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Suvarnabhumi Airport security officer arrested for stealing Bt6,000 from American tourist


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24 minutes ago, MikeN said:

I understand, but also think it would be easier to stand there, watch the basket go into the x-ray machine, walk through the scanner and watch your stuff come out the other side .....does n't everybody do that ? The staff cannot touch your stuff while it is inside the scanner so as long as you see it going in and coming out, no problems.

yes, but alas the obvious isnt always obvious here.


i think in this case the victims age may have played into the decision to pilfer baht.



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7 hours ago, NanLaew said:

So if it was because of the actions of an 'individual' thieving employee, why did he bother to bother the "executive of the private security firm" with a summons?


I wonder who awarded the contract to the "private security firm"?

Because all private companies who provide a service to the airport have been warned that malpractice will eventually lead to the companies contract being terminated...
I guess the executive has been given a warning to do something about his employees!

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everything, pp, cash, atm cards go into my shoulder bag and that has a padlock on it and the keys are on a keyring with 8 other same size keys so it would take then too long to find the right key and open the bag

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

All in all, with like 40 million plus tourists coming and going to Thailand

if one person has been caught stealing every now and then, it's not

too bad...

it IS IF IT were your money or my money.

Some weeks ago I refused to put my wallet in a plastic box at security at Don Muang  I went thru with it in my pocket !!

I had many baht and debit cards  plus driving licence in my wallet WHY SHOULD I TRUST these people at these security places...

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9 hours ago, PatOngo said:

It would seem over the past few months that several individuals have been involved. Nothing tarnishes the national reputation more than being ripped off at the airport. 

Never any mention of prosecution. Does this kind of incident never go to court?

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Never any mention of prosecution. Does this kind of incident never go to court?

Rarely. If all the cases of theft went to court the courts would have a huge backlog, all the jails would be full and a very large number of people would have a criminal record. But that would look bad for all concerned and so the Thai way is not to prosecute and just to move the offenders on quietly.

Thieving staff in my own condo building were dealt with exactly the same way, on several different occasions. And there it wasnt a case of just a few thousand Baht.

Of course that does mean that their next prospective employer has no chance of weeding out the bad guys before hiring them, but that's someone else's problem so why worry? Just as long as the garden looks rosy, it's all fine.

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I am just glad the security guy was caught.  I have always put my wallet into my sipped up

satchel, and watch it go through the machine, never have had  a problem with that method.

  I try not take many things of value into or out of Thailand. I have been lucky that my luggage

is tied up and has not been opened as well in all my trips. Of course I use old suitcases that

do not look like much, but still hold my stuff okay.


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Security screening staff have been involved in robbing passengers even here in Europe, so cannot point a finger at Thailand on this one either.


That's why I always keep the cash in my pocket.


When passing through the detector, I always look back and watch my luggage going through X-ray.  With the current hassles on airline security, they make you split out your electronics (computer etc) in one tray, put your coat in another tray, shoes in yet another., toilet stuff etc in another...it can distract tired passengers and easen theft from a crooked and agile airport security screener.

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18 hours ago, lanista said:

Why didnt they just give the yank back his 6000 b ? 

They're going to wire it to him ???

He wont get back 6K  unless the greenback dosedives ( which is possible)

If they were just going to give him money on his say so, a lot of people would be making the same complaint. Seems reasonable that they checked it out first. would you give money to everyone that claimed they had lost money, even if not proven?

The OP points out that the passenger had already taken his flight before they were able to give the money back. Perhaps they could have told the flight crew to give him the money and get reimbursed on return, but I doubt they carry extra money for such situations at present.


However, this case just supports me locking my carry on bag when I put it through the x ray. At Heathrow after being x rayed, my bag was searched for something they thought suspicious on x ray, but couldn't find it and put the bag back through x ray. I was having kittens because the bag was now open and I thought it might be a scam to nick my cash. I did get it all back though, so just annoyed and not worse.



