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If Car A is farang driver, Car B is Thai driver, it is Car A's fault.

If Car A is Thai driver, Car B is Thai driver, it is the fault of brake failure.

Same same but different.



I was a former auto accident investigator  in America for  15 years- 


Car  B- 100% at fault as the car crossed against traffic to make the turn.


Car A:   o% at fault as making a normal turn and does not have to yield at this point.


In Thailand who knows- the law is never applied equally and most police don't know it anyway.Although had I been driving Car A and I saw Car B I would have yielded as I know Thai drivers don't care and want to always be first.

5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Car  B- 100% at fault as the car crossed against traffic to make the turn.


Car A:   o% at fault as making a normal turn and does not have to yield at this point.

100% agree in normal driving countries and that is how it should be, however, here in Thailand it is exactly the opposite.

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My theory in driving in Thailand is to always yield  when in a situation where traffic is encroaching even if you have the right of way as many Thai drivers will attempt to encroach and set up a good chance of an accident.


In addition- always look left and right as motorcycles will pass even when a turn signal is on- no sharp moves and don't brake hard- everyone follows too close. 


Also, Thai drivers drive way too fast on rural roads- they seem to think the speed limit on the motorways also applies to rural roads.   Just  today- a large  folded crane pulled out across traffic in front of myself  and another car causing us both to slam on brakes- Lucky no one behind us.  Absolute madness out there!!!

8 minutes ago, tagalong said:

Half u lot would not pass a written road test here or where ever...B is cutting into A...so B is the idiot..

Take a look at this, which is based on the questions from DLT. http://thaidriving.info/ If you are lucky this scenario will come up then see what they say is the correct answer!

It isn't what we think is the correct answer, it is what the Thai law states.


This is why I don't signal left turns when oncoming cars are waiting to turn right. Let them think I'm coming through at speed. The signal (to most Thai drivers who have no concept of right of way) is just an invitation to dive in there.

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I still think B is in the wrong as a has already entered the street & B came along & hit the REAR end on the right hand side which would suggest even more bad driving

4 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

Car A turning left has to give way to car B turning right. Hence Car A is in the wrong. 

And yes I know that's not the case in the U.K, but this is not the U.K. Rules of the road are different. So better learn them. 

I think you're right, and as a Brit it's very confusing, not helped by the fact that many Thais don't follow the rule either.

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Both are to blame, though technically it would be car B.

Car A should have seen car B coming and held back if it is as close as it looks in the diagram.

4 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

Car A turning left has to give way to car B turning right. Hence Car A is in the wrong. 

And yes I know that's not the case in the U.K, but this is not the U.K. Rules of the road are different. So better learn them. 

Never mind Thailands road rules, better to use common sense.

Must of us western drivers have it, most Thai drivers don't.

Not being a Thai basher here, just telling the truth.

4 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:


A rule little know to foreigners driving here.

As far as I understand, the Thai highway code (do they have one?) is similar to the UKs.

23 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I think you're right, and as a Brit it's very confusing, not helped by the fact that many Thais don't follow the rule either.

Actually, now I've looked at the regulations for proof, it gets even more confusing.



Section 71 (500B) [If, when entering a junction, there are other vehicles, the driver must let such vehicles go through first. If two vehicles enter a junction from different directions at the same time, the vehicle on the left side has a right of way, except when there's a designation of "principle roadway" in which case the vehicle on the principle roadway has a right of way.]

What angle are we looking at the junction from? Both of them are on the left from their own perspective. If anything I'd read this as the vehicle closest to the left of the junction they are entering which would mean Car A has right of way.

Anyway yeah, the answer in the theory test is that car A should give way to car B. It's a daft test, lots of the questions make no sense, it's just a case of learning which answers are 'right'. In practice, at any junction, look in all directions before proceeding. Also 'principle roadway' is just a theory.

There's a junction near my house, one very fast road has a junction with two other much slower ones - the junction is exactly the same shape as a crossroads, there are crossroads signs posted on one of the approaches BUT the road markings clearly show that the fast road veers to the left. People tank down the fast road at 100km an hour and go straight across the junction, off the 'principle road' across oncoming traffic on the 'principle road' who, if they follow the lines on the road, have right of way.. It's a really dangerous and confusing junction - locals have even put up huge hand written STOP signs.

4 hours ago, jackdd said:

This situation is regulated in the Traffic law under Section 51, which says:



In the case that there is a vehicle turning left and a vehicle turning right, the vehicle turning left has to give way to the vehicle turning right.


