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Trump says Stormy Daniels sketch is of a 'nonexistent man'


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This is why she’s important. Well worth the full read.


“Now, however, the Southern District can investigate potential Trump crimes in any area connected to Cohen, a fixer who is known to have arranged payoffs to an adult film star who says she had an affair with Trump. These prosecutors can go back  as far as they want before the election, not to mention during and after it.” 






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39 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Oh, are Americans not concerned because Trump is a Republican? Seems some Americans were certainly concerned about Democrat president Clinton's sexual dalliances. By the way, weren't Clinton's sexual relations and his denial thereof part of the grounds for his impeachment?   So, there may be more to it than her desire to make money.

OH, but there is. Trump is going down. One way or another, Mueller will find enough to take him down. More than likely, he will end up with a choice between being tried for a few felonies (the man has committed as many felonies as Al Capone) resigning, or being impeached. He will choose resignation. That is my guess. Mark my words. This fool will not serve out his first term.

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28 minutes ago, Spike1938 said:

I am just wondering how he knows the person doesn't exist? He must be clairvoyant as well as a genius -  not.

You would think a POTUS would have the brainpower to say nothing.

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Mueller will not indict. He will send a REPORT. Regardless of how serious any accusations might be, it then becomes a POLITICAL process on what to do next.

What's going on in NEW YORK is indeed more potentially disastrous for "trump." 

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6 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Here we have a hooker who was paid, handsomely, to keep her gobby mouth shut. She accepted this payment and now see's extra $$$. Now she plays the victim?  give me a break! Most Americans could not care less if Trump screwed her or not, just same Kennedy.  What a farce USA is becoming.

It's been a farce for a very long time already.

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How does "trump" know anything about the man, nonexistent or not?
He denies the affair. Nobody believes him about that. 

He denies knowledge of the Cohen payoff. Most people don't believe him on that.

But knowing whether there was a man that threatened Ms. Daniels or not and his identity, that doesn't fit with his own denials.

Something stinks bigly. 

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5 hours ago, stevenl said:

But as he said, he could kill someone on 5th avenue and you guys wouldn't care.

I think that was, Hillary could kill someone on 5rth avenue and the media wouldn't care.

As for where Trump's hands and head(s) have strayed, you're right, I don't care either as long as it was consensual, which it obviously was.

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Even a Trumpster will have to admit that Trump is a F#$&ing Moron when it come to leagal matters.... He has guaranteed that the porn stars lawyer will get to depose him in a defamation suit...


“Mr Trump before I begin the next two hours of questioning I want to inform you that you are under oath and there may be tapes of your prior actions and statements...”



Edited by sfokevin
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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Mueller will not indict. He will send a REPORT. Regardless of how serious any accusations might be, it then becomes a POLITICAL process on what to do next.

What's going on in NEW YORK is indeed more potentially disastrous for "trump." 

I suspect you are correct, what is going on in New York right now is potentially more disastrous for Trump, but not just what's going on in the SDNY court.


Sitting elsewhere in NY is NY AG Scheiderman and he's being extremely quiet lately despite everyone knowing he has is eye's on Trump's state crimes. 

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5 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

True. I consider him less than a man. A "real" man takes responsibility for his actions. A real man respects others. A real man is strong enough to accept truth/facts. A real man walks his talk. A real man pays his fair share and contributes to society. A real man doesn't make fun of handicapped people. A real man doesn't slander others in a twisted desire to elevate his own low esteem.  In "my book" Trump is no where near a "real man."   He is a misfit for sure.


Go to the theater Donnie.

Tho I quite agree with you, in the eyes of the very stable genius you would be (make the Donald voice), "A sucker, a loooooser, ya gotta grab em by the...", well y'know. 

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

OH, but there is. Trump is going down. One way or another, Mueller will find enough to take him down. More than likely, he will end up with a choice between being tried for a few felonies (the man has committed as many felonies as Al Capone) resigning, or being impeached. He will choose resignation. That is my guess. Mark my words. This fool will not serve out his first term.

OH please please please let this be true. 

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5 hours ago, BobBKK said:

What has paying a prostitute to do with 'contributions or payment-in-kind'  unless you interpret sex as 'payment-in-kind'?

