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Trump says he thinks he could have a good relationship with Putin


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41 minutes ago, yurpt said:

No deflection at all. The current issues is a consequence of the actions or inaction of the previous administration. 

Actions taken under Tramp's administration make Russia weaker. The administration he assembled. That is a fact. 

I awaited same actions from Obama administration. But supprisingly former administration did not act. Annexion in Europe! And USA just express the word of regret. Shame.


Now under Trump leadership everything changed. That's all we need to know.

Who is we?

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45 minutes ago, yurpt said:

No deflection at all. The current issues is a consequence of the actions or inaction of the previous administration. 

Actions taken under Tramp's administration make Russia weaker. The administration he assembled. That is a fact. 

I awaited same actions from Obama administration. But supprisingly former administration did not act. Annexion in Europe! And USA just express the word of regret. Shame.


Now under Trump leadership everything changed. That's all we need to know.


Current issues are usually related to past events. Quite a revelation there. And yet, this topic is about Trump, rather than Obama. Excusing anything Trump does or does not do with actions of previous administrations is a deflection. Ignoring that "actions taken under Trump's administration" where not wholeheartedly (to put it mildly) supported by Trump himself. That is a fact.


Trump routinely makes public comments undermining the US intelligence services, investigations into Russian political intervention is US politics etc. On the other hand, he's playing cute with Putin on each and every occasion. You may find this normal or not suspicious, quite a lot of people see it otherwise.


As for "that's all we need to know" - might be good enough for you. but once more - many on here (and elsewhere) will disagree. Among them a certain Mr. Mueller.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Current issues are usually related to past events. Quite a revelation there. And yet, this topic is about Trump, rather than Obama. Excusing anything Trump does or does not do with actions of previous administrations is a deflection. Ignoring that "actions taken under Trump's administration" where not wholeheartedly (to put it mildly) supported by Trump himself. That is a fact.


Trump routinely makes public comments undermining the US intelligence services, investigations into Russian political intervention is US politics etc. On the other hand, he's playing cute with Putin on each and every occasion. You may find this normal or not suspicious, quite a lot of people see it otherwise.


As for "that's all we need to know" - might be good enough for you. but once more - many on here (and elsewhere) will disagree. Among them a certain Mr. Mueller.

As a russian I am interested in what Trump can do for Russia (fight ohlocracia regime) and I quite satisfite for now with increasing pressure on Russia.

You as an american should be interested in what Trump doing with american economy. He is doing great  and that is a fact.

I guess that it would be very sad if you (i mean those who hate Trump) manage to move him from presidency on formal but meanigless reason.


BTW, Mr. Mueller said that Trump is not a criminal target in the Russia probe. Who would have thought.


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2 hours ago, yurpt said:

As a russian I am interested in what Trump can do for Russia (fight ohlocracia regime) and I quite satisfite for now with increasing pressure on Russia.

You as an american should be interested in what Trump doing with american economy. He is doing great  and that is a fact.

I guess that it would be very sad if you (i mean those who hate Trump) manage to move him from presidency on formal but meanigless reason.


BTW, Mr. Mueller said that Trump is not a criminal target in the Russia probe. Who would have thought.


Americans should be interested in domestic and foreign issues. We don't need lectures from Russians on what the scope of our concerns should be.


On your points, your phrase  fight ohlocracia regime is incoherent, so no comment.


"trump" on the economy. Some pros and cons. Unemployment is down but inequality continues to get worse. The tax cuts are mostly helping the already wealthy. The stock market is now very volatile due to "trump's" irrational trade war games. He's playing with fire. People will get burnt. 


On the environment, exiting the Paris accord was very irresponsible. "trump" continues to degrade environment regulations in a radical way. He follows moronic dangerous people that don't believe in science. Having a job is nice but meaningless if your air and water and industrial lack of safety is killing you. 


On civil rights, "trump" white nationalist agenda has vastly increased racial tensions between right wing white people and everyone else. Hate crimes are up. Americans are divided like never before. This falls right into Putin's game plan. "trump" is a demagogue and the most divisive president in American history.  He's extremely abnormal and bizarre for an American president. He's more like an African dictator.


Gay rights (LGBT) has been aggressively attacked, moving the country backwards towards the direction of backwards anti-gay civil rights Russia.


On health care, under "trump's" sick heartless leadership access to health care is being radically degraded, the protections of the ACA are being torn apart, and costs are going way up for insurance that actually covers stuff. His party is now pushing FAKE insurance that covers almost nothing. Cheaper yes, and almost worthless. The con man promised health care for all in his lying campaign. He tore imperfect stuff up that needed reform. He's replacing with regressive, dangerous garbage that does the opposite of his promises.


