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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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2 minutes ago, rufanuf said:

Mmm,   The agenda is clear.


1. End the right of non nationals having a say in our laws

2. End the "free movement" of "economic migrants" (because thats all they are)

3. Adopt the normal stance of any normal nation state.


There is no chaos for those who know what they voted for.  The rest of it is all just smokescreen created by people as misguided as they are, that think BIG.GOV is somehow a positive thing for the average man on the street. ITS NOT. Never has been throughout history, and never will be. The EU is just the manifestation of a load of power greedy career politicians that forgot their duties as public servants a whole generation ago. Anyone with an ounce of common voted leave, and would do so a thousand times over if they had sense of humanity.

apparently 48% of those who voted don't agree with you.

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On 07/04/2018 at 2:30 AM, aright said:

I see, installing a defeat device which detected when the engines were being tested so performance was changed to improve results was a misunderstanding was it? As a result the engines were emitting nitrous oxide pollutants 40 times greater than allowed in the USA. But that's ok only 10 million cars were recalled as a result of this misunderstanding and we all know Germany's heart for some is in the right place for other's it's the same as a Thai Bar girl's

I don't know anything about EMC's but I do know the difference between a misunderstanding and cheating.


Right, car engines are a man's world! Ask Transam! But I'll make an exception for you girls?


No combustion engine works at maximum efficiency under all conditions. The settings need to be adjusted automatically according to demand and conditions. We used to use carburettors to adjust fuel supply according to the drivers' demands. Some actually pumped neat petrol into the intake to beef up acceleration! Then we would vary the spark timing (dynamic advance according to RPM) and vacuum advance according to throttle position.


These days, we use computers to measure dozens of input variables to set dozens of engine settings. Several times a second.


This is the main reason why we have much higher performance, much lower fuel consumption and far lower emissions (oxides of nitrogen being just one)


The computers use "look up tables" to determine the optimal settings for multiple conditions.


Of course we need increasingly stringent emissions regulations. But how to achieve this? I can tell you that a Diesel engine produces maximum emissions accelerating maximum load, up hill, when cold, between maximum torque rpm and maximum power rpm


So, what do we want to control? Maximum emissions? Emissions driving slowly in town? Idling? Average? Peak?


No, vehicle test regimes ARE inadequate and require much better design and enforcement. The fuel consumption figures for new cars are a farce. These are measured one up, no spare, no air con, nearly empty, on the flat. And you believe them!


At least test the vehicles! Just like "land of smiles" - trace the VIN number on the chassis and pay the money ?


No, give me engineering any day. Facile inspection criteria is for the birds; probably specified by one ?


Edited by Grouse
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4 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Right, car engines are a man's world! But I'll make an exception for you girls?


No combustion engine works at maximum efficiency under all conditions. The settings need to be adjusted automatically according to demand and conditions. We used to use carburettors to adjust fuel supply according to the drivers' demands. Some actually pumped neat petrol into the intake to beef up acceleration! Then we would vary the spark timing (dynamic advance according to RPM) and vacuum advance according to throttle position.


These days, we use computers to measure dozens of input variables to set dozens of engine settings. Several times a second.


This is the main reason why we have much higher performance, much lower fuel consumption and far lower emissions (oxides of nitrogen being just one)


The computers use "look up tables" to determine the optimal settings for multiple conditions.


Of course we need increasingly stringent emissions regulations. But how to achieve this? I can tell you that a Diesel engine produces maximum emissions when cold, carrying maximum load, up hill, when cold between maximum torque and maximum power.


So, what do want to control? Maximum emissions? Emissions driving slowly in town? Idling?


No, vehicle test regimes are inadequate and require much better design and enforcement. The fuel consumption figures for new cars are a farce. These are measured one up, no spare, no air con, nearly empty, on the flat. And you believe them


At least test the vehicles! Just like "land of smiles" - trace the VIN number on the chassis and pay the money.


No, give me engineering any day. Facile inspection criteria is for the birds; probably specified by one ?


You can't pump neat petrol into an engine without the oxygen the fuel requires to do it's job...

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4 minutes ago, billd766 said:


But 52% did agree with him.


That is democracy at work.

4% is hardly a democratic majority for a matter of such importance, it could have been 4% the other way depending on the weather or what was on TV, any change to the status quo should have required a majority of two thirds.

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8 minutes ago, billd766 said:


But 52% did agree with him.


That is democracy at work.

And proof positive that we need representative democracy NoT absolute Greek democracy. 


We get it, you want change for many reasons. I agree!


But you've got the wrong target.


When Brexit is shown NOT to have delivered the benefits you so richly deserve, who are you going to blame? May I suggest the Welsh! 

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

And proof positive that we need representative democracy NoT absolute Greek democracy. 


We get it, you want change for many reasons. I agree!


But you've got the wrong target.


