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20 minutes ago, siamcrut said:

That’s one of the reasons why the Malaysians don’t let “them” in!

No it isn't. 


Malaysia is a notoriously anti-semitic country.


One of those weird places that hates Jews but most people there haven't even met one.


Israeli passport  holders are not allowed entry for political reasons as Malaysia has never even recognized the STATE OF ISRAEL. 


To add the alleged Israeli gangsters in this topic are obviously very poor examples of Jews and/or Israelis but people should know better than to  tar entire peoples or nations because of the bad behavior of some. In that case, you would be rejecting all peoples and all nations. 




How Malaysia Became One of the Most Anti-Semitic Countries on Earth

Dispatch from the majority-Muslim Southeast Asian nation, where scapegoats have been in high demand lately





Edited by Jingthing
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15 minutes ago, siamcrut said:

Yes it is,

and Malaysia ain’t notorious.

They just know what they want and don’t want.

You're making stuff up.

The history of Malaysia's non-recognition of Israel is a historic fact.

The high level of the antisemitism in that nation is also a verifiable fact.

I think antisemitism is evil. Some people like it. So to me, labeling Malaysia as notoriously antisemitic hits the spot. I never said the entire nation was notorious. I've enjoyed my visits there except when I was spit in the face for being an American, but I wouldn't suggest being visibly Jewish there. Desist from putting fake stuff in my mouth. That is not OK. 

Edited by Jingthing
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You're making stuff up.
The history of Malaysia's non-recognition of Israel is a historic fact.
The high level of the antisemitism in that nation is also a verifiable fact.
I think antisemitism is evil. Some people like it. So to me, labeling Malaysia as notoriously antisemitic hits the spot. I never said the entire nation was notorious. I've enjoyed my visits there except when I was spit in the face for being an American, but I wouldn't suggest being visibly Jewish there. Desist from putting fake stuff in my mouth. That is not OK. 

I wrote: “ain’t notorious...”
I do like Malaysia a lot and spend once a year vacation in your country.
Either with my family or solo on a motorbike trip.
Is a beautiful clean country with some really good roads and other high standards, compared to Thailand.Image1523621280.964094.jpg
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On 4/10/2018 at 9:53 AM, Jingthing said:

Khazarian is an anti-semitic code for the B.S. theories on Jew hating websites that Ashkenazi (European) Jews aren't really Jews. Add to that Jewish global control conspiracy theories that could have come directly out of old Adolph's mouth.


A few gangsters on Samui, and this crap shows up. So predictable! 

Even a black person or Chinese person can convert to Judiasm. Does that mean they are not a real Jew? Anyone can become a Jew (real). You just cannot change your DNA and become semetic.

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On 4/13/2018 at 4:16 PM, Jingthing said:

No it isn't. 


Malaysia is a notoriously anti-semitic country.


One of those weird places that hates Jews but most people there haven't even met one.


Israeli passport  holders are not allowed entry for political reasons as Malaysia has never even recognized the STATE OF ISRAEL. 


To add the alleged Israeli gangsters in this topic are obviously very poor examples of Jews and/or Israelis but people should know better than to  tar entire peoples or nations because of the bad behavior of some. In that case, you would be rejecting all peoples and all nations. 





All thats fair comment but lets not deny the Israeli tourist as such is somewhat unpopular here in general,  and has been for the entire fifteen years i've lived here and it has nothing to do with anti semitism,  more due to their often rude abrupt behavior and their tendency to be at the extreme end of frugal.  In short, as a collective, they don't travel well.  

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All thats fair comment but lets not deny the Israeli tourist as such is somewhat unpopular here in general,  and has been for the entire fifteen years i've lived here and it has nothing to do with anti semitism,  more due to their often rude abrupt behavior and their tendency to be at the extreme end of frugal.  In short, as a collective, they don't travel well.  
I actually question that stereotype. I do of course understand Israeli culture is different than Jews in general. However in my experience observing Israelis in restaurants in Thailand they generally act very normal. They order food as much as they want to eat. They don't share a bottle of water among five. They may share dishes that are designed to be shared like hummus dips but not main courses. They don't argue over the check. Based on my personal observations thus I think the negative stereotypes may indeed be rooted in irrational prejudice. Maybe observing some behaving badly and projecting to all confirming a person's already existing antisemitism. That said yes young backpackers of many nationalities usually do need to be budget conscious Israelis included.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

I actually question that stereotype. I do of course understand Israeli culture is different than Jews in general. However in my experience observing Israelis in restaurants in Thailand they generally act very normal. They order food as much as they want to eat. They don't share a bottle of water among five. They may share dishes that are designed to be shared like hummus dips but not main courses. They don't argue over the check. Based on my personal observations thus I think the negative stereotypes may indeed be rooted in irrational prejudice. Maybe observing some behaving badly and projecting to all confirming a person's already existing antisemitism. That said yes young backpackers of many nationalities usually do need to be budget conscious Israelis included.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


This i fully accept, having seen a lot of good normal behavior too.  

