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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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23 minutes ago, tebee said:

You are of course, assuming that we manage to get point of having a negotiated deal  to put before the electorate before the expiration of the article 50 notification. With the current disorganized shambles in Whitehall that is by no means  certain - so option A may be a choice between  no deal or no deal.



But then the options would be:


- Leave with no deal

- Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU


And again this gives the EU every reason to block all attempts to achieve a good deal.


This is hopefully explaining why I don't think ref2 is a good idea.


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1 minute ago, Kieran00001 said:


I believe it would require leaving, not only the EU, but also NATO.

In for a penny in for a pound, we're British, who needs NATO, UNO, IMF ,EU to hell with them all, the Queen and the Commonwealth are our safe haven ?

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31 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

those gunboats look mean. All they have to do is blow up the new electricity station, end off.

I guess you refer to the electricity station serving the Island!


Well if you are I have just two things to say;


01 Solar panels

02 Strong currents in those parts.

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3 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

I have a question for those who want a 2nd referendum. I'm sure this has been done before, but here goes.

What two choices would you like to see on the ballot paper?


Option A

- Accept the deal that has been negotiated

- Leave the EU with no deal


Option B

- Accept the deal that has been negotiated

- Revoke article 50, and remain in the EU


I assume all Remainers would choose option B for the 2nd ref paper.  With option B the EU will offer the UK the worst deal possible. So option B would be a sure fire win for Remain. In other words, it would be a reversal of Brexit by stealth. Hoodwinking the British public.


Can any remainers refute this, with an explanation?


P.S. I think the same would apply if MPs got their 'meaningful vote'


I could deal with more two choices if I get an early night!

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2 hours ago, adammike said:

As Gibraltar is attached to Spain I don't know what he thinks blockading the straits will achieve.If and when brexit happens the Spanish might just walk in and take over.


So you believe that Spain and by extension the EU will declare war on the UK, who by the way is a member of NATO, who in turn are obliged by the NATO treaty to assist a fellow NATO country if it is attacked.


BTW, Spain is also a member of NATO.



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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


I believe it would require leaving, not only the EU, but also NATO.


Why would the UK be required to leave NATO of which it was a founding member.


:sorry: It is just your belief. 


You do come up with some strange ideas and beliefs.


Please explain why YOU believe that.

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‘No deal is better than a bad deal’ was never a credible #Brexit negotiating position. Lamenting that the Government isn’t preparing for no deal is a red herring. (Plus it doesn’t have the £, time, capacity or ‘tech’ to do it.)



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Another of my occasional questions for the leaver amongst you.


After the debate on the Lords amendments the other day, Theresa May was reported as saying she will deliver the Brexit the British people voted for, no matter how much damage it does to British business, the economy and jobs.


Does this seem a reasonable policy to you and one you could support?

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