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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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For all those saying the EU should offer us a deal, it has already, but it has stated it needs to be based on an existing deal. 


We often seem to forget that it is the UK leaving the EU not the other way round, why should it change its laws just to accommodate us ?


There are 4 basic end states( with a few variations on each) 


1/ EU / Remain
2/ EEA / EFTA ("Norway", "Switzerland")
3/ FTA / DCFTA ("Canada", "Ukraine")
4/ WTO


We need to decide which of these we are aiming for - 2 years down the line and we don't seem to have the foggiest idea.  

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26 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Where did you come up with that little gem ?


Did you ?






Did you and Champer attend the same school ?


I read it in the papers two days ago, their finance minister said they ruled out leaving.

As for Slovenia, all the other parties had a pact before the election not to form a coalition with SDS who got the most seats but they didn't win an outright majority, the pro Europe coalition did, we will see who manages to form a government in the coming days.

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3 hours ago, The Renegade said:

Your mistake is that you are using a monthly figure.




UK press is normally described by daily circulation, not on a monthly basis.




Daily Mail

Circulation: 1,383,932 (November 2017)

The Sun

Circulation: 1,481,876 (March 2018)


The Guardian

Circulation: 148,169 (March 2018)

The Times

Circulation: 435,061 (November 2017)


Can't we just agree that The Mail is crap? That it has such a high readership confirms the lamentable level of too many English people.

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13 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Can't we just agree that The Mail is crap? That it has such a high readership confirms the lamentable level of too many English people.

Oddly enough I used to read the Mail for many years, I quite liked it's mid-brow approach then and wanted to get my news from a source I disagreed with politically, to avoid confirmation bias. Oh and I liked the Flook cartoon( showing my age there now!) 


It did eventually get to the point where I couldn't   take it anymore and the paper seemed to be dumbing down anyway, but it greatly helped my critical thinking skills. 

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Appart from it wasn’t my point.


I also thanked Renegade for pointing out my stated DM readership of 17,000,000 Was incorrect and presented the correct number (a little over 13,000,000.


The data from the last link I posted suggests 66% of DM readers voted Leave, that equates to 8,580,000 Leave votes. (Over half all leave votes cast).


[edit] You too seem not to understand ‘Readership’ is not ‘Number of Papers Sold’, a little thing called ‘the internet’ changed all that.



Sorry CH, not quite right


66% of DM readers voted leave I agree. But 66% of leave voters were not DM readers.


I agree the general thrust of your point though and the crap red tops were partly responsible for this disasterous  situation

Edited by Grouse
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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


Italy, only two days ago, ruled out leaving.  Did you miss the Slovenian election last week?  The party who won are pro Europe, there will be no referendum any time soon.  In Hungary, Orban has been in for four terms, what's he waiting for?  Obviously he doesn't want to leave either, so that's none so far.

If East European countries such as Poland are booted out ( for being ungrateful) would that fix the EU immigrants to U.K. Problem?

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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

So you're saying that 13m UK people regularly read the Daily Mail - that's almost 30% of the entire voting population of the UK regularly read that newspaper either in print or online?

I think you misunderstand (monthly) newspaper readership numbers.


No I did not simply  state 13,000,000 people regularly read the Daily Mail.

I gave reference to a report from ‘statistica’ that indicates 13,000,000 people regularly read the Daily Mail.


‘Statistica’ you will note was first used as a reference in this discussion by Renegade, unfortunately he, like you, doesn’t understand that in the age of the internet ‘News Paper Distribution’ is not the same thing as ‘Readership’.


The former grossly under represents the latter.


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26 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Sorry CH, not quite right


66% of DM readers voted leave I agree. But 66% of leave voters were not DM readers.


I agree the general thrust of your point though and the crap red tops were partly responsible for this disasterous  situation

I didn’t calculate 66% of Leave Voters are DM readers.


13,000,000 DM readers. (statistica - link already provided)

66% DM readers voted leave (Pressgazette - link already provided)

66% of 13,000,000 = 8,580,000.

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19 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

No I did not simply  state 13,000,000 people regularly read the Daily Mail.

I gave reference to a report from ‘statistica’ that indicates 13,000,000 people regularly read the Daily Mail.


‘Statistica’ you will note was first used as a reference in this discussion by Renegade, unfortunately he, like you, doesn’t understand that in the age of the internet ‘News Paper Distribution’ is not the same thing as ‘Readership’.


The former grossly under represents the latter.


And you I'm afraid are misrepresenting data to fit an agenda.

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1 minute ago, nontabury said:

No, I don’t see why you can’t  reveil this small piece of information, it ‘s not as if I’m asking you to divulge your name,address and bank a/c details.

Other foreigners have previously entered this thread, such as the old hippy from Belgium and another one,whose name I forget,who was from Finland. Both supporters of the U.K. remaining in, and continuing to financially support the hated E.U.  So please tell us where your from,this May help us to understand your point of veiw

Get over yourself, this is not a dating site.


You don’t get to quiz other members on their personal information.


Find some ‘healthier’ pass time to expend your energies.

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13 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Then challenge my interpretation with your own, but please don’t come this ‘Distrution’ = ‘Readership’ nonsense.

Ok, look at these percentages that voted Leave:


70% of Sun readers

70% of Daily Express readers

66% of Daily Mail readers

22% of FT Readers

10% of Guardian readers


This is a just sample set of newspapers.  There would also have been lots of people who don't read any newspapers voting Leave.  17.4m people voted to Leave the EU. According to your logic that number should be a lot higher.




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11 minutes ago, aright said:

The Guardian has been described as the Daily Mail of the left. In terms of overt bias, pushing an agenda, always pandering to one side of the debate etc.I think that's just about right.

You were doing fine then you post nonsense like that.

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