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Thai motorcyclist, tourist fight over use of pavement


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Embarrassing for us English. Not because he fought but because of how bad his fighting was even the thai get sorry for him. He knew he could kill him  and the woman wasn’t too worried lol

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End of the day he just wanted a hug. Maybe someone stoll his favorite Star Wars toy and he was up set with everybody. Plus i reckon the Thai could have killed him and actually felt sorry for him. 

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18 hours ago, NCC1701A said:



they did not beat the Farang down and then kick him in the head while he was down?


this maybe the fulfillment of ancient prophecy!:cheesy:


Times are a changin' social media has taken its grip now alerting these taxi/bullying mafia types used to seriously maiming or killing farangs at the drop of a hat ain't no longer fair game like the good ole days!!!! ..............:stoner:

Edited by ScotBkk
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1 hour ago, carmine said:

Huh?!!!:sad:  What a desperately stupid comment to make!!  You sound like a mildly xenophobic 10 year old.


The Thai is not cool, he's riding his bike on the pavement.  He's a cretin.


The foreigner is also a cretin for reacting in the manner he did.  


You must have watched a different video to me then.    The Thai guy was not 'riding his bike'   His bike was parked, he was about to get back on and ride off.  
The fat old farang could have easily walked past as there was at least 3-4 foot of open pavement.   For whatever reason he decided he wanted to be a tool that day.

Edited after watching the video to the end.  Towards the end the farang looks like he's more of a doddery old fool than I first thought.  I'd guess he's a retired Brit on holiday.

Edited by seancbk
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6 minutes ago, seancbk said:


You must have watched a different video to me then.    The Thai guy was not 'riding his bike'   His bike was parked, so he was either about to get back on and ride off or had just gotten off and was about to walk somewhere.    
The fat old farang could have easily walked past as there was at least 3-4 foot of open pavement.   For whatever reason he decided he wanted to be a tool that day.


OK sure, if you want to split hairs to satisfy your "Thainess" then no he wasn't on his bike, he was about to get on it and ride on the pavement as only a complete cretin would.  Happy now?

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18 hours ago, wirat69 said:

Didn't he know that he could take their photograph (both of them) and be 1,000 baht richer now!!??

Does that offer still exist. If so, all I need do is take photo of every mocyclist without a helmet............or do I need a WP for that, public photographer and all that.

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16 minutes ago, reargunnerph3 said:

Stupid tourist, it's Thailand, there are no road rules, just move out of the way and walk on. Starting a fight with a Thai is a good way to get punched, kicked, stabbed or shot.

Yes there are road rules, they are just not always enforced unless it is "helpful" to enforce them.


What is plain stupid is anyone thinking there are no rules here.

Edited by carmine
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1 minute ago, carmine said:
9 minutes ago, seancbk said:


You must have watched a different video to me then.    The Thai guy was not 'riding his bike'   His bike was parked, so he was either about to get back on and ride off or had just gotten off and was about to walk somewhere.    
The fat old farang could have easily walked past as there was at least 3-4 foot of open pavement.   For whatever reason he decided he wanted to be a tool that day.


OK sure, if you want to split hairs to satisfy your "Thainess" then no he wasn't on his bike, he was about to get on it and ride on the pavement as only a complete cretin would.  Happy now?


There is nothing wrong with parking a bike on the pavement, so long as it doesn't completely block it.  And getting on your bike then riding off onto the road is also completely fine.

You may also have noticed it wasn't a little scooter which you often see riding on the pavements, it was a relatively bike bike and you rarely see big bike riders actually riding on the pavement.

Either way, the old fool was clearly the aggressor and for no good reason. 

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6 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Does that offer still exist. If so, all I need do is take photo of every mocyclist without a helmet............or do I need a WP for that, public photographer and all that.

Most likely finished. Just like the law about wearing a seat belt in the back of a taxi, I think that one lasted about two weeks.

