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Ministry reassures public that rabies situation ‘under control’ – as two more die from disease


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I've been following http://www.thairabies.net/reportmap/gis.aspx

An up-to-date website dedicated to Thailand's Rabies outbreak. You get daily reports of all the new cases and they have an outbreak map which I've been studying daily for over a week.


Here are my map comparisons of declared outbreaks of rabies from 01/01/18 - the present day.


Last time I did something like this was back in 2011 when I studied the sat. Maps of the great flood. My opinion is this rabies outbreak is big and we're not being told the full horror story just like when we weren't told everything about the flood until it was too late!





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10 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Set zero, kull the stray dogs of Thailand. Not yet, but it was discussed today at Chulalongkorn University at a press conference. By the amount of outbreaks in just 1 week I will be suprised if they can control this by just using vaccines alone.



Anywhere else to Thailand in most western countries if a dog doesn't have a licence the local Govt. will put it down.  Even in Malaysia a few years ago any dog that was not registered was put down over a short period of time.  My last visit to Malaysia I looked but couldn't see any stray dogs.  They know what to do.  And I do love dogs, had many of them, beautiful animals.

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Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) would like to recommend that visitors.....

stay away from all animals



Posted 1 minutes ago on the net. Seriously thinking of going to my local clinic tommorow for a pre-exposure vaccination for rabies.

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3 minutes ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...never heard of people dying from rabies in hundreds of years....


...nothing reassuring about this acute situation....


The Australian Govt spends millions and millions of dollars each year to make sure rabies does not get into Australia,  also foot and mouth.  If it did tens on thousands of people would be alerted and engaged to eliminate it.  I believe the Thai Govt does the best they can to eliminate it, unfortunately not good enough, they need help.  Stray dogs appear to carry rabies but don't seem to suffer from it as humans do...  "Not for a hundred years" Oh well believe what you like.

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10 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

So come to Thailand but don't swim in the sea, don't smoke on the beach, don't travel on the roads and stay away from all the animals....... I guess that just leaves the bars and the girls then :smile:.  Could be worse..

That a very good answer...I like it.  Sounds like me.

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31 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Posted 1 minutes ago on the net. Seriously thinking of going to my local clinic tommorow for a pre-exposure vaccination for rabies.

It takes about 6 injections to get the job done propper and costs an arm and a leg.

Edited by David Walden
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2 hours ago, The manic said:

I'm gonna get my Rabies,  tetanus and Hep shots this week and maybe even a TB booster. 

can do that where? any government hospital I guess ?


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20 minutes ago, KKr said:

can do that where? any government hospital I guess ?


Just googled it and most big private hospitals that cater for expats and foreign visitors have pre-exposure vaccines for rabies. You need 3 injections in all. Then if your exposed by say a bite, you will only require 1 more injection to be all clear.

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8 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Just googled it and most big private hospitals that cater for expats and foreign visitors have pre-exposure vaccines for rabies. You need 3 injections in all. Then if your exposed by say a bite, you will only require 1 more injection to be all clear.

Thank you for that, will have it checked whether I need a booster tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, David Walden said:

Anywhere else to Thailand in most western countries if a dog doesn't have a licence the local Govt. will put it down.  Even in Malaysia a few years ago any dog that was not registered was put down over a short period of time.  My last visit to Malaysia I looked but couldn't see any stray dogs.  They know what to do.  And I do love dogs, had many of them, beautiful animals.

Malaysia is a predominantly a Muslim country. Muslims consider dogs unclean, so you  won't see many. In certain parts of Southern Thailand you won't see doge for the same reason.

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3 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

When they make announcements like this, it's time to worry.

Yes, reminds me of the chicken flu virus (the Avian influenza) when Thaksin had his TV chicken cooking show just to show all Thais it was safe to eat chicken, a couple of days later a young Thai boy died from it.

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15 hours ago, champers said:

The "rabies control caravan". No need to panic then.


If they're having a caravan in Thailand, chances are, it will be hit by an out-of-control bus that had its brakes "fail," and a sizable portion of the caravan participants will be wiped out. :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, KKr said:

can do that where? any government hospital I guess ?


I will go to my local hospital goverment or private in Pattaya.  In the UK government hospitals are crap but if you go private you can fast track... But in Thailand most clinics offer the service as well as hospitals. 

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20 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


If they're having a caravan in Thailand, chances are, it will be hit by an out-of-control bus that had its brakes "fail," and a sizable portion of the caravan participants will be wiped out. :ph34r:

You've not travelled much have you!  Or are you just making facetious comments which contribute nothing to this serious subject. 

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2 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

Yes, reminds me of the chicken flu virus (the Avian influenza) when Thaksin had his TV chicken cooking show just to show all Thais it was safe to eat chicken, a couple of days later a young Thai boy died from it.

And in Trang today a Myanmar boy died of Rabies, just after they declared that the outbreak is under control.

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7 hours ago, David Walden said:

It takes about 6 injections to get the job done propper and costs an arm and a leg.

Only after you've been bitten, and you need the expensive immunoglobulin and the full course of injections, plus tetanus. Pre vaccination requires only three jabs, very cheap. 

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9 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

And in Trang today a Myanmar boy died of Rabies, just after they declared that the outbreak is under control.

that mynamar boy came from mynamar with his disease hoping for better help.


Mass hysteria over a few deaths compared to thousands of deaths from HIV+ is not even remotely comparable.


This mass hysteria is causing innocent animals to be murdered like what happend at the temple is the south this week conducted by monks. 


No one should ever condone this hysteria as this country has seen many a result eg 1976 conducted by the same type of mob control freaks that are in power today

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On 16/03/2018 at 7:13 AM, grumbleweed said:

Yup! Everything under control

2 deaths last week, 2 deaths this week

Next they'll be saying apart from the deaths the disease has been totally eradicated 

 <The Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry insisted the situation was not serious>


I would say the 6 that have died this year wouldn’t agree with that. 

If animal lovers are so against culling soi dogs, can you come and form a barrier between me and my family, and the wild rabid animals that can actually kill us... are you happy with that? When out riding my bike, I feel like I am in a  <deleted> zombie movie..you don’t know which zombie is coming at you next.. cull them, it’s a no- brainer.

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