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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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2 hours ago, transam said:

Well the last I heard the UK is importing and exporting with the whole world. All parties do their stuff to deal with it..Well don't they...?

I must have got it wrong, I was under the impression that the UK was still a member of the EU and importing and exporting with the whole world under EU agreements.

Maybe you can enlighten us on the agreements the UK have put in place.

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1 minute ago, sandyf said:

I must have got it wrong, I was under the impression that the UK was still a member of the EU and importing and exporting with the whole world under EU agreements.

Maybe you can enlighten us on the agreements the UK have put in place.

What did the UK do before the EU membership...?

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50 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

To be honest Ren, I don't see many personal attacks on TVForum.

That might be because I never mentioned personal attacks.


Attack, Attack, Attack on this thread is more about shutting down debate, or, as another poster suggested, attempting to get the thread closed down.


They are easy to spot, they are the posters that scream loudly but somehow never have anything to back up what they are saying.

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2 hours ago, The Renegade said:

By cutting out the main part of my comment, your disingenuity and disrepectfullness plumbs new depths.


Do I really ? I always believed that an MP's task was to carry out the wishes of their Constituents. 


The multitude of article in the link below all seem to be saying the same




Not forgetting that he also voted to trigger Article 50




No doubt, being the highly intelligent individual that you are will tell me I have had it wrong all these years.


I would suggest instead of spurious pontification, you actually try a bit of self education.

Please read how to quote correctly. I never truncate posts, I merely reply.


Your view of the responsibility of a British MP is incorrect.


Your final statement is specious.

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2 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Fink stocks are low...

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4 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

If a Mod gets on board it could be. Threads have been closed down for a lot less than this one has to offer. But it would be a shame 'cause I want to see this topic get to 1000 pages.


I've read nothing to see any intervention; so carry on guys.


Back on topic; Liverpool Les did a survey last week and 75% wanted out of the EU.



How many undecided

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6 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

If a Mod gets on board it could be. Threads have been closed down for a lot less than this one has to offer. But it would be a shame 'cause I want to see this topic get to 1000 pages.

I've read nothing to see any intervention; so carry on guys.

Back on topic; Liverpool Les did a survey last week and 75% wanted out of the EU.

"Liverpool Les" Is this something I will find in LK Metro?

Edited by SheungWan
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Anyway Guido seems to suggest we are heading for EEA + and Brexiteers have been sold out - a small hurrah to start my British day ! Oh and there will be no No Deal we aint' crashing out to WTO which is some of your Brexit wet dreams. So fingers crossed Brexit means (drum roll) EEA + - well done Mrs May - Remainer at Heart.........




. We would be heading for the softest of non-Brexits.



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35 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

If a Mod gets on board it could be. Threads have been closed down for a lot less than this one has to offer. But it would be a shame 'cause I want to see this topic get to 1000 pages.


I've read nothing to see any intervention; so carry on guys.


Back on topic; Liverpool Les did a survey last week and 75% wanted out of the EU.



Quinten queer says it's a lie

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8 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

How many undecided

Thanks for the serious question OldLakey. The poll results were as follows:


60 Remain 18.75% 

240 Leave 75% 

15 Undecided/don't know/care 4.69%

5 Unintelligible or non-response 1.56%


7 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

"Liverpool Les" Is this something I will find in LK Metro?

 Sorry SW; don't know what you are talking about.


5 minutes ago, transam said:

Bob the builder said 85%, but then again Tarquine the Toff said...25%..

Sounds a little 'tongue-in-cheek' that Transam.




So there we have it. 75%,, up from the last poll which came in at 62.5% for leave. Can't argue with figures like these.

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8 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Anyway Guido seems to suggest we are heading for EEA + and Brexiteers have been sold out - a small hurrah to start my British day ! Oh and there will be no No Deal we aint' crashing out to WTO which is some of your Brexit wet dreams. So fingers crossed Brexit means (drum roll) EEA + - well done Mrs May - Remainer at Heart.........




. We would be heading for the softest of non-Brexits.



Hows the weather in Romania...?

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

Hows the weather in Romania...?

errr Welling a lovely 21 degrees celsius and whatever the knockers like to say Britain is still Great. 


A repeat from last week but still a goody ....



For now Brexiteers must fall back silently and weep.

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52 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

The article is incorrect.

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5 hours ago, The Renegade said:

tebee, the stunning intellect that went into providing that one word answer shot through my laptop and hit me like a lightening bolt right between the eyes ??


The question was 


 So was your one word answer, an answer to:


Yes, they would like a further Referendum ?




Yes, they just want to leave ?


Either way, would you kindly supply some sort of official figure, from a reputable source, verifying your answer.


If you are unable to do this, please join Kieran0001 ( is that his age ? ) in the drivel corner.

You asked me if I thought his constituents would like a new referendum, I gave you my thought . It may be different to your thought and may or may not represent what his constituents think. But as I assume we are are both in Thailand there is no easy way for either of us to conduct a survey there, so any answers we give here will be a matter of conjecture. 


Excuse the delay in replying, have just wasted half a day going to our brand new immigration office, replacing Chaengwattana , who told me that they wouldn't let me do a 90 report and that I needed to to a border run instead. Grrrr

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1 minute ago, owl sees all said:

Now we are getting to the nitty-gritty of the negotiations just watch the Euro crew cave in.


Britain has defeated the powers of Europe in the past. If the EU does the dirty on us = by giving us a raw deal - we can easily blockade the North Sea ports. And block sea traffic through the Straights of Gib.


We Brits didn't build an Empire by cowering under the bed-sheets. I'm ready for the fight; like dozens of others.


Rule Britania!!



I sincerely hope that was supposed to be satire!  Blocking seas, dozens of willing fighters, oh the LOLZ


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1 hour ago, The Renegade said:

Members of the House of Commons hold, in effect, a triple mandate. They represent all the people of their constituency, their party and the interests of the country. It is a tenet of representative democracy that MPs are not delegates for their constituents. This means that, while the views of constituents are frequently considered, the actions of MPs are governed by their determination of the best interests of their constituency, their party and the country as a whole.

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1 minute ago, Kieran00001 said:

I sincerely hope that was supposed to be satire!  Blocking seas, dozens of willing fighters, oh the LOLZ

Yes, Kieran00001, you may laugh, but just look what happens to countries that upset the two great powers? Remember Argentina?! The US and Britain did not become great by hiding behind sand dunes. But we don't need the US on this one. Watch out you EU beerocraats we are coming/gunning for ya.


We will fight them on the beaches

we will fight them in the long grass,,,,



Sound familiar??

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