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British lawmakers, celebrities call for 'people's vote' on Brexit


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The leavers had a majority of nearly one million. That's not a 'small majority'. 52% versus 48% is an overwhelming majority.
Before the referendum the arch remainer CMD said the outcome would be 'final and not up for negotiation'. 
To give CMD his due credit he at least had the good grace to resign when he realised that he was well and truly defeated on the issue.
Not according too old Nigel Boy or have you conveniently forgotten that?

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22 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Great idea!


When people voted before, they didn't really know what they were voting for; Hard Brexit? Soft Brexit? Something in-between? Best to give people a chance to approve of the negotiations now; failure to do so may well lead to huge disgruntlement later.


The UK voted to do a momentous thing in leaving the EU. A decision of this magnitude needs confirmation.



True they should have left by now. Exactly what democracy voted for Leave,

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21 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

You lost, get over it.


As for 2nd vote on agreeing terms or not. Yeah, OK, a yes or no vote to accept is fine. But there will be no re-negotiating. It will be a take it or leave it. No re-run to stay in. Democracy has spoken.

It seems to me this idea of another vote is specifically designed to make Brexit do painful, they will get the people to back down from their stated position.

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4 minutes ago, BuriramSam said:

It seems to me this idea of another vote is specifically designed to make Brexit do painful, they will get the people to back down from their stated position.

Good. Brexit is a foolish idea that will greatly harm the country and benefit nobody except a handful of business people with Dickensian ideas. They are being polite; a "Lemmings' Vote" would be more appropriate 

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12 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Govt figures tell us that crime in London is down. Those that live there will tell a different story. There has been a record number of over 50 murders so far this year in that city alone. 

Teddy was referring to Glasgow, not London. 

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14 hours ago, yogi100 said:


What farang riff raff? You speak for yourself. You know full well that no farang in Thailand would get away with the strokes some of our 'new citizens' pull in the UK.


When did you last hear of Falang letting off bombs at concerts in the LOS or on the Bangkok public transport systems. When did you last hear of Christian Falang rape gangs grooming 12 year old Thai girls and putting them on the game.

What has any of that got to do with the EU?



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14 hours ago, malagateddy said:

Most of them work for eastern eu organised crime..getting dropped off at their pitches to sell the big issue then get picked up later on.
Meanwhile..rent etc paid for..tax credits etc.

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More hogwash from malagateddy.

If you have any pro-Brexit arguments that are not rooted in your ill informed and small minded bigotry let's be having them.

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23 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

You lost, get over it.


As for 2nd vote on agreeing terms or not. Yeah, OK, a yes or no vote to accept is fine. But there will be no re-negotiating. It will be a take it or leave it. No re-run to stay in. Democracy has spoken.


15 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Be careful there.  You are implying an awful lot of Brexit voters were "stupid enough"  :smile:


Still a long way to go before we get to know just what kind of Brexit is being negotiated and what we will be presented with in the end. I think the people should have an opportunity to vote at the death whether the deal be accepted or rejected.  And given that the government have backed down on so many of their pledges that would be only fair for the Brexiteers.


15 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

No, I am implying nobody voted Brexit on the basis of the one slogan.


The sentiment is all very good with this people's vote, but how do you stop the EU from offering an even worse deal in order to get the UK to vote to stay in?



The obvious answer is to have another referendum on the final, agreed deal - but with the only options being as outlined by RichardColeman.


I don't trust either uk or eu politicians as 1) the vast majority of both would prefer the uk remain within the eu and 2) it appears the uk 'negotiators' aren't even trying....


I said a while ago that another referendum on the final deal would encourage negotiators to achieve the best possible deal for both sides - as long as it included the option 'deal rejected - leave immediately'.

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So you reckon you saw it once and even if you did which I doubt you did it don't mean all of them does it's just racist nonsense.

When I last lived in the UK I knew loads of them and hardly any of them was on benefits.

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Saw it with my own eyes in Glasgow some time ago.
They bullied/assaulted the Glasgow sellers and took over their selling pitches.
They are then self employed and get all sorts of govt benefits..tax credits etc

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So you reckon you saw it once and even if you did which I doubt you did it don't mean all of them does it's just racist nonsense.

When I last lived in the UK I knew loads of them and hardly any of them was on benefits

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28 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

More hogwash from malagateddy.

If you have any pro-Brexit arguments that are not rooted in your ill informed and small minded bigotry let's be having them.


It's not hogwash. The same goes on in London with Eastern European gypsy types mainly from Romania selling the Big Issue. It's a well established racket that gives access to welfare benefits.


These 'people' appear to have taken it over. It's all part of the cultural enrichment scheme our liberal politicians embarked upon years ago

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Ah..so the alarm and perturbation continues amongst the inhabitants of Airstrip 1?


Who are they fighting/hating/abusing/demeaning (and generally having a jolly good,but essentially,meaningless time) at the moment?


Ah..I see..it's the Gypsies!


Come,come lads..Granny May needs you!Enlist today!On to Syria!

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28 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


It's not hogwash. The same goes on in London with Eastern European gypsy types mainly from Romania selling the Big Issue. It's a well established racket that gives access to welfare benefits.


These 'people' appear to have taken it over. It's all part of the cultural enrichment scheme our liberal politicians embarked upon years ago

It is clearly hogwash when the forum leading bigot makes references to 'most immigrants' committing crimes, and constantly links his references to immigrants with crime. 


Such statements are also very clearly in breach of TVF Rule 12. 

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6 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It is clearly hogwash when the forum leading bigot makes references to 'most immigrants' committing crimes, and constantly links his references to immigrants with crime. 


Such statements are also very clearly in breach of TVF Rule 12. 


What does the rule actually say and who exactly is the 'forum leading bigot'. 


Perhaps you should be putting in some reports to the relevant authorities or whoever it is you normally report these things to.

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are supposedas it is..not thro remoaning trendy left wing luvvy eyestapatalk_1523234706359.jpeg.1173d8b0887c04e0fb4cee4304c846ad.jpeg&key=227e118c1371c7bacd1063c443f18f1f8876b1c0a36ef8edf7197232bc549bbb


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Haha, that's so funny because it says you want British jobs for British people but you said they are ALL selling the big issue for gangsters why calming Benefits.Like I said before can't be both, can it?


It's utter nonsense the same as some people say that all Scots are violent cider drinking Scag heads.I don't believe that as well do you?


And that's why I am calling you a racist not because of any of that in that pic because if the obvious lies you were saying before.


If you are going to post a pic like that at least try to make it relevant to what you were replying about, by the way, most of that in that pic I agree doesn't necessarily make you a racist.But anyone who has a pic like that handy usually is.




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5 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Please remember that I keeo in touch with friends who's children are serving Poluce Officers..and they tell me what's going on back home

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The problem with anecdotal evidence is, of course, that it is coloured by the innate particular prejudices of the individuals giving and receiving the information. That is not intended as a slight against your friends, but it is a feature of human nature. That is why we should rely on facts rather than anecdotes. 


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