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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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6 minutes ago, aright said:

No it's not, truth is an absolute value ; its like pregnancy, you are either pregnant or not pregnant you cant be a little bit pregnant. Facts are sometimes coloured by the personalities of the people presenting them. 


“There are no facts, only interpretations.” ……………..Friedrich Nietzsche





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On 2/28/2018 at 7:56 AM, FreddieRoyle said:

Look, the realities are that German auto manufacturers want desperately to sell cars to Britain, likewise French cheese-makers and wineries, Italian jewelers, and British manufacturers want to sell products to European consumers etc etc. A sensible trade agreement could be hashed out in half an hour by professionals.  What is happening has nothing to do with the Brexit as such, it is just resistance by attrition due to an inability to accept electoral defeat, and the end result of this could get very ugly. Stick to democratic procedure and get us out of the European superstate project pronto without these endless threats and diversions which only complicate and confuse simple minds. 


The reality is that the customer chooses what he wants, it's basically the principle of our current society. If he chooses to buy a German car and is denied that, he will be angry at the gov or the automobile manufacturer. Exactly. Adding to that, nobody MUST sell their products to England, they want to, because they want to increase the profit, but they definitely not must whereas for British exporters (ehm, who exactly anyway?), they basically are forced to have access to the EU market.

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14 minutes ago, tebee said:

I'm reminded of this from just after the last election :-


In fairness, May did warn of a coalition of chaos propped up by extremist terrorist sympathisers; she just didn't mention that she'd be leading it.....

I didn't know that she had threatened to form a coalition with Len McCluskey and the executive of Unite …. thanks for the info

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3 hours ago, darren1971 said:

Brexit will never happen anyway, so this thread is pointless.


Unfortunately you could be right. Which will mean that democracy in the UK will be finished. Then you will really see conflict.

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2 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

I do not labour under any misapprehensions

Good for you!


Anyway, very pleasant evening watching the Royal Wedding! Very uplifting so off  to bed feeling rather happy ?

Edited by Grouse
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6 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

Who cares we are leaving

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

And now we know that some European expats in Thailand favour a Brexit and a lower pound because it will keep the British cheap charlie riff raff out. A hard Brexit and we will go straight to 40 baht I reckon. 

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6 hours ago, Grouse said:



But wait for the sucking noise as the Japanese and American manufacturers disappear into the EU together with most of The City.

and that's the sound of the pound getting hung , drawn and quartered - is there any way for the ordinary investor to short sterling as a hedge ? IMF predicting a 15% fall.





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On 5/18/2018 at 8:03 AM, Kieran00001 said:


You think the union that is built on the premise of ending conflict and opening border has a dubious agenda to reignite old conflicts and reinstate old borders?  Any particular reason you are imagining this agenda?

How about the billions of pounds the UK tax payers give the EU when only one other country, Germany, makes a major contribution.

The EU might have been born out of a desire to end conflict, but is has been Nato that has stopped it in reality. It was originally formed as a trading area, but has gone far beyond that.

The Euro has bankrupted several southern European countries for a start.

The Irish border question can be solved, but the EU are using it to try to scupper the referendum result and continue (with UK funds) the march to a United States of Europe including the ex-soviet block. A concept that is already under pressure by several EU members.

It is a house of cards, or a skyscraper built on sand with dubious foundations...



Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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8 hours ago, nontabury said:


Unfortunately you could be right. Which will mean that democracy in the UK will be finished. Then you will really see conflict.

Things seek equilibrium, in politics that can take time but even the collective insanity that is human history will be calmed. The British are a phlegmatic race, that is their greatest strength, only seldom do they engage in extreme behaviour and then only out of pragmatism, so I see no violent conflict whatever happens. 

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3 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

This is from an article just been published in the Times Online overnight

Those of us that follow European politics have felt that something like this was coming since the result of the Italian elections on March 4th, but I don't think any of us felt it would be quite this sensational.


The EU now has a far more serious issue on its hands than Brexit



**** Italian vow to eject migrants and break budget rules rattles EU

Michael Sheridan and Andrew Byrne, Brussels

May 20 2018, 12:01am, 

The Sunday Times



Italy is about to throw down the starkest challenge to the European Union since the Brexit vote by vowing to break its budget rules and deport half a million illegal migrants.

The pledges — the most radical by any government in western Europe — have been agreed by leaders of the two anti-establishment parties that aim to form a new coalition in Rome. They amount to an earthquake under the foundations of EU policy since the financial crisis of 2008 and the migrant surge of 2015.


On Friday night the promises were approved by 94% of the 44,700 members of the Five Star Movement who voted in an online poll. Over the weekend, the right-wing League is pitching the policies at public meetings in piazzas across northern Italy.


With approval now a formality, the stage is set for the populists to go to the 16th-century Quirinal Palace in Rome tomorrow to tell President Sergio Mattarella that they have a deal.

