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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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14 minutes ago, tebee said:

So if the Eu is run for the benefit big business, bankers and bureaucrats why do most EU countries have much better social support programs than the UK ? And why are you supporting the Hard Brexiters like Rees-Mogg who want to create a low regulation,low tax, small government regime which eliminate more social protection, like the USA on steroids, so that they, Bankers and businessmen, can make more money?


Or are you hoping that Brexit will be such a disaster that Corbyn will get in and create his socialist paradise?  

"why do most EU countries have much better social support programs than the UK ? And why are you supporting the Hard Brexiters like Rees-Mogg who want to create a low regulation,low tax, small government regime which eliminate more social protection, like the USA on steroids, so that they, Bankers and businessmen, can make more money?"


I agree with this, and it's why in some ways I trust (a very loose term, as I don't trust any of them!) the eu more than the uk govt.


At least the eu has made a small effort to placate low-paid workers with 'worker' protection' rights/has banned GMOs etc. etc.

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42 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Of course it has nothing to do with the EU ??


That is why they are tramping all through the EU to reach places like Calais, so that they can Illegally enter the UK.

So we leave the EU , which gives them even less incentive to stop this ?

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17 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Of course the daily mail is one of the most obvious offenders, and always have been, since long before the brexit referendum.  I mention the DM, as your 'examples' are all DM.


People had many different reasons for voting to leave the eu, and sadly, too many are confusing illegal immigrants (that even remainers don't want), with the unwanted, legal, eu immigrants.

Why did you give this a '' Like '' Champer ?


It subtly destroyed your previous comment highlighting all the Daily Mail headlines.


Too obtuse to actually notice ?

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4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



Of course, you are not aware of that being a non Brit and all too happy to jump on a bandwagon.



And just how do we know you are not a non-Brit?

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56 minutes ago, tebee said:

Or are you hoping that Brexit will be such a disaster that Corbyn will get in and create his socialist paradise?

Corbyn might get in, but first he has to fight the Blairites and the 'friends of Israel' lobby. Problems ahead for the Labour Party. But not insurmountable ones for a man of his integrity. I just hope he wears a bulletproof vest and stays away from that PD nerve agent juice. The last thing USA wants is a pacifist at No 10.


Big bankers control the UK (as they do most of the world). The payments to our creditors (what a joke) is 1 billion pounds a week. And who is this interest (another joke) paid to? Well if you can find out you are are a better man than me Gunga Din!! It is all secret squirrel stuff; as it most of the higher echelons of conducted business in the C of L. Much of it guarded from prying eyes by the Official Secrets Act. At the moment it is impossible to find out how much UK actually owes. Estimates vary from 1.8 trillion to 5 trillion pounds.


And what about the UK if the petro-dollar collasped? Well it is enshrined in UK law that the Treasury must pay any creditors from people's taxes!!


Back to Corbyn. If the petro-dollar goes down I reckon to safeguard UK's finances he will cut the defence bill and I'm assured that he will 'TRY' to sort out the City of London iniquitous fiasco. Shame that Brown sold off the gold. We may well regret that; big time. There was talk of a parallel currency for the UK but that seems to have died a death (not enough gold or silver in the coffers).


The EU is a banker's paradise. They are calling the shots. BUT!!! If the petro-dollar goes belly up then some banks (and countries) are in deep poo poo . Defaulting will be the name of the game. Of course this is why Russia, China, Iran and North K are constantly demonised. The petro-dollar is under threat**  and only bringing these countries on-side, or a semi-world war, will sort it out for the US and world's bankers.


As we speak Russia, China and Iran are doing deals in gold.

Edited by owl sees all
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28 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

The Daily Mail is not hard evidence of anything.


The Daily Mail is what it is. It has been since way before the Brexit Referendum.


Of course, you are not aware of that being a non Brit and all too happy to jump on a bandwagon.


Still if it makes you feel better when you retreat to your safe space, be my guest, slaughter the Daily Mail, I could not care less. It is not a publication that I read.

The Daily Mail has a readership of 17,000,000 (oddly close to the pro-Brexit vote).


It’s anti immigration, demonization of immigrants is read by those 17,000,000 and is printed, recorded- hard evidence.


Your assertions regarding my nationality are groundless, you have no evidence hard or otherwise to back them up.


That you should make your assumptions regarding my nationality so much part of your arguments is not a surprise given your clearly expressed anti foreigner sentiments.


Away with your obfuscation, and wild unsubstantiated guesses.


The demonization of immigrants was central to the Pro Brexit arguments.



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10 minutes ago, vogie said:

If you can't tell whether someone is english by the way they write the queens english, it just reinforces the argument that remainers are not as intelligent as they think they are. ?

Does one's use of grammar (or lack thereof) not factor into whether they are from your hallowed country?

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3 hours ago, The Renegade said:

How does it feel remainers, to be permanently walking around under one of these ?




Overdose of hysteria pills and only half a story. 


Why have you no idea ? It can be found all over the MSM, which should be fairly easy for a self confessed, highly educated individual to find ??




Must be terrible to be in a permanent state of pessimism.



As with many Brexiters, you take the obvious and don't understand the subtleties.


