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Theresa May urges Britain to 'come back together'


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45 minutes ago, vogie said:

Wow £74000 salary, do you think that is a lot of money for someone running the country. To put things in perspective Jean Claude Juncker gets over €340000 a year, on that basis it would be fair to say we are getting value for money with Jacob. And to say £400 is a lot for ink jet cartidges when a single cartridge on Amazon can cost cost over £82 is scraping the barrel to say the very least. 

I think we can ignore such propaganda don't you, people will be saying you are becoming a drama queen next.

Do you also want to ignore his voting against forcing landlords to ensure that the homes they rent are actually fit for human occupancy? What about his support for the further erosion of the already meagre support given the disabled, the most vulnerable and unrepresented people in our society? Are these people also drama queens?

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36 minutes ago, billd766 said:


Actually the PM gets £150,402 but still gets to pay tax on it. It is still however only around 50% compared to  Jean Claude Juncker's over €340000 a year, on that basis it would be fair to say we are getting value for money with Jacob.



He supported the take-over by the Motobility charity (a PLC), of the management of cars for the disabled. They subsequently removed the cars provided to 75,000 disabled people across the UK, while at the same time, paying the boss of Motobility 1.7 million GBP last year. Is that the sort of value for money you are referring to? No wonder he wants to call a halt to overseas aid - he wants to bring it all back to the UK to share amongst his own people ( of which most of us are not).

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6 minutes ago, vogie said:

I don't know what to believe from you anymore, I have identified your 'propaganda poster' to be flawed to say the least.

You identified nothing of the sort. I am not sure who is praising you on your analytical skills, but they are clearly blowing smoke up your arse.

Compare JRM against whomever you choose - my point is not related to Brexit but about a suggested successor to the PM, one who shows a complete lack of compassion or empathy for those not born into privelige.

10 minutes ago, vogie said:

it is not my intention to check all the 'facts'

I appreciate that you don't really do facts - many Brexiters exhibit this unfortunate trait. If facts were your collective thing, our country most probably would be less of an international joke at present.

10 minutes ago, vogie said:

Do you have anything to say about the two points I have raised?

I addressed one above; my second point would be his flagrant disregard for the consumption of taxpayers' money for his own purposes is not a concern for him or for you, but he is happy to sanction those most at risk in our country? That speaks volumes for all you support it.


12 minutes ago, vogie said:

The jury is still out on what you think of the English

Please elaborate further - which jury? On what evidence?


13 minutes ago, vogie said:

but it is very evident as to what you think of Westminster and the Tory government.

I wear my heart-felt contempt and loathing for both those corrupt institutions with pride. I am glad that you have picked up on it.


14 minutes ago, vogie said:

It must be very difficult for you to make an opinion that is not so biased. 

Can you explain how an unbiased opinion might exist?


15 minutes ago, vogie said:

And somebody as intelligent as you must have known putting up a naff poster like that only makes you look even more desperate.

I never claimed to be intelligent - by some people's estimates I should be a brexiteer, having left school and straight to an apprenticeship, but until you can explain what is so naff about the poster, I will just chuckle at you some more.

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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


75,000 disabled people eh? Here's a personal anecdote for you.


My estranged brother (a drug addict) got a car on disability, on the basis of his hepatitis and liver damage leaving him unable to walk properly. He was one of the 75,000 who had his car taken off him, because he kept rear-ending friends' cars in it as joint enterprise insurance scams. After he lost the car, I regularly used to drive past him in the street, walking around miles from his home, or riding another newly-acquired bicycle.


And am I the only one on every shopping trip who sees people with disabled badges in their cars park up, jump out and saunter off into the stores without a care in the world?

And you provide a perfect example of why annecdotal evidence should not be used to make public policy. Sure there are abusers of the system, just like there are abusers of every other system, but for every scammer, how many decent, honest people were penalised? You can close your eyes and ears to the humiliations and privations that our government is forcing the sick, weak, ill etc to go through on a daily basis, but one bad apple does not make the all bad apples.

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2 hours ago, vogie said:

So on your poster it clearly states that JRM is getting £74,000 as his salary, can I as you again, do you think that is a lot of money for an Government MP?

Also do you think that quoting that he is claiming £400 for printer cartridges is very trivial to say the least.

And finally it is the first time I have been rebuked for saying somebody is intelligent, you will never make it as a brexiteer with an attitude like that, you appear to have chosen the right camp. ?

I think 74 grand is a lot of money for most people, don't you? But then again, I agree with you - our politicians should earn a salary more aligned with that of senior management in the private sector, but you are not too keen on that, or you wouldn't have been carping on about the EU...


However I am still waiting for your explanation of the need to determine whether I am anti-english. That wasn't just a cheap low shot, was it?

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

However I am still waiting for your explanation of the need to determine whether I am anti-english. That wasn't just a cheap low shot, was it?

When Eddy Jones was harassed two weeks ago in your homeland your stance in these threads sprang to mind as soon as i saw the footage...

Edited by evadgib
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31 minutes ago, evadgib said:

When Eddy Jones was harassed two weeks ago in your homeland your stance in these threads sprang to mind as soon as i saw the footage...

I am very disappointed to hear that. I think you are referring to the sickening verbal and physical abuse of the rugby coach by some Scottish drunks? I saw it and was thoroughly disgusted, as were, I assume, most right thinking people. What I didn't hear in the clip, however, was any reference to the political persuasion of the thugs who attacked him.