“Now we have it in black and white,” said Luigi Di Maio, Five Star’s leader, “despite what the big newspapers say, despite a few bureaucrats in Brussels.”


Matteo Salvini, the combative nationalist who heads the League, told his supporters: “We have got 90% of what we wanted in the programme.”


Both want Italy to take a far more assertive stance in Brussels by demanding renegotiation of the EU’s key financial treaties, which Salvini said “are completely dictated by the Germans”

Italy, a founding member of the EU, is its fourth-largest economy and also its most indebted, with a national debt of more than £1.6 trillion.

Mainstream economists say that, if carried out, the populists’ policies would add more than €100bn a year to state spending. They include pledges to spend billions of euros on tax cuts and a universal income for jobseekers, to restore generous state pensions and to reject austerity.


Stock markets and the euro are likely to fall again tomorrow after sharp declines last week.

Although the deal omits some of the most radical measures contained in earlier drafts — including a demand for the European Central Bank to write off €250bn in Italian debt — it sets Italy on a collision course with Brussels and other EU countries.

Senior EU officials view the pact as an aggressively Eurosceptic agenda that, if implemented, would force them to punish Italy for breaking EU spending rules.

“The key issue is of course implementation: if these plans are actually put into action a very large fiscal deficit is likely to result,” said Daniel Gros, director of the Centre for European Policy Studies, a leading Brussels think tank.

“This would require the EU to react, ultimately with fines.”


EU officials are also acutely alarmed by pledges in the deal to fast-track the deportation of 500,000 “illegal migrants” on Italian territory. They say that could create a humanitarian crisis and reopen fraught political conflict among member states, just as migration has begun to recede from the political agenda.

The League pushed for the moves against migration — which if implemented would be the harshest by any western European country.

The coalition “contract” declares: “A serious and efficient repatriation policy is a priority that cannot be delayed.”


Salvini, who covets the post of interior minister, has also vowed to turn back boats carrying migrants across the Mediterranean and to break the business of people trafficking.

In polls, a majority of voters say Italy was let down by its EU partners, which failed to stop mass migration and then refused to take in thousands of migrants.

The coalition will have popular backing for its demand that the EU changes its “Dublin rules”, which state that asylum seekers must be handled by the first EU country where they land.

Since the Italian navy and coastguard played a much-praised humanitarian role in rescuing hundreds of thousands of people, that burden fell on Italy.

“Enough is enough,” Salvini told The Sunday Times in 2016, “we have been taken for fools.” *****

Wait until payments from the EU stop.

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A well respected French man says



Europe, says Bernard-Henri Lévy, will collapse if Brexit goes ahead. “It will collapse because when the body is deprived of its brain and its heart, its spirit dies. Britain is not just an additional piece of the European Union, it is the brain.”



Brexit will be a much bigger catastrophe than most people expect or think, a catastrophe for Britain and a catastrophe for Europe. Europe is unthinkable without Great Britain.



I thought it was going to be another, woe is me and Brexit must be stopped because it will be suicide, or armaggedon, or any other amount of catastrophe's that were predicted to befall the UK. At least he acknowledges that it will also be a catastrophe for Europe ( of course that should be EU )


So why are EU and remainer windbags intent on trying to block everything ?


Let me think, UK £££££££££££££££'s

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23 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

I think the Italians have learned a lot from the Brexit non - negotiations. They have dropped their Anti - EU stance and instead have turned the screw on the EU from a different angle.


We are the elected Government of Italy. This is the policies that we are going to implement for Italy, sit back and let the EU jump in feet first.


If the EU refuse to budge or veto what they are trying to implement, Referendum time. That might be a € referendum or an EU membership referendum.


Either way, chaos for the EU. Not forgetting that the provisional EU budget talks have started for the 2020 - 2027 budget which will already be missing the UK's ££££££'s.

Interesting that Italians have the fortitude to take a tough line with Brussels but we were too weak to do so. We should be staying in and changing the EU from within also 

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16 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

A well respected French man says





I thought it was going to be another, woe is me and Brexit must be stopped because it will be suicide, or armaggedon, or any other amount of catastrophe's that were predicted to befall the UK. At least he acknowledges that it will also be a catastrophe for Europe ( of course that should be EU )


So why are EU and remainer windbags intent on trying to block everything ?


Let me think, UK £££££££££££££££'s

Thanks for article. Interesting read! 

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31 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:



What a nasty, horrible, spiteful and racist comment to make about our Monarchy and the British public, who have just enjoyed a wonderful day celebrating a fantastic royal wedding; a day full of fun, happiness and laughter. What a truly miserable person you must be ...... shame on you

Racist? what's wrong with having a black baby?

Not miserable, it's just all over the top with plenty of pathos, it's just a wedding for christs sake get over it. Fun, happiness and laughter, I get that without watching two spongers getting married.

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