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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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10 minutes ago, sandyf said:

You were so hung up on trying to be clever the comment went over your head. Being in the armed services I was paid in local currency at the UK governments set rate of exchange which I can assure you was 11.40 in June 1972.

Did the RAF get a better exchange rate than the Army? I was paid about 8 DMs. But there again you can say what you want, nobody will be able to prove it without a payslip.

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5 minutes ago, vogie said:

Did the RAF get a better exchange rate than the Army? I was paid about 8 DMs. But there again you can say what you want, nobody will be able to prove it without a payslip.

I arrived at the end of June 72 and my first payment in marks into the Sparky was at 11.40 and the second was at 8 something, the rate must have been adjusted down in Aug 72. You tend to remember something that p's you off a bit.

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


The German population is aging faster than the UK's, but more importantly, while the UK's population has continued to increase due to steady immigration, offsetting the aging problem with an increase of young working immigrants, Germanys population has been decreasing, further amplifying their aging issue.  While the UK population is expected to increase by 15 million in the next 40 years, Germanys population is expected to reduce by 10 million.  They actually needed a large influx of people and they were lucky that the Syrians came along as they were higher educated than average, and no, they would not be better off educating them from scratch, they would be best off if they could have an influx of professionals who did not need any further education.




I'll just disagree with you, as usual. Time for TISWAS.

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


The German population is aging faster than the UK's, but more importantly, while the UK's population has continued to increase due to steady immigration, offsetting the aging problem with an increase of young working immigrants, Germanys population has been decreasing, further amplifying their aging issue.  While the UK population is expected to increase by 15 million in the next 40 years, Germanys population is expected to reduce by 10 million.  They actually needed a large influx of people and they were lucky that the Syrians came along as they were higher educated than average, and no, they would not be better off educating them from scratch, they would be best off if they could have an influx of professionals who did not need any further education.




First time I've seen UK immigration described as "steady". If it was, this thread would probably not even exist! 

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

Not what I inferred but there's a fix now for you: "Rooneyroots"! :smile:

I was being polite, a bald head is preferable to continuous flatulence. I like my bald head, it requires little maintenance except for the side pieces hanging on for dear life, I cut them short with an electric cutter, hansum man.

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

I was being polite, a bald head is preferable to continuous flatulence. I like my bald head, it requires little maintenance except for the side pieces hanging on for dear life, I cut them short with an electric cutter, hansum man.



Bald head, Prasat....................



.... now you are starting to narrow down your identity !   :smile:

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It must've been laughably easy for these pointy heads to use targeted messenging and advertising to lead morons in any direction desired. I wish I had thought of it!


Fancy using machine learning and large databases to skew public opinion! Brilliant! Will be made illegal though.

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It gets better




Cambridge Analytica's suspended CEO is nixed by director. Nice see that nice Mr Farage involved; I thought he was the Grimsby fish monger in his little van these days! Beep! Beep!


(I guess neural NETWORKS are kind of appropriate)

Edited by Grouse
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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


The Act of Union would never have happened if it weren't for the Darien Scheme, the failed Panama Canal that left Scottish people so poor that they welcomed in the union with the English.

You obviously know nothing about what Scots think about English.

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I did tell you!


I know, a university education is pointless. Meanwhile, the pointy heads are rolling you all up and laughing all the way to the bank! Ask yourselves this, who are the richest people and who are drawing the highest salaries? Even hedge funds are feeling a draft. You understand arbitrage? Oh well....

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4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

The Darien scheme was a private initiative that had nothing to do with the Scottish government, but lost a few Edinburgh dandies their shirts. In fact, as the concept of national debt was not recognised in Scotand at the time, it was impossible for it to go bust as there was no lender to whom they owed money. Then again, Scotland was not a democracy and the ordinary people had no voice, so the notion that the country set out to capitalise on the concept of empire is a myth. These were private individuals who were acting for themseves.


However, at the same time that the Darien company ran into probems/sabotage, England was in debt to the tune of 18 million pounds because of their relentless wars in Europe. For various reasons, the Alien Act was passed in the English parliament that threatened to confiscate all lands and possessions in England that belonged to Scottish nobles. This led to them signing of the union. However it was hugely unpopular among the masses, which led Daniel Defoe to write in his communiques to London, "A Scots rabble is the worst of its kind.. for every Scot in favour there is 99 against."


So, to put to bed the myth you repeated, Scotland was unable to go bust as it had no national debt; Engand was on the verge of bankruptcy and forced the act of the union on its unwilling neighbours.

Interesting! Was that before or after he wrote Robinson Crusoe?

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4 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Interesting! Was that before or after he wrote Robinson Crusoe?

I must admit I needed to check Wikipedia - he wrote Robinson Crusoe in 1719.


He was a fascinating character - he somehow managed to get himself in with the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and the Scottish Parliament, but reporting all back to England, at that time still a foreign country. He wrote to London that he was "Perfectly unsuspected as with corresponding with anybody in England"


Anyway, rather than continue to derail the thread (apologies) here is the link to his Wikipedia page.

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23 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

The Darien scheme was a private initiative that had nothing to do with the Scottish government, but lost a few Edinburgh dandies their shirts. In fact, as the concept of national debt was not recognised in Scotand at the time, it was impossible for it to go bust as there was no lender to whom they owed money. Then again, Scotland was not a democracy and the ordinary people had no voice, so the notion that the country set out to capitalise on the concept of empire is a myth. These were private individuals who were acting for themseves.


