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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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1 hour ago, HLover said:

Crime crosses your neat little race categories. Relax pops, I mearly said increased immigration has had an adverse effect on crime.


More arrogant nonsense and misinformation from you, your posting history is an open window into your bigotry.


How many of the offenders in your post are not UK citizens?

Edited by simple1
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1 minute ago, simple1 said:

More arrogant nonsense from you, I don't categorise, HMG does so for reporting purposes. Look as though your post is Off Topic. However, how many of the offenders are immigrants - None?

So, i just asked my Thai Wife how many in this picture would you say are English Men.?. Reply. 2  and ones a bit Ladyboy. Thais aint P.C.. 

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6 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

So, i just asked my Thai Wife how many in this picture would you say are English Men.?. Reply. 2  and ones a bit Ladyboy. Thais aint P.C.. 

You mean now many are white, suggest your wife, nor you have no knowledge whatsoever of their citizenship so rather stupid comment

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

From my link; numbers arrested for violent crime...



. . .and numbers for convictions, too. But many violent criminals are not caught and there are no figures, so far as I can ascertain, relating to numbers of the ethnicity of these individuals. Pity.

Edited by Krataiboy
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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

. . .and numbers for convictions, too. But many violent criminals are not caught and there are no figures, so far as I can ascertain, relating to numbers of the ethnicity of these individuals. Pity.

Rabbit on as much as you wish, but there has to be a baseline of facts. The data pointed to the largest ethnic group arrested for violent crime i.e. 'blacks'. It would be logical to then progress to say the largest group ethnic group for violent crime is....'blacks'.


Please don't bother to respond if you all you've got is assumption.

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Just now, simple1 said:

Rabbit on as much as you wish, but there has to be a baseline of facts. The data pointed to the largest ethnic group arrested for violent crime i.e. 'blacks'. It would be logical to then progress to say the largest group ethnic group for violent crime is....'blacks'.


Please don't bother to respond if you all you've got is assumption.

Not assuming anything, nor disputing the useful official stats you posted. Just pointing out its limitations.

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On 4/2/2018 at 11:39 AM, impulse said:


Perhaps the real cause isn't immigration, but the increasing concentration of wealth that deprives the masses of a path to the middle class?  That "garbage" you refer to used to have a path out- real or mirage.  Today, a lot more of them realize they don't.


Of course, immigration of low cost labor is part of that scenario, but blaming it on the huddled masses is exactly what the real perpetrators want.   Blame it on the 1% who want to perpetuate that flow of low wage labor.  Cha Ching!



There needs to be some sort of path to improve ones standing or else all is left to ruin.




  On 4/2/2018 at 11:32 AM, Sir Dude said:

Not a surprise this really. It's been going downhill for a long time now and it's only going to get worse, especially in the cities. With immigration out-of-control and so many getting in who shouldn't, the disintegration of society's values coupled with the indifference of the "me" culture and a weak/absent law & enforcement service, it is slowly becoming a modern day dystopia in many places. I recently visited the UK and the only places that seem not to be screwed are the areas outside the cities that are too expensive for the garbage to move out to. 


Perhaps the real cause isn't immigration, but the increasing concentration of wealth that deprives the masses of a path to the middle class?  That "garbage" you refer to used to have a path out- real or mirage.  Today, a lot more of them realize they don't.


Of course, immigration of low cost labor is part of that scenario, but blaming it on the huddled masses is exactly what the real perpetrators want.   Blame it on the 1% who want to perpetuate that flow of low wage labor.  Cha Ching!







And that is simply an economic eventuality.      The concentration of wealth is forever increasing and there's little chance of that changing.

Edited by watcharacters
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3 minutes ago, kannot said:

And how about the "bone idle"  who seem to ignore the  fact  those  who made something of themselves spent many hours working like a dog to do it............it didnt come easy.

I'd  say the bone idle are becoming  a big  problem worldwide, theyve got too much time to sit around.


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8 minutes ago, kannot said:

And how about the "bone idle"  who seem to ignore the  fact  those  who made something of themselves spent many hours working like a dog to do it............it didnt come easy.

I'd  say the bone idle are becoming  a big  problem worldwide, theyve got too much time to sit around.

Maybe the time has come to start drafting these people and putting them to work on public works projects. Teach them the meaning of work and discipline.

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1 minute ago, impulse said:


I consider myself fortunate that I was born to parents, and in a country and a time when that hard work was a path to making something better.  Sure, it was work, and hard work.  But had I been born into a different country, or to different parents, or into a different time in history, even that may have been futile.  I was blessed, through no credit to myself.


I don't envy kids born today who look at shrinking wages, jobs going offshore and thousands of workers being sacrificed for executive bonuses.  Unless, of course, they're born into the right side of it.


If you apply yourself and work hard, you can still make something of yourself.

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3 minutes ago, gogetem said:

Maybe the time has come to start drafting these people and putting them to work on public works projects. Teach them the meaning of work and discipline.

That would probably be against modern day human rights...

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5 minutes ago, impulse said:


I consider myself fortunate that I was born to parents, and in a country and a time when that hard work was a path to making something better.  Sure, it was work, and hard work.  But had I been born into a different country, or to different parents, or into a different time in history, even that may have been futile.  I was blessed, through no credit to myself.


I don't envy kids born today who look at shrinking wages, jobs going offshore and thousands of workers being sacrificed for executive bonuses.  Unless, of course, they're born into the right side of it.





I have to agree with your post.


Was the "bone idle" thing a joke or mistake?




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As a kid l got caught for excessive noise on my scooter...I had to go to court and stand in the dock....

Now, folk get fined on the spot by a cop...And that includes class C drugs for a first offense...Folk now laugh at minor naughty stuff and the law..

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A number of Off Topic posts and the replies have been removed.

The topic is London Murder rate overtakes New York. Please stick to it.

Additionally, I remind posters of the following rule.

15) Any links posted must lead to the website the link indicates. Links that are misleading or direct to a site different than the one indicated are not allowed.

This includes posting something that purports to be from somewhere that it is not.

Further infractions will receive a warning and a posting holiday.

Grammar police posts and a post discussing moderation have also been removed.

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5 minutes ago, watcharacters said:

I'm guessing the intention was "born idle" but I hate to assume.   And it was quoted a few times w/o a sic.


Is there still such a thing as spell checking or Grammarly available to posters?   Grammarly would have definitely helped if it was in error.


Bone idle is a common term.  Like "bone tired" is a common term, meaning beyond a normal tired state.


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