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3 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I am just glad the security guy was caught.  I have always put my wallet into my sipped up

satchel, and watch it go through the machine, never have had  a problem with that method.

  I try not take many things of value into or out of Thailand. I have been lucky that my luggage

is tied up and has not been opened as well in all my trips. Of course I use old suitcases that

do not look like much, but still hold my stuff okay.


One reason having the back wrapped is a good idea. Makes it pretty hard for an opportunistic theft from an old bag.

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11 hours ago, MikeN said:

I understand, but also think it would be easier to stand there, watch the basket go into the x-ray machine, walk through the scanner and watch your stuff come out the other side .....does n't everybody do that ? The staff cannot touch your stuff while it is inside the scanner so as long as you see it going in and coming out, no problems.

No, everybody doesn't do that. You may have been lucky to be able to get through straight away, but on many occasions my stuff has gone through x ray before I'm able to get to the other side, and if they have to use the wand, it takes even longer. I always lock my bag with a combination padlock, so they'd have to steal the whole bag, and hopefully that won't happen.

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23 hours ago, PatOngo said:

It would seem over the past few months that several individuals have been involved. Nothing tarnishes the national reputation more than being ripped off at the airport. 

In Australia a federal crime and sure jail time

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Frankly I don't get it! Was the money cash from the man's pocket that he put in the bin to go through security? Why did he put the bills in the bin? They don't have a problem going through the security...only the coins. Why tempt fate??? Are people really that clueless?  Seriously if you put food in front of a starving person do you really think they will leave it there??? Non of us know this kid's circumstances. He made a bad decision and changed his life forever. Sad for him. The other guy got his money back.

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21 hours ago, jimn said:

I am sorry I do not get the point of your post. Why do you go to the trouble of hiding your own money. I can see the point maybe befoe security, but after? Why are you sneaking somewhere secluded to return your own money to your own wallet?  Baffles me?

It’s called being paranoid.

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On 04/04/2018 at 11:51 AM, NCC1701A said:

" Kittipong said the airport’s security measures meet international standards and what happened was an issue related to an individual."


Yes like just about everything that is done by human beings on this planet.


Except planet Thailand.

Yep, land of smiles is often in another world of it's own

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On 4/4/2018 at 6:23 PM, essox essox said:

it IS IF IT were your money or my money.

Some weeks ago I refused to put my wallet in a plastic box at security at Don Muang  I went thru with it in my pocket !!

I had many baht and debit cards  plus driving licence in my wallet WHY SHOULD I TRUST these people at these security places...

Not everyone can get away with that, I got pulled for having my passport in my pocket and they made me go back and put in a tray. They made a bit of an issue out of it, shouting at people 'nothing in pockets', a bit embarrassing so its been empty pockets since.

At the end of the day why complain about something that affects your own and others safety, simply put WHY SHOULD THEY TRUST YOU.

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On 4/4/2018 at 4:19 AM, PatOngo said:

It would seem over the past few months that several individuals have been involved. Nothing tarnishes the national reputation more than being ripped off at the airport. 

In a sense they are right. International standards are to award jons to the least qualified ressources to make a maximum profit , with few considerations about the quality


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2 hours ago, sandyf said:

Not everyone can get away with that, I got pulled for having my passport in my pocket and they made me go back and put in a tray. They made a bit of an issue out of it, shouting at people 'nothing in pockets', a bit embarrassing so its been empty pockets since.

At the end of the day why complain about something that affects your own and others safety, simply put WHY SHOULD THEY TRUST YOU.


Point taken, but given the past negative history of the security people at these X ray points at Thai airports, why should I trust them? There have been many incidents of cash and cards and more disappearing whilst going through the X ray machines.


I don't trust them.





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21 hours ago, The Theory said:



So Mr. Kittipong, the point is theft, and you need to focus on this incident and taken further acton to strongly prevent it happening again.


Talk about 'international standards' is just sidelining the real issue - an incident of theft.




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