Why, therefore, should you think of me? Have I demonstrated such behaviour here? Have I launched unwarranted, foul mouthed rants at any other TV member? Have I demonstrated any form of hatred towards any other group of people whatsoever (our present Tory government excepted)?

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10 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I am very disappointed to hear that. I think you are referring to the sickening verbal and physical abuse of the rugby coach by some Scottish drunks? I saw it and was thoroughly disgusted, as were, I assume, most right thinking people. What I didn't hear in the clip, however, was any reference to the political persuasion of the thugs who attacked him.


Why, therefore, should you think of me? Have I demonstrated such behaviour here? Have I launched unwarranted, foul mouthed rants at any other TV member? Have I demonstrated any form of hatred towards any other group of people whatsoever (our present Tory government excepted)?

He could have also mentioned the leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Yorkshireman Richard Leonard MSP. Who only this week mentioned that being English was an issue for certain people in Scotland. 

How different from all the Scottish P. M. that have resided in Downing Street. The most recent being Tony WMD Blair and Gordon bigot Brown.

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4 minutes ago, nontabury said:

He could have also mentioned the leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Yorkshireman Richard Leonard MSP. Who only this week mentioned that being English was an issue for certain people in Scotland. 

How different from all the Scottish P. M. that have resided in Downing Street. The most recent being Tony WMD Blair and Gordon bigot Brown.

Have you watched the ongoing farce that is Richard Leonard's succession as SLAB leader? He has had many foot in mouth moments in the short space of time he has held the post, however his remarks last week were the most ridiculous yet, when a whole raft English and foreign born SNP MSPs, councillors and MPs questioned how they managed to be elected if we Scots were so institutionally racist. It is actually pretty insulting for the entire country - as is the automatic assumption from those who see loutish behaviour and automatically assume that the individuals involved represent a political movement despite there not being a single piece of evidence to suggest so.

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

I am very disappointed to hear that. I think you are referring to the sickening verbal and physical abuse of the rugby coach by some Scottish drunks? I saw it and was thoroughly disgusted, as were, I assume, most right thinking people. What I didn't hear in the clip, however, was any reference to the political persuasion of the thugs who attacked him.


Why, therefore, should you think of me? Have I demonstrated such behaviour here? Have I launched unwarranted, foul mouthed rants at any other TV member? Have I demonstrated any form of hatred towards any other group of people whatsoever (our present Tory government excepted)?

It was relatively tongue-in-cheek ...


Image result for stuck record

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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

And you provide a perfect example of why annecdotal evidence should not be used to make public policy. Sure there are abusers of the system, just like there are abusers of every other system, but for every scammer, how many decent, honest people were penalised? You can close your eyes and ears to the humiliations and privations that our government is forcing the sick, weak, ill etc to go through on a daily basis, but one bad apple does not make the all bad apples.

He certainly seems to associate with a rough crowd.  I rarely see the misbehaviour that he does.  Morrison’s must have less bad apples

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2 hours ago, evadgib said:

When Eddy Jones was harassed two weeks ago in your homeland your stance in these threads sprang to mind as soon as i saw the footage...

The video I saw was of him getting a hard time outside Oxford Road station; nonetheless that in no way excuses oafery such as that. Perhaps the SRU could bring a private prosecution, if the culprits can be brought to book?

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13 hours ago, evadgib said:

It was relatively tongue-in-cheek ...


Image result for stuck record

My apologies for taking your words at face value. You will, likewise, chuckle when I mention that every time I see the Engish Defence League on television, I think of you and your fellow Brexiteers?

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

My apologies for taking your words at face value. You will, likewise, chuckle when I mention that every time I see the Engish Defence League on television, I think of you and your fellow Brexiteers?

Hardly; given I vacated the threads upon realizing meaningful debate wasn't possible and have barely surfaced in any since Christmas.

I'm still glad we're out though ?

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3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Hardly; given I vacated the threads upon realizing meaningful debate wasn't possible and have barely surfaced in any since Christmas.

I'm still glad we're out though ?

So should I feel honoured, then, that you broke your sabbatical especially to insult me?

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4 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



I suspect that you are over-flattering yourself.....:smile:

Then enlighten me - evadgib states that he retired from the thread because "meaningful debate wasn't possible" but then chose to jump back in with this apparently meaningful contribution directed at me:


18 hours ago, evadgib said:

When Eddy Jones was harassed two weeks ago in your homeland your stance in these threads sprang to mind as soon as i saw the footage...

Either he is a regular contributor to this thread (and thus a liar), or he is indeed truthful in his abstention - meaning he made a conscious decision to re-engage with the purpose of insulting me.


On the positive side, we now have something with which to gauge evadgib's expectations when it comes to meaningful debate.


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The UK Government has today (9 March) named and shamed 15 Scottish employers for underpaying more than 200 minimum wage workers by nearly £75,000.

Across the UK 179 employers have been named for underpaying 9,200 minimum wage workers by £1.1 million.

The UK Government also fined the employers a total of £1.3 million in penalties for breaking national minimum wage laws. Fines for Scottish employers totalled £70,000.

As well as recovering backpay for 9,200 workers, the UK Government also fined the employers a total of £1.3 million in penalties for breaking national minimum wage laws. The most prolific offending sectors in this round were retailers, hospitality businesses and hairdressers.



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Wales and NI subsequently posted their stats too. England's numbers could be gleaned easily enough but didn't appear separately as The English lack a parliament & therefore have no mechanism in which to present the data as the dissolved govts could/did.



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