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British lawmakers, celebrities call for 'people's vote' on Brexit


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have I called you one? no I haven't

I called him one because he is not because he disagrees with my views.

Because yesterday he said ALL not some or them or a few of them he said ALL EU citizens are calming Benefits while working and selling the Big Issue for European crime syndicates.

And now he says he just a bit concerned about some of them.

If that ant xenophobic and Prejudice I don't know what is.

Also I clearly said in my next post that I don't believe all who voted to leave EU have those views but I know a lot do.Because I know plenty of people like him in real life.

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I don't consider myself as xenophobic, nor a bigot, nor do I believe that calling people such will actually win you many votes (note the pun). When the UK joined the common market in 1973, it was just that, a common market. An institution to aid the free movement of goods, services and people throughout Europe in the member states. What it became since 1973 was something entirely different, it became in itself a federal state with say over matters that infringed on countries sovereignty and law, run by the Germans and French. Now I may not be the most intelligent person in the world, but that is the equivalent of taking out a mortgage contract and then the bank coming to my house and telling me what I should eat, drink or how to bring up my kids, basically it was not what we signed up for.

As more and more countries realised the benefit of being poor and therefore drawing huge sums of money from the EU, we as one of the better off countries had to make massive contributions. For an example of this you can take Ireland, who draw large subsidies from the EU and then draw in large corporations like Google by offering them extremely low (in fact EU illegal) corporate tax rates, thereby getting their people employed but still able to draw nice subsidies.

Now I'm all for the free movement of people, however even to me it came as a bit of a shock when returning from working abroad to be confronted at the ATM, as I was drawing out some money, by a bare breasted eastern European breast feeding a baby and begging. The politicians did go to Europe and make some requests before Brexit and they were laughed out of town, as like the bookies, the Germans underestimated the British public (that's possibly an historical issue). So like many others I voted to leave and we won. A lot of you lost, bad luck, life sucks, get a cat. I really don't care how they exit, I just wish they would damn well hurry up and get it done because if you look on the streets of UK, do you really think that the Germans can afford to lose all their sales of BMWs, Mercs, Audis and VWs ( I won't mention Skodas). Let's crack on with some proper trade deals and free up our shopkeepers to wind up Napoleon and make him turn in his grave !!!


" When the UK joined the common market in 1973, it was just that, a common market. An institution to aid the free movement of goods, services and people throughout Europe in the member states. What it became since 1973 was something entirely different, it became in itself a federal state with say over matters that infringed on countries sovereignty and law, run by the Germans and French."


I don't doubt that I never have but that don't mean we will be better of coming out of it especially willy-nilly with no plan.


" Now I'm all for the free movement of people, however even to me it came as a bit of a shock when returning from working abroad to be confronted at the ATM, as I was drawing out some money, by a bare breasted eastern European breast feeding a baby and begging"


As I have said time and time again but no one chooses to answer.The UK govment had a chance to move on any EU citizens after 3 months who did not have a job or capital.


"So like many others I voted to leave and we won. A lot of you lost, bad luck, life sucks, get a cat. I really don't care how they exit,"


It's not a football match bad luck you lost get over it I don't think so I been listing to pepole moan about the EU and immigrants for the last 20 years you can listen to us. Especially as we are walking into economical hard times for the next 20 or 30 years and its of our own making.And I am yet to here of one positive which is actually guaranteed.


"do you really think that the Germans can afford to lose all their sales of BMWs, Mercs, Audis and VWs ( I won't mention Skodas). Let's crack on with some proper trade deals"


Well with no free trade with Germany and when the pound goes down even more and there is a massive recession I don't think anyone will be able to buy a B.M.W.


As for cracking on with free trade Deals that's hilarious apparently they take years to write.And we will be the first country in The history of the world to sign a free trade deal and actually have less free trade.And the fact that people are finding it hard to make ends meat already what do you think will happen with no free trade at least for a few years and the pound devalues and we import most of our food.


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9 hours ago, juice777 said:

I don't doubt that but without the EU it might be twice as worst.

I believe 20000 people a year die for Air pollution related diseases in London how many more would it be without the EU to keep us in check on that one.

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Germany get most of its energy from coal and uses more fossil fuels than any other member of the EU.

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As President May clearly is able to strike Syria and risk igniting WW3; I don't see what additional "sovereignty" could possibly be desired!
I note that Germany was against taking action but President Macron was able to direct France's forces with impunity.
What is this lack of sovereignty the Brexiters feel is so important that they are happy to live with huge economic damage as a result? Laws on the geometry of bananas?
No, a PEOPLES vote on the deal is a good idea! Heh, it's democracy innit?
The vote two years ago was democracy.

If the people don't like the result of a general election, is there another vote??

