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Having a man-child for a BF


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On 3/28/2018 at 8:36 PM, jesimps said:

Seeing you had to have your (slight) dig at TVF comments I feel that I have to respond and say that you're extremely lucky to live in this age of tolerance where homosexuals can come on a forum used mainly by non-homosexuals and have your say without being flamed.


As for your relationship problem, being married to a Thai I can sympathise but can't offer any advice. They're unreformable! It would be useful to know who the dominant partner is in the relationship. If it's him, then maybe his instincts make him act like a lot of males in a normal relationship which is to sit around and expect the "woman" to do the work. 


If you don't like my reply, tough! I'm 73 yoa and consider myself too old to go along with modern, politically-correct thinking.


If you don't agree that you're lucky to receive the tolerance which you get on here, just read the posts following this one. That'll put you in the picture.


I may get banned for posting this, but that's par for the course these days. Seeing I don't visit TVF much I'm not too bothered, I'm just pleased that I've had my two-penneth.

Bullyism manifests itself in many forms. One is the outward bravado: "How dare you walk MY street/post on MY forum?" Another is more insidious because it wears the mask of civility: telling a minority they should feel fortunate that they are no longer persecuted - like they were used to - on the mere basis of being who they are. "You oughta feel extremely lucky nobody beat you up today!"


Amazing to think that if the persecution of minority groups has somehow ceased (in many - but not all - parts of the world I might add) it did not happen because of decades of social struggle and awareness raising, of progressive thinking on the part of homo sapiens, but by happenstance! And that the rights to live in peace, free from oppression are inalienable rights to some, but supreme blessings to others. 

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