In case vehicle A would be going straight vehicle A would have the right of way, that's also regulated under Section 51.


So in the case that both cars used their indicators properly and drove with a reasonable speed car A was wrong, but whatever car A does give not car B the right to crash into him, and he should have been more carefully, so in the end both would have done wrong.

If it is Thai law that the left turning car gives way that negates my previous answer.

New Zealand had that stupid law for a long time, but got rid of it because no tourist believed such an insane piece of legislation would exist.

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4 hours ago, SABloke said:

Apparently not - Car A needs to give way if they see Car B turning- It's a problem if you're already in the turn and focused on driving straight ahead. And how do you determine if you've arrived at the same time. Car A is turning into a side street - Car B is driving on the opposite side of the road so are we supposed to stop before turning left just in case someone suddenly decides to turn into the same side street from the opposite lanes? 


The rule makes little sense because it takes the onus of responsibility to stay safe away from  Car B. 

Common sense is more important than any rules, driving or not. IMO, driving is about 80% common sense.

2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Common sense is more important than any rules, driving or not. IMO, driving is about 80% common sense.

Couldn't agree more, hence why it so dangerous to drive here in Thailand!!!

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, jackdd said:

This situation is regulated in the Traffic law under Section 51, which says:



In the case that there is a vehicle turning left and a vehicle turning right, the vehicle turning left has to give way to the vehicle turning right.


In case vehicle A would be going straight vehicle A would have the right of way, that's also regulated under Section 51.


So in the case that both cars used their indicators properly and drove with a reasonable speed car A was wrong, but whatever car A does give not car B the right to crash into him, and he should have been more carefully, so in the end both would have done wrong.

If you are driving along the road and a motorbike is riding towards you, you cannot just say "Oh! he/she is on the wrong side of the road, so I will just hit him/her, if that ever happened, you would deserve to get punished as much as him/her. I use that as an example of any situation on the road.

55 minutes ago, Mattd said:

Take a look at this, which is based on the questions from DLT. http://thaidriving.info/ If you are lucky this scenario will come up then see what they say is the correct answer!

It isn't what we think is the correct answer, it is what the Thai law states.

Thai law?????????????????????????????????

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51 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

Actually, now I've looked at the regulations for proof, it gets even more confusing.


What angle are we looking at the junction from? Both of them are on the left from their own perspective. If anything I'd read this as the vehicle closest to the left of the junction they are entering which would mean Car A has right of way.

This law is not related to this situation, you have to look at Section 51. I explained this already on page 2

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 If car A is driven by a farang, it's his/her fault.


  If the driver of car B is a foreigner, it's his/her fault.


  If both are Thai, the driver of car B is at fault because he actually hits car A.


   If it comes to an accident it's always the guy's fault who pays more to the cops who came to the accident. ( In reality) 




   Driver of car B is at fault because he/she must watch out for vehicles that go straight on this road, before he/she makes a right turn.


When he turns and hits the car, it's clear that car B is the guilty one. But that's a matter on how much you're paying to the cops for changing the police report. 


My neighbor ( a teacher) was drunk and had an accident with a motorbike, driver also mao. Both vehicles were brought to the coppers and mom ( father was a higher cop) went to the police station, paid 40 K  coffee money and it turned out that her son wasn't drunk at all and absolutely sober.


Only the poor motorbike riding bloke was in deep shit. But he's poor anyway, so no problems for the people involved. 


 He got his car repaired, using his first class insurance and first class excuse, used by mom.  








6 hours ago, pearciderman said:

Car B, he is crossing a white line, therefore Car A has right of way.

Ah, ah, no fair using Western Logic. This is Thailand. It also depends upon whether or not there was a traffic light; if car B had the light, it's the fault of car A.

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5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Car B is at fault, cutting the corner as they always do,

Car  A is just doing a normal turn, while Car C  is also

behind Car A and crashes into the rear end of Car A.

That seems logical to me, but this been Thailand,a

good chance I am wrong.

regards worgeordie

I hope worgeodie isn't wrong here.....


Car B at fault since car A is coming from the left and has therefore right of way would be the logical way of thinking. But for some reason there is a law in Thailand saying car A has to give way.

2 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Ah, ah, no fair using Western Logic. This is Thailand. It also depends upon whether or not there was a traffic light; if car B had the light, it's the fault of car A.

It also depends on if the driver of car B pointed a gun at the driver of car A?

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