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27 minutes ago, carmine said:

more due to their often rude abrupt behavior and their tendency to be at the extreme end of frugal.

Well the first point is probably still true for some, but the second is a thing of past. Those aren't the days where Israeli tourists in Thailand were mostly backpackers travelling on a shoestring going from one guesthouse to another. Today Israeli tourists spend way above the average tourist in Thailand. 
Point about young Israeli tourists is, they tend to go to very few places, having heard about them from friends, and are less likely to venture to places that were not recommended by people they know. That creates the situation they are the majority of tourists, or at least very dominant, in certain hotels / areas. Combined with being well, loud, that can have an impact.

Edited by XGM
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1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

Thank you Milys! It's a nation wide thing, clearly.

In case a German wrote that sign, he will be called NAZI! The poor Israel peoples, even in Thailand they get persecuted! I suggest organizing a transport to the Moon or even better to Mars with all those Israel peoples! In Samui, Chaweng they masquerade their illegal activities with religious celebrations at Chaaba house. The only way out is BIG JOKE!

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On 4/10/2018 at 10:19 AM, ezzra said:

So you joined TV forum just to rubbish Israel and its people? is that the

best you can do? i can't even begin to response to such moronic post...

just flag it and report it. there is no place for anti semitismn here even if it is thinly disguised.

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On 4/10/2018 at 7:24 AM, milys said:

Somehow the Israelis manage to make themselves unpopular on many tourist places in the world, especially in Thailand. 


Cute. Can you confirm that;

1. This is a genuine hotel sign

2. That this is an establishment that has ever had Israeli guests and;

3. This sign wasn't erected by a bigoted European.

The sign is reflective more of Euro trash bias than of Thai sentiments.


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2 hours ago, carmine said:

All thats fair comment but lets not deny the Israeli tourist as such is somewhat unpopular here in general,  and has been for the entire fifteen years i've lived here and it has nothing to do with anti semitism,  more due to their often rude abrupt behavior and their tendency to be at the extreme end of frugal.  In short, as a collective, they don't travel well.  

Yes. They often travel in recently demobbed platoons. They treat the Thais as they do the Palestinians.  They had a high profile in BKK in the late 80s and early 90s.Many guest houses would not accept Israelis and my nephew informed me even in poverty stricken Nepal many empty guest houses would not accept Israelis. That being said my British Jewish friends did not like Israelis. But nowadays the liberal left have used anti Israeli attitudes to mask their inherent judaphobes.


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13 hours ago, Cereal said:

And your issue with someone being able to spell is???

no issue with someone being able to spell, perhaps your comprehension isn't too good. it's a forum not a classroom. if there are typos in my posts i don't need them brought up thanks, keep the english teaching for in the classroom i say

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On 4/17/2018 at 9:14 AM, carmine said:

All thats fair comment but lets not deny the Israeli tourist as such is somewhat unpopular here in general,  and has been for the entire fifteen years i've lived here and it has nothing to do with anti semitism,  more due to their often rude abrupt behavior and their tendency to be at the extreme end of frugal.  In short, as a collective, they don't travel well.  

Probably the best post I've ever seen on the Samui forum .......

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  • 4 months later...
On 4/10/2018 at 9:14 AM, Destiny1990 said:

Look like ordinary Israeli real estate developers from Pattaya on a Samui beach trip.

They look like American or Ozzie to me, how do you tell they are Israelis. Do they have tiny star of David tattoo on the underside of their wrists or something?

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On 4/17/2018 at 6:09 AM, geriatrickid said:

Cute. Can you confirm that;

1. This is a genuine hotel sign

2. That this is an establishment that has ever had Israeli guests and;

3. This sign wasn't erected by a bigoted European.

The sign is reflective more of Euro trash bias than of Thai sentiments.


The sign at the 'Pro Guest House' in the KSR in the 90s which banned Israelis was definitely genuine. I have photographs somewhere.

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