Landrover are moving Discovery (including Discovery Sport which used to be called Freelander ) to EU primarily to retain EUR1 rating. These are the "cheaper" high volume models that compete with many "competing" offerings. The Range Rover is, er, not cheap and if you want one, you won't care about duty.


From a VIN point of view, SAL with an A for Solihull is a big deal for Land Rover fetishists like me. 


A Land Rover is certainly what you want for the weather you showed!


Above and Beyond is such a great advertising line as is The Best 4x4xFar!


Finally, you mock education in every post; what degree do you hold?

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4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

In your favour, you did manage the capitalisation of the proper nouns and the correct use of the apostrophe.

Unlike the OP - do we infer that he/she/it is not a true Brit then, or is it just a testament to the power of the British education system?

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2 hours ago, owl sees all said:

And who is actually smelling the coffee? What farce are you referring to?


Good for UK to get out of the sinking monstrosity of the EU ship; which, by the way, is run by and for the benefit of big business, bankers and bureaucrats. A ship steered by the Germans.

Typical populist view

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11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The Daily Mail has a readership of 17,000,000 (oddly close to the pro-Brexit vote).


It’s anti immigration, demonization of immigrants is read by those 17,000,000 and is printed, recorded- hard evidence.


Your assertions regarding my nationality are groundless, you have no evidence hard or otherwise to back them up.


That you should make your assumptions regarding my nationality so much part of your arguments is not a surprise given your clearly expressed anti foreigner sentiments.


Away with your obfuscation, and wild unsubstantiated guesses.


The demonization of immigrants was central to the Pro Brexit arguments.



I agree that the Daily Mail has a huge readership - mostly unintelligent, Tory supporters....


But I think I'm correct in saying that it was largely Labour supporters that voted to leave?


Slightly funny story - boarding a 'plane, I was offered the Daily Express to read and politely pointed out that I'd rather die than read the Daily Express.  The air hostess agreed ?.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

I have just checked my passport, it says I'm a 'non immigrant'


Unless the country that you are a citizen of considers you to be a permanent resident in that country then you must be an immigrant somewhere else, regardless of whether that country considers you a non immigrant or not, you are confusing your reality with the legal anomalies of Thailands immigration system.

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6 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Unless the country that you are a citizen of considers you to be a permanent resident in that country then you must be an immigrant somewhere else, regardless of whether that country considers you a non immigrant or not, you are confusing your reality with the legal anomalies of Thailands immigration system.

Come again...?

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Just now, transam said:

Come again...?


Really?  Ask your country if they consider you a permanent resident, if you live here they will say no.  Then ask them what they consider your status to be as someone who lives full time abroad, they will say you are an immigrant.  Non immigrant is a Thai visa status, nothing else.  Next you will be trying to tell us that illegal immigrants are not immigrants because they don't have a visa!

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Just to show what collateral damage the anti-immigrant rhetoric - and in particular Theresa May's response to it - is doing to the country.


We are refusing visas to doctors and  information technology professionals from non-EU  counties in huge numbers



The figures, obtained by Eversheds Sutherland, the law firm, via a Freedom of Information request, showed that 2,360 applications from doctors from outside the European Economic Area were rejected between November 6 and April 5 of this year, while 1,946 applications from non-EEA IT professionals were also unsuccessful.


The data also show that while 103 applications were made by pharmacists during the five-month period, not a single visa was issued.




How is the UK supposed to become a world center of excellence if firms here can't get the staff they need ?


Another problem that leaving the EU will exacerbate . 

Edited by tebee
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Just now, tebee said:

Just to show what collateral damage the anti-immigrant rhetoric - and in particular Theresa May's response to it - is doing to the country.


We are refusing visas to doctors and  information technology professionals from non-EU  counties in huge numbers



The figures, obtained by Eversheds Sutherland, the law firm, via a Freedom of Information request, showed that 2,360 applications from doctors from outside the European Economic Area were rejected between November 6 and April 5 of this year, while 1,946 applications from non-EEA IT professionals were also unsuccessful.


The data also show that while 103 applications were made by pharmacists during the five-month period, not a single visa was issued.


How is the UK supposed to become a world center of excellence if firms here can't get the staff they need ?


Another problem that leaving the EU will exasabate . 

Indian folk are buying documents to get into the UK, seems a nice earner in India for hopefuls trying to get in...

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1 minute ago, tebee said:

Just to show what collateral damage the anti-immigrant rhetoric - and in particular Theresa May's response to it - is doing to the country.


We are refusing visas to doctors and  information technology professionals from non-EU  counties in huge numbers



The figures, obtained by Eversheds Sutherland, the law firm, via a Freedom of Information request, showed that 2,360 applications from doctors from outside the European Economic Area were rejected between November 6 and April 5 of this year, while 1,946 applications from non-EEA IT professionals were also unsuccessful.


The data also show that while 103 applications were made by pharmacists during the five-month period, not a single visa was issued.


How is the UK supposed to become a world center of excellence if firms here can't get the staff they need ?


Another problem that leaving the EU will exacerbate . 

Never heard of '' Fake Degree's '' ?


Never crossed your mind that this might be part of the problem ?


Nope, of course not. 

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