Most Russians perhaps don't value or really culturally understand democracy as it never really took hold there for very long and never took deep roots. They just had a sham election to "elect" dictator Putin again. Yes, sadly, he is popular but of course he is, there is no other choice. Other choices he murders or disqualifies legally.


Speaking of rule of law, perhaps as a Russian you don't understand that the American democracy is based on the rule of law. Before "trump" tried to install his American white nationalist authoritarianism things like obstruction of justice, serious violations of campaign finance laws, business corruption represented by "trump" just ignoring the emoluments clause usually mattered. He is slowly but surely tearing at our democratic fabric. Of course Putin would love that ... he wants to sell the lie that democracy sucks and his style of authoritarianism is the way and that Russia's system is no worse than the USA's. Much of the world is listening. Decent Americans are resisting that, we still believe in democracy. 


You misunderstood Mueller's announcement. Interpreting it the same way a "trump" propagandist would interpret it as if he's saying "trump" is now CLEARED is very low value and 100 percent false. People are starting to go to jail because of this investigation. It is not a witch hunt. There are real witches.  It moves forward to a conclusion that nobody knows about yet.



Mueller told Trump he’s not a criminal target in the Russia probe. That may not mean what you think.




To add, I realize you don't speak for all Russians but your posts do sound rather CANNED. English problems or not, there is something off about them. There is a massive Russian effort going forward towards continuing to divide Americans politically. Helping get "trump" elected was a major coup. It continues and the U.S. president still acts like it isn't happening and does nothing to fight this outrageous Russian aggression (messing with our elections).


I think for the USA to get out from under Putin's games, we need to first start by getting rid of Putin's toxic fruit -- "trump."







Edited by Jingthing
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It is true that dictator Putin is having some buyer's remorse about "trump." But in my view, NOT ENOUGH. 



Why Donald Trump must drive Vladimir Putin crazy
Oh, and I might have read somewhere about Russia trying to influence the 2016 election in Trump’s favor and Trump’s deep-seated reluctance to acknowledge that.

So all of the above suggests that Trump has not been so tough toward Russia and its president. But any objective observer would also need to acknowledge that the Trump administration has turned out to be tougher on Russia than might have been expected in December 2016.


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10 hours ago, yurpt said:

As a russian I am interested in what Trump can do for Russia (fight ohlocracia regime) and I quite satisfite for now with increasing pressure on Russia.

You as an american should be interested in what Trump doing with american economy. He is doing great  and that is a fact.

I guess that it would be very sad if you (i mean those who hate Trump) manage to move him from presidency on formal but meanigless reason.


BTW, Mr. Mueller said that Trump is not a criminal target in the Russia probe. Who would have thought.



If you wish to speak for yourself, that's fine. You do not, however, get to own "we" - not even with regard to Russian people. Whether or not you, personally, claim to be satisfied with Trump is largely immaterial from the point of view most comments come from. Far as I recall, Trump's elections slogan was not Make Russia Great Again. And once more, the pressure put on Russia is not quite a Trump initiative, spin it all you like.


You also don't get to to dictate others what they should or should not be interested in. The West is  not Russia, thank you very much. Quite a lot of people aren't willing to ignore all questionable aspects of Trump's presidency, or put them aside for "facts" about how great he is for the economy (and no, it's not a "fact").


I guess that you will miss Trump, perhaps even feel "very sad". I can assure you that many others will rejoice to see him leave the premises of the White House, never to return. As for "meaningless" - low grade trolling. Surely you can do better than that.


Mueller's alleged words weren't quite what you advertise - there was nothing said about Trump not being an object of investigation (which can turn to be criminal at a later date), nor was it in any way a free pass. Been done to death on the relevant topic.

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21 hours ago, Morch said:


If it did happen - how does it "mean nothing" with regard to the alleged collusion? If Trump is, in some way, being blackmailed, how does it "mean nothing" with regard to the alleged collusion?

Trump want to be like Putin. He wants all the wealth he can get from his current - and hopefully temporary position - he also want's Putin's "green light" for a Trump Tower in Moscow.  He doesn't give a crap a/b rule of law/democracy/decency/ truth/facts or Americans. When will Americans WAKE UP? Oh and Congress ought to be "tarred and feathered" and run out of town for them cowardice. 

No Russa in America.png

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Trying to replay to all you guys.


13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There is a massive Russian effort going forward towards continuing to divide Americans politically.

Probably there is a Russian effort. To call it massive is just ridiculous.  It's just impossible. Or you think all american stupid and no one have critical thinking?

America always were divided. Take any election's result. It's always about 50/50.

Half american want to work and get good $$, the other want not to work and get good $$. That's the conflict. That's what divides people. Republicans support more the first half, Democrats support the last.

JingthingI would like you to be oriented on the facts.


13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Unemployment is down but inequality continues to get worse.

