered rate cheap?

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It doesn't matter how 'tough' the little guy is (and this guy is bigger than your average Asian), likely he is going to lose................... :coffee1:




The 'haymaker' didn't work against the 'short jab'. He's gotta lot to learn.

Edited by lvr181
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9 hours ago, Essecola said:

It looks like somewhere on Sukhumvit. Actually it is normal many of them don't use the meter there. If the guy had waited for a moving taxi maybe this doesn't happen. Maybe not nice but in some areas in fact taxis insist on getting a set fare for a trip.

I simpy dont get it.

Sure they get paid more but its still a customers 

Or is that thai logic


Many years ago i asked my hotel concierge to call me a metered  cab at 5am and when it arrived. I asked meter ok?

He said yes. And loaded my luggage.

As i got in th excuses started.

I simpy said no meter no nothing.


He then started to unload my luggage whixh was fine by me.


I asked my self . Its 5am surely there arent many customers and a 400 baht trip to the airport is not a short trip.

Whats wrong with these people?


This happend many times on my most trip to bkk

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 The guy was so lucky that he's still alive ! I was stupid enough to go for a fight on Chinese New Year, but the guy's friends then kicked me unconscious and only my arriving wife who brought a spare key, saved my life.


   Result: 3 broken ribs, a lot of wounds and blood. I've learned my lesson. 


   A warning? 



Edited by jenny2017
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1 hour ago, moe666 said:

No you just ask the next cab who will use the meter.How does the guy not using the meter and you not getting in equate to getting f--ked. What do you plan on doing acting worse than the cab guy, in the end his choice meter or not.

So, Mr. Smart Guy! It´s the taxi drivers choice to use the meter, when it stands Tavi Metar of the roof top? Are you really living in the same world as people with the thing called sense?

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2 minutes ago, Get Real said:

So, Mr. Smart Guy! It´s the taxi drivers choice to use the meter, when it stands Tavi Metar of the roof top? Are you really living in the same world as people with the thing called sense?

No.... whether it is fair or not, the situation in the real world is that it doesn't matter if it says 'Taxi Meter' on the roof or not - the reality is its the driver's choice whether to use the meter.


It's you that's not living in the real world.

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2 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:


 The guy was so lucky that he's still alive ! I was stupid enough to go for a fight on Chinese New Year, but the guy's friends then kicked me unconscious and only my arriving wife who brought a spare key, saved my life.


   Result: 3 broken ribs, a lot of wounds and blood. I've learned my lesson. 

Its becuse its dodgy and against the rules/laws.


It rips the taxi system off.

Its dishonest from the cab driver. 

Its a lose lose for everyone escept the greedy driver. 


I even offered one drvier less than what the meter would cost since he isnt paying the commission. He was either too stupid or greedy to understand 

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2 hours ago, PEE TEE said:

Understanding how angry you could get with things like this . is always best to keep calm and tongue in cheek smile and say no thank you . what ever the case we are visitors to their country.   He was lucky it didn't turn into violence. Then lots of time and mabey money paid out for WHAT.  Sorry no metre i not ride is all it needed  lots of other taxis about.   


No doubt he was British !   :cheesy:

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8 hours ago, Matt96 said:

if I were this taxi driver and a cocky farang would say "<deleted> you" to me - i would beat the shit out of him regardless on any repercussion.


but he thought "thais are polite, they tend to forgive. so I can get away with this"


the moral obligation of any decent man is to prove him how wrong he is.


in my whole life i never ever let anyone who said "<deleted> you" to me run away without repercussions. and I never regretted for punishing them

Man you are so tough!

Im sure you love telling that story while on your bar stool?


Whats your number? Ill call you the next time im faced with a madman with a gun or knife

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9 hours ago, BobbyL said:

Absolute divy. 


I used to get annoyed by taxi drivers, now I just ignore them if they try to charge a ridiculous price. It certainly isn't worth the risk. A friend of my wife's (young Thai guy) got shot in the leg by a taxi driver a few years ago for arguing over the meter. As foreigners it is better to shut up and not be a gobshite. 

Unfortunately, the majority of tourists don't know the dangers you speak of. They are also the majority of people who are being ripped off.

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I don't live in Bangkok or any big city so my experience is limited however I have found the taxi drivers in Bangkok to be fair and polite in my twice a year journeys from the sticks to the capital. I had  only one incident, I hailed a cab and as he drove of I told him to switch on the meter, he stopped the cab immediately, apologized and said he had just remembered that he had to pick up a man from his hotel so I would have to find another cab, yes OK no big deal, I got out hailed another cab and this time the driver switched on his meter immediately. 

