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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

Depressing indeed. Any chance of Corbyn falling seriously ill? Anyone got any Novichok?

Have a look at the line-up on his front bench.  Every one of them dredged  from the bottom of a very putrid barrel.    Where in the private sector would they secure a sinecure as lucrative as that which they currently enjoy,   I wouldn't employ any one of them to clean my windows.

Is Novichok the new Cadbury bar?

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34 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

This cartoon strip is full of holes, and is meaningless.


Sadly though, there is a chance you'll get what you want. Either an ultra soft Brexit that takes away all our power but keeps us in the SM and CU (including FOM and under the ECJ), or a humiliating climb down that will see us revoking article 50, probably losing our rebate, forced to adopt the Euro, and continuing our journey towards a European 'super' state. Subjugated by Juncker and his egotistical cronies.


The remainers, while thinking they were fighting for a good cause have seriously undermined our negotiating position, and may have caused irreversible damage.


That is unless Theresa May is bluffing, and she's only pretending to be weak and ineffective.


There you go you brexiteers will never be without someone to blame.you can sleep peacefully.

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Depressing indeed. Any chance of Corbyn falling seriously ill? Anyone got any Novichok?

My personal thought is that Corbyn doesn't want power at the moment - he wants brexit to happen, but it wants the Conservatives to do it so they get the blame when it all goes pear shaped. This is why we have such wishy-washy opposition from him at the moment.

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1 hour ago, aright said:

Not as meaningless as your answer. This is your system not mine. Almost a million people are living in the UK  illegally all being fed, watered, clothed and housed directly or indirectly by the system. Less porous borders would help.


TWO illegal immigrants have today admitted splurging more than £120,000 of taxpayers’ money after falsely claiming to be victims of the Grenfell Tower fire.

Elaine Douglas, 51, and Tommy Brooks, 52 - both Jamaican nationals who had stayed in Britain illegally for 16 years - racked up staggering bills after being put up at a four-star West London hotel after the blaze - including spending almost £20,000 on credit cards.

Every illegal immigrant costs YOU £36K a year: The cost of migrant centres revealed

BRITISH taxpayers are forking out around £36,000 A YEAR to detain every illegal immigrant that sneaks across our borders.




I think the cost was because they were fraudsters, and not because they did not have the right paperwork to be here legally.


Anyway, that's just the sort of people we want - enterprising and imaginative people from the Commonwealth, without impediment from Brussels regarding whom we let in.


You will need to explain to me again how the EU helps Jamaican fraudsters enter and stay in the UK, and how that will improve following Brexit.




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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

This is straight from the Remainers' bible, the Independent:


Brexit: EU advises businesses not to use British components because of Theresa May’s plan to leave customs union


More dirty tricks by the EU.  Can you imagine if the UK went around telling other nations not to trade with the EU after Brexit?

Do you remainers really want to stay a part of this club, run by a bunch of vindictive egotists?

That sounds like sound advice, since they cannot confirm that supplies will continue to be available without tariffs following Brexit.


We should stop using European components as well, since we will soon be establishing our own standards independent of Europe, as well as erecting customs barriers and tariffs.


Perhaps we could ask if we could get on the committees for the Chinese National Standards bodies, so that we could make sure that those standards and our manufactories were aligned.  

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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

This is straight from the Remainers' bible, the Independent:


Brexit: EU advises businesses not to use British components because of Theresa May’s plan to leave customs union


More dirty tricks by the EU.  Can you imagine if the UK went around telling other nations not to trade with the EU after Brexit?

Do you remainers really want to stay a part of this club, run by a bunch of vindictive egotists?

But this is what the Remainders project "Fear" predicted would happen - why are you surprised by it .


Note also that the EU is giving advice to it's businesses about how to cope with the problem Brexit will cause - when are we going to the same thing from our government ? 

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1 hour ago, aright said:

Not as meaningless as your answer. This is your system not mine. Almost a million people are living in the UK  illegally all being fed, watered, clothed and housed directly or indirectly by the system. Less porous borders would help.


TWO illegal immigrants have today admitted splurging more than £120,000 of taxpayers’ money after falsely claiming to be victims of the Grenfell Tower fire.

Elaine Douglas, 51, and Tommy Brooks, 52 - both Jamaican nationals who had stayed in Britain illegally for 16 years - racked up staggering bills after being put up at a four-star West London hotel after the blaze - including spending almost £20,000 on credit cards.

Every illegal immigrant costs YOU £36K a year: The cost of migrant centres revealed

BRITISH taxpayers are forking out around £36,000 A YEAR to detain every illegal immigrant that sneaks across our borders.





Jamaican illegal immigrants don't sneak across our borders, they fly in as tourists and then overstay, the only relationship to Brexit is the impression the Leave campaign gave to British citizens from commonwealth countries.

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1 hour ago, aright said:

Not as meaningless as your answer. This is your system not mine. Almost a million people are living in the UK  illegally all being fed, watered, clothed and housed directly or indirectly by the system. Less porous borders would help.


