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Why Do Mosquitos Like Non Thai's So Much?


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If as suggested in another thread the Thais are Xenophobic then the Thai Secret Service is controlling the mosquito population to eradicate farangs.Frogs were previously tried for this mission with poor results (see bitten by a frog thread) due to lack horny toads.The flip side of the satang is that Thais are very thick skinned so mosquitoes have to resort to finding softer fleshed prey.....just a thought :o:D:D

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Mossies are attracted/locate you by the heat your body gives off. Therefore if you are in a country hotter than you are used to you will naturally give off more body heat. Same goes if you are overweight. There is also something about being attracted to certain blood types, but I don't know how this fits in with the thais

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Not heat actually. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide emissions, when you exhale. Bigger people with bigger lungs create more CO2, and attract them more.

Thai food that features a lot of lemongrass can help, as lemongrass is a natural repellant, and your skin chemistry changes if you eat it regularly, which helps to ward them off.

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Koh Samet for an hour after sundown they'd be bluddy murder biting me through my jeans even.

Koh Samui first trip, Chaweng beach bungalow door blew open during a nightime storm. Me pissed and bolleaux naked on the bed plus 50 million mozzies. A trip I'll remember.

Since then the little buggers don't bother me at all, can't remember last time I got bit. Probably got no blood left after Samui.

Course it's only the females that bite, we blokes should be used to that. :o

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Any why know why this is the case? Farrangs get eaten alive and Thai's hardly touched?

well we like to try thai, indian, chinese food. thais like to try pizza burger schnitzel.

Same for mosquitos, they like to try foreign food.

Two solutions: Eat extrem amounts of garlic, you get rid of mosquitos and also human buggers.

Or drink a lot of alcohol. There is no prove yet of reduced mosquitos bites, but you simply don't care about it anymore. Disadvantage is that if you are doing business here and you keep complete drunk all the time, you may loose some money. But if you are teacher or military than it is perfectly OK.

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Why is it then that I, the farang rarely gets bitten, and if it rarely bothers me, while the wife, Thai, gets bitten to pieces. The wife is my best mozzie coil, when she's around the buggers ignore me.

I'm in the same boat, they get the missus first. I keep telling her that's because she's more tasty and my hairy arms and legs might have something to do with it. :o

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In 1982 when I was living in Papua New Guinea, I used to take ample quantities of vitamin B Forte daily. I didn't get 1 single mozzy bite for the whole time I was there.

B-12/Brewer's Yeast can ward off some insects, especially fleas/ticks, although I'm not sure about mosquitos?

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Mossies are not fussy, they bite everybody.

The only difference is how you skin reacts to it. People that were born here build up an immunity over time..... that's all.

I enjoy the electric bat method of killing them, much more fun than spray or smoking coils :o

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Why is it then that I, the farang rarely gets bitten, and if it rarely bothers me, while the wife, Thai, gets bitten to pieces. The wife is my best mozzie coil, when she's around the buggers ignore me.

This ^^ maybe belongs in the; "You know you've been in Thailand too long when...." thread? :D

I draw all the fire away from my missus. She will wake up unblemished whilst I look like Mr Lumpy at the Mozzies Buffet... :o

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Why is it then that I, the farang rarely gets bitten, and if it rarely bothers me, while the wife, Thai, gets bitten to pieces. The wife is my best mozzie coil, when she's around the buggers ignore me.

I'm in the same boat, they get the missus first. I keep telling her that's because she's more tasty and my hairy arms and legs might have something to do with it. :D

The Mobi mansion gets mozzies for about an hour around sunset. They never bite me, but my Thai wife and son get bitten to pieces if they venture outside.

Strange - the little darlin's must be practising reverse xenophobia. :o

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Why is it then that I, the farang rarely gets bitten, and if it rarely bothers me, while the wife, Thai, gets bitten to pieces. The wife is my best mozzie coil, when she's around the buggers ignore me.

This ^^ maybe belongs in the; "You know you've been in Thailand too long when...." thread? :D

I draw all the fire away from my missus. She will wake up unblemished whilst I look like Mr Lumpy at the Mozzies Buffet... :D

Very possibly.

In our house it's also generally me who has broken all toilet seats by squatting on them... :o

Two years ago i was for the first time in the Phillippines, for a few days, and i was bitten to pieces because as usual, i didn't take any repellent or something around. So, i can somewhat empathize...but it still is convenient having someone around who attracts all the attention of the buggers. :D

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In 1982 when I was living in Papua New Guinea, I used to take ample quantities of vitamin B Forte daily. I didn't get 1 single mozzy bite for the whole time I was there.

B-12/Brewer's Yeast can ward off some insects, especially fleas/ticks, although I'm not sure about mosquitos?

I've heard about taking vitamin B to repel mosquitos too. It's something to do with altering the smell of the body.

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