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Are We Talking The Same Place "pattaya" !


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Hi, new here, been reading all the negative posts about Patts, and quite surprised really !

Murders, muggings, people beaten up on beach ? I have been several times, and never ever seen any trouble,, or so many drunk's as Brighton or Bournmouth at 1.pm, to 5.am or later, actually I have felt more threatened at home in UK.

I treat all people with respect and politeness and have allways had the same back !

If folks go abusing "lady boys", whores, or any Thai people in there own country in my opinion, one is asking for trouble!

Whilst I am on, anyone got a cheap Condo for rent for the month of march ?

Please contact me by pm ! regards ....

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the majority of crime in pattaya is against foreigners, mostly unsuspecting tourists, walking night time around the beach.

the difference is not in the different level of drunkenness but in poverty and lawlessness - unlike Brighton or Bournemouth there are no cctv cameras in Pattaya or in any city in Thailand. Unless the criminals are couth red-handed there is a small chance they ever will be found. That's maybe why there is so much of poor trying easy money

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Hi, new here, been reading all the negative posts about Patts, and quite surprised really !

Murders, muggings, people beaten up on beach ? I have been several times, and never ever seen any trouble,, or so many drunk's as Brighton or Bournmouth at 1.pm, to 5.am or later, actually I have felt more threatened at home in UK.

I treat all people with respect and politeness and have allways had the same back !

If folks go abusing "lady boys", whores, or any Thai people in there own country in my opinion, one is asking for trouble!

Whilst I am on, anyone got a cheap Condo for rent for the month of march ?

Please contact me by pm ! regards ....

If you follow your way of treating people you will be fine, that is all anybody asks. If you wear a thick gold chain around your neck and have a buldging wallet in your back pocket and walk down a dark soi pissed then you are asking for trouble. March is not really a busy Month so you shouldn't find it too hard to find somewhere not too expensive.

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I am new here as well, but I have been visiting Pattaya at least twice a year since the mid 90's. Many of the topics on this forum is related to crime against foreigners, and this can give you the wrong impression of the place. Of course, there is no one denying that crime against tourists occure, but it is not like you walk around in a constant fear of getting mugged or beaten senseless. I have never had any problems in Pattaya and neither have any of my friends who are regular visitors. IMO as long as you behave reasonably normal you should be fine. I love the place!

BTW: I want to thank the posters here for making TV an excellent source of information. Hopefully I can contribute to this in the future.

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awol, Good to see you're posting here keep it up! I'm the same as you mate, never get problems nor do my mates. The Pattaya forum is pretty good fun but yeah in general Thaivisa is one of the best sources of info anybody could ever ask for, cheers mate. :o

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the majority of crime in pattaya is against foreigners, mostly unsuspecting tourists, walking night time around the beach.

the difference is not in the different level of drunkenness but in poverty and lawlessness - unlike Brighton or Bournemouth there are no cctv cameras in Pattaya or in any city in Thailand. Unless the criminals are couth red-handed there is a small chance they ever will be found. That's maybe why there is so much of poor trying easy money

Obviously the resident Pattaya expert......NOT!

The majority of crime in Pattaya is Thai on Thai, there is no arguement to this fact. I am sorry but you do not know what you are talking about.


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If folks go abusing "lady boys", whores, or any Thai people in there own country in my opinion, one is asking for trouble!

by that I meant that it's rather the thai who do offend foreigners than farangs attacking thais.

no, no expert and don't live in Pattaya - but read the whole threads

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the majority of crime in pattaya is against foreigners, mostly unsuspecting tourists, walking night time around the beach.

the difference is not in the different level of drunkenness but in poverty and lawlessness - unlike Brighton or Bournemouth there are no cctv cameras in Pattaya or in any city in Thailand. Unless the criminals are couth red-handed there is a small chance they ever will be found. That's maybe why there is so much of poor trying easy money

Obviously the resident Pattaya expert......NOT!

The majority of crime in Pattaya is Thai on Thai, there is no arguement to this fact. I am sorry but you do not know what you are talking about.


In his defence I believe he was referring to the crime that visitors to Pattaya need worry about. :D

Yes, anyone who has stayed in Pattaya for a number of years will know the level of crime Thai on Thai you only have to watch the local TV news channel to see that. Of course that is a long term worry as crime breeds criminals and criminals need victims preferably rewading victims thus the seemingly relentless rise of crime. This is true of all major connurbations not just Pattaya, it's just that it is seemingly concentrated in a smaller area as any crime between north end Naklua and south end Jomtien is classed as Pattaya.

btw :o I've had three places of residence in Pattaya. Rented condo just off soi 8 (opposite immigration), rented house between 3rd road and soi Buakhaw, and a house in soi khaw noi. In none of those locations did the name Pattaya appear in my postal address which was always Norgprue, Banglamung. I know the relevance of those two names but where does Pattaya fit in? I remember a good few years ago much discussion regarding the status of Pattaya (city or not) but can't recall the outcome. Can anybody help?