In this case, it would have to shown in court that the payment to Daniels was to hush her up in order to avoid hurting Trump's political campaign.  The payment was weeks before the election.  1 + 1 = 2.   


Another scoundrel, Al Capone, had people murdered at the tip of his hat, yet he went to jail for the rest of his life for....,   wait for it.....   tax evasion.   Sometimes it's the seemingly-lesser things that can bite you on the butt and cause major disease. 

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13 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

In this case, it would have to shown in court that the payment to Daniels was to hush her up in order to avoid hurting Trump's political campaign.  The payment was weeks before the election.  1 + 1 = 2.   

....in political/campaign perspective, the $130k hush money was a political contribution. 


Here's another way of looking at it:   If you're running for an elected office, and I with my hotel, offer you free lodging and meals for the week you stay in my town, while campaigning,  ....the value of that hotel room + meals are political contributions to your campaign. 


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In the US, there are limits to what an individual can donate to a political campaign.  Over a certain amount, that amount must be registered by the campaign bean counters.   Cohen did neither, in regard to the $130k he gave to Daniels.  


In regard to the sketch, Trump's asinine response will further alienate many American women, in particular.  Women know how it feels to be belittled for reporting things (like rape and being accosted) - by men in authority.  For many women, it starts when they're young.  No one knows the precise %, but possibly around half of women in the world have episodes where they were sexually or physically accosted - they reported it to parent(s) or authorities, and were not believed.  Sometimes, the non-belief devolved to ridicule.  That's what Trump is personifying now. 


He's losing points faster than the Brazil football team in their game against the Germans in the most recent World Cup.

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

In the US, there are limits to what an individual can donate to a political campaign.  Over a certain amount, that amount must be registered by the campaign bean counters.   Cohen did neither, in regard to the $130k he gave to Daniels.  


In regard to the sketch, Trump's asinine response will further alienate many American women, in particular.  Women know how it feels to be belittled for reporting things (like rape and being accosted) - by men in authority.  For many women, it starts when they're young.  No one knows the precise %, but possibly around half of women in the world have episodes where they were sexually or physically accosted - they reported it to parent(s) or authorities, and were not believed.  Sometimes, the non-belief devolved to ridicule.  That's what Trump is personifying now. 


He's losing points faster than the Brazil football team in their game against the Germans in the most recent World Cup.

Never seen a person so full of hate for a stranger.



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25 minutes ago, Justfine said:

Never seen a person so full of hate for a stranger.

Are you referring to my dislike of Trump?


Here's how I see it:  I'm American and I like my country and its people.  When I see someone taking dynamic action to hurt the US and its people, I resent that.  If you want to call that 'hate for a stranger', that's your choice.


As for specifics, I could write a list (of things Trump and cohorts are doing to harm the US) ....as long as my arm, in small font.  Easier for you to read my prior posts, to get an idea of what troubles me about Trump's harmful actions and words.


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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Are you referring to my dislike of Trump?


Here's how I see it:  I'm American and I like my country and its people.  When I see someone taking dynamic action to hurt the US and its people, I resent that.  If you want to call that 'hate for a stranger', that's your choice.


As for specifics, I could write a list (of things Trump and cohorts are doing to harm the US) ....as long as my arm, in small font.  Easier for you to read my prior posts, to get an idea of what troubles me about Trump's harmful actions and words.


I think he means the man-child's hate of Mueller!

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10 hours ago, mercman24 said:

we had a couple of whores in the UK who made it their job to target famous footballers, and have their 5 minutes of fame, this prossy is milking it, i would sue her ass off as it would appear she has gone back on the agreement and before the holier than thou brigade chime in, its a fact of life, just look at Thailand


Consider the reason she was paid off, perhaps something a little more than just having had sex, she's famous, we know what she will do, Trump might not want it known what he wanted to do with her, so he may not want it dragged into court all over the papers and in front of his kids.


She is milking it and she's also playing a much better game than him.  As of yesterday she can sue him, defamation law is something Trump used in his campaign, I think you will find he has just been played at his own game. 



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