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cheers binnsy :D

tomorrow/tonight's game..... 4.45 am kickoff!!! :o whos giving me a wake up call

Hahaha oh well never mind, there is always next year! what was Arsene thinking of by saying they could win 2 trophies? more like a big fat O! :D

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after the game I wanted to be the first to get on here and say my piece...but obviously wasnt quick enough. shoulda known Id have the 'not to be named' people who are always more than happy to remind us we lost :o


great game by Arsenal. terrific first half in particular. we lost momentum in the second half, especially after liverpool equalised with the 2nd goal. that penalty...although not as controversial as the one we didnt get in the first leg, is still a big question mark. and theres no denying that the third liverpool goal resulting from that penalty threw the game for us. true that there was a 4th, but without the 3rd, the pressure would not have worked the way it did, leaving defence neglected in those final minutes.

but yes, end of the day, we lost. YET, I have to say the boys did a tremendous job!!

now....for those that are tempted to mess with me :D keep the following in mind:

I woke up at 4,40am this morning. watched the game, watched my team lose, headed out to work, been in meetings from 8am all the way through lunch. without my sugar dose yet! so beware :D

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Any consolation Mig, that penaly decision was scandalous, no way was it one. But as you know, games can easily be decided on bad mistakes, and in this tie Arsenal were robbed twice. Once in the first leg and then again last night.

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after the game I wanted to be the first to get on here and say my piece...but obviously wasnt quick enough. shoulda known Id have the 'not to be named' people who are always more than happy to remind us we lost :o


great game by Arsenal. terrific first half in particular. we lost momentum in the second half, especially after liverpool equalised with the 2nd goal. that penalty...although not as controversial as the one we didnt get in the first leg, is still a big question mark. and theres no denying that the third liverpool goal resulting from that penalty threw the game for us. true that there was a 4th, but without the 3rd, the pressure would not have worked the way it did, leaving defence neglected in those final minutes.

but yes, end of the day, we lost. YET, I have to say the boys did a tremendous job!!

now....for those that are tempted to mess with me :D keep the following in mind:

I woke up at 4,40am this morning. watched the game, watched my team lose, headed out to work, been in meetings from 8am all the way through lunch. without my sugar dose yet! so beware :D

i think at the end of the day mate, you just werent good enough. im not saying we have a better team then you, because we dont. arsenal look tired at the moment. maybe a lack of rotation? seems to working wonders now for united and liverpool. the fact that we could afford to make 8 changes on saturday had a big affect in last nights game.

been fantastic watching arsenal this season, shame they didnt have the legs to see the premiership out.

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The other thing Kopite, is that they fail to kill off games. They create lots of chances, but their conversion rate isn't good, and then at other times they just try to overplay it. I totally agree with what you say though, and they have been great to watch. Will be interesting to see how they react againsy UNited at the weekend. Hopefully, will enjoy the game in a decent bar in Hua Hin.

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pop over this way mrtoad....i know some decent bars...will even bribe you with a beer :o

but yes, has been a problem for a while....good ball, but cant finish with a goal.

thats 2 admissions too many in one post...so i will shup now :D

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I consider this harrassment ..from a particular ManU fan :o

wheres that MOD when I need him. considering we are kind of neighbours I reckon I should get express service :D

but yeh u predicted that exact score. I wonder if the match was rigged since redrus knew the result in advance :D

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I consider this harrassment ..from a particular ManU fan :o

wheres that MOD when I need him. considering we are kind of neighbours I reckon I should get express service :D

but yeh u predicted that exact score. I wonder if the match was rigged since redrus knew the result in advance :D

It wes all to o predictable, United are just a better team. :D

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I consider this harrassment ..from a particular ManU fan :o

wheres that MOD when I need him. considering we are kind of neighbours I reckon I should get express service :D

but yeh u predicted that exact score. I wonder if the match was rigged since redrus knew the result in advance :D



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2-0 at full time :D

A complete display by the Gooners, as always a pleasure to see us torn apart by such a good team, it should really have been 4 or 5 nil.

No complaints from me

So much for our Manager's talk of going for a win...with one striker who has scored one goal this year :o

Thats 5 out of 5 wins for Arsenal against us over the last 2 and a bit seasons

Just glad we don't play you every week, we would be playing till the NEXT Millenium before we win :D

Coppell has just run out of ideas now and it's no longer in our hands as to if we stay up or not :D

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awwww TP :o

I must admit I take no pleasure in us winning against your team :D

the only reason I still added the post about our score at half time was more to say..wish we had that in other games........(too)

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2-0 at full time :D

A complete display by the Gooners, as always a pleasure to see us torn apart by such a good team, it should really have been 4 or 5 nil.

No complaints from me

So much for our Manager's talk of going for a win...with one striker who has scored one goal this year :o

Thats 5 out of 5 wins for Arsenal against us over the last 2 and a bit seasons

Just glad we don't play you every week, we would be playing till the NEXT Millenium before we win :D

Coppell has just run out of ideas now and it's no longer in our hands as to if we stay up or not :D

Have to say TP, you have really hit bad form at the wrong time. I still reckon though that Birmingham are in worse form than you guys, their performance yesterday was disgraceful considering it was a local derby.

Hope the gane put a smile on Migs face, she seems to have been in the doldrums of recent.

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Wrong thread I know, but at least with Brum's capitulation yesterday it IS now back in our hands.

Just to get this post back on track ARSENAL are a good team

But not good enough :D , sorry Mig, just kidding :o . Agree TP, you must have been happy with that result yesterday.

On to Arsenal, I thnk they need a box type striker, someone who is a little more selfish and will go for goal rather than try and pass it into the net, and maybe another Central defender/midfielder who can lead the team as Gallas is IMO to tempramental. They really need to deliver next season though, as the pressure might start to get cranked up on Wenger.

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