However, at the same time that the Darien company ran into probems/sabotage, England was in debt to the tune of 18 million pounds because of their relentless wars in Europe. For various reasons, the Alien Act was passed in the English parliament that threatened to confiscate all lands and possessions in England that belonged to Scottish nobles. This led to them signing of the union. However it was hugely unpopular among the masses, which led Daniel Defoe to write in his communiques to London, "A Scots rabble is the worst of its kind.. for every Scot in favour there is 99 against."


So, to put to bed the myth you repeated, Scotland was unable to go bust as it had no national debt; Engand was on the verge of bankruptcy and forced the act of the union on its unwilling neighbours.


You haven't contradicted me, the aristocrats ruled Scotland, they were left poor and welcomed the union as a result.

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2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


You haven't contradicted me, the aristocrats ruled Scotland, they were left poor and welcomed the union as a result.

The aristocrats were the ones left poor and were forced into accepting the union and a share of England's debt; the ordinary people were rioting in the streets.

But Scottish finances were not centrally managed and there was no central bank - the peope were surviving as they were prior to Darien. The parcel of rogues sold out the country for their own self gain - they weren't saving the nation.

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On 27/02/2018 at 9:22 PM, webfact said:

nobody voted for this

Oh yes they did, 17,410,742 people did, unfortunately me and the other 16,141,240 who voted remain have to live with the mess they have caused.


Now they are trying to blame it on Cambridge Analytica...

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59 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

The Darien scheme was a private initiative that had nothing to do with the Scottish government, but lost a few Edinburgh dandies their shirts. In fact, as the concept of national debt was not recognised in Scotand at the time, it was impossible for it to go bust as there was no lender to whom they owed money. Then again, Scotland was not a democracy and the ordinary people had no voice, so the notion that the country set out to capitalise on the concept of empire is a myth. These were private individuals who were acting for themseves.


However, at the same time that the Darien company ran into probems/sabotage, England was in debt to the tune of 18 million pounds because of their relentless wars in Europe. For various reasons, the Alien Act was passed in the English parliament that threatened to confiscate all lands and possessions in England that belonged to Scottish nobles. This led to them signing of the union. However it was hugely unpopular among the masses, which led Daniel Defoe to write in his communiques to London, "A Scots rabble is the worst of its kind.. for every Scot in favour there is 99 against."


So, to put to bed the myth you repeated, Scotland was unable to go bust as it had no national debt; Engand was on the verge of bankruptcy and forced the act of the union on its unwilling neighbours.

Well said! Sad what English kids are taught at school regarding the union.

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41 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

You haven't contradicted me, the aristocrats ruled Scotland, they were left poor and welcomed the union as a result.

Scotland is owned by a fewer percentage of the people than any European country. Whole swathes are owned by the Scottish gentry.

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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I was being polite, a bald head is preferable to continuous flatulence. I like my bald head, it requires little maintenance except for the side pieces hanging on for dear life, I cut them short with an electric cutter, hansum man.

I'm sure. Keep shining!

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13 hours ago, soalbundy said:

The kilt. In the 1700's the English banned the wearing of trousers with the clans tartan, to overcome this law the Scots started wearing kilts with the clans tartan which didn't break the law as they weren't trousers.

And was’t it a Lancastrian who designed the modern kilt.

And if your so knowledgeable, from where does this ancient  kilt originate?






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6 hours ago, nontabury said:



I agree the benefits of the North Sea oil have been squandered, but not just by the English. Just check out which political party has been in power for a large number of years during this period. And who was their leader.

Two that quickly come to mind were Tony WMD Blair and Gordon Bigot Brown, both  Scotsmen. In addition at one stage, of the 19 members of the cabinet, 16 were Scots, 1 being  Welsh, and the two remaining members English. Not a bad representation from a region that only represents one twelfth of the population.

 And yet some Scots say they’ve never been represented in the powers of government.

  As for the monarchy, the union started in l603 with the accession of King James V1of Scotland  To the throne of England, and since then there has been further Scottish blood added. So I think it can be argued that the monarchy is more Scottish than English.

  To me it’s always been amazing that the English and Welsh,  never rose up against our imposed rulers, but then perhaps that’s  due to them not having a tree on their shoulder, unlike Some people from the north of our island.




I love watching Princess Anne sing "Flower of Scotland" and not the English one at Scotland england rugby games.

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12 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Scotland is owned by a fewer percentage of the people than any European country. Whole swathes are owned by the Scottish gentry.


"HALF of Scotland is owned by just 500 people"



"They show that most lairds no longer hail from Britain's tweed-clad huntin', shootin' and fishin' classes; these days your local feudal overlord is more likely to be a self-made continental millionaire or an entrepreneur from Dubai, Egypt, Malaysia, Hong Kong or plain old America."


And the bitch is(1996) -

"Nationalist MPs and crofters, frustrated by the failure of Westminster politicians to bring Scotland into line with England and other European nations by abolishing feudal structures and regulating land use"



The Scottish Land Reform Review was completed in 2014 but still a matter for discussion(23 March 2018).

Once out of the EU the UK government could stall this indefinitely. Of course history has nothing to do with Brexit.


"However, we are disappointed when similar research, already published by the Scottish Government as recently as July 2016, appears to have been forgotten."


"But he added: “However, there remains an absence of meaningful debate about what should be delivered from Scotland’s land rather than simply who owns it and this is a matter that rural communities and businesses want to see addressed urgently, especially in light of Brexit.”


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9 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

I love watching Princess Anne sing "Flower of Scotland" and not the English one at Scotland england rugby games.

Now effectively recognised as the Scottish national anthem. Written by Roy Williamson who unfortunately died prematurely, spending his final years in my hometown.

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