When Brexit is shown NOT to have delivered the benefits you so richly deserve, who are you going to blame? May I suggest the Welsh! 

They would only sing him a song about how green their valley is

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10 minutes ago, transam said:

You can't pump neat petrol into an engine without the oxygen the fuel requires to do it's job...

Don't be such a pedant! As a Transam man you must surely have come across carbs that will pump neat fuel into the intake airflow without bothering with producing a basic aerosol!


Flames at the exhaust seem to indicate slightly rich?

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Just now, Grouse said:

Don't be such a pedant! As a Transam man you must surely have come across carbs that will pump meat fuel into the intake airflow without bothering with producing a basic aerosol!


Flames at the exhaust seem to indicate slightly rich?


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4 minutes ago, Grouse said:

OK! You know best ?



That is pump jet operation...Most carbs have a pump jet and injected rides computers use  similar to sort flat spots, it works for a short period to stop hesitation. You implied shoving NEAT fuel in increases power, it doesn't unless it has the correct amount of oxygen to combine to a perfect ratio for combustion...What is N2O used for...?

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20 minutes ago, transam said:

Who says the benefits will not be delivered..?. Have you insider info...?

No insider info, it is very easy to find the information. And these studies are not financed by the EU....




The Brexit decision was an act of faith, and was never backed by facts and figures. Additionally, Brexit has never been clearly defined by Brexit proponents, so each voter had his own imaginary representation of Brexit....



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21 minutes ago, billd766 said:


That is true also, but the rule of that particular referendum was for a simple majority. They could have stated  a 2/3, a 70% or any other figures they wanted, but in David Cameron's arrogance they didn't.


The referendum was held and those who voted to leave won.


If more people could have been bothered to get off their arse and vote it could have been different, but it wasn't.


If only the Remainers could accept that simple fact and get behind the PM and the country, life would be better and easier in the UK.

It wouldn't be easier or better if everyone shouted, rah, rah, rah, the problems would still be the same,they aren't going away. I and I suspect you as well wont be affected personally either way but the following generation will be, my family, thank God, are all out of it and live in other countries.

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1 minute ago, candide said:

No insider info, it is very easy to find the information. And these studies are not financed by the EU....




The Brexit decision was an act of faith, and was never backed by facts and figures. Additionally, Brexit has never been clearly defined by Brexit proponents, so each voter had his own imaginary representation of Brexit....



Newspaper stuff....


The ordinary guy on the UK streets wants his streets back....Just a simple fact..

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Just now, soalbundy said:

It wouldn't be easier or better if everyone shouted, rah, rah, rah, the problems would still be the same,they aren't going away. I and I suspect you as well wont be affected personally either way but the following generation will be, my family, thank God, are all out of it and live in other countries.

So you and your family don't really give a shit...?

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1 minute ago, transam said:

Newspaper stuff....


The ordinary guy on the UK streets wants his streets back....Just a simple fact..

He never had any control over his street or anything else for that matter except for the 4 walls around him providing he could still pay the mortgage or the rent.

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Just now, transam said:

Newspaper stuff....


The ordinary guy on the UK streets wants his streets back....Just a simple fact..

Newspaper stuff, the Rand Corporation? Are you kidding or just ignorant? 

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52 minutes ago, transam said:

You can't pump neat petrol into an engine without the oxygen the fuel requires to do it's job...

Yes you can..its called running too rich.

I believe all the latest engine control systems are expesive

sales gimmicks.  If you haven't done so already, google the

Pogue carburetor. 

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5 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

Democracy or not, the rule was fully known at the beginning. First past the post wins. Now I'm sure you Remoaners, who like the horses, wouldn't be bitching if your horse was first past the post would yous? Remoaners are simply children who want to take their ball back when they lose the game. Stop crying and accept democracy.

Two thirds is democracy, disenfranchising almost half the population isn't

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

So what are you doing on this thread if you don't like the UK..We know you spent most of your life in Germany and perhaps your kids were brought up there, so they would never have any allegiance to the UK either...

It has entertainment value. I have one child (35) and a grandchild in Germany, they are German nationals and a son (10) here, he is Thai, I have given both my children the English language, they are where they are, if they wish to change so be it. 

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2 hours ago, aright said:

Please don't tell me what I see...you're not qualified and if you have slipped into your insult mode at this point I will leave.

Please don't leave. He is an abnormal nob and is upset.

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

It has entertainment value. I have one child (35) and a grandchild in Germany, they are German nationals and a son (10) here, he is Thai, I have given both my children the English language, they are where they are, if they wish to change so be it. 

Sure glad you cleared that up...Well done...5170.gif.90290b3ea352faf07f24100f2ce34724.gif

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Well that's true


The thing is, since the rise of UKIP, Brexit has given a certain legitimacy to lack of tolerance. That's a shame in my opinion.

Apportioning the rise in knife crime to a perceived glut of kippers is poor comment. I'm surprised, even with you. 

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