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UN voices concern after Thai authorities force Rohingya back to sea


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16 hours ago, bluedoc said:

So you want to bring the Muslim rule of law to Thailand then. Thats just how it starts, let one in, then they want their families to be allowed in. Before you know it they then want their own laws and in comes Sharia law. Then they want to change your laws to suit themselves. I say give them a bigger engine so they can get to Malaysia quicker.

There are approx 7 million Thai Muslims representing around 12% of the Thai population, 80% of whom live outside of the deep South Provinces.. Sharia Civil Law has been supported in some Thai Province since the 1946, has this had any impact on your life? NO. Before posting more uninformed nonsense read the content in the following link...





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I think that these people should be housed and fed somewhere in a tropical country

where they can enjoy the climate they are accustomed to. I hear Canada politicians or

ex politicians etc. want some to come here. What for? Do they want to come? Do they

speak English or French, if not they can not work for 5 to 7 years if they need to learn the

languages, and who will pay for their stay while that happens.Canada has some new

refugees that the PM and others brought here and they are still costing us taxpayers money

every day. Enough!


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4 hours ago, simple1 said:

There are approx 7 million Thai Muslims representing around 12% of the Thai population, 80% of whom live outside of the deep South Provinces.. Sharia Civil Law has been supported in some Thai Province since the 1946, has this had any impact on your life? NO. Before posting more uninformed nonsense read the content in the following link...





It has no effect on my life nor will it as I don't and never will live anywhere under it's rules. 

I won't quote a percentage, let's say, most of Thailand has no problems related to it like the south does.

I am an atheist who is living in 2018 not a religious zealot whose mind is firmly fixed in a time centuries ago.

I don't force my non-belief on anyone and won't have anyones belief forced on me.

Let the thin edge of the wedge into your area but keep it out of mine.

Edited by overherebc
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Repeating the comments of a couple of my Thai friends: both of whom are in the Royal Thai Police, one as an Immigration officer, another who worked in the South and now teaches Anti-Terrorism (both are officers - a Lt Colonel and Major).


Their concern is that the Rohingya enter Thailand, travel south and are accommodated by Southern Insurgents. Left with no remaining options the Rohingya Males consequently become 'footsoldiers' in return for food and shelter for their families.


The Thai Navy, while attempting to be humanitarian, providing a short spell of shelter, food and water are left with little choice but to act realistically and force them onto Malaysia. In short, Thailand is forced to take a firm stance and present what the UN would consider a non-humanitarian hand.


My question here is, under the same circumstances which nation would not do the same? 

Edited by richard_smith237
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On 4/3/2018 at 9:10 AM, JOC said:

"We hope they will be rescued"

Coming from the UN refugee agency......Lord have mercy..!!

Those poor poor people.....It is becoming more and more obvious that no one gives a damn about their fate....

And during the height of the ethnic cleansing , Thailand awarded an order to general behind the crimes....

Europe has done their part regarding refugees....Maybe time for USA and Australia to show that humanity matters...?

The USA and Australia have done more than their fair share. Diretc your complaints to the axis of evil Russia and China. They have enough to build massive militaries and to invade other countries so they can handle a few   friendly muslims.

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They are Muslims, let them head to Muslim countries to be looked after where they ' allegedly ' share the same faith and beliefs.


Indonesia and Malaysia or Bangladesh can have them, after all, they are their ' Muslim brothers and sisters, right? '


Why do they seem to always want to have all their own way, implement their own rules and laws, not contribute to the economy, and not mix with their host countries be those countries Buddhist or Christian?


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At least they didn't do what Abhisit did when he was PM!  He took there food, water and fuel and disabled their engines and then towed them back out to sea!

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9 minutes ago, wayned said:

At least they didn't do what Abhisit did when he was PM!  He took there food, water and fuel and disabled their engines and then towed them back out to sea!

I find that really difficult to believe. Especially the engine part.

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1 hour ago, Scouse123 said:

They are Muslims, let them head to Muslim countries to be looked after where they ' allegedly ' share the same faith and beliefs.


Indonesia and Malaysia or Bangladesh can have them, after all, they are their ' Muslim brothers and sisters, right? '


Why do they seem to always want to have all their own way, implement their own rules and laws, not contribute to the economy, and not mix with their host countries be those countries Buddhist or Christian?


Malaysia has taken in around 100k Rohingya, at the same time swamped by  2 million illegals from Indonesia. Bangladesh has never accepted Rohingya refugees, those that previously entered have been kept in terrible detention camps for decades with no hope. Muslim brotherhood at the political level is a myth.

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

Repeating the comments of a couple of my Thai friends: both of whom are in the Royal Thai Police, one as an Immigration officer, another who worked in the South and now teaches Anti-Terrorism (both are officers - a Lt Colonel and Major).


Their concern is that the Rohingya enter Thailand, travel south and are accommodated by Southern Insurgents. Left with no remaining options the Rohingya Males consequently become 'footsoldiers' in return for food and shelter for their families.


The Thai Navy, while attempting to be humanitarian, providing a short spell of shelter, food and water are left with little choice but to act realistically and force them onto Malaysia. In short, Thailand is forced to take a firm stance and present what the UN would consider a non-humanitarian hand.


My question here is, under the same circumstances which nation would not do the same? 

Might like to ask your RTP friends about Thai security forces facilitating & profiting from  human trafficking of Rohingya.


To answer your question countries who have signed and ratified UN Convention for Refugees, excluding Australia.

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On 4/3/2018 at 10:13 AM, Krataiboy said:

Presumably, these poor devils are all followers of Islam, and the Thai authorities knew it. One wonders if the outcome would have been any different had they been Buddhist rather than Muslim refugees fleeing Mayanmar military and Buddhist persecution.

Had they been of the Buddhist faith why would they be fleeing "Buddhist persecution"?

The   Myanmar authorities would not be persecuting them and thus they would not have left Mymanmar .

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16 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

Is Australia the only country?

As a signatory to the UN Convention, I believe so due to the forced Offshore detention policy for arrivals by sea. BTW enacted by a Labor Government - those damned lefties - LOL.

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Yes with out speaking English or French  how can the refugees work in any country?

  If they are working, then how are they learning the languages, which take daily studies

and learning to get any fluency. So  I have seen many  that are in that state. Even some

immigrant people I know took 3 years of living in Canada before they got good jobs, due

to not knowing the language good enough. There are even immigrants in Canada that

barely know either language, and they came here with family support,.,.


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