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the majority of crime in pattaya is against foreigners, mostly unsuspecting tourists, walking night time around the beach.

the difference is not in the different level of drunkenness but in poverty and lawlessness - unlike Brighton or Bournemouth there are no cctv cameras in Pattaya or in any city in Thailand. Unless the criminals are couth red-handed there is a small chance they ever will be found. That's maybe why there is so much of poor trying easy money

Locations for new CCTV cameras discussed in City Hall meeting.

Pattaya City Hall is currently in the process of installing new CCTV cameras around Pattaya City in an attempt to suppress crime. Although the cameras are owned and operated by the City, they are actively seeking Police involvement in the scheme and on Tuesday Morning, this meeting attended by Khun Rongait, Deputy Mayor of Pattaya and senior officers from Pattaya Police Station held discussions regarding the best locations for the cameras. These cameras will be linked to the Pattaya City Call Center where it is hoped that crimes in progress can be spotted instantly.

Went up in November! then again you would not know that as you do not live here!!

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Obviously the resident Pattaya expert......NOT!

The majority of crime in Pattaya is Thai on Thai, there is no arguement to this fact. I am sorry but you do not know what you are talking about.


Ahhhh, you beat me to it (damnn that Last Word thread in Bedlam !) :o

I really have to save one of my old posts regarding crime in Pattaya, and why it seems that foreigners are always involved. It would save me having to type it out time and time again (kind of like those posts where people keep asking how much does it cost to live in LOS).

Bad news sells obviously (like the old newspaper adage, If It Bleeds, It Leads). Bad news involving foreigners (most of whom are tourists) gets our attention more so than news soley involving Thais.

Why ? Because we have a connection, how ever tenuous, to anything involving fellow travellers/ex-pats in a place we to have been (or still are). Our curiosity is peaked as we scan the news, wondering if it involved anyone we know/knew, or happened at a place we've been to.

If you watch the local news, and read more than just the Pattaya Mail, you'll quickly realise that bad news involving foreigners is actually only a small part of the overall picture. Much doesn't even get reported unless it's sensational.

Not that it's that bad here. Far from it. I feel much safer and at ease walking around Pattaya at any time of the day or night, than I would walking around parts of Vancouver, which is generally considered to be a "safe" place to live.

Think of some places similar to Pattaya, like New Orleans (pre-Katrina), Las Vegas and Honolulu. Population wise, they are similar to Pattaya, and tourism is a major source of revenue.

I checked the FBI's Major Crime stats (last year I guess it was) and found that as far as Serious Crimes are concerned, Pattaya had a quarter of what the next lowest American city had. (The FBI defined Serious Crimes as Murder, Rape, Assualt. Drive-by necklace snatchings wasn't listed).

Can't place too much faith in statistics though. As I mentioned earlier, there's probably a lot that goes on, in all those places, that doesn't get reported or make the "statistics".

Just for chuckles, lets say on any given day there are what, 50,000 foreigners (tourists/ex-pats) in Pattaya ? That would mean roughly 1 in 10 people in Pattaya are foreigners (not getting into the # of illegal Cambodians/Burmese).

Again, just for shytes and giggles, lets say that on any given day, 5 of those foreigners are involved in some kind of crime (be it victim/perpetrator, minor/major incident). 5 is actually too much I think, but makes the math easier.

5 out of 50,000 equals .01% ! I think I read that the average tourist spends 2 weeks in LOS. My trusty (rusty ?) calculator tells me .01 x 14 equals .14% !

Regardless of the statistics and number games, it is important to remember that if you want trouble, and go out looking for it, you'll find it. Doesn't matter if it's Pattaya or Paris, Bangkok or Berlin, Surin or Seattle.

For the most part it boild down to that old "common sense" thing. You know, that thing most people seem to forget at the airport upon arriving in LOS. The thing that should be telling them not to walk around at 3 am, piss-drunk, insulting locals while wearing enough gold to feed some rural villages for a year.

Crime does occur, but you can reduce the chances of becoming a victim easily enough, and still have a smashing great time.

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For the most part it boild down to that old "common sense" thing. You know, that thing most people seem to forget at the airport upon arriving in LOS. The thing that should be telling them not to walk around at 3 am, piss-drunk, insulting locals while wearing enough gold to feed some rural villages for a year.

Yes, amazing isn't it? How the blindingly obvious escapes so many people especially in LOS. It's almost as if TAT hand out leaflets at Suvarnabhumi telling visitors "Thailand is a land of zero crime. You have absolutely no need to lock your valuables in the hotel safe at any time. Please also feel free to carry large sums of money around with you particularly whilst wearing your most expensive jewelry, drunk as a lord staggering down dark alleyways in the early hours of the morning." Oh yes and "Please feel free to call any Thai people you meet a bunch of neanderthal cretins, they do so enjoy a little light hearted repartee with our esteemed visitors."

