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More Wi-Fi hotspots for Phuket as plan to tag tourists mulled

Jonathan Fairfield

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19 hours ago, Moti24 said:

That'll be the nail for the coffin!


For Phuket. Well, Phuket's loss is merely Pattaya's gain. :biggrin: We don't no need no stinkin' wristbands here.


19 hours ago, Tony45 said:

The resort I have loved since 1995 has changed and is now not for me.


But Pattaya is, got the mod cons plus a bit of 1995 left here and there. You'll love the broken pavements. Waitin' fer ya w/ open legs, man. When's your arrival?

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The province may also develop an electronic wristband system for foreign tourists so their identity and location would be known in case of untoward incidents, said Digital Economy and Society Minister Pichet Durongkaveroj.  

And how does the device detect, let alone report an untoward incident ?? 

I do not know of anyone that would agree to wearing such device. 
Walking on the edge of the surf after sunset; sitting in a restaurant before or after official hours; spend time in a dodgy bar : Automatic Fine.
Moreover, knowing for sure that No-one is in the room / bungalow makes it convenient for thieves to practice their trade without being interrupted.

Sounds like someone who does not understand that such measures would only underline the lack of safety in the destination.
(imagine this rationale of choosing a holiday destination: " figure, in Thailand they make you wear a bracelet because the streets are not safe. Let's go to Myanmar/Laos/Vietnam/ instead because there they are not worried. ")

selling my shares in airlines flying to Phuket at opening, and putting Airlines to the other airports on the watchlist.

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You couldn't make it up.


The last thing sex tourists - the mainstay of Pattaya's booming black economy - need is to have their naughty exploits tracked, monitored and recorded.


You can bet they will vote against this loony plan with their feet - by staying away in droves.


Another big fail from the not-very-smart brains behind the plan to turn Sin City into a smart city.















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1 minute ago, Krataiboy said:

You couldn't make it up.


The last thing sex tourists - the mainstay of Pattaya's booming black economy - need is to have their naughty exploits tracked, monitored and recorded.


You can bet they will vote against this loony plan with their feet - by staying away in droves.


Another big fail from the not-very-smart brains behind the plan to turn Sin City into a smart city.















It could actually be quite handy.  Free video of your every movement on holiday so you can have a permanent record, automatically uploaded of all the bits you forgot whilst hammered.  It will also allow you to keep in touch with all the new friends you made.  Hope they put the CCTV in the hotel rooms.

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Jesus they have this Gps tracking in my country but normally for criminals awaiting trial


i suppose the added internet will help track people 


I am all for tracking g dogs but people.


i wouldn’t be going to Phuket if that’s the case


plus they shall track peoples habits


i suppose that means selling you data to private companies for advertising 


also I doubt people want anyone to know how much time they spend in bars and what not 


what happens when you go swimming ?


are they water resistant for divers ? Or shall they make swimming illegal


i would feel safer if people didn’t drive like idiots 

if there were less street dogs

more pavement and the rest is down to our own intiative 


i cant help  but believe this is for selling to to corporations or someone shall be making a fortune supplying these electronic tags


or this is fake news which wouldn’t surprise me 

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Who is going to pay for this super idea from the brainless . I would expect the visa price doubles and the 30 day visit will have a price . but hey we get free internet that will also tracked . as all mobiles have to registered   

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Just now, PEE TEE said:

Who is going to pay for this super idea from the brainless . I would expect the visa price doubles and the 30 day visit will have a price . but hey we get free internet that will also tracked . as all mobiles have to registered   


Just now, PEE TEE said:

Who is going to pay for this super idea from the brainless . I would expect the visa price doubles and the 30 day visit will have a price . but hey we get free internet that will also tracked . as all mobiles have to registered   

Mabey a ball and chain will be the another idea  

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Yes, when the new tourist arrives they will get a permanent plastic wristband that can not be removed without a very stiff fine(probably 5 to 100,000 baht).  This wristband will make it very easy for criminals to target the tourist.  Of course, the police will also have a field day with this badge that you have money to spend most likely on your person.


I think they will be color coded plastic wristbands so it will make it easy to see who all the newest tourists are.  I think this will be such a great success that they will make every farang wear one.  If not, then the "Bad" tourist will just rip off the wristband.

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21 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

He said the province also has planned to develop the uses of wristbands to track tourists and to use Big Data to analyse information about tourists’ habits. He said the Phuket command centre would also link to all CCTVs on the island to work with face-recognition software to guard against crimes as well as to collect the data of tourists who use public boat services. 


This would be done for the sake of their safety. Pichet said the government would provide financial support to the Phuket Smart City project but the province must ensure that each project would be worth the investment. He said some work could be carried out with cooperation from private firms

Well, I did mention on a different thread that this was coming.


use Big Data to analyse information about tourists’ habits.


He said some work could be carried out with cooperation from private firms


and there's the reason. On a different thread it was pointed out that LOS is being used as a testing point on new tech. If it is accepted by tourists in Phuket, expect to see it rolled out internationally.

What company wouldn't pay large to get that sort of data on tourists?


However, if tourists ever were to be tracked, Bangla Rd might as well close down!


I can see the companies trying to make it more acceptable by making it a device to pay at point of purchase, or something like that.


What worries me about this is that many so called tech savvy people will accept being tracked, because they are so brainwashed about that sort of thing. Most western countries have CCTV everywhere, and this is just the logical next step, till they develop CCTV with facial recognition.


He said the Phuket command centre would also link to all CCTVs on the island to work with face-recognition software

If that ever came in, I'll be using a dust mask everywhere, and not just in 7 11.


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