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In the early hours of March 6 an accident occurred on National Highway 4 in Sihanoukville’s Prey Nob district.  The accident involved an ice truck and four vans.  The injury toll is 63 – no fatalities were reported. An ice truck slammed into the back of the last van of string of vans taking garment workers to their jobs.  One van after another smacked into the one in front of it until four were damaged.  The four vans were carrying 120 persons to work.


Ket Sopheak, a provincial deputy traffic police chief, stated that 63 workers were injured, 48 are women and six of them are pregnant.  “… three are seriously  injured and other 60 only slightly.  Now they are being treated at hospitals and province clinics.” He added that the ice truck driver, identified as 32-year-old Sieng Ren, is in police custody.


The National Social Security Fund immediately put out a statement declaring that, in cooperation with local authorities, all the injured are receiving medical care and  “All treatment and transportation fees will be paid by the NSSF.”


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/50112112/n4-crash-injures-63-garment-workers/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 07/03

That had to be buses?  


How do they determine which vehicle accident victim's are covered by NSSF funds?


"The injury toll is 63 – no fatalities were reported."


"Ket Sopheak, a provincial deputy traffic police chief, stated that 63 workers were injured, 48 are women and six of them are pregnant.  “… three are seriously  injured and other 60 only slightly.  Now they are being treated at hospitals and province clinics.” He added that the ice truck driver, identified as 32-year-old Sieng Ren, is in police custody."


The National Social Security Fund immediately put out a statement declaring that, in cooperation with local authorities, all the injured are receiving medical care and  “All treatment and transportation fees will be paid by the NSSF.”



For a moment I was thinking that this happened in Thailand.

But when I was missing that the driver of the ice truck fled the scene, reported himself later to the Police and was released after a Wai and 500 Baht fine, I was back to reality.


The treatment and transportation fees paid by the NSSF was a give away clue.


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