Unemployment is down - that is a fact. inequality continues to get worse - It's your opinion that not suppurted by facts. Actually, it is very naive for you to expect that inequality wiil change after 1 year of presidency.

Same goes for health care. It's impossible to change the huge old sistems just like that. What Trump doing now is trying to make medical drugs more affodable. He gave green light for generics. Just wait a little.


13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

On civil rights, "trump" white nationalist agenda has vastly increased racial tensions between right wing white people and everyone else. Hate crimes are up.

Any statistics? 


13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Gay rights (LGBT) has been aggressively attacked, moving the country backwards towards the direction of backwards anti-gay civil rights Russia.


attacked - By whom? Do american gays know about it? 

moving the country backwards towards the direction of backwards anti-gay civil rights Russia. - I uderstand you are emotional but not to that degree. )


14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Most Russians perhaps don't value or really culturally understand democracy as it never really took hold there for very long and never took deep roots.

And there is no doubt about it.


14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Speaking of rule of law, perhaps as a Russian you don't understand that the American democracy is based on the rule of law. Before "trump" tried to install his American white nationalist authoritarianism things like obstruction of justice, serious violations of campaign finance laws, business corruption represented by "trump" just ignoring the emoluments clause usually mattered. He is slowly but surely tearing at our democratic fabric. Of course Putin would love that ... he wants to sell the lie that democracy sucks and his style of authoritarianism is the way and that Russia's system is no worse than the USA's. Much of the world is listening. Decent Americans are resisting that, we still believe in democracy. 

No, sir. It's you don't understand that the American democracy is based on the rule of law. Because the America has democratic institutions that will not allow any branch of power to prevaile.


"obstruction of justice, serious violations of campaign finance laws, business corruption represented by "trump" just ignoring the emoluments clause usually mattered" - off top? We are talking not about Hillary, dude


14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You misunderstood Mueller's announcement.

The point is that you exaggerate the meaning of this probe. Russians may be tryed to meddle, but don't belive that could influence election. And I more that sure that Trump have nothin to do with that. It is just hipe. The mean of fight of democrats against Trump. Just politics.


But, If you so sure about Trump involement, you can make money. I bet $1000 that Trump have nothing to do with meddling. Wonna bet?

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7 minutes ago, The manic said:

To paraphrase  Ian Fleming: "The Russians are dogs - either at your feet or at your throat." We need a duplicitous mad dog like Trump to deal with them.


Do tell just how Trump is "dealing" with Russia/Putin? And do try reading the headline of the topic, sorta goes against that Fleming bit.

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McMaster gets it.

Time for much TOUGHER action against Russia on their efforts to mess with U.S. elections.

But "trump" acts like it's not happening, and does nothing.

It's kind of like "trump" is a traitor. He's supposed to defend the constitution and our American democracy from such threats. But, no. What does Putin have on him?




America is failing to stop Putin’s interference.


OUTGOING NATIONAL security adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday became the latest senior Trump administration official to publicly warn that Western governments, including his own, are not doing enough to deter Russian aggression. “Some nations have looked the other way in the face of these threats,” Mr. McMaster said in a speech to the Atlantic Council. “Russia brazenly and implausibly denies its actions, and we have failed to impose sufficient costs.” Though Mr. McMaster did not say so explicitly, the critique easily fits President Trump.







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44 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

McMaster gets it.

Time for much TOUGHER action against Russia on their efforts to mess with U.S. elections.

But "trump" acts like it's not happening, and does nothing.

It's kind of like "trump" is a traitor. He's supposed to defend the constitution and our American democracy from such threats. But, no. What does Putin have on him?







Every President gave Putin diplomatic attention. The deranged Trump haters want to somehow spew this nonsense, that its treasonous .It's going to be interesting to see what hysteria comes from the left when he meets with him.

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15 minutes ago, riclag said:

Every President gave Putin diplomatic attention. The deranged Trump haters want to somehow spew this nonsense, that its treasonous .It's going to be interesting to see what hysteria comes from the left when he meets with him.

Your comment has nothing to do with my post or the article included.

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34 minutes ago, riclag said:

It's kind of like "trump" is a traitor. He's supposed to defend the constitution and our American democracy from such threats. But, no. What does Putin have on him?

I'm just saying that many Trump haters kinda like think PT is treasonous to not act enough in opposition to Putin.

 You said:Your comment has nothing to do with my post or the article included.

 Your post:McMaster gets it.

Time for much TOUGHER action against Russia on their efforts to mess with U.S. elections.

But "trump" acts like it's not happening, and does nothing.

It's kind of like "trump" is a traitor. He's supposed to defend the constitution and our American democracy from such threats. But, no. What does Putin have on him?

Edited by riclag
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11 hours ago, riclag said:

I'm just saying that many Trump haters kinda like think PT is treasonous to not act enough in opposition to Putin.