But as we all know common sense is that most uncommon of qualities. Something like that anyway. :o

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Well, Hedonist, one can never see it coming, it's the "It will not happen to me thing". Lived there for about 1 year, never had a problem, but I can't say it couldn't. Pattaya is getting more and more dangerous every day, with all the scum coming in from all over the country, there is no wonder about it. The thing is that posters who don't actually live there are spreading all kinds of fairytales all the times about how nice, quiet and peaceful Pattaya is, can't blame them, nobody wants to have a bad attitude towards anything while being on vacation...I'd like to see the comments of some of the posters AFTER moving in Pattaya and living there for good, can't wait for it actually :o

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Well, Hedonist, one can never see it coming, it's the "It will not happen to me thing". Lived there for about 1 year, never had a problem, but I can't say it couldn't. Pattaya is getting more and more dangerous every day, with all the scum coming in from all over the country, there is no wonder about it. The thing is that posters who don't actually live there are spreading all kinds of fairytales all the times about how nice, quiet and peaceful Pattaya is, can't blame them, nobody wants to have a bad attitude towards anything while being on vacation...I'd like to see the comments of some of the posters AFTER moving in Pattaya and living there for good, can't wait for it actually :o

Well that is a sensible reply ! Living somewhere as you say permanently is a vast difference than just a visitor.

Perhaps I have just been one of those lucky,happy visitors !

Personally I play down any form of wealth, no bulging wallets, leave the Rolex at home in the drawer, and treat people with respect "all" and I ain't gone wrong yet !

Allso on a different subject I dont touch alcolhol in T/land ! The ladys seem to love it ! "An Englishman that doesent drink" unheard of they say ! They think I'm unwell !!! it has its upsides!

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I've lived in Pattaya for nearly four years, in walking distance of Walking Street, enjoy a beer and walk home (alone!) up dimly lit soi 17 at 3am. Never had a hint of a problem.

Before that I was in Copacobana, Brasil, and I was held up at gun point during the day on the busy beach road and nobody batted an eyelid. Also, it was necessary to take a taxi back to the hotel after an evening out even if it was only 100 yds away. You can literaly feel the hyena eyes on you as you walk about.

Pattaya is Disneyland by comparison, believe me.

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I've lived in Pattaya for nearly four years, in walking distance of Walking Street, enjoy a beer and walk home (alone!) up dimly lit soi 17 at 3am. Never had a hint of a problem.

Before that I was in Copacobana, Brasil, and I was held up at gun point during the day on the busy beach road and nobody batted an eyelid. Also, it was necessary to take a taxi back to the hotel after an evening out even if it was only 100 yds away. You can literaly feel the hyena eyes on you as you walk about.

Pattaya is Disneyland by comparison, believe me.

I would have to agree with that. Never seen a gun pulled here yet and I've staggered home at 4 AM too, hundreds of times.

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I have never had a problem in Pattaya but Disneyland it ain't.

I spend 3 to 4 months of the year here but realise that anything can happen at anytime.

Pattaya has a very nasty dark side to it and if you are unlucky you could well become a victim.

I love it how we get all these comments form Americans about how much safer it is in Pattaya compared to somewhere in the US. Most people in the US know which areas to avoid and in fact live in low crime areas in the burbs. So I take their comments with a grain of salt.

Most people who come to Pattaya know little about the culture or which areas are more dangerous than other areas.

The long term resident or frequent traveller to Pattaya is less likely to get into trouble as they understand what goes on here.

Pattaya has a significant crime problem so have your wits about you.

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"Comparison" would be the keyword here. You could keep your wits about you or leave them back in the hotel, for all the difference it would make in Copa.

I should mention my gf has a grown up son tattooed from neck to ankle currently detained at His Majesty's pleasure (do they say that here?) so I'm fully familiar with the species.

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The long term resident or frequent traveller to Pattaya is less likely to get into trouble as they understand what goes on here.

That's true but that should not deter a tourist from coming here on a holiday.

Pattaya has a significant crime problem so have your wits about you.

Pattaya has a similar crime problem to anywhere else in Thailand so have your wits about you.

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I feel a heck of a lot safer in Pattaya than the red light district in Sydney! :o

Ha Ha Ha, didn't want to mention it as I save that as my last salvo but you are right. Pattaya at 4 AM walking about is much more safer than Sydney sorry anywhere in Metro Sydney let alone the red light area.

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Oh, I don't know. I quite like The Cross. BTW, Sydney pub crawl: go to a bar, have a couple of drinks. Go to another bar, refused entry because intoxicated. I never quite got used to that.

That's why I spend most of my time in Thailand, too boring, too crowded and too bloody expensive in Sydney.

PS: No Go Go Bars like Thailand either. :o

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I agree with all of that. I lived in one of the little hotels on The Cross for about a year, I never felt in any danger, but I did hear stories about the club "doormen". They've cleaned it up now, haven't they? All the "half hour hotels" got closed, anyway.

To quote Ulysess G., Pattaya is special.

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