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1 hour ago, farcanell said:

One would have to be awfully biased, stupid even, if One didn’t realize that the taxi driver was the offender ( the person breaking the law),.... most probably in an attempt to steal money from his tourist customer


This then makes the bloke voicing his opinion ( vs breaking the law) the victim who should be responding... and seemingly, in your book, that means with violence.


so... scenarios

1/(as happened) taxi driver breaks the law and is sworn at by his intended victim

2/ (your preference as shown in multiple posts) taxi driver breaks law and is beaten by his intended victim.


me... I think scenario one is better... and as far a f yous go, they weren’t very heartfelt.... my missus would have done better!

Agreed, ive met your Mrs.      :biggrin:

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8 hours ago, Matt96 said:

1 we don't know well if he was right or wrong

2 even if the driver is 1000 times wrong, it does not give a right to offend him


but the driver was definitely wrong by letting farang get away with this.

The taxi driver was a <deleted>. 

The tourist was wrong for not involving the (tourist) police. 

The words **** *** are used correct in this context. Do not offend if you don't want to get offended. 

The taxi driver was a piece of scum, draging the reputation down of the other honest taxi drivers. 


Edited by Bastos60
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5 minutes ago, hellohello123 said:

You sound like a real asian person?


Im allowed to behave like an idiot even though i was doing the wrong thing. Becuase  i lose face

Yes, this obsession with 'not losing face' is holding Thailand back in a million ways. And oddly enough - yet again - it is so very anti-Buddhist. The Buddha stressed that our ego is not who we truly are - we are something way beyond all that pettiness (this is the 'not-ego' doctrine). And yet Thailand is fixated on its ego - its very fragile, fake but bloated ego - to the detriment of all and everyone else.

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1 minute ago, Eligius said:

Yes, this obsession with 'not losing face' is holding Thailand back in a million ways. And oddly enough - yet again - it is so very anti-Buddhist. The Buddha stressed that our ego is not who we truly are - we are something way beyond all that pettiness (this is the 'not-ego' doctrine). And yet Thailand is fixated on its ego - its very fragile, fake but bloated ego - to the detriment of all and everyone else.

I couldnt care less if it aligned or contradicted buddhas philsophy or not


However. Times when ive hrard the phrase being used. Its usually on stupid trivial things  or its theyre the actual one who caused the issue or has behaved the worst 


It seems people seem to think. Using the phrase "i lose face" is a justification  to behave very poorly. 


From someone who has grown up in western society, i see it as ridiculous and embarassing

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10 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

yeah, come to S.E. Asia get gobby and risk getting a beating because cabbie doesn’t want to turn the meter on.... or could’ve just walked away...... these knobs bring it on themselves



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Your attitude is a perfect example of why many of  the muppets won't turn the meter on

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4 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Your attitude is a perfect example of why many of  the muppets won't turn the meter on

Well in my mind. Regardless of which country i do it.

If i lie to customers or rip them off or take advantahe of them. I expect one day to get my head punched in or stabbed or shot


And it would suck but id say to me "you deserved it"

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

I take it that 96 refers to the year that you were born in .

Whilst I do agree that its wrong, abusive and unpleasant for someone to yell abuse at you , you just not let it upset you and just walk/drive away.

   Some people may be annoyed , agitated or upset about something and become abusive towards you, even if it has nothing to do with you .

   If someone is acting stupid , dont respond by acting stupid as well , be the bigger man and walk away


7 hours ago, Matt96 said:

if I were this taxi driver and a cocky farang would say "<deleted> you" to me - i would beat the shit out of him regardless on any repercussion.


but he thought "thais are polite, they tend to forgive. so I can get away with this"


the moral obligation of any decent man is to prove him how wrong he is.


in my whole life i never ever let anyone who said "<deleted> you" to me run away without repercussions. and I never regretted for punishing them

I remember a saying, 

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. 


I vaguely recall a couple Thai Visa articles talking about taxis, it being illegal to refuse to turn on the meter, and if they do, to get out and leave the door open. But it did not say to be abusive or insulting. 


Personally, I have had few issues with taxis. The few issues I have had were with pink colored cabs. One was a taxi trying to charge me ฿300 for a ฿65 fare I paid him with a ฿1000 bill he gave me a counterfeit ฿500 bill. 


I do recall one pink taxi that did not have a meter, he charged me ฿65 for a +/-฿100 fare. 

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