TWO illegal immigrants have today admitted splurging more than £120,000 of taxpayers’ money after falsely claiming to be victims of the Grenfell Tower fire.

Elaine Douglas, 51, and Tommy Brooks, 52 - both Jamaican nationals who had stayed in Britain illegally for 16 years - racked up staggering bills after being put up at a four-star West London hotel after the blaze - including spending almost £20,000 on credit cards.

Every illegal immigrant costs YOU £36K a year: The cost of migrant centres revealed

BRITISH taxpayers are forking out around £36,000 A YEAR to detain every illegal immigrant that sneaks across our borders.




I thought we only detained a small minority of the illegal immigrants that sneak across our borders.  How will Brexit reduce the number of illegal immigrants? Surely it will increase the number of illegal immigrants, since so many fewer people will be able to legally migrate here, but some of them might still wish to come.


I thought that the main immigration aim of Brexit was to reduce the number of legal immigrants by putting an end to Freedom of Movement and Freedom of Employment.



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3 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 You are, as I said, obviously ignorant and uneducated when it comes to UK immigration rules and requirements. What your knowledge of and education on other subjects is, I have no idea.


Start educating yourself by reading the immigration rules. I don't claim to be an expert on all of them by any means, but am very familiar with those dealing with family migration and have a working knowledge of those dealing with workers under the points based system.


All of which means that I can categorically state that the system you say you want is very much the one already in place! So your question is meaningless.


Then perhaps you will provide that education, because they are banned from most public funds until they have ILR, which takes at least 5 years to obtain. See this document.


If any immigrants are receiving proscribed public funds then they are doing so illegally via fraudulent claims. If you know of anyone doing such then I urge you to do your civic duty and report them to the relevant authorities.


I have very little knowledge of the Australian immigration rules and requirements; but those for the UK regarding work visas are very much as you describe. See Working in the UK (modernised guidance)


From what I have read in the Visas and migration to other countries forum here and on similar forums the Australian requirements for family migration are not dissimilar to, and in some respects less arduous than,  those of the UK.


Of course, despite what some people hope or believe, Brexit will have absolutely no effect on any of this as non EU, or to be accurate non EEA, migration is not and never has been anything to do with the EU nor the FoM directive; it has always been the responsibility, nay right, of member states to set their own rules and requirements for this.



You are correct but our government fails to enforce the rules. And STILL the populist lemmings fail to see it!

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16 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Jamaican illegal immigrants don't sneak across our borders, they fly in as tourists and then overstay, the only relationship to Brexit is the impression the Leave campaign gave to British citizens from commonwealth countries.

What has this to do with Brexit?  Off topic, stupid or both

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3 minutes ago, billd766 said:


And she was correct.


Why would the UK want its own standards. The EU standards work quite well and I for one see no reason to replace them.


More project fear from the EU I suspect.

We'll no longer be on the European standards boards, and with no customs union, we might as well import all our components and goods from China; by going to Chinese standards, we can cut out the imperialist European middle-men who badge so much of Chinese production.


Personally, I'd prefer to use and work to the European standards, and probably will continue to do so, so long as they are still the principal set of standards used by most of the countries in South East Asia in this industry.



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1 minute ago, aright said:

It doesn't Jamaican fraudsters don't come in through the EU channel

The EU channel handles criminal gangs and freeloaders coming in from EU countries.

The government plan on employing upwards of 750 full time customs officers to tighten border security. That process has already started.


"I thought that the main immigration aim of Brexit was to reduce the number of legal immigrants by putting an end to Freedom of Movement and Freedom of Employment. "


I don't recall that. The main aim as regards immigration of people after Brexit was not primarily to deny access but to control it.



I thought you wanted to reduce the number of criminal gangs and freeloaders legally entering the country under the Freedom of Movement requirements of the EU, by making it more difficult for Europeans to freely enter the country.  That sounds like denying access to some people.


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2 hours ago, aright said:

Have a look at the line-up on his front bench.  Every one of them dredged  from the bottom of a very putrid barrel.    Where in the private sector would they secure a sinecure as lucrative as that which they currently enjoy,   I wouldn't employ any one of them to clean my windows.

Is Novichok the new Cadbury bar?

How about if BOTH front benches were summarily shot? Is that too humane? I have other ideas.

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20 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

I thought we only detained a small minority of the illegal immigrants that sneak across our borders.  How will Brexit reduce the number of illegal immigrants? Surely it will increase the number of illegal immigrants, since so many fewer people will be able to legally migrate here, but some of them might still wish to come.


I thought that the main immigration aim of Brexit was to reduce the number of legal immigrants by putting an end to Freedom of Movement and Freedom of Employment.



Great satire!

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29 minutes ago, billd766 said:


And she was correct.


Why would the UK want its own standards. The EU standards work quite well and I for one see no reason to replace them.


More project fear from the EU I suspect.

In my profession, British Standards are Harmonised with European standards. I suspect that is pretty standard. Except cladding materials standards ?

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