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Extortion from Landlord years ago - Visiting Thailand Fears

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6 hours ago, KiptheMann said:

Thanks everyone for your thoughts on all of this. If there is an issue, do you guys think this would help...I have an old friend (I lived with their family previously many years ago but they are like family) and they are Thai. I was a high school exchange student with their family - still in touch - really great people. And, the father in the family works quite high up in the govt - in the House of Rep. and also is friends with a lot of high ranking cops. Maybe he can either check on it for me or just be used as a contact if needed, in case anything happens when I arrive...though it is unlikely, it is possible. 


I think you would be troubling him for nothing, wasting his time and any respect he had for you would diminish as he would think you a fool.You don't trouble senior people with nonsense like this. They are there when you have a REAL problem if you actually know them well enough.


It appears nearly everybody on TV knows some General or somebody in government or with royal connections. I must say, with all this firepower, it's a wonder anybody falls foul of the law!


As another poster pointed out, the matter is CIVIL, it is a civil case. the lazy RTP are not interested.


I am out of here now, you have had plenty of good advice by many on Thai visa this last couple of days. As the saying goes " You can lead a horse to water......."

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21 hours ago, stud858 said:

Due to the sensitive and personal nature I cannot prove any details. Sorry, I know it would be nice to hear the juicy details.

But let me tell this hearsay story that may or may not be true to give example of what I mean.


Retribution meaning -A Thai person is involved in an argument with a foreigner. A photo of a foreigner is taken as if they are shown as working. Let's Say, opening a car bonnet and looking inside holding a screwdriver. Immigration are involved and the foreigner is fined 40,000 baht for working without a permit.


it is real and stay away meaning- You will most likely hear the odd stories from people. When the stories mount up and you are involved in some then it becomes real.  Be polite always and try to remediate argumentative situations calmly and move on.  Hard to do when anger takes hold.


Back to OP's problem.  My advice is to not underestimate retribution threats. Time has passed so that could have solved the problem. But be prepared to hand over cash and be polite and smile when you have to.


Peace to all.








You should get a job writing at the Walt Disney studios, you have more imagination than the man himself!

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