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Thtroid-S,what dose.


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I have fibromyalgia and want to see if Thairoid-S will help but I can't understand

the recommended dose.I want to buy Tyroid-s.

On the website that sells it it says each tablet contains 38mcg of T4

and 9mcg of T3 but the recommended dose is 30-250 mg.can any body figure out how

many tablets and how many times a da should I take.;


I am 64kg weight and 52 years old.Male 5 foot five tall


I know what a lot of you will say.I should go to the hospital and get a blood test

but I've seen online that.This medicine is good for 70 percent of people with hypothyroid

and I want to try it first because it is really difficult for me to get to a hospital and wait for blood te.


Would love some advice on this one.



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Thyroid-S will not help fibromyalgia.  It will only help if a thyroid deficiency has been misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia.


The medicine may or may not be "good for 70 percent of people with hypothyroid" but it's of no use to people with fibromyalgia.


If your condition is fibromyalgia you'd (at best) just be wasting your money.


And the only way you can know if your fibromyalgia is really a thyroid problem is by getting thyroid function tests done.

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I appreciate what you say but......

I see even doctors online saying that the blood tests are no good.

It's such an individual thing that doctors say that the doctors are just guessing.

Even people with thyroid problems get a clear test.


I feel like trying Throid-s for a week to see if it does any good.

What harm could I do in a week

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22 minutes ago, chiangrai said:

I see even doctors online saying that the blood tests are no good.

It's such an individual thing that doctors say that the doctors are just guessing.

Even people with thyroid problems get a clear test.


I feel like trying Throid-s for a week to see if it does any good.

What harm could I do in a week


When you read stuff online, how do you know it's a real doctor? There are lots of people out there posing as doctors with no medical qualification, some of whom have a massive following e.g. "Doctor" Mercola.  They are often pursuing a personal agenda (e.g. anti-medicine, pro-herbalism or pro-homeopathy, but also making themselves rich).  I don't wish to appear rude, but you appear pretty clueless when it comes to medical matters with your failure to understand that Thyroid-S is not a treatment for fibromyalgia.  I don't think you can properly evaluate what you're reading online.


The tests are not "no good".  They are extremely accurate.


If you don't have thyroid deficiency, then you'll be overdosing, so you may experience:


- chest pain
- diarrhoea
- fast or irregular heartbeat
- fever
- hand tremors
- headache
- leg cramps
- sensitivity to heat
- shortness of breath
- sweating
- trouble sleeping
- vomiting
- &c.


Just get a proper diagnosis already.


Anyway, I'll leave it there.




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I realize that Thyroid-s is not a treatment for fibromyalgia.


But I've read that hypothyroid is the main cause of fibromyalgia.


I would stop at the slightest hint of any of the unwanted side effects.


It would be very difficult to go to the city and stay overnight and queue

at the hospital with fibromyalgia and my little motorbike.


If after a week the thyaroid-s doesn't work  i would go to the hospitaland get theese blood tests.

I know that the tests are accurate it's the dosage that the doctors prescribe that's

hit and miss

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Thyroid s each tablet is 1grain of thyroid medication. It is a derived from pigs. You could start by taking your temp. each morning upon waking and recording the result for 7 days, also after first temp. take another 10 min. after the first, record for 7 days. After 7 days if you have a consistant temp. below normal you may have a thyroid problem. also are you tired in the afternoon in need of a nap. this would be consistant with low thyroid or thyroid uptake.


Do this then go to a dr. and have a complete thyroid profile ran, you could have normal thyroid reading but maybe your receptor sites are not working well.

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1 hour ago, chiangrai said:

But I've read that hypothyroid is the main cause of fibromyalgia.


I wasn't going to post again, however, what you've read is wrong.  Hypothyroidism is not ever a cause of fibromyalgia ever.  Occasionally hypothyroidism is misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia.  It's most certainly not "the main cause of fibromyalgia".


Please stop believing dodgy stuff on the Internet and get a proper diagnosis.

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As advised above.


Also, it is NOT the case that thiroyd-S is "good for 70 percent of people with hypothyroid". It definitely is not. This is because it contains a mix of T3 and T4 in ratios that are not normal for humans. In addition, the active ingrediants vary tablet to tablet.


The overwhelming majority of people who are hypothyroid can be effectively treated using only T4, levothyroxine. This is because the body converts T4 to T3 on demand.


A very small minority of people have additional endocrine problems which prevent their bodies from effectively converting T4 to T3.  These people need supplementation with both T3 and T4, which is a real problem if they are in Thailand because there is no T3 product on the market here.


Even if you are in the tiny minority of people who need supplemental T3 in T3 form, you canto get what you need from Thiroyd-S.  In humans requiring both T4 and T3 supplementation the ratio of T4 to T3 should be between 13-20 times as much T4 as T3. whereas the ratio in thyroid extract is less than 5:1.


There are clinical trials now underway, nto yet complete, to see if T3 is helpful in fibromyalgia. There are also doctors who empirically treat with T3 already. T3 only, not T$ plus T3 and certainly never T4 + T3 in the ratio present in thyroid extract.  They usually uses doses in the range of 25-50 mcg. that is mcg NOT mg!!!! Nobody, anywhere on earth is giving " 30 to 250 mg"  of T3 and such a massive dose would  likely prove fatal.


I don't know where you live, but in cities of any size one can usually get a full thyroid panel (TSH, free T3, freeT4) done at a laboratory with no wait at all for the test, and they will email you the results.


Who diagnosed your fibromylagia? or is it a self-diagnosis? Other diseases need to be excluded before one can conclude one has fibromyalgia.

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