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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:


I don't know whether to feel insulted or relieved to not be among the chosen few...

It was a sample. It was not meant to be exclusive ?


If you want a beauty contest, I'll arrange it ?

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8 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

and what language was it ?

Peranakan Language Mixture of Malay /  Hokkien chinese dialect and some words of their own

 Baba Nyonya first Y silent


Straits Chinese

Malay female / Chinese male

Baba male

Edited by oldlakey
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14 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Grouse..just remember and spend a day in Govanhill..Glasgow..when you go on your travels.
Please give an honest report re the oh so wonderful multi culturism to people like myself..non Uni but Uni of Life.
See for yourself the utter shambles freedom of movement has done to a formally nice Glasgow area.!!
Yours..a non Uni punteremoji6.png

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I promise


Thinking of spending a few days up in the far NW around Loch Torridon. I'll see if the Teuchters are doing OK


I'll report back

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5 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Peranakan Language Mixture of Malay /  Hokkien chinese dialect and some words of their own

 Baba Nyonya first Y silent


Straits Chinese

Malay female / Chinese male

Baba male

Ahhh, so it is English after all, as English as the national dish, Indian curry or the Chinese take away and the Brexiteers say multi-culti has given us nothing, not only the cuisine has been enriched it would seem.

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15 minutes ago, Grouse said:

It was a sample. It was not meant to be exclusive ?


If you want a beauty contest, I'll arrange it ?


7 minutes ago, billd766 said:


I am not trying to shoot the messenger rather than trying to get a balanced result. The Remainers quote all day from the Independent and the Guardian etc while the Brexit side quote from the Express, Mail etc.


The problem is that few people read, or even have the time to read the biased papers from each side, about the same story and that is closer to where the truth lies, somewhere in the middle.


TBH I am fed up with the whole damn Brexit even though That is what I voted for.


From what I can gather the EU, even though it wants to get rid of the UK, is trying to make it as hard as they can, possibly to scare off any other country who wants to leave.


Whether it will work or not I have no idea and I don't think anybody else does either.


IMHO ALL of the government MP's should be standing shoulder to shoulder and showing a united front. What many of them fail to remember is that while they are all members of the Conservative party, they were in fact elected by their constituents and should be taking notice of what they say as they can be voted out at the next election.


My problem as a voter is that there isn't another party who I would prefer in their place.

They should be all working to satisfy the party manifesto that they were elected with. 

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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Ahhh, so it is English after all, as English as the national dish, Indian curry or the Chinese take away and the Brexiteers say multi-culti has given us nothing, not only the cuisine has been enriched it would seem.

I am all for borrowing anything as long as they dont want it back

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I promise
Thinking of spending a few days up in the far NW around Loch Torridon. I'll see if the Teuchters are doing OK
I'll report back
Grouse..just skim read a scottish daily rag..seems that yet another 5 rogue landlords have been black listed re renting property in Govanhill..their surnames identify them as asian/eastern european.Thats 26 rogues so far.
Govanhill is part of the inglorious first minister sturgeons constituancy.
Just saying..cheers

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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9 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Grouse..just skim read a scottish daily rag..seems that yet another 5 rogue landlords have been black listed re renting property in Govanhill..their surnames identify them as asian/eastern european.Thats 26 rogues so far.
Govanhill is part of the inglorious first minister sturgeons constituancy.
Just saying..cheers

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Don't get me going on Muslims; I'll get in trouble for sure!

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18 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Grouse..just skim read a scottish daily rag..seems that yet another 5 rogue landlords have been black listed re renting property in Govanhill..their surnames identify them as asian/eastern european.Thats 26 rogues so far.
Govanhill is part of the inglorious first minister sturgeons constituancy.
Just saying..cheers

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I see that Govenhill has highest cultural diversity in Scotland! How nice!


Also Govenhill is a big branch of Dixons?

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3 hours ago, fulhamster said:

They should all now be working together to sort out Brexit asap, because that is what the referendum result decided.

Doesn't matter if they were for or against it, now they have to see it through.

Yes. I think you missed my point.

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20 hours ago, aright said:

Am I missing something?

We currently import perishables from Africa, Egypt, USA and many other non EU countries without any reported problems. Are you saying when we leave the EU the British government are going to change procedures to make it more difficult to bring these goods into the country?


The British Government won't have any say in it, we are leaving the customs union end of, so it will inevitably cause issues with items crossing by sea. Last time I looked Africa and USA did not come via the channel tunnel or ferries :-) Fact is there is no gain for anyone, just have to make do and do best we can with what we have and what is agreed.

I don't know why people think we can just leave the EU and think we can still have all the benefits at no cost. Something has to give.

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4 hours ago, malagateddy said:

Grouse..just skim read a scottish daily rag..seems that yet another 5 rogue landlords have been black listed re renting property in Govanhill..their surnames identify them as asian/eastern european.Thats 26 rogues so far.
Govanhill is part of the inglorious first minister sturgeons constituancy.
Just saying..cheers

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

It’s a bit of a struggle staying on the right side of the council, but we’ll worth doing so.  For all their ridiculous bureaucracy and red tape, they mean we’ll, and are willing to put their hands in their pockets to make housing in Glasgow habitable.

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7 minutes ago, oldwelshman said:

Where to start?

Fees? you think we will not still have to pay anything as a result of negotiating trade deals?

Saving on cost of food clothing etc? How is this going to work when the pound has dropped 15% so shortly will see increase in real terms for buying items.

Establishing our own laws? We already did and no law was ever imposed on us without a unanimous vote from EU from all members including our own government. There is not 1 law that was not passed by our government.

Controlling borders? We already had control but I guess you mean stopping the free movement of EU members. Do you think this will stop the real immigration issue which is illegal immigrants?

The majority of the people did not vote to leave I may add, just more voted to leave than remain, not quite the same thing.

The only thing I agree with is over paid and wasteful EU commission. Should have stayed in and used referendum vote to force change and also to amend the free movement of EU members, not just evoke article 50 with no plan.

Benefits of remaining?

Common standards allowing free movement of materials between countries, selling what little we manufacture to those standards. Free study in EU countries, free to move to other EU countries to work, ease of movement of supply chain items between EU countries, EHIC cards for health insurance, hassle free movement between GB and EU countries for holidays (unless Luton airport lol). Improved workers rights and benefits ( most of which the tories been trying to remove for years).

Wales has benefited by massive inward investment and grants from EU for years, strangely Wales majority voted to leave, and many people I know actually voted more on local issues than anything to do with the EU and now say "oh , we can't get those grants anymore? WHy not?"

Yes there are many people on both sides that have strong reasons and beiefs for voting the way they did, unfortunately there were also many people who voted with no idea of issues either way.

The whole campaign was a shambles both sides.

Glad I left lol

But apart from that, what have the Romans ever done for us?

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