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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

What is the point in arguing, brexit is gone, a brief sound of stamping in fury and then it will be time to muffle 'traitors' behind wet handkerchiefs.

When and where did Brexit go?


IIRC the UK and the EU are still negotiating.

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1 minute ago, billd766 said:

When and where did Brexit go?


IIRC the UK and the EU are still negotiating.

No, May is in the corner listening to what the EU, many of her ministers, a large section of her MP's and the house of lords are telling her. Customs union seems to be staying and almost (bar a few commas) free movement is being discussed (only way to solve the Irish question). Leaving seems ever more pointless. 

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5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

So basically you don't have a constitution in black and white to refer to.

The British constitution primarily draws from four sources: statute law (laws passed by the legislature), common law (laws established through court judgments), parliamentary conventions, and works of authority.[  Very different from an old written document which legalises the possession of single shot.muzzle loaded guns which is now interpreted as meaning every man and his dog is entitled to own modern-day war weapons.

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18 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

So basically you don't have a constitution in black and white to refer to.

If you are British you should know that the constitution is not a single document but rather a collection of laws and conventions, some of these are written, like the most important the Bill of Rights (1689) and Magna Carta (1215).

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24 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

So basically you don't have a constitution in black and white to refer to.

Of course we do. In its simplest terms our Constitution is "any Act enacted by the Queen in Parliament"

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14 minutes ago, Swimman said:

The British constitution primarily draws from four sources: statute law (laws passed by the legislature), common law (laws established through court judgments), parliamentary conventions, and works of authority.[  Very different from an old written document which legalises the possession of single shot.muzzle loaded guns which is now interpreted as meaning every man and his dog is entitled to own modern-day war weapons.

Yes I am already aware of that, all very clear and concise, unambiguous, easy to refer to, in short a typical British muddle through. 

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6 minutes ago, nauseus said:

If you are British you should know that the constitution is not a single document but rather a collection of laws and conventions, some of these are written, like the most important the Bill of Rights (1689) and Magna Carta (1215).

Jolly easy for reference, a lawyers dream. Are we still bound by law to practice the longbow?

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

Gross error of judgement in your opinion. The old people have their own opinion; they are are entitled to their vote and do not have to answer to anyone, for anything. 

No but they must pay for it like everyone else.

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

Jolly easy for reference, a lawyers dream. Are we still bound by law to practice the longbow?

A longbow is preferable to a war weapon as favored by at least one country with a written constitution.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

I think it's fair to say that if it mentions 'the common market' on the said pamphlet, that is what you would be voting for, or not. Look forward to your usual spin. ?


Would you call it spin to have pointed out to you that it said European Community first and Common Market second and in brackets, hers is a quote from your own post if you are struggling to remember. "European Community (Common Market)"

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13 minutes ago, nauseus said:

If you are British you should know that the constitution is not a single document but rather a collection of laws and conventions, some of these are written, like the most important the Bill of Rights (1689) and Magna Carta (1215).


Britain's unwritten constitution


Unlike most modern states, Britain does not have a codified constitution but an unwritten one formed of Acts of Parliament, court judgments and conventions. Professor Robert Blackburn explains this system, including Magna Carta’s place within it, and asks whether the UK should now have a written constitution


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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

Well they will all be gone soon enough and brexit can be reversed if it ever happens which I doubt. The immigration solution under discussion isn't much different (if at all apart from cosmetics) from what we have now and it certainly looks like we stay in the customs union, even the thickest leaver must ask themselves, why leave at all then.

Don’t be to sure, “Yes” many of the younger generation voted to remain in this so called union, this after many years of brain washing. Now they are starting to realise, exactly what the E.U. is, and many are now starting to question our membership.




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1 hour ago, tebee said:

No it is not binding - it was an advisory referendum.  if it was going to be a binding one it should have had safeguards like a super-majority. Trying to change it to one after just does not work. It is not even legal to have a binding referendum under the UK's constitution.

Are you completely thick? This has been discussed many times. And it has been shown by numerous T.V. Members that we ALL knew, which ever way the Democratic ( sorry! For using that word) vote went, that decision would be acted upon.

Get over it and accept the decision of you country,instead of trying to undermine it. Or is your name T. May.




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14 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Would you call it spin to have pointed out to you that it said European Community first and Common Market second and in brackets, hers is a quote from your own post if you are struggling to remember. "European Community (Common Market)"

And in the next sentence it doesn't even mention the European Community. You are obviously a person who won't admit to being wrong making it very difficult to have a sensible debate, it is a pointless exercise going any further with you.


"The Government have recommended that Britain should stay in on the new terms which have been agreed with the other members of the Common Market."

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Legally it was an advisory referendum.  


It might be political suicide to consider it anything other than morally binding but that's the Conservatives problem. 

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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Don’t be to sure, “Yes” many of the younger generation voted to remain in this so called union, this after many years of brain washing. Now they are starting to realise, exactly what the E.U. is, and many are now starting to question our membership.




Oh dear, back to the history books. Nothing like being used by your country to facilitate growing up. My father served in the navy in WW2 afterwards they tried to recall him for the Korean war, he threw all his medals and the call up papers on the fire then had to go to the police station to say the dog ate the letter.

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3 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


Ah, Brexit reversal....the continuing wet dream of Remoaners !

May will sort it out, brexit if it happens, will have the texture of custard but I don't suppose that will bother her, she will be out of a job on a nice pension watching a hung parliament try to work.

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