 You said:Your comment has nothing to do with my post or the article included.

 Your post:McMaster gets it.

Time for much TOUGHER action against Russia on their efforts to mess with U.S. elections.

But "trump" acts like it's not happening, and does nothing.

It's kind of like "trump" is a traitor. He's supposed to defend the constitution and our American democracy from such threats. But, no. What does Putin have on him?


Yes..and? What was the point you tried to make in this post?

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"Trump Gave Russian Oligarchs Plenty Of Time To Move Assets Before New Sanctions Were Announced.

It took a year and some months for the Trump administration to even put on a pretense of caring about Russia’s act of war against the U.S., but these are the toughest sanctions since Trump has been in charge. "



Edited by Opl
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Trump is such a Putin puppet this was necessary:

The new sanctions were mandated by veto-proof legislation passed last year by representatives and senators from both parties who didn’t entrust the matter to the discretion of our Putin- and Russia-loving president, Donald Trump. (Politico)

bully bully.jpg

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On 4/5/2018 at 3:03 AM, Jingthing said:

Americans should be interested in domestic and foreign issues. We don't need lectures from Russians on what the scope of our concerns should be.


On your points, your phrase  fight ohlocracia regime is incoherent, so no comment.


"trump" on the economy. Some pros and cons. Unemployment is down but inequality continues to get worse. The tax cuts are mostly helping the already wealthy. The stock market is now very volatile due to "trump's" irrational trade war games. He's playing with fire. People will get burnt. 


On the environment, exiting the Paris accord was very irresponsible. "trump" continues to degrade environment regulations in a radical way. He follows moronic dangerous people that don't believe in science. Having a job is nice but meaningless if your air and water and industrial lack of safety is killing you. 


On civil rights, "trump" white nationalist agenda has vastly increased racial tensions between right wing white people and everyone else. Hate crimes are up. Americans are divided like never before. This falls right into Putin's game plan. "trump" is a demagogue and the most divisive president in American history.  He's extremely abnormal and bizarre for an American president. He's more like an African dictator.


Gay rights (LGBT) has been aggressively attacked, moving the country backwards towards the direction of backwards anti-gay civil rights Russia.


On health care, under "trump's" sick heartless leadership access to health care is being radically degraded, the protections of the ACA are being torn apart, and costs are going way up for insurance that actually covers stuff. His party is now pushing FAKE insurance that covers almost nothing. Cheaper yes, and almost worthless. The con man promised health care for all in his lying campaign. He tore imperfect stuff up that needed reform. He's replacing with regressive, dangerous garbage that does the opposite of his promises.


Most Russians perhaps don't value or really culturally understand democracy as it never really took hold there for very long and never took deep roots. They just had a sham election to "elect" dictator Putin again. Yes, sadly, he is popular but of course he is, there is no other choice. Other choices he murders or disqualifies legally.


Speaking of rule of law, perhaps as a Russian you don't understand that the American democracy is based on the rule of law. Before "trump" tried to install his American white nationalist authoritarianism things like obstruction of justice, serious violations of campaign finance laws, business corruption represented by "trump" just ignoring the emoluments clause usually mattered. He is slowly but surely tearing at our democratic fabric. Of course Putin would love that ... he wants to sell the lie that democracy sucks and his style of authoritarianism is the way and that Russia's system is no worse than the USA's. Much of the world is listening. Decent Americans are resisting that, we still believe in democracy. 


You misunderstood Mueller's announcement. Interpreting it the same way a "trump" propagandist would interpret it as if he's saying "trump" is now CLEARED is very low value and 100 percent false. People are starting to go to jail because of this investigation. It is not a witch hunt. There are real witches.  It moves forward to a conclusion that nobody knows about yet.





To add, I realize you don't speak for all Russians but your posts do sound rather CANNED. English problems or not, there is something off about them. There is a massive Russian effort going forward towards continuing to divide Americans politically. Helping get "trump" elected was a major coup. It continues and the U.S. president still acts like it isn't happening and does nothing to fight this outrageous Russian aggression (messing with our elections).


I think for the USA to get out from under Putin's games, we need to first start by getting rid of Putin's toxic fruit -- "trump."








  The Republican Congress is complicit in Trump's undermining of U.S. institutions. I love the adage: What "we" allow "we" condone. This Congress is a bunch of spineless individuals who repeatedly put self interests and party above country.

  I am continuously confused why America doesn't expose Putin's wealth and all his ill gotten finances. Do Russians know how it is that so few have so much and how that came to be? Do they care or is the entire country corrupt?  Actually I don't care to hear a Russian's explanation. I trust the average Russia as much as I trust the pathological liar conman. 


Edited by metisdead
Off topic image removed.
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