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its crazy to drive on footpath.. but anyway.. in rome do as the romans.... well i enjoyed my rides on mc taxis on bkk footpath sofar... just step aside when one approach behind u... try to impose ur cultur to thais is the most stupid thing to do.. after all if u want the safe nanny system why come here in the first place??? stay home and wear a helmet when u go toilet and dont smoke.. cut ur d...k and avoid bad girls... dont drink or smoke weed.. pay your taxes and <deleted>.... yourself but dont come to los...

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18 hours ago, Get Real said:

Why do we have to see theese moronic tourists coming here almost everyday? Can´t they just stay home and look Tv-series or something?

How is he moronic? It is just a pity he never gave the Thai, who is the real moron a harder fight.

I have stopped many a motorcyclist riding on the pavement and refused to let them pass, but no one ever made a go at me.

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18 hours ago, wirat69 said:

Foreign gentleman not much of a fighter.... he had plenty of opportunity to get a kick into the gonads.... AND he ignored the other motorcyclist riding on the footpath as well. Didn't he know that he could take their photograph (both of them) and be 1,000 baht richer now!!??

Foreign gentleman 

Calling this senile ruffian a Gentleman! Are you joking?

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18 hours ago, Just Weird said:

That must be because you're so hard.  You're time will come.  

Why should his time come? Why should anyone move for a MC rider on the pavement. I certainly won't, so I suppose my time will come too.

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19 hours ago, Get Real said:

Why do we have to see theese moronic tourists coming here almost everyday? Can´t they just stay home and look Tv-series or something?

I am really surprised at so many posters sticking up for these morons riding their MCs on the footpath. I wonder if these same posters would be as quick to stick up for these morons if one of their family or children get hit by them. Tourists and everyone else should have the right to be able to walk on the footpath in safety.


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How embarrassing to see what looked like a middle aged or older, supposedly adult human being, make an absolute prat of himself in front of what is probably his wife. Its Thailand, so what if mopeds ride on the sidewalk. Get over it and if you don't like it, go back to cold, grimy UK where you can not fart without being taxed, or arrested, or wherever you come from.  What is it with people who think it is there right to attack people. Why do people fight all the time ? Chill out. Grow up. Get a life.  You are a guest. Back to the school yard.

Edited by davidcc
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19 hours ago, wirat69 said:

Foreign gentleman not much of a fighter.... he had plenty of opportunity to get a kick into the gonads.... AND he ignored the other motorcyclist riding on the footpath as well. Didn't he know that he could take their photograph (both of them) and be 1,000 baht richer now!!??

"he could take their photograph (both of them) and be 1,000 baht richer now!!??"

I think that was just in of their famous 24 hour crackdowns. I don't think that applies now.

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12 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

How is he moronic? It is just a pity he never gave the Thai, who is the real moron a harder fight.

I have stopped many a motorcyclist riding on the pavement and refused to let them pass, but no one ever made a go at me.

Lucky for you, or maybe you´re a big badass, what do I know. :cheesy:
I find it better to learn the culture, and not do things like you believe it should be done in the west. Many people come here as tourists and believe they can behave and react like in thier home countries. It´s all thoose morons I am talking about.


What do you think should be the golden rule:


  • The country and it´s people should change to your behaviour as a tourist
  • You as a foreigner and stranger to culture should adapt to the place you visit
  • Everybody shall follow your personal whistle, and bow and bend over for you.
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12 hours ago, observer90210 said:

What is it with such brainless foreigner idiots comming to Thailand and behaving as if they were at home ?


Do they not realise in their pigeon brains that abroad and in Thailand, the culture is not the same and things just don't work as back home ?


One almost feels sorry for such stupidity and such ego (that often go together) 


Daily, I have people on their bikes almost bumping into me (wrong way, pavement etc.)  due to their inattention or whatever....but [almost] always I get a smile when I give way and they nod with thanks....that's how it works here.... for the arrogant, the tatooed types or testosteroned and/or bodybuilt morons comming to Thailand just to boost their ego, they will bump into hard times....

I agree 100% :smile: Some of us do live in a totally different Thailand, I mean another planet, suffice to read TV daily to understand it.

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