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5 hours ago, malagateddy said:

Firstly..if being a Patriot is xenophobic..guilty as charged your honour.
Re the rest of your post..it is because of the stupid eu freedom of movement rules that many eu immigrants have sallied forth into the UK..knowing full well that the UK Authorities are powerless re checking to see if criminals are are arriving by the plane-load.
Certain eu criminals committed horrible crimes in their own country and sadly they have done the same in the UK..albeit many of them are banged up having a nice holiday in one of HM Prisons.
With respect..please brouse through UK newspapers..going back maybe 7/8 years..especially local newspapers..court cases etc etc

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 Better still watch Crimewatch UK. Even the BBC who produces it can't hide what's going on.

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Just as the election of any 'left' government should. Who could be so silly as to vote for the left?? Better have a rerun then.

Such a stupid proposition!

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Wrong quote above, and I can't edit.

The one I intended quoting was a post that contended major decisions need confirmation by a second vote.

That is stupid.

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As President May clearly is able to strike Syria and risk igniting WW3; I don't see what additional "sovereignty" could possibly be desired!


I note that Germany was against taking action but President Macron was able to direct France's forces with impunity.


What is this lack of sovereignty the Brexiters feel is so important that they are happy to live with huge economic damage as a result? Laws on the geometry of bananas?


No, a PEOPLES vote on the deal is a good idea! Heh, it's democracy innit?


President May? I'm sure she'll like the new title.


So the PEOPLE didn't vote last time, and that's why we now we need a PEOPLE'S vote.


Got it!!


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6 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

So the PEOPLE didn't vote last time, and that's why we now we need a PEOPLE'S vote

damn right !!! that's what the condescending pricks call us when they come down from their ivory towers and want us all to believe that they think themselves as equal and the same, usually when they want something that they can't normally get, and if they don't get it they will scream and scream and make themselves sick !!!

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4 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

The vote two years ago was democracy.

If the people don't like the result of a general election, is there another vote??

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This is more important than a GE. That's why constitutional matters generally require a super majority to avoid the kind of "civil war" that we have now.

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

More accurately, it would give voters the chance to vote against the likely 'leave in name only' terms agreed by politicians.


Presumably remainers will agree that the referendum would have to be limited to 'agree with final deal/leave under WTO terms immediately'?


Ever since uk politicians accepted the eu's 'order of discussions list' - it's been obvious that they are looking for a way to remain, without completely destroying their electoral chances... Which is partly why I've been saying for a while that another referendum on the final deal is necessary.


Back on topic, who on earth cares about celebrities' opinions???  It's depressing when 'news' articles think their opinion is newsworthy :sad:.

Patrick Stewart, as with many actors, thinks he's still in character as Captain of the Enterprise.  

Comedian Andy Parsons; font of all knowledge. A real life Yoda.


Actors and comedians, your job is to entertain us. Please know your place!



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More accurately, it would give voters the chance to vote against the likely 'leave in name only' terms agreed by politicians.
Presumably remainers will agree that the referendum would have to be limited to 'agree with final deal/leave under WTO terms immediately'?
Ever since uk politicians accepted the eu's 'order of discussions list' - it's been obvious that they are looking for a way to remain, without completely destroying their electoral chances... Which is partly why I've been saying for a while that another referendum on the final deal is necessary.
Back on topic, who on earth cares about celebrities' opinions???  It's depressing when 'news' articles think their opinion is newsworthy :sad:.

Perhaps these Z class celebs, actors and comedians think they’ve extra clout if they shout, froth and stamp their feet hard enough.

Prima Donna’s should stick to the stage and studio.

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The people voted and its now time for the government to sort out the problems they got the uk into.the country is a mess with migrants and crime and a burden on all the services.where I lived is in ruins.im going back for a month and not looking forward to it at all.the politicians great  idea of integration doesn't work and never will.just look at America.

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On 4/19/2018 at 8:33 PM, malagateddy said:
On 4/19/2018 at 8:30 PM, JHolmesJr said:
A people's vote has already been conducted and the people have spoken.
Patrick Stewart and his handlers need to step off.

Them and many more..right off the plank and into the shark infested seaemoji6.pngemoji23.pngemoji6.png

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Were you not using a politicised quote from Billy Connolly as your avatar just a week or so back? Is it that you are happy to have celebrities spout forth if you agree with them, and that you only wish to silence those with whom you disagree?

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42 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Just a taste of snp educationIMG-20180409-WA0003.jpg

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Illiberal resorts to an article from 'The Sun' inclusive of photoshopped hogwash on top of a blackboard which the teacher is actually using to teach mathematics. 


No need to make this garbage up when The Sun will do it for you.


Over to you Teddy old chap, you keep banging on about 'British Values'.


In your own words now, what are these 